999 resultados para tax-deductible donations


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Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) are trusts to which Australian taxpayers can make tax deductible donations, enabling families, businesses and individuals to create a tax effective closely held charitable trust, whose sole purpose must be to provide money, property or benefits to deductible gift recipients. This Current Issues Information Sheet charts the movement in approval of PAFs, donations made to and distributions made by PAFs during the period 2000-01 to 2011-12.


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Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) are trusts to which Australian taxpayers can make tax deductible donations, enabling families, businesses and individuals to create a tax effective closely held charitable trust, whose sole purpose must be to provide money, property or benefits to deductible gift recipients. This Current Issues Information Sheet charts the movement in approval of PAFs, donations made to and distributions made by PAFs during the period 2000-01 to 2011-12. This information sheet also examines for the first time Public Ancillary Funds (PuAFs).


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Whether you use a few tips or all 101, you can feel comfortable knowing that just one tip alone will be more than enough to pay for the tax-deductible investment you make in this book.


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On 27 October 1994 the Industry Commission (the Commission) handed down a draft report on its inquiry into charitable organisations. The Commission had spent nearly 12 months investigating community social welfare organisations (CSWOs) including the appropriateness of the present taxation treatment of charitable organisations. The draft report makes recommendations for the taxation of CSWOs including alterations to their exemption from sales tax, fringe benefits tax and other indirect taxes with alterations to the threshold of tax deductible gifts and range of organisations qualifying for public benevolent status. This article examines the current taxation treatment for these organisations and the recommended changes made by the Industry Commission.


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The ‘Giving Australia’ project is an initiative of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, coordinated by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) in collaboration with the Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management (CACOM) at the University of Technology, Sydney, the Australian Centre of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (ACPNS)at the Queensland University of Technology, Roy Morgan Research (RMR),McNair Ingenuity Research and the Fundraising Institute - Australia (FIA).


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[ES]Este artículo tiene un doble objetivo. E1 primero, ofrecer una panorámica general sobre las contribuciones fiscales de las Provincias Vascas a la Corona durante el Antiguo Régimen,resaltando las diferencias que en ese orden existían entre las tres.El segundo,situar las demandas fiscales regias en el origen de las haciendas provinciales vascas,estableciendo los distintos ritmos que se siguieron en su conformación entre los siglos XVII y XVIII, hasta alcanzar una mayor homologación ya en 1a centuria siguiente.


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The Australian taxation system encourages charitable giving through tax deductibility for donations made by individuals and companies, and via tax exemption for income distributed to charities through charitable trusts. Other means of giving, such as through bequests enjoy little tax concessions...


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Many who have taken a tax course in the last few years will be aware of the plight of Ms Symone Anstis. Her story is a simple one. The year is 2006 and Ms Anstis, an undergraduate student is undertaking a teaching degree at the Australian Catholic University. To support herself she works at Katies earning $14,946, and receives Youth Allowance of $3,622. In her tax return for that year Ms Anstis claims $920 for ‘self-education expenses’ comprising travel, supplies, student administration fees, depreciation on her computer, textbooks and stationery. These expenses totalling $1,170 are correctly reduced by the non-deductible first $250, per s 82A of the Income Tax Assessment Act (1997) (Cth) (ITAA97). Ms Anstis claims a deduction for ‘self-education expenses’ on the basis that a condition of receiving Youth Allowance is the enrolment and satisfactory progress in an acceptable course of study. Generally, a deduction is allowed where a loss or outgoing is incurred in gaining or producing assessable income and that loss or outgoing is not of a private or domestic nature. Ms Anstis claims the expenses are incurred to meet the requirements of maintaining Youth Allowance so the nexus is satisfied. On assessment, the Commissioner of Taxation disallows the deduction claimed on the basis that ‘self-education expenses’ are only deductible if they have a relevant connection to the taxpayer’s current income-earning activities or they are likely to lead to an increase in a taxpayer’s income from his or her current income-earning activities in the future.


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Around the world, philanthropic gifts are increasingly crossing borders, driven by globalisation and facilitated by liberalised cross-border tax incentives. Australia is considered to have one of the strictest regimes for the tax treatment of cross-border donations. With bipartisan political support for a significant reduction in the amount and scope of Australian foreign aid, the nation’s international presence through the ‘soft power’ of aid will fall increasingly upon private philanthropy. Are the current tax incentives for Australian cross-border philanthropy and the supervision of those incentives appropriate to both facilitate and regulate international giving? To address this question, this article analyses the amount of Australian cross-border philanthropy and explains the current legislative architecture affecting the tax deductibility of cross-border gifts. It then examines the Australian Government’s proposed ‘in Australia’ reform agenda against the underlying fiscal and regulatory policy imperatives, and makes recommendations for the future tax treatment of Australian cross-border philanthropy.


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Esta dissertação foi elaborada tendo como objeto de estudo a implementação do Fundo do Idoso no município de São Paulo, criado pela lei no 15.679, de 21 de dezembro de 2012, e a elaboração de uma proposta de estruturação e gestão. Trata-se de um importante mecanismo que permite ao município de São Paulo receber recursos, dos fundos federal e estadual, de multas provenientes de ações judiciais ou termos de ajustamento de conduta referentes a situações de violação de direitos do idoso, e, ainda, doações de pessoas físicas e jurídicas dedutíveis do imposto de renda. O estudo foi empreendido com o objetivo de se compreender a situação dos idosos no país e, em particular, na cidade de São Paulo – local em que os recursos do fundo do idoso serão utilizados –, suas demandas, as principais violações de seus direitos e a situação de parte da política pública voltada para o idoso no município, a partir da observância do plano de metas da gestão atual, a identificação de importantes atores da política do idoso na cidade, a identificação de um fundo paradigmático – no caso o de Porto Alegre – que nos permitisse antever possíveis problemas, desafios e a forma com que os gestores suplantaram os obstáculos, tudo de maneira a formular uma proposta que tivesse em vista este cenário reconstruído. Ademais, foi pesquisado quais cidades com população acima de 500 (quinhentos) mil habitantes possuem fundo do idoso e como eles estão estruturados, para que futuros estudos comparativos possam valer-se deste levantamento. Outrossim, buscou-se identificar os problemas e desafios existentes no Fundo da Criança e do Adolescente do Município de São Paulo, gerido pela Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos, que também será a gestora do Fundo do Idoso no Município quando regulamentado, como forma de evitar que os mesmos problemas aconteçam. Concluiu-se – a partir da análise de toda a documentação, das percepções e expectativas dos atores envolvidos – que, apesar das dificuldades de implementação e gestão decorrentes da falta de estrutura e da insuficiente quantidade e qualificação de pessoal, o referido fundo do idoso pode contribuir sobremaneira para o fomento de novos projetos na cidade, mobilizando recursos adicionais de fontes não orçamentárias, e para uma maior qualificação do conjunto de políticas direcionadas à população idosa. Ao final, como parte integrante do presente trabalho, apresenta-se uma proposta de minuta de decreto regulamentador.


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Managerial benefits of tax compliance have been identified by many authors in the tax compliance costs literature; they have however often been ignored when measuring the net effect of tax compliance on business taxpayers because it was believed that the measurement of such benefits was impossible or difficult. This paper first discusses the theoretical issues surrounding the valuation of managerial benefits, including the related tax/ accounting costs overlap problem; it then proposes a fresh approach for measuring managerial benefits. The proposed measurement model incorporates a subjective evaluation of useful accounting information by owner‑managers and objective measurements of accounting costs. Two main components of managerial benefits are identified: the incremental value of managerial accounting information and the savings on reporting costs. A study of small businesses conducted in late 2006, compared accounting practices between tax complying entities (TCEs) and tax compliance free entities (TFEs) and investigated how accounting information was valued by owner-managers in TCEs. The research adopted a mixed methodological design including a major quantitative phase followed by a minor qualitative phase. The results show that while a vast majority of TFEs maintained basic accounting functions, record keeping requirements imposed by tax compliance led to the implementation of more sophisticated accounting systems in TCEs. It was also found that TCE owner-managers assigned a relatively significant value to the managerial accounting information that is generated as a result of record keeping imposed by tax compliance, suggesting that substantial managerial benefits might be derived.