950 resultados para sugar-sweetened beverage


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BACKGROUND: Amateur sporting clubs represent an attractive setting for health promotion. This study assesses the impact of a multi-component intervention on the availability, promotion and purchase of fruit and vegetable and non sugar -sweetened drink products from community sporting club canteens. We also assessed the impact the intervention on sporting club revenue from the sale of food and beverages. METHOD: A repeat cross-sectional, parallel group, cluster randomized controlled trial was undertaken with amateur community football clubs in New South Wales, Australia. The intervention was conducted over 2.5 winter sporting seasons and sought to improve the availability and promotion of fruit and vegetables and non sugar-sweetened drinks in sporting club canteens. Trial outcomes were assessed via telephone surveys of sporting club representatives and members. RESULTS: Eighty five sporting clubs and 1143 club members participated in the study. Relative to the control group, at follow-up, clubs allocated to the intervention were significantly more likely to have fruit and vegetable products available at the club canteen (OR = 5.13; 95% CI 1.70-15.38), were more likely to promote fruit and vegetable selection using reduced pricing and meal deals (OR = 34.48; 95% CI 4.18-250.00) and members of intervention clubs were more likely to report purchase of fruit and vegetable (OR = 2.58 95% CI; 1.08-6.18) and non sugar -sweetened drink (OR = 1.56; 95% CI 1.09-2.25) products. There was no significant difference between groups in the annual club revenue from food and non-alcoholic beverage sales. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate that the intervention can improve the nutrition environment of sporting clubs and the purchasing behaviour of members. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12609000224224 .


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Objective To model the overall and income specific effect of a 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the UK. Design Econometric and comparative risk assessment modelling study. Setting United Kingdom. Population Adults aged 16 and over. Intervention A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks. Main outcome measures The primary outcomes were the overall and income specific changes in the number and percentage of overweight (body mass index ≥25) and obese (≥30) adults in the UK following the implementation of the tax. Secondary outcomes were the effect by age group (16-29, 30-49, and ≥50 years) and by UK constituent country. The revenue generated from the tax and the income specific changes in weekly expenditure on drinks were also estimated. Results A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks was estimated to reduce the number of obese adults in the UK by 1.3% (95% credible interval 0.8% to 1.7%) or 180 000 (110 000 to 247 000) people and the number who are overweight by 0.9% (0.6% to 1.1%) or 285 000 (201 000 to 364 000) people. The predicted reductions in prevalence of obesity for income thirds 1 (lowest income), 2, and 3 (highest income) were 1.3% (0.3% to 2.0%), 0.9% (0.1% to 1.6%), and 2.1% (1.3% to 2.9%). The effect on obesity declined with age. Predicted annual revenue was £276m (£272m to £279m), with estimated increases in total expenditure on drinks for income thirds 1, 2, and 3 of 2.1% (1.4% to 3.0%), 1.7% (1.2% to 2.2%), and 0.8% (0.4% to 1.2%). Conclusions A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks would lead to a reduction in the prevalence of obesity in the UK of 1.3% (around 180 000 people). The greatest effects may occur in young people, with no significant differences between income groups. Both effects warrant further exploration. Taxation of sugar sweetened drinks is a promising population measure to target population obesity, particularly among younger adults.


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Rising greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) have implications for health and up to 30 % of emissions globally are thought to arise from agriculture. Synergies exist between diets low in GHGEs and health however some foods have the opposite relationship, such as sugar production being a relatively low source of GHGEs. In order to address this and to further characterise a healthy sustainable diet, we model the effect on UK non-communicable disease mortality and GHGEs of internalising the social cost of carbon into the price of food alongside a 20 % tax on sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs). Developing previously published work, we simulate four tax scenarios: (A) a GHGEs tax of £2.86/tonne of CO2 equivalents (tCO2e)/100 g product on all products with emissions greater than the mean across all food groups (0.36 kgCO2e/100 g); (B) scenario A but with subsidies on foods with emissions lower than 0.36 kgCO2e/100 g such that the effect is revenue neutral; (C) scenario A but with a 20 % sales tax on SSBs; (D) scenario B but with a 20 % sales tax on SSBs. An almost ideal demand system is used to estimate price elasticities and a comparative risk assessment model is used to estimate changes to non-communicable disease mortality. We estimate that scenario A would lead to 300 deaths delayed or averted, 18,900 ktCO2e fewer GHGEs, and £3.0 billion tax revenue; scenario B, 90 deaths delayed or averted and 17,100 ktCO2e fewer GHGEs; scenario C, 1,200 deaths delayed or averted, 18,500 ktCO2e fewer GHGEs, and £3.4 billion revenue; and scenario D, 2,000 deaths delayed or averted and 16,500 ktCO2e fewer GHGEs. Deaths averted are mainly due to increased fibre and reduced fat consumption; a SSB tax reduces SSB and sugar consumption. Incorporating the social cost of carbon into the price of food has the potential to improve health, reduce GHGEs, and raise revenue. The simple addition of a tax on SSBs can mitigate negative health consequences arising from sugar being low in GHGEs. Further conflicts remain, including increased consumption of unhealthy foods such as cakes and nutrients such as salt.


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Background – Excessive consumption of sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) is a contributing factor in the occurrence of overweight and obesity. The high energy intake, low satiation, high glycemic index, and intense marketing are all thought to contribute to their over consumption. In addition, the role of the mildly-addictive chemical caffeine in SSB has been questioned (Griffiths and Vernotica, 2000, Keast and Riddell, 2007). We have previously shown that low concentrations of caffeine may decrease sweetness of sugars and thereby result in excess energy in SSB formulations (Ebbeling et al., 2006).
Objective – Without noticeably affecting flavour, to determine potential energy reduction when decreasing sucrose concentration from caffeinated and de-caffeinated SSB.
Design – Human psychophysical taste evaluations in water, sucrose and model SSB. Triangle forced-choice ascending method of limits was used to determine caffeine taste threshold in water and sucrose (n= 62). Directional paired comparison tests to determine 1/ the influence of caffeine on sweetness of sucrose (n= 23), and 2/ the nonperceivable difference when decreasing the sucrose and caffeine concentrations in a model SSB (n= 30).
Outcomes – Caffeine, at sub-threshold concentrations in common SSB (0.67mM) can be perceived in sucrose solutions because it significantly inhibits sweetness (p<0.001), the ‘caffeine sweetness effect’. Presumably coremoval of caffeine and sucrose could be achieved without affecting the sweetness of the SSB. Removing caffeine from the model SSB allowed an energy reduction of 137.4 KJ per 500 ml serving (12.6% sucrose reduction) without noticeably affecting flavour for 80% of the population. The energy reduction possible without co-removal of caffeine was a more modest 32 KJ per 500 ml serving (3.5% sucrose reduction).
Conclusion – Sub-threshold concentrations of caffeine suppress sweetness resulting in higher concentrations of sugars in SSB. Excessive consumption of SSB is linked to the obesity epidemic, and we suggest the removal of caffeine and subsequent removal of 137.4 KJ energy will have long term public health benefits.


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Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, with more than 80% of the US population classed as regular consumers (Garrett and Griffiths 1998). An analysis of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) in the US indicates that 870/o of US population over 2 years of age consumed caffeine daily and the average intake in caffeine consumers was 193 mg per day or 1.2 mgkg-l per day (Frary er a/ 2005). SSB were the primary source of caffeine in children and adolescents under 18 years of age and provided between 50-64% of the daily caffeine intake. For adults 18-34 years, SSB provided 30% of total daily caffeine, dropping fo llo/o for adults 34 years and older (Frary et a|2005). The total daily intake of caffeine observed in the CSFII is slightly lower that than observed in the 1995 National Nutrition Survey of Australian adults who reported consuming on average 270 mg of caffeine per day. Caffeine intakes amongst children, aged2 to 14 years, were reported as 17 mg per day. It is suggested that cola flavored SSB provide around 62o/, of this intake (Desbrow et al 2004).

Is the popularity of caffeinated foods mere coincidence? Is the flavor coffee, chocolate, tea and cola soft drinks such that without caffeine they would still be widely consumed? Or is the popularity of caffeine containing foods due to the influence of caffeine in the body?


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Research indicates that intake of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) may be associated with negative health consequences. However, differences between assessment methods can affect the comparability of intake data across studies. The current review aimed to identify methods used to assess SSB intake among children and adults in pan-European studies and to inform the development of the DEDIPAC (DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity) toolbox of methods suitable for use in future European studies. A literature search was conducted using three electronic databases and by hand-searching reference lists. English-language studies of any design which assessed SSB consumption were included in the review. Studies involving two or more European countries were included in the review. Healthy, free-living children and adults. The review identified twenty-three pan-European studies which assessed intake of SSB. The FFQ was the most commonly used (n 24), followed by the 24 h recall (n 6) and diet records (n 1). There were several differences between the identified FFQ, including the definition of SSB used. In total, seven instruments that were tested for validity were selected as potentially suitable to assess SSB intake among adults (n 1), adolescents (n 3) and children (n 3). The current review highlights the need for instruments to use an agreed definition of SSB. Methods that were tested for validity and used in pan-European populations encompassing a range of countries were identified. These methods should be considered for use by future studies focused on evaluating consumption of SSB.


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A tese descreve o consumo de alimentos marcadores da qualidade da dieta no Brasil e identifica os alimentos que mais contribuem com a ingestão de açúcar e sódio no país. Foram utilizados para este fim os dados do Sistema Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL) realizado nos anos de 2007, 2008 e 2009 e os dados provenientes do primeiro Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação (INA) realizado nos anos de 2008-2009 no Brasil. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de quatro artigos. O primeiro artigo avaliou as questões marcadoras de consumo alimentar do Sistema VIGITEL e sua evolução temporal e inclui 135.249 indivíduos de 27 cidades brasileiras, entrevistados nos anos de 2007 2009. Para os demais artigos, utilizou-se os dados obtidos no INA, para descrever os alimentos mais consumidos no país segundo sexo, grupo etário, região e faixa de renda familiar per capita (artigo 2) e identificar os alimentos que mais contribuem para o consumo de sódio (artigo 3) e de açúcar na população brasileira (artigo 4). As análises do INA baseiam-se em informações do primeiro de dois dias não consecutivos de registro alimentar de 34.003 indivíduos com 10 anos ou mais de idade. Os resultados apresentados indicam que a alimentação dos brasileiros vem se caracterizando pela introdução de alimentos processados de alta densidade energética e bebidas com adição de açúcar, embora os hábitos tradicionais de alimentação, como o consumo de arroz e feijão, ainda sejam mantidos. Entre as bebidas açucaradas os refrigerantes aparecem como importante marcador da qualidade da dieta na população brasileira. Os dados do VIGITEL evidenciaram aumento no consumo deste item de 7% e dentre os itens avaliados no inquérito, foi o que mais discriminou o consumo alimentar na população. De acordo com os dados do INA, o refrigerante foi um dos itens mais consumidos pelos brasileiros, e constitui-se também como marcador do consumo de açúcar total, de adição e livre, juntamente com sucos, café e biscoitos doces. Adolescentes apresentaram o maior consumo de açúcar, comparados aos adultos e idosos e este resultado pode ser explicado pelo alto consumo de bebidas açucaradas e biscoitos doces observado nesta faixa etária. Quanto ao consumo de sódio, alimentos processados, como carne salgada, carnes processadas, queijos, biscoitos salgados, molhos e condimentos, sanduíches, pizzas e pães figuraram entre as principais fontes de sódio na dieta do brasileiro. Nossos achados reafirmam a importância de políticas de alimentação e nutrição, que estimulem o consumo de alimentos saudáveis, como frutas, verduras e grãos integrais, e a manutenção do consumo de alimentos básicos tradicionais, como o feijão. O sistema VIGITEL deve contemplar itens do consumo alimentar que possam ter impacto na redução das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis.


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Objective: To assess the association between socio-economic position (SEP) and poor eating behaviours in a large representative sample of Australian secondary school students.
Design: Cross-sectional survey of students’ vegetable, fruit, sugar-sweetened beverage and fast-food consumption assessed using validated instruments and collected via a web-based self-report format.
Setting: Secondary schools across all Australian states and territories.
Subjects: Secondary-school students (n 12 188; response rate: 54 %) aged 12–17 years participating in the 2009–10 National Secondary Students’ Diet and Activity (NaSSDA) survey.
Results: Overall, 25% of students reported consuming <1 serving of vegetables/d and 29% reported eating <1 serving of fruit/d. Fourteen per cent of students reported drinking at least 1–2 cups of sugar-sweetened beverages/d while 9% reported eating fast food <3 times/week. After adjusting for other demographic factors, students of lower-SEP areas were more likely to report low intake of vegetables (F (4, 231) = 3.61, P = 0.007) and high frequency of consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (F (4, 231) =8.41, P < 0.001) and fast food (F (4, 231) = 4.59, P =0.001) compared with students of high-SEP neighbourhoods. A positive SEP association was found for fruit consumption among female students only (F (4, 231) = 4.20, P = 0.003). Those from lower-SEP areas were also more likely to engage in multiple poor eating behaviours (F (4, 231) = 5.80, P, < 0.001).
Conclusions: Results suggest that socio-economic disparities in Australian adolescents’ eating behaviours do exist, with students residing in lower-SEP neighbourhoods faring less well than those from high-SEP neighbourhoods. Reducing social inequalities in eating behaviours among young people should be a key consideration of future preventive strategies.


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INTRODUCTION: The childhood obesity epidemic continues in the U.S., and fiscal crises are leading policymakers to ask not only whether an intervention works but also whether it offers value for money. However, cost-effectiveness analyses have been limited. This paper discusses methods and outcomes of four childhood obesity interventions: (1) sugar-sweetened beverage excise tax (SSB); (2) eliminating tax subsidy of TV advertising to children (TV AD); (3) early care and education policy change (ECE); and (4) active physical education (Active PE). METHODS: Cost-effectiveness models of nationwide implementation of interventions were estimated for a simulated cohort representative of the 2015 U.S. population over 10 years (2015-2025). A societal perspective was used; future outcomes were discounted at 3%. Data were analyzed in 2014. Effectiveness, implementation, and equity issues were reviewed. RESULTS: Population reach varied widely, and cost per BMI change ranged from $1.16 (TV AD) to $401 (Active PE). At 10 years, assuming maintenance of the intervention effect, three interventions would save net costs, with SSB and TV AD saving $55 and $38 for every dollar spent. The SSB intervention would avert disability-adjusted life years, and both SSB and TV AD would increase quality-adjusted life years. Both SSB ($12.5 billion) and TV AD ($80 million) would produce yearly tax revenue. CONCLUSIONS: The cost effectiveness of these preventive interventions is greater than that seen for published clinical interventions to treat obesity. Cost-effectiveness evaluations of childhood obesity interventions can provide decision makers with information demonstrating best value for the money.


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Introduction: Excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverage is positively related to overweight. Despite the epidemic of childhood obesity, body mass can have a positive or negative effect on bone health. Material and methods: Wistar rats 8 weeks olds were randomly assigned to consume water (Control group, n = 10), sucrose 30% (HS group, n = 10) and water + sucrose 30% (WHS group, n = 14) for 8 weeks. All animals received standard laboratory chow ad libitum. Femur measurements included microhardness, bone mineral density (BMD) by DXA, mechanical compression test and microcomputed tomography (microCT) analysis. Results: We observed significant difference in final body weight in HS and WHS groups, significant increase in triacylglycerol/fructosamine in HS and WHS groups, significantly high BMD in WHS group, increased periosteal/endosteal cortical microhardness in WHS group. Compared with control, microCT parameters evidenced lower amount of connected trabecular bone, decreased bone volume, lower trabecular number with high trabecular separation in distal epiphysis in WHS animals. Conclusion: High-sucrose consumption causes obesity induced by a liquid diet with negative effects on cancellous bone.


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Background. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of the Young Leaders for Healthy Change program, an internet-delivered program in the school setting that emphasized health advocacy skills-development, on nutrition and physical activity behaviors among older adolescents (13–18 years). The program consisted of online curricular modules, training modules, social media, peer and parental support, and a community service project. Module content was developed based on Social Cognitive Theory and known determinants of behavior for older adolescents. ^ Methods. Of the 283 students who participated in the fall 2011 YL program, 38 students participated in at least ten of the 12 weeks and were eligible for this study. This study used a single group-only pretest/posttest evaluation design. Participants were 68% female, 58% white/Caucasian, 74% 10th or 11th graders, and 89% mostly A and/or B students. The primary behavioral outcomes for this analysis were participation in 60-minutes of physical activity per day, 20-minutes of vigorous- or moderate- intensity physical activity (MVPA) participation per day, television and computer time, fruit and vegetable (FV) intake, sugar-sweetened beverage intake, and consumption of breakfast, home-cooked meals, and fast food. Other outcomes included knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes related to healthy eating, physical activity, and advocacy skills. ^ Findings. Among the 38 participants, no significant changes in any variables were observed. However, among those who did not previously meet behavioral goals there was an 89% increase in students who participated in more than 20 minutes of MVPA per day and a 58% increase in students who ate home-cooked meals 5–7 days per week. The majority of participants met program goals related to knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes prior to the start of the program. Participants reported either maintaining or improving to the goal at posttest for all items except FV intake knowledge, taste and affordability of healthy foods, interest in teaching others about being healthy, and ease of finding ways to advocate in the community. ^ Conclusions. The results of this evaluation indicated that promoting healthy behaviors requires different strategies than maintaining healthy behaviors among high school students. In the school setting, programs need to target the promotion and maintenance of health behaviors to engage all students who participate in the program as part of a class or club activity. Tailoring the program using screening and modifying strategies to meet the needs of all students may increase the potential reach of the program. The Transtheoretical Model may provide information on how to develop a tailored program. Additional research on how to utilize the constructs of TTM effectively among high school students needs to be conducted. Further evaluation studies should employ a more expansive evaluation to assess the long-term effectiveness of health advocacy programming.^


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BACKGROUND: Health literacy has become an important health policy and health promotion agenda item in recent years. It had been seen as a means to reduce health disparities and a critical empowerment strategy to increase people's control over their health. So far, most of health literacy studies mainly focus on adults with few studies investigating associations between child health literacy and health status. This study aimed to investigate the association between health literacy and body weight in Taiwan's sixth grade school children.

METHODS: Using a population-based survey, 162,209 sixth grade (11-12 years old) school children were assessed. The response rate at school level was 83%, with 70% of all students completing the survey. The Taiwan child health literacy assessment tool was applied and information on sex, ethnicity, self-reported health, and health behaviors were also collected. BMI was used to classify the children as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. A multinomial logit model with robust estimation was used to explore associations between health literacy and the body weight with an adjustment for covariates.

RESULTS: The sample consisted of 48.9% girls, 3.8% were indigenous and the mean BMI was 19.55 (SD = 3.93). About 6% of children self-reported bad or very bad health. The mean child health literacy score was 24.03 (SD = 6.12, scale range from 0 to 32). The overall proportion of obese children was 15.2%. Children in the highest health literacy quartile were less likely to be obese (12.4%) compared with the lowest quartile (17.4%). After controlling for gender, ethnicity, self-rated health, and health behaviors, children with higher health literacy were less likely to be obese (Relative Risk Ratio (RRR) = 0.94, p < 0.001) and underweight (RRR = 0.83, p < 0.001). Those who did not have regular physical activity, or had sugar-sweetened beverage intake (RRR > 1.10, p < 0.0001) were more likely to report being overweight or obese.

CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates strong links between health literacy and obesity, even after adjusting for key potential confounders, and provides new insights into potential intervention points in school education for obesity prevention. Systematic approaches to integrating a health literacy curriculum into schools may mitigate the growing burden of disease due to obesity.


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INTRODUCTION: Physical inactivity has been described as a global pandemic. Interventions aimed at developing skills in lifelong physical activities may provide the foundation for an active lifestyle into adulthood. In general, school-based physical activity interventions targeting adolescents have produced modest results and few have been designed to be 'scaled-up' and disseminated. This study aims to: (1) assess the effectiveness of two physical activity promotion programmes (ie, NEAT and ATLAS) that have been modified for scalability; and (2) evaluate the dissemination of these programmes throughout government funded secondary schools. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The study will be conducted in two phases. In the first phase (cluster randomised controlled trial), 16 schools will be randomly allocated to the intervention or a usual care control condition. In the second phase, the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance (Re-AIM) framework will be used to guide the design and evaluation of programme dissemination throughout New South Wales (NSW), Australia. In both phases, teachers will be trained to deliver the NEAT and ATLAS programmes, which will include: (1) interactive student seminars; (2) structured physical activity programmes; (3) lunch-time fitness sessions; and (4) web-based smartphone apps. In the cluster RCT, study outcomes will be assessed at baseline, 6 months (primary end point) and 12-months. Muscular fitness will be the primary outcome and secondary outcomes will include: objectively measured body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, resistance training skill competency, physical activity, self-reported recreational screen-time, sleep, sugar-sweetened beverage and junk food snack consumption, self-esteem and well-being.