970 resultados para tandem repeat
Cross-contamination between cell lines is a longstanding and frequent cause of scientific misrepresentation. Estimates from national testing services indicate that up to 36% of cell lines are of a different origin or species to that claimed. To test a standard method of cell line authentication, 253 human cell lines from banks and research institutes worldwide were analyzed by short tandem repeat profiling. The short tandem repeat profile is a simple numerical code that is reproducible between laboratories, is inexpensive, and can provide an international reference standard for every cell line. If DNA profiling of cell lines is accepted and demanded internationally, scientific misrepresentation because of cross-contamination can be largely eliminated.
Group B streptococci (GBS) are the most common cause of neonatal sepsis, pneumonia, and meningitis. The alpha C protein is a surface-associated antigen; the gene (bca) for this protein contains a series of tandem repeats (each encoding 82 aa) that are identical at the nucleotide level and express a protective epitope. We previously reported that GBS isolates from two of 14 human maternal and neonatal pairs differed in the number of repeats contained in their alpha C protein; in both pairs, the alpha C protein of the neonatal isolate was smaller in molecular size. We now demonstrate by PCR that the neonatal isolates contain fewer tandem repeats. Maternal isolates were susceptible to opsonophagocytic killing in the presence of alpha C protein-specific antiserum, whereas the discrepant neonatal isolates proliferated. An animal model was developed to further study this phenomenon. Adult mice passively immunized with antiserum to the alpha C protein were challenged with an alpha C protein-expressing strain of GBS. Splenic isolates of GBS from these mice showed a high frequency of mutation in bca--most commonly a decrease in repeat number. Isolates from non-immune mice were not altered. Spontaneous deletions in the repeat region were observed at a much lower frequency (6 x 10(-4)); thus, deletions in that region are selected for under specific antibody pressure and appear to lower the organism's susceptibility to killing by antibody specific to the alpha C protein. This mechanism of antigenic variation may provide a means whereby GBS evade host immunity.
Monoamines have an important role in neural plasticity, a key factor in cortical pain processing that promotes changes in neuronal network connectivity. Monoamine oxidase type A (MAOA) is an enzyme that, due to its modulating role in monoaminergic activity, could play a role in cortical pain processing. The X-linked MAOA gene is characterized by an allelic variant of length, the MAOA upstream Variable Number Tandem Repeat (MAOA-uVNTR) region polymorphism. Two allelic variants of this gene are known, the high-activity MAOA (HAM) and low-activity MAOA (LAM). We investigated the role of MAOA-uVNTR in cortical pain processing in a group of healthy individuals measured by the trigeminal electric pain-related evoked potential (tPREP) elicited by repeated painful stimulation. A group of healthy volunteers was genotyped to detect MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism. Electrical tPREPs were recorded by stimulating the right supraorbital nerve with a concentric electrode. The N2 and P2 component amplitude and latency as well as the N2-P2 inter-peak amplitude were measured. The recording was divided into three blocks, each containing 10 consecutive stimuli and the N2-P2 amplitude was compared between blocks. Of the 67 volunteers, 37 were HAM and 30 were LAM. HAM subjects differed from LAM subjects in terms of amplitude of the grand-averaged and first-block N2-P2 responses (HAM>LAM). The N2-P2 amplitude decreased between the first and third block in HAM subjects but not LAM subjects. The MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism seemed to influence the brain response in a repeated tPREP paradigm and suggested a role of the MAOA as a modulator of neural plasticity related to cortical pain processing. Monoamines have an important role in neural plasticity, a key factor in cortical pain processing that promotes changes in neuronal network connectivity. Monoamine oxidase type A (MAOA) is an enzyme that, due to its modulating role in monoaminergic activity, could play a role in cortical pain processing. © 2014 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the applicability of reduced-size STR (Miniplex) primer sets to challenging samples and to provide the forensic community with new information regarding the analysis of degraded and inhibited DNA. The Miniplex primer sets were validated in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) in order to demonstrate the scientific validity of the kits. The Miniplex sets were also used in the analysis of DNA extracted from human skeletal remains and telogen hair. In addition, a method for evaluating the mechanism of PCR inhibition was developed using qPCR. The Miniplexes were demonstrated to be a robust and sensitive tool for the analysis of DNA with as low as 100 pg of template DNA. They also proved to be better than commercial kits in the analysis of DNA from human skeletal remains, with 64% of samples tested producing full profiles, compared to 16% for a commercial kit. The Miniplexes also produced amplification of nuclear DNA from human telogen hairs, with partial profiles obtained from as low as 60 pg of template DNA. These data suggest smaller PCR amplicons may provide a useful alternative to mitochondrial DNA for forensic analysis of degraded DNA from human skeletal remains, telogen hairs, and other challenging samples. In the evaluation of inhibition by qPCR, the effect of amplicon length and primer melting temperature was evaluated in order to determine the binding mechanisms of different PCR inhibitors. Several mechanisms were indicated by the inhibitors tested, including binding of the polymerase, binding to the DNA, and effects on the processivity of the polymerase during primer extension. The data obtained from qPCR illustrated a method by which the type of inhibitor could be inferred in forensic samples, and some methods of reducing inhibition for specific inhibitors were demonstrated. An understanding of the mechanism of the inhibitors found in forensic samples will allow analysts to select the proper methods for inhibition removal or the type of analysis that can be performed, and will increase the information that can be obtained from inhibited samples.
Cannabis sativa is the most frequently used of all illicit drugs in the United States. Cannabis has been used throughout history for its stems in the production of hemp fiber, for its seed for oil and food, and for its buds and leaves as a psychoactive drug. Short tandem repeats (STRs), were chosen as molecular markers because of their distinct advantages over other genetic methods. STRs are co-dominant, can be standardized such that reproducibility between laboratories can be easily achieved, have a high discrimination power and can be multiplexed. ^ In this study, six STR markers previously described for Cannabis were multiplexed into one reaction. The multiplex reaction was able to individualize 98 Cannabis samples (14 hemp and 84 marijuana, authenticated as originating from 33 of the 50 United States) and detect 29 alleles averaging 4.8 alleles per loci. The data did not relate the samples from the same state to each other. This is the first study to report a single reaction six-plex and apply it to the analysis of almost 100 Cannabis samples of known geographic collection site. ^
Mycobacterium bovis populations in countries with persistent bovine tuberculosis usually show a prevalent spoligotype with a wide geographical distribution. This study applied mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem-repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typing to a random panel of 115 M. bovis isolates that are representative of the most frequent spoligotype in the Iberian Peninsula, SB0121. VNTR typing targeted nine loci: ETR-A (alias VNTR2165), ETR-B (VNTR2461), ETR-D (MIRU4, VNTR580), ETR-E (MIRU31, VNTR3192), MIRU26 (VNTR2996), QUB11a (VNTR2163a), QUB11b (VNTR2163b), QUB26 (VNTR4052), and QUB3232 (VNTR3232). We found a high degree of diversity among the studied isolates (discriminatory index [D] = 0.9856), which were split into 65 different MIRU-VNTR types. An alternative short-format MIRU-VNTR typing targeting only the four loci with the highest variability values was found to offer an equivalent discriminatory index. Minimum spanning trees using the MIRU-VNTR data showed the hypothetical evolution of an apparent clonal group. MIRU-VNTR analysis was also applied to the isolates of 176 animals from 15 farms infected by M. bovis SB0121; in 10 farms, the analysis revealed the coexistence of two to five different MIRU types differing in one to six loci, which highlights the frequency of undetected heterogeneity.
This study describes the attempt to trace the first Mycobacterium bovis outbreak in alpacas (Lama pacos) in Spain by spoligotyping and variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) analysis. Due to high genotype diversity, no matching source was identified, but local expansion of a clonal group was found and its significance for molecular tracing is discussed.
The characterisation of sequences at chromosome ends of Rhynchosciara americana was continued with the screening of a genomic library using as a probe a short repeat identified in a previous report (M-22, 22 bp) which was found to be specific for noncentromeric termini of this species. Simple repeats, complex tandem and apparently dispersed repeats were present in the genomic clones analysed. Repetitive sequences do not define individual chromosome tips as they were found in all noncentromeric ends. A novel and unusually short tandem repeat type for dipteran chromosome ends (named M-16) composed of 16 nucleotides and frequently associated with M-22 arrays was characterised in this work. Islands of M-16 and M-22 tandem repeats were found in all the genomic clones analysed. Individual probes representative of each repetitive element hybridised not only to all noncentromeric ends of R. americana chromosomes but also to inter-telomeric bridges. This contrasted with the other repeat types which displayed sub-telomeric localisation as seen by double detection of hybridised probe and telomeric reverse transcriptase. Some stretches composed of M-16 and M-22 tandem repeats localised in different regions of the analysed genomic clones were either identical or showed sequence similarity that was unexpectedly higher than the mean sequence similarity observed among repeats within each of their tandem arrays. The occurrence of segmental duplications, as deduced by sequence analyses involving the two repeats that appeared to reach chromosome ends, might indicate the involvement of this type of duplication process in the chromosome end maintenance in this species.
In higher eukaryotes, the 5S ribosomal DNA (5S rDNA) is organized in tandem arrays with repeat units composed of a coding region and a non-transcribed spacer sequence (NTS). These tandem arrays can be found on either one or more chromosome pairs. 5S rDNA copies from the tilapia fish. Oreochromis niloticus, were cloned and the nucleotide sequences of the coding region and of the non-transcribed spacer were deter-mined. Moreover, the genomic organization of the 5S rDNA tandem repeats was investigated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Southern blot hybridization. Two 5S rDNA classes, one consisting of 1.4-kb repeats and another one with 0.5-kb repeats were identified and designated 5S rDNA type I and type II, respectively, An inverted 5S rRNA gene and a 5S rRNA putative pseudogene were also identified inside the tandem repeats of 5S rDNA type I. FISH permitted the visualization of the 5S rRNA genes at three chromosome loci, one of them consisting of arrays of the 5S rDNA type I, and the two others corresponding to arrays of the 5S rDNA type II. The two classes of the 5S rDNA. The presence of pseudogenes, and the inverted genes observed in the O. niloticus genome might be a consequence of the intense dynamics of the evolution of these tandem repeat elements. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Background: Centromeres are essential for chromosome segregation, yet their DNA sequences evolve rapidly. In most animals and plants that have been studied, centromeres contain megabase-scale arrays of tandem repeats. Despite their importance, very little is known about the degree to which centromere tandem repeats share common properties between different species across different phyla. We used bioinformatic methods to identify high-copy tandem repeats from 282 species using publicly available genomic sequence and our own data.Results: Our methods are compatible with all current sequencing technologies. Long Pacific Biosciences sequence reads allowed us to find tandem repeat monomers up to 1,419 bp. We assumed that the most abundant tandem repeat is the centromere DNA, which was true for most species whose centromeres have been previously characterized, suggesting this is a general property of genomes. High-copy centromere tandem repeats were found in almost all animal and plant genomes, but repeat monomers were highly variable in sequence composition and length. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis of sequence homology showed little evidence of sequence conservation beyond approximately 50 million years of divergence. We find that despite an overall lack of sequence conservation, centromere tandem repeats from diverse species showed similar modes of evolution.Conclusions: While centromere position in most eukaryotes is epigenetically determined, our results indicate that tandem repeats are highly prevalent at centromeres of both animal and plant genomes. This suggests a functional role for such repeats, perhaps in promoting concerted evolution of centromere DNA across chromosomes.
The mouse insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) locus is a complex genomic region that produces multiple transcripts from alternative promoters. Expression at this locus is regulated by parental imprinting. However, despite the existence of putative imprinting control elements in the Igf2 upstream region, imprinted transcriptional repression is abolished by null mutations at the linked H19 locus. To clarify the extent to which the Igf2 upstream region contains autonomous imprinting control elements we have performed functional and comparative analyses of the region in the mouse and human. Here we report the existence of multiple, overlapping imprinted (maternally repressed) sense and antisense transcripts that are associated with a tandem repeat in the mouse Igf2 upstream region. Regions flanking the repeat exhibit tissue-specific parental allelic methylation patterns, suggesting the existence of tissue-specific control elements in the upstream region. Studies in H19 null mice indicate that both parental allelic methylation and monoallelic expression of the upstream transcripts depends on an intact H19 gene acting in cis. The homologous region in human IGF2 is structurally conserved, with the significant exception that it does not contain a tandem repeat. Our results support the proposal that tandem repeats act to target methylation to imprinted genetic loci.
The human genome contains many repeated DNA sequences that vary in complexity of repeating unit from a single nucleotide to a whole gene. The repeat sequences can be widely dispersed or in simple tandem arrays. Arrays of up to 5 or 6 nt are known as simple tandem repeats, and these are widely dispersed and highly polymorphic. Members of one group of the simple tandem repeats, the trinucleotide repeats, can undergo an increase in copy number by a process of dynamic mutation. Dynamic mutations of the CCG trinucleotide give rise to one group of fragile sites on human chromosomes, the rare folate-sensitive group. One member of this group, the fragile X (FRAXA) is responsible for the most common familial form of mental retardation. Another member of the group FRAXE is responsible for a rarer mild form of mental retardation. Similar mutations of AGC repeats give rise to a number of neurological disorders. The expanded repeats are unstable between generations and somatically. The intergenerational instability gives rise to unusual patterns of inheritance--particularly anticipation, the increasing severity and/or earlier age of onset of the disorder in successive generations. Dynamic mutations have been found only in the human species, and possible reasons for this are considered. The mechanism of dynamic mutation is discussed, and a number of observations of simple tandem repeat mutation that could assist in understanding this phenomenon are commented on.
Dysfunction in the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) system and reduced serotonin concentrations have been reported in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Serotonin concentrations in neural tissue are controlled by a presynaptic serotonin transporter protein that is encoded by a single gene. Therefore, we investigated whether a polymorphic region in the serotonin transporter gene is associated with PD. Three variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) elements of the serotonin transporter gene were detected by polymerase chain reaction, those with 9, 10, 11 and 12 copies of the repeat element. The 10-copy VNTR element was significantly less common in patients with PD than controls in the univariate analysis (p < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis revealed no significant differences between patients (n = 198) and controls (n = 200) in the distribution frequencies of 9-and 12-copy alleles and combined genotypes (odds ratio = 1.20; p = 1.71). A positive family history of PD was a strong predictor of disease risk (odds ratio = 2.98; 95% confidence interval 1.51-5.87; p = 0.001). Although slight differences were observed between patient and control groups, these data suggest that defects in serotonin concentrations in patients with PD are unlikely to be due to polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene in this large Australian cohort; however, the inverse association observed with the 10-copy allele warrants further investigation. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.
A new polymorphic INDEL was detected at the X-STR GATA172D05 flanking region, which corresponds to an 18-bp deletion, 141 bp upstream the TAGA repeat motif. This INDEL was found to be polymorphic in different population samples from Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans as well as in an admixed population from the Amazonia (Bel,m). Gene diversities varied between 37.5% in Native Americans and 49.9% in Africans. Comparison between human and chimpanzee sequences showed that the ancestral state corresponds to the presence of two copies of 18 bp, detected in both species; and the mutated allele has lost one of these two copies. The simultaneous analysis of the short tandem repeat (STR) and INDEL variation showed an association between the INDEL ancestral allele with the shorter STR alleles. High diversities were found in all population groups when combining the information provided by the INDEL and STR variation. Gene diversities varied between 76.7% in Native Americans and 80.6% in both Portugal and Bel,m.
The complete sequence of the MCIR locus has been assembled, the coding region of the gene is intronless and placed within a 12 kb region flanked by the NULP1 and TUBB4 genes. The immediate promoter region has an E-box site with homology to the M-box consensus known to bind the microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF), however, promoter deletion analysis and transactivation studies have failed to show activation through this element by MITF. Polymorphism within the coding region, immediate 5' promoter region and a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) minisatellite within the locus have been examined in a collection of Caucasian families and African individuals. Haplotype analysis shows linkage disequilibrium between the VNTR and MCIR coding region red hair variant alleles which can be used to estimate the age of these missense changes. Assuming a mean VNTR mutation rate of 1% and a star phylogeny, we estimate the Arg151Cys variant arose 7500 years before the present day, suggesting these variants may have arisen in the Caucasian population more recently than previously thought. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.