990 resultados para surgical pathology


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Los niños que presentan dolor abdominal agudo representan una de las principales demandas de atención en los servicios de Urgencias Pediátricas, convirtiéndose en un reto para quien realiza la valoración inicial la decisión de que paciente amerita realizar estudios adicionales, para descartar una patología quirúrgica. Considerando que la apendicitis es la primera emergencia quirúrgica en niños, y que sus complicaciones son un problema frecuente, es imprescindible que el clínico conozca cual es la utilidad y beneficio que le brindan las herramientas diagnósticas disponibles para realizar un diagnóstico más certero. Objetivo: Describir el manejo de los pacientes menores de 18 años con sospecha de apendicitis en la FCI y determinar la sensibilidad y especificidad de la ecografía en esta población. Métodos: Estudio de Prueba Diagnóstica. Revisión expedita de los niños valorados en la FCI con sospecha clínica de apendicitis aguda durante un periodo de 4 meses. Se tomaron datos de hallazgos ecográficos para apendicitis (positivos, negativos o indeterminados) y del desenlace de tener o no apendicitis. Posteriormente se realizó una inferencia mediante una tabla de contingencia, teniendo en cuenta intervalos de confianza para determinar la sensibilidad, especificidad, VPP, VPN y exactitud de la prueba basados en el diagnóstico final. Resultados: En 52% de pacientes que consultaron por dolor abdominal se sospecho patología quirúrgica, grupo en el que se utilizó la ecografía abdominal como herramienta diagnóstica para descartar apendicitis encontrando: sensibilidad: 63%(IC 95%, 48.6-75.5), especificidad: 82,7%(IC 95%, 76- 87.8) y exactitud: 78,2%(IC 95%, 72-83,4). La prevalencia de la enfermedad fue 22,8%, con probabilidad postprueba positiva de 88.3%(IC 95%, 82,1-92.6). Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio evidencian un menor rendimiento de la ecografía como prueba diagnóstica para apendicitis en pediatría en nuestro medio comparado al descrito en la literatura. Dicha discordancia probablemente se encuentra determinada por los sesgos propios de un estudio histórico como este, en el que básicamente la falta de uniformidad en el registro de datos en la historia clínica por los observadores (clínicos y radiólogos), así como las limitaciones para determinar el seguimiento de todos los pacientes que no fueron operados, pueden alterar la capacidad operativa real de la prueba. De ahí la importancia de realizar a futuro un estudio concurrente.


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Objetivo: proponer un instrumento para el seguimiento de la calidad de la atención de pacientes con patologías quirúrgicas abdominales urgentes. Métodos: se revisaron restropectivamente historias clínicas de pacientes quienes requirieron cirugía general de urgencia (CGU) en agosto de 2013. Se analizaron variables demográficas, factores de riesgo, severidad y desenlace hasta el día 30 postoperatorio. Se incluyeron los indicadores de calidad del National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) y el National Trauma Data Bank, y se adicionaron otros. Resultados: Se intervinieron 231 pacientes de 261 procedimientos de CGU. La edad promedio fue 49 años. Los procedimientos más comunes fueron la colecistectomía laparoscópica (37.2%), la apendicectomía (35.6%), la laparotomía exploratoria (12.6%), el drenaje de colección abdominal (9.1%) y la liberación de adherencias (6.9%). La mortalidad fue de 3.46% (n=8), la morbilidad severa fue de 8.04%. La duración de la hospitalización fue de 6.54 días +/- 5.180 y la de hospitalización en Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo fue de 5.7 días +/- 4.42. La oportunidad de salas de cirugía para la apendicetomía fue de 5 horas para las apendicitis con peritonitis generalizada, y de 8 horas para las apendicitis localizadas, 37 horas para colecistitis, 7.48 horas para colangitis y 2.42 horas para diverticulitis. Conclusiones: Crear de un instrumento para la medición de la calidad de la atención de los pacientes en CGU, es necesario para la autoevaluación institucional y para definir planes de mejoramiento y distribución de los recursos.


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CDX2 is a recently cloned homeobox gene that encodes an intestine-specific transcription factor, expressed in the nuclei of epithelial cells throughout the intestine, from duodenum to rectum. While expression of CDX2 protein in primary and metastatic colorectal carcinomas has been previously documented, neither the sensitivity nor the specificity of CDX2 expression, as determined by immunohistochemistry, for colorectal adenocarcinoma has been determined. We performed an immunohistochemical survey of 476 tumors with a monoclonal antibody, CDX2-88, including 89 tumors from the colon and duodenum and 95 tumors from other gastrointestinal sites, including the esophagus, stomach, pancreatobiliary system, gastrointestinal carcinoids, and liver. CDX2 was expressed uniformly (that is, in 76-100% of tumor cells) in all but one of the evaluated colorectal and duodenal tumors. High-level expression of CDX2 was also found, however, in mucinous ovarian carcinomas and adenocarcinomas primary to the urinary bladder of which 64% and 100% were positive, respectively. Gastric, gastroesophageal, and pancreatic adenocarcinomas and cholangiocarcinomas all showed similar, heterogeneous patterns of CDX2 expression. Most tumors in each group showed CDX2 expression by a minority of cells, whereas a substantial minority of cases in each group was completely negative and a smaller minority was uniformly positive. Gastrointestinal carcinoids gave similarly varied results, but the majority (58%) was negative. Hepatocellular carcinomas showed no expression of CDX2. Only very rare examples of carcinomas of the genitourinary and gynecologic tracts, breast, lung, and head and neck showed significant levels of CDX2 expression. In this study of primary and metastatic epithelial tumors, uniform CDX2 expression is demonstrated to be an exquisitely sensitive and highly, but incompletely, specific marker of intestinal adenocarcinomas. Compared with villin, a previously described marker of GI adenocarcinomas, CDX2 demonstrated superior sensitivity and comparable specificity. CDX2 expression can be seen, however, in selected non-GI adenocarcinomas such as mucinous ovarian carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the urinary bladder.


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The authors compare the detection of metastases in sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) and nonsentinel lymph nodes (NSLNs) using hematoxvlin-eosin (HE) staining versus immunohistochemistry (IHC). Thirty-six patients with breast carcinoma undergo exeresis of the primary tumor and of 50 SLNs and 491 NSLNs. Sentinel lymph nodes are sectioned into transverse slices of 2- to 3-mm thickness, and a cytologic smear and a frozen section were obtained from each slice. The slices are completely cut into serial sections at 100-mu m intervals. Two consecutive 4-mu m-thick sections are then obtained from each level and were prepared for HE staining and IHC. Nonsentinel lymph nodes are evaluated similarly to SLNs. The authors obtain 4076 SLN sections and 32 012 NSLN sections, fora total of 36 088 sections. A comparison of HE staining versus IHC based on the total number of sections shows a sensitivity of 93.8%, a negative predictive value of 98.9%, and an accuracy of 99.1 %. The values obtained by HE staining are similar to those obtained by IHC.


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The authors studied the distribution of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen(s) in human skin and oral mucosa. In biopsies obtained from untreated patients showing the chronic form of the disease, the authors demonstrated the P. brasiliensis antigen using two polyclonal immune sera raised in rabbits, one against the exoantigens of P. brasiliensis and the other against a 43-kDa glycoprotein. Langerhans' cells were detected through double immunolabeling using an anti-S100 protein monoclonal antibody. Double labeling immunohistochemistry showed that both of the immune sera labeled the yeast cells in the center of the granuloma and those transmigrating through the epithelial layer equally well. Granulomas exhibited the P. brasiliensis antigen permeating cells, mainly at the periphery of the granulomatous inflammation. The P. brasiliensis antigen(s) accumulated in the macrophages but not in the Langerhans' cells. P. brasiliensis antigens, detected by antiserum against parasite exoantigens, were also deposited between basal keratinocytes, but not in the granular cells, in 47% of the biopsies. P. brasiliensis antigens, as assessed by immunoelectron microscopic techniques, are present in the cytoplasm of the yeast cells in the host tissues. Antigens are transported to the cell membrane and later excreted through the cell wall. Antigenic deposits are also seen at the fungus-host interface.


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Myoid cells have been described in the thymus in association with a variety of benign and malignant conditions. The presence of a benign rhabdomyomatous component in a malignant primary thymic epithelial neoplasm, however, is extremely rare. A case of poorly differentiated carcinoma of the thymus arising in the posterior mediastinum containing a prominent rhabdomyomatous component is described. The patient, a 70-year-old woman, was seen for a large posterior mediastinal mass. An open chest biopsy revealed an extensively necrotic tumor composed of islands of atypical cells with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli with numerous mitotic figures admixed with abortive glandular structures. Interspersed with the malignant epithelial components were islands of large cells containing brightly eosinophilic cytoplasm and small, round, excentrically placed nuclei. Immunohistochemical studies showed strong positivity of the epithelial cells for cytokeratin and strong positivity of the myoid cells for pan-actin, desmin, and myogenin. The possible relationship of the rhabdomyomatous component of this tumor with the myoid cells of the thymus is discussed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Inheritance of a mutant allele of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene predisposes affected individuals to develop renal cysts and clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Von Hippel-Lindau gene inactivation in single renal tubular cells has indirectly been showed by immunohistochemical staining for the hypoxia-inducible factor alpha target gene product carbonic anhydrase IX. In this study we were able to show von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion in carbonic anhydrase IX positive nonneoplastic renal tubular cells, in epithelial cells lining renal cysts and in a clear cell renal cell carcinoma of a von Hippel-Lindau patient. This was carried out by means of laser confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry in combination with fluorescence in situ hybridization. Carbonic anhydrase IX negative normal renal tubular cells carried no von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion. Furthermore, recent studies have indicated that the von Hippel-Lindau gene product is necessary for the maintenance of primary cilia stability in renal epithelial cells and that disruption of the cilia structure by von Hippel-Lindau gene inactivation induces renal cyst formation. In our study, we show a significant shortening of primary cilia in epithelial cells lining renal cysts, whereas, single tubular cells with a von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion display to a far lesser extent signs of cilia shortening. Our in vivo results support a model in which renal cysts represent precursor lesions for clear cell renal cell carcinoma and arise from single renal tubular epithelial cells owing to von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion.


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Poorly differentiated (PD) carcinomas of the thyroid are conceptually situated between well-differentiated (papillary or follicular) carcinomas and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas. Although the morphologic criteria for PD tumors are well defined, it is not clear how much of a PD area besides a well-differentiated component in a given tumor is required to allow such a diagnosis.


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High overexpression of somatostatin receptors in neuroendocrine tumors allows imaging and radiotherapy with radiolabeled somatostatin analogues. To ascertain whether a tumor is suitable for in vivo somatostatin receptor targeting, its somatostatin receptor expression has to be determined. There are specific indications for use of immunohistochemistry for the somatostatin receptor subtype 2A, but this has up to now been limited by the lack of an adequate reliable antibody. The aim of this study was to correlate immunohistochemistry using the new monoclonal anti-somatostatin receptor subtype 2A antibody UMB-1 with the gold standard in vitro method quantifying somatostatin receptor levels in tumor tissues. A UMB-1 immunohistochemistry protocol was developed, and tumoral UMB-1 staining levels were compared with somatostatin receptor binding site levels quantified with in vitro I-[Tyr]-octreotide autoradiography in 89 tumors. This allowed defining an immunohistochemical staining threshold permitting to distinguish tumors with somatostatin receptor levels high enough for clinical applications from those with low receptor expression. The presence of >10% positive tumor cells correctly predicted high receptor levels in 95% of cases. In contrast, absence of UMB-1 staining truly reflected low or undetectable somatostatin receptor expression in 96% of tumors. If 1% to 10% of tumor cells were stained, a weak staining intensity was suggestive of low somatostatin receptor levels. This study allows for the first time a reliable recommendation for eligibility of an individual patient for in vivo somatostatin receptor targeting based on somatostatin receptor immunohistochemistry. Under optimal methodological conditions, UMB-1 immunohistochemistry may be equivalent to in vitro receptor autoradiography.


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BACKGROUND Optimal surgery for pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid is controversial. In the present review, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various approaches after addressing the surgical pathology of the parotid pleomorphic adenoma capsule and its influence on surgery. DATA SOURCES PubMed literature searches were performed to identify original studies. CONCLUSIONS Almost all pleomorphic adenomas can be effectively treated by formal parotidectomy, but the procedure is not mandatory. Extracapsular dissection is a minimal margin surgery; therefore, in the hands of a novice or occasional parotid surgeon, it may result in higher rates of recurrence. Partial superficial parotidectomy may be a good compromise. The tumor is removed with a greater cuff of healthy parotid tissue than in extracapsular dissection. This may minimize the recurrence rate. On the other hand, the removal of healthy parotid tissue compared with formal parotidectomy is limited, thus minimizing complications such as facial nerve dysfunction and Frey syndrome.


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Histopathologic tumor regression grades (TRGs) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy predict survival in different cancers. In bladder cancer, corresponding studies have not been conducted. Fifty-six patients with advanced invasive urothelial bladder cancer received neoadjuvant chemotherapy before cystectomy and lymphadenectomy. TRGs were defined as follows: TRG1: complete tumor regression; TRG2: >50% tumor regression; TRG3: 50% or less tumor regression. Separate TRGs were assigned for primary tumors and corresponding lymph nodes. The prognostic impact of these 2 TRGs, the highest (dominant) TRG per patient, and competing tumor features reflecting tumor regression (ypT/ypN stage, maximum diameter of the residual tumor) were determined. Tumor characteristics in initial transurethral resection of the bladder specimens were tested for response prediction. The frequency of TRGs 1, 2, and 3 in the primary tumors were n=16, n=19, and n=21; corresponding data from the lymph nodes were n=31, n=9, and n=16. Interobserver agreement in determination of the TRG was strong (κ=0.8). Univariately, all evaluated parameters were significantly (P≤0.001) related to overall survival; however, the segregation of the Kaplan-Meier curves was best for the dominant TRG. In multivariate analysis, only dominant TRG predicted overall survival independently (P=0.035). In transurethral resection specimens of the chemotherapy-naive bladder cancer, the only tumor feature with significant (P<0.03) predictive value for therapy response was a high proliferation rate. In conclusion, among all parameters reflecting tumor regression, the dominant TRG was the only independent risk factor. A favorable chemotherapy response is associated with a high proliferation rate in the initial chemotherapy-naive bladder cancer. This feature might help personalize neoadjuvant chemotherapy.


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BACKGROUND: Situs inversus (SI) is a relatively rare occurrence in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Pancreatic resection in these patients has rarely been described. CT scan imaging is a principle modality for detecting pancreatic cancer and its use in SI patients is seldom reported. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a 48 year old woman with SI who, despite normal CT scan 8 months earlier, presented with obstructive jaundice and a pancreatic head mass requiring a pancreaticoduodenectomy. The surgical pathology report demonstrated pancreatic adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSION: SI is a rare condition with concurrent pancreatic cancer being even rarer. Despite the rarity, pancreaticoduodenectomy in these patients for resectable lesions is safe as long as special consideration to the anatomy is taken. Additionally, radiographic imaging has significantly improved detection of early pancreatic cancer; however, there continues to be a need for improved detection of small neoplasms.