891 resultados para super duplex stainless steel


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Hydrogen assisted subcritical cleavage of the ferrite matrix occurs during fatigue of a duplex stainless steel in gaseous hydrogen. The ferrite fails by a cyclic cleavage mechanism and fatigue crack growth rates are independent of frequency between 0.1 and 5 Hz. Macroscopic crack growth rates are controlled by the fraction of ferrite grains cleaving along the crack front, which can be related to the maximum stress intensity, Kmax. A superposition model is developed to predict simultaneously the effects of stress intensity range (ΔK) and K ratio (Kmin/Kmax). The effect of Kmax is rationalised by a local cleavage criterion which requires a critical tensile stress, normal to the {001} cleavage plane, acting over a critical distance within an embrittled zone at the crack tip. © 1991.


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A thermodynamic analysis which is capable of estimating the austenite/ferrite equilibria in duplex stainless steels has been carried out using the sublattice thermodynamic model. The partitioning of alloying elements between the austenite and ferrite phases has been calculated as a function of temperature. The results showed that chromium partitioning was not influenced significantly by the temperature. The molybdenum, on the other hand, was found to partition preferentially into ferrite phase as the temperature decreases. A strong partitioning of nickel into the austenite was observed to decrease gradually with increasing temperature. Among the alloying elements, average nitrogen concentration was found to have the most profound effect on the phase balance and the partitioning of nitrogen into the austenite. The partitioning coefficient of nitrogen (the ratio of the mole fraction of nitrogen in the austenite to that in the ferrite) was found to be as high as 7.0 around 1300 K. Consequently, the volume fraction of austenite was influenced by relatively small additions of nitrogen. The results are compared with the experimentally observed data in a duplex stainless steel weld metal in conjunction with the solid state δ → δ + γ phase transformation. Particular attention was given to the morphological instability of grain boundary austenite allotriomorphs. A compariso between the experimental results and calculations indicated that the instability associated with irregular austenite perturbations results from the high degree of undercooling. The results suggest that the model can be used successfully to understand the development of the microstructure in duplex stainless steel weld metals.


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A duplex surface treatment consisting of High Temperature Gas Nitriding (HTGN) followed by Low Temperature Plasma Nitriding (LTPN) was carried out in an UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel. The HTGN treatment was intended to produce a relatively thick and hard fully austenitic layer giving mechanical support to the thinner and much harder expanded austenite layer. HTGN was performed at 1200 degrees C for 3 h, in a 0.1 MPa N(2) atmosphere while LTPN, was carried out in a 75% N(2) + 25% H(2) atmosphere, at 400 degrees C for 12 h, under a 250 Pa pressure, and 450 V. An expanded austenite gamma(N) layer, 2.3 mu m thick, 1500 HVO.025 hard, was formed on top of a 100 mu m thick, 330 HV 0.1 hard, fully austenitic layer, containing 0.9 wt% N. For comparison purposes LTPN was carried out with UNS S30403 stainless steel specimens obtaining a 4.0 mu m thick, 1500 HV 0.025 hard, expanded austenite layer formed on top of a fully austenitic matrix having 190 HV 0.1. The nitrided specimens were tested in a 20 kHz vibratory cavitation-erosion testing equipment. Comparison between the duplex treated UNS S31803 steel and the low temperature plasma nitrided UNS S30403 steel, resulted in incubation times almost 9 times greater. The maximum cavitation wear rate of the LTPN UNS S30403 was 5.5 g/m(2)h, 180 times greater than the one measured for the duplex treated UNS S31803 steel. The greater cavitation wear resistance of the duplex treated UNS S31803 steel, compared to the LTPN treated UNS S30403 steel was explained by the greater mechanical support the fully austenitic, 330 HV 0.1 hard, 100 mu m layer gives to the expanded austenite layer formed on top of the specimen after LTPN. A strong crystallographic textured surface, inherited from the fully austenitic layer formed during HTGN, with the expanded austenite layer showing {101} crystallographic planes//surface contributed also to improve the cavitation resistance of the duplex treated steel. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several studies have shown that austenitic stainless steels are suitable for use in the final phases of orthodontic treatments, such as finishing and retention. These steels demonstrate appropriate mechanical properties, such as high ultimate tensile strength and good corrosion resistance. A new class of materials, the austenic-ferritic stainless steels, is substituting for austenitic stainless steels in several industrial applications where these properties are necessary. This work supports the hypothesis that orthodontic wires of austenic-ferritic stainless steels can replace austenitic stainless steels. The advantages are cost reduction and decrease of the nickel hypersensitivity effect in patients undergoing orthodontic treatments. The object of this study was to evaluate wires of austenitic-ferritic stainless steel SEW 410 Nr. 14517 (Cr26Ni6Mo3Cu3) produced by cold working through rolling and drawing processes. Tests were performed to evaluate the ultimate tensile strength, hardness, ductility, and formability. In accordance with technical standards the wires exhibited ultimate tensile strength and ductility suitable for orthodontic clinical applications. These austenitie-ferritic wires can be an alternative to substitute the common commercial wires of austenic stainless steels with the advantage of decreasing the nickel content.


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A high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel (0.9wt% N) and an ordinary 304 austenitic stainless steel were submitted to cavitation-erosion tests in a vibratory apparatus operating at a frequency of 20 kHz. The high nitrogen stainless steel was obtained by high temperature gas nitriding a 1-mm thick strip of an UNS 31803 duplex stainless steel. The 304 austenitic stainless steel was used for comparison purposes. The specimens were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and Electron Back Scatter Diffraction. The surface of the cavitation damaged specimens was analyzed trying to find out the regions where cavitation damage occurred preferentially. The distribution of sites where cavitation inception occurred was extremely heterogeneous, concentrating basically at (i) slip lines inside some grains and (ii) Sigma-3 coincidence site lattice (CSL) boundaries (twin boundaries). Furthermore, it was observed that the CE damage spread faster inside those grains which were more susceptible to damage incubation. The damage heterogeneity was addressed to plasticity anisotropy. Grains in which the crystallographic orientation leads to high resolved shear stress show intense damage at slip lines. Grain boundaries between grains with large differences in resolved shear stress where also intensely damaged. The relationship between crystallite orientation distributions, plasticity anisotropy and CE damage mechanisms are discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ruostumattomien terästen hinta on kasvanut maailman laajuisen kysynnän kasvun seurauksena. Samoin on käynyt myös ruostumattomien terästen valmistukseen käytettävien seosaineiden hinnalle. Terästen valmistajat ovatkin kehittäneet lean duplex teräksiä vastatakseen hintatietoisten markkinoiden kysyntään. Näissä lean duplex teräksissä kalliita seosaineita kuten nikkeliä ja molybdeenia on korvattu typellä ja mangaanilla. Houkutteleviksi vaihtoehdoiksi perinteisille ruostumattomille teräksille lean duplex laadut tekee myös niiden hyvät lujuus- ja korroosio-ominaisuudet. Kirjallisuus osio esittelee lasereiden toimintaperiaatteen. Myös avaimenreikähitsauksen periaate on esitetty. Ruostumattomien terästen yleisimmät seosaineet ovat esitelty, kuten myös syy niiden seostamiseen. Ruostumattomat duplex-teräkset on esitelty samoin kuin lean duplex teräkset. Kokeellisen osion koehitsit hitsattiin osin samalla tuotantolinjalla lopputuotteen kanssa ja osin laboratoriossa. Koemateriaaleina olivat lean duplex teräkset 1.4162 ja 1.4362 joiden materiaalipaksuudet olivat 1.2 mm ja 1.5 mm. Hitsatuille lamelleille tehtiin painetestaus. Makroskopiaa ja valomikroskopiaa käytettiin koehitsien arvioinnissa kuten myös ristivetokoetta. Kiinnostavimmista hitseistä määritettiin myös faasisuhde. Lean duplex teräs 1.4362 havaittiin sopivammaksi laaduksi tämän kaltaisessa sovelluksessa, mutta myös laatu 1.4162 täyttää sovelluksen hitsille asetetut vaatimukset, tosin huomattavasti pienemmässä parametri ikkunassa. Valittu menetelmä faasisuhteen määrittämiseen osoittautui epätarkaksi, joten faasisuhteen osalta tämän tutkimuksen tulokset ovat vain suuntaa-antavia.


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Fatigue crack initiation and propagation in duplex stainless steels are strongly affected by microstructure in both inert and aggressive environments. Fatigue crack growth rates in wrought Zeron 100 duplex stainless steel in air were found to vary with orientation depending on the frequency of crack tip retardation at ferrite/austenite grain boundaries. Fatigue crack propagation rates in 3.5% NaCl solution and high purity water are increased by hydrogen assisted transgranular cyclic cleavage of the ferrite. The corrosion fatigue results are interpreted using a model for the cyclic cleavage mechanism.


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The effects of temperature on hydrogen assisted fatigue crack propagation are investigated in three steels in the low-to-medium strength range; a low alloy structural steel, a super duplex stainless steel, and a super ferritic stainless steel. Significant enhancement of crack growth rates is observed in hydrogen gas at atmospheric pressure in all three materials. Failure occurs via a mechanism of time independent, transgranular, cyclic cleavage over a frequency range of 0.1-5 Hz. Increasing the temperature in hydrogen up to 80°C markedly reduces the degree of embrittlement in the structural and super ferritic steels. No such effect is observed in the duplex stainless steel until the temperature exceeds 120°C. The temperature response may be understood by considering the interaction between absorbed hydrogen and micro-structural traps, which are generated in the zone of intense plastic deformation ahead of the fatigue crack tip. © 1992.


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Polarization measurements were conducted to monitor the corrosion behavior of superduplex stainless steel ASTM A995M-Gr.SA/EN 10283-Mat#1.4469(GX2CrNiMo26-7-4) when exposed to a) an electrolyte containing 22,700 parts per million (ppm) of chloride ions at seven different temperatures and b) an electrolyte at 25 GC and different chloride ion concentrations (5800, 22,700, 58,000 and 80,000 ppm of Cl(-)). The polarization curves indicate that the passive films formed are only slightly affected by NaCl concentration, but the pitting potential decreases drastically increasing the temperature, in particular >60 degrees C. The image analysis of the microstructure after potentiodynamic polarization showed that the pitting number and size vary in function of the temperature of the tested medium. Nyquist diagrams were determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to characterize the resistance of the passive layer. According to Nyquist plots, the arc polarization resistance decreases increasing the temperature due to a catalytic degradation of the oxide passive films. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Growing demand for stainless steel construction materials has increased the popularity of substitutive materials for austenitic stainless steels. The lean duplex grades have taken their place in building of structures exposed to corrosive environments. Since the duplex grades are relatively new materials, the current codes and norms do not fully cover the newest duplex grades. The joints tested in this thesis were designed and studied according to Eurocode 3, even though all the materials are not yet accepted to the standards. The main objective in this thesis was to determine the differences of the used materials in behaviour under loading at low temperatures. Tests in which the deformation and strength properties of the joints were determined were done at the temperature of -46°C, which is the requirement of temperature for structures designed according to Norsok standards. Results show that replacing the austenitic grade with the lean duplex grade is acceptable.


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Duplex and superduplex stainless steels are class of materials of a high importance for engineering purposes, since they have good mechanical properties combination and also are very resistant to corrosion. It is known as well that the chemical composition of such steels is very important to maintain some desired properties. In the past years, some works have reported that γ 2 precipitation improves the toughness of such steels, and its quantification may reveals some important information about steel quality. Thus, we propose in this work the automatic segmentation of γ 2 precipitation using two pattern recognition techniques: Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) and a Bayesian classifier. To the best of our knowledge, this if the first time that machine learning techniques are applied into this area. The experimental results showed that both techniques achieved similar and good recognition rates. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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The recent search for new sources of hydrocarbons has led to production from very severe environments which can contain considerable amounts of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, and chloride ions, combined with temperatures which can exceed 100°C. Oil and gas production from such wells requires highly corrosion-resistant materials. The traditional solution of using carbon steel with additional protection is generally inadequate in these very-aggressive environments. Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are attractive candidates because of their high strength, good general corrosion resistance, excellent resistance to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking, and good weldability. Although duplex stainless steels have a very good reputation in both subsea and topsides pipework, it is recognized that the tolerance of these materials to variations in microstructure and chemical composition are still not fully understood. The object of this paper is to review the corrosion behaviour of duplex stainless steels in the petrochemical industry, with particular emphasis on microstructures and the effect of changes in chemical composition.


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This paper aims to study evolution of increase, distribution and classification of pits in 310S austenitic stainless steels obtained in the state as-received and heat-treated under different exposure times in saline. This work applicability has been based on a technique development for morphologic characterization of localized corrosion associated with description aspects of shapes, size and population-specific parameters. Methodology has been consisted in the following steps: specimens preparation, corrosion tests via salt spray in different conditions, microstructural analysis, pits profiles analysis and images analysis, digital processing and image analysis in order to characterize the pits distribution, morphology and size. Results obtained in digital processing and profiles image analysis have been subjected to statistical analysis using median as parameter in the alloy as received and treated. The alloy as received displays the following morphology: hemispheric pits> transition region A> transition region B> irregular> conic. The pits amount in the treated alloy at each exposure time is: transition region B> hemispherical> transition region A> conic> irregular.


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The superiority of superaustenitic stainless steel (SASS) lies in its good weldability and great resistance to stress corrosion and pitting, because of its higher chromium, molybdenum, and nitrogen contents, when compared to general stainless steels. However, some of its applications are limited by very poor wear behavior. Plasma-nitriding is a very effective treatment for producing wear resistant and hard surface layers on stainless steels without compromising the corrosion resistance. In this work, UNS S31254 SASS samples were plasma-nitrided at three different temperatures (400, 450, and 500 degrees C), under a pressure of 500 Pa, for 5 h, in order to verify the influence of the temperature on the morphology, wear, and corrosion behavior of the modified surface layers. The plasma-nitrided samples were analyzed by means of optical microscopy, micro-hardness. X-ray diffraction, wear, and corrosion tests. Wear tests were conducted in a fixed ball micro-wear machine and corrosion behavior was carried out in natural sea water by means of potentiodynamic polarization curves. For the sample which was plasma-nitrided at 400 degrees C, only the expanded austenite phase was observed, and for the treatments performed at 450 and 500 degrees C, chromium nitrides (CrN and Cr(2)N) were formed in addition to the expanded austenite. Wear volume and Knoop surface hardness increased as the plasma-nitriding temperature increased. Higher wear rates were observed at high temperatures, probably due to the increment on layer fragility. The sample modified at 400 degrees C exhibited the best corrosion behavior among all the plasma-nitriding conditions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Until now the martensitic stainless steel type AISI-420 is widely used in the manufacture of surgical implements. These implements present premature corrosion problems identified after cleaning, sterilization and cutting edge loss and/or rupture during the surgical processes.. This study evaluates the steel as to the chemical composition, hardness, microstructure and pitting corrosion resistance in a solution of enzyme detergent diluted in water by anodic cyclic polarization. This mixture is used in the cleaning of surgical implements that are submerged in this solution for 2 h before cleaning and sterilization. The results show steels with martensite microstructures in the ferrite phase, together with impurities. These presented low pitting potential values in compariston to steels with a fully martensitic microstructure.