995 resultados para suspended particulate organic carbon
[EN] It is generally assumed that sinking particulate organic carbon (POC) constitutes the main source of organic carbon supply to the deep ocean's food webs. However, a major discrepancy between the rates of sinking POC supply (collected with sediment traps) and the prokaryotic organic carbon demand (the total amount of carbon required to sustain the heterotrophic metabolism of the prokaryotes; i.e., production plus respiration, PCD) of deep-water communities has been consistently reported for the dark realm of the global ocean. While the amount of sinking POC flux declines exponentially with depth, the concentration of suspended, buoyant non-sinking POC (nsPOC; obtained with oceanographic bottles) exhibits only small variations with depth in the (sub)tropical Northeast Atlantic. Based on available data for the North Atlantic we show here that the sinking POC flux would contribute only 4–12% of the PCD in the mesopelagic realm (depending on the primary production rate in surface waters). The amount of nsPOC potentially available to heterotrophic prokaryotes in the mesopelagic realm can be partly replenished by dark dissolved inorganic carbon fixation contributing between 12% to 72% to the PCD daily. Taken together, there is evidence that the mesopelagic microheterotrophic biota is more dependent on the nsPOC pool than on the sinking POC supply. Hence, the enigmatic major mismatch between the organic carbon demand of the deep-water heterotrophic microbiota and the POC supply rates might be substantially smaller by including the potentially available nsPOC and its autochthonous production in oceanic carbon cycling models.
Data on concentrations and distribution of particulate matter in the Caspian Sea obtained during surveys in 1981-1983 with use of modified filtering units have shown that over the major part of the sea concentration of particulate matter does dot exceed 1-2 mg/l. Only in the northern Caspian and in coastal regions concentrations correspond to values measured earlier. Total amount of particulate matter in the Caspian Sea is about of 90 million ton, 19.6% in the Northern Caspian, 28.1% in the Middle Caspian, and 52.3% in the Southern Caspian. Contents of carbon in particulate matter of the Central Caspian reach 30-40%, and over a significant part of the sea - 20%. A correlation has been found between areas of increased carbon contents in particulate matter and in bottom sediments. An important role of biofiltration in enrichment of particulates in organic matter has been noted. From data on carbon contents and an estimate of particulate matter input biogenic portion in particulate matter exceeds 50% for the whole sea.
Data on distribution of dissolved and particulate organic matter obtained during Cruises 21 and 24 of R/V Akademik A. Nesmeyanov in June-August 1992 and 1993 are presented. In general a remarkable heterogeneity in distributions of both dissolved and particulate organic carbon is revealed. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon vary from 98 to 700 µmol/l and those of particulate organic carbon vary from 3 to 50 µmol/l. Maximum concentrations are commonly observed in the shelf region while minimum concentrations - in the central basin. Run-off of the Amur River raises dissolved matter concentration in the Sakhalin Bay, while oil exploitation at the Sakhalin shelf maximizes particulate organic carbon concentration and minimizes dissolved one. Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the surface microlayer were estimated for the first time and are shown to be 1.5-2.0 times higher than in surface waters.
On the basis of 332 analyses of dissolved (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) in samples collected from the surface to 4785 m depth at 10 stations in the atlantic part of the Antarctic Ocean the following regularities were observed: low DOC concentration, a sharp decrease in upper 40-120 m, small changes deeper in the water column, decrease in concentrations in the Antarctic divergence zone, absence of a correlation between DOC and primary production of plankton. Decrease in POC concentrations with depth when there is a small gradient in the 0-200 m water layer, increase in POC concentrations in the pycnocline and during phytoplankton bloom were found. As a whole the Antarctic Ocean is characterized by small POC concentrations close to average values for the world ocean. The nature of DOC and POC concentrations changes in the surface layers of the Indian and Atlantic oceans along the ship's route was considered.
A comparative estimation of particulate organic matter concentration in seawater in various regions of the Barents Sea was carried out on the basis of materials collected by authors in August-September 1997. It is shown that the major feature of near-bottom distribution of particulate organic matter is distinct decrease in its concentration from off-shore areas of the Murman and Novaya Zemlya coasts and the Franz Josef Land Archipelago toward the central part of the Barents Sea. Using a method of mean and maximum concentrations of particulate organic matter, an attempt was made to estimate its fluxes from the surface to the bottom.
Contents and distribution of particulate lipids were studied by thin-layer chromatography technique with flame ionization detection (Iatroscan TH-10) along the transect from the Ob River towards the Kara Sea. Lipid contents range from 18.4 to 266 µg/l with, average 84.97 µg/l, which comprises from 4.06 to 58.32 % of total particulate organic matter. Principal constituents of particulate lipids are hydrocarbons (32.14 % of total lipids on the average), polar compounds (29.85 %), wax and sterol esters (13.04 %), and mono- and diglycerides (12.52 %). Secondary components are presented by fatty acid esters (5.14 %), free fatty acids (4.56 %), triglycerides (2.32 %), and sterols (1.04 %). Specific composition of particulate lipids along the Ob River - Kara Sea transect is formed under strong impact of river run-off. Particulate lipid composition reflects differences between processes of organic matter transformation in estuarine and marine parts of the transect, as well as peculiarities of species composition of Arctic living organisms.