947 resultados para successful building projects


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A framework is constructed that can be used to foster trust and build relationships in construction project organizations in China. The research method was based on in-depth study of two building projects in China and data were collected via face-to-face interviews. The results show that as the project progresses, the dominant relationship within each stage deepens. The deepening relationship gives rise to different types of inherent risks such as a partner's self-interest seeking behaviour and opportunistic actions. To counterbalance these risks, trust fostering tools must be employed such as careful selection and effective management of partners. The framework for fostering trust and building relationship developed in the study suggests that (1) relationship deepens from shallow dependence to deep interdependence as the project progresses; (2) different relationships bring about distinct inherent risks; and (3) different trust-fostering tools counterbalance specific inherent risks. This framework could aid in reducing adversarial relationships by suggesting ways to foster trustworthy relationships.


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Time, cost and quality are the traditional determinants of project success. The level of client satisfaction is a newly defined measurement of project success. Often the satisfaction level of construction clients is not high. The reasons for this situation are twofold, firstly due to the temporary organizational structure of construction team and secondly, the inefficient construction process. The traditional procurement route, whilst still the most popular in the building sector, is probably subject to most criticism. The primary aim of this research is to develop a new best practice model for building projects. This will enable the client’s project manager to identify best practice under the traditional procurement route before the work is executed. Within this model, the sequence of construction activities, the responsibilities of the parties and the critical aspect of each phase of the project are identified. This model can then be utilized at both the design and/ or the construction stage in order to secure project success.


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The literature states that project duration is affected by various scope factors. Using 168 building projects carried out in Spain, this paper uses the multiple regression analysis to develop a forecast model that allows estimating project duration of new builds. The proposed model uses project type, gross floor area (GFA), the cost/GFA relationship and number of floors as predictor variables. The research identified the logarithmic form of construction speed as the most appropriate response variable. GFA has greater influence than cost on project duration but both factors are necessary to achieve a forecast model with the highest accuracy. We developed an analysis to verify the stability of forecasted values and showed how a model with high values of fit and accuracy may display an anomalous behavior in the forecasted values. The sensitivity of the proposed forecast model was also analyzed versus the variability of construction costs.


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Retrofit buildings are becoming popular in the United Kingdom as well as many parts of the advanced economies. Existing whole-life costing models have however, not proven to be robust enough to deal with building retrofit scenarios. Recent research has made a case for the existence of revocability and disruption in building retrofit investments. This paper evaluates the whole-life cost implication of revocability and disruption in office retrofit building projects. The potential implication of revocability and disruption are evaluated based on probability and fuzzy logic principles respectively. Two case study projects are selected to appraise the economic potentials of revocability and disruption. It was found that the average cost of revocability relative to the initial capital cost can be up to 119% over a 60-year life. It was also found that the average cost of disruption relative to the initial capital cost can be up to 12%. Future studies will utilise sensitivity analysis in assessing the relative preference of building retrofit configurations in office building projects. The external validity of this work is moderate, as the intention is to establish analytical generalisation rather than statistical generalisation for office retrofit building projects.


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Purpose: With the increasing interest in Public Private Partnership (PPP) there is a need to investigate the factors contributing to successful delivery of PPP projects. Design/methodology/approach: An empirical questionnaire survey was conducted in Hong Kong and Australia. The survey respondents were asked to rate eighteen factors which contribute to delivering successful PPP projects. Findings: The findings from this survey were further compared with the results achieved by a previous researcher (Li, 2003) in a similar survey conducted in the United Kingdom. The comparison showed that amongst the top five success factors ranked by Hong Kong respondents, three were also ranked highly by the Australians and British. These success factors included: ‘Commitment and responsibility of public and private sectors’; ‘Strong and good private consortium’; and ‘Appropriate risk allocation and risk sharing’. Originality/value: These success factors were therefore found to be important for contributing to successful PPP projects irrespective of geographical locations.


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This research was undertaken to encompass and identify challenges and impact factors that affect the successful outcomes of heritage building projects, especially those related to finding major causes of delays and cost overruns across projects in all Australian states. This project determined and analysed the causes of such delays and programme issues emanating from the planning and execution phases, whilst also analysing the requirements for management of multiple stakeholder relationships and the influence of unforeseen technical factors. The research proposes "call for action" guidance and was validated by experienced experts in heritage building projects in Australia. The proposed guidance is designed to ensure that realistic cost targets and delivery timeframes are set in future heritage projects, and necessary interventions made at appropriate project stages to ensure decisions are made that will help to prevent overtime and cost overuns.


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The goal of the single building information model has existed for at least thirty years and various standards have been published leading up to the ten-year development of the Industry Foundation Classes. These have been initiatives from researchers, software developers and standards committees. Now large property owners are becoming aware of the benefits of moving IT tools from specific applications towards more comprehensive solutions. This study addresses the state of Building Information Models and the conditions necessary for them to become more widely used. It is a qualitative study based on information from a number of international experts and has asked a series of questions about the feasibility of BIMs, the conditions necessary for their success, and the role of standards with particular reference to the IFCs. Some key statements were distilled from the diverse answers received and indicate that BIM solutions appear too complex for many and may need to be applied in limited areas initially. Standards are generally supported but not applied rigorously and a range of these are relevant to BIM. Benefits will depend upon the building procurement methods used and there should be special roles within the project team to manage information. Case studies are starting to appear and these could be used for publicity. The IFCs are rather oversold and their complexities should be hidden within simple-to-use software. Inevitably major questions remain and property owners may be the key to answering some of these. A framework for presenting standards, backed up by case studies of successful projects, is the solution proposed to provide better information on where particular BIM standards and solutions should be applied in building projects.


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Current approaches for the reduction of carbon emissions in buildings are often predicated on the integration of renewable technologies into building projects. Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is one of these technologies and brings its own set of challenges and problems with a resulting mutual articulation of this technology and the building. A Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) approach explores how negotiations between informal groups of project actors with shared interests shape the ongoing specification of both BIPV and the building. Six main groups with different interests were found to be involved in the introduction of BIPV (Cost Watchers, Design Aesthetes, Green Guardians, Design Optimizers, Generation Maximizers and Users). Their involvement around three sets of issues (design changes from lack of familiarity with the technology, misunderstandings from unfamiliar interdependencies of trades and the effects of standard firm procedure) is followed. Findings underline how BIPV requires a level of integration that typically spans different work packages and how standard contractual structures inhibit the smooth incorporation of BIPV. Successful implementation is marked by ongoing (re-)design of both the building and the technology as informal fluid groups of project actors with shared interests address the succession of problems which arise in the process of implementation.


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Building environmental services can often be categorised as ‘one of the least desirable courses’ in the curriculum of architecture and building. Nevertheless, it is also one of the most important and confronting subjects in the procurement of real building projects. The principal message to designers is that of spatial requirements while to the builders it may become one of capital cost, installation specifications and maintenance of equipment. Getting these concepts across in a creative, yet project oriented, manner can be challenging to the students and to the lecturer. This paper presents the developments of ten years of teaching the subject, as well as the methods of delivery which have proven to be successful.


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La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del concepto de la sistematización del conocimiento en arquitectura, más concretamente en el campo de las construcciones arquitectónicas y la toma de decisiones en la fase de proyecto de envolventes arquitectónicas multicapa. Por tanto, el objetivo principal es el establecimiento de las bases para una toma de decisiones informadas durante el proyecto de una envolvente multicapa con el fin de colaborar en su optimización. Del mismo modo que la historia de la arquitectura está relacionada con la historia de la innovación en construcción, la construcción está sujeta a cambios como respuesta a los fracasos anteriores. En base a esto, se identifica la toma de decisiones en la fase de proyecto como el estadio inicial para establecer un punto estratégico de reflexión y de control sobre los procesos constructivos. La presente investigación, conceptualmente, define los parámetros intervinientes en el proyecto de envolventes arquitectónicas multicapa a partir de una clasificación y sistematización de todos los componentes (elementos, unidades y sistemas constructivos) utilizados en las fachadas multicapa. Dicha sistematización se materializa en una hoja matriz de datos en la que, dentro de una organización a modo de árbol, se puede acceder a la consulta de cada componente y de su caracterización. Dicha matriz permite la incorporación futura de cualquier componente o sistema nuevo que aparezca en el mercado, relacionándolo con aquellos con los que comparta ubicación, tipo de material, etc. Con base en esa matriz de datos, se diseña la sistematización de la toma de decisiones en la fase de proyecto de una envolvente arquitectónica, en concreto, en el caso de una fachada. Operativamente, el resultado se presenta como una herramienta que permite al arquitecto o proyectista reflexionar y seleccionar el sistema constructivo más adecuado, al enfrentarse con las distintas decisiones o elecciones posibles. La herramienta se basa en las elecciones iniciales tomadas por el proyectista y se estructura, a continuación y sucesivamente, en distintas aproximaciones, criterios, subcriterios y posibilidades que responden a los distintos avances en la definición del sistema constructivo. Se proponen una serie de fichas operativas de comprobación que informan sobre el estadio de decisión y de definición de proyecto alcanzados en cada caso. Asimismo, el sistema permite la conexión con otros sistemas de revisión de proyectos para fomentar la reflexión sobre la normalización de los riesgos asociados tanto al proprio sistema como a su proceso constructivo y comportamiento futuros. La herramienta proporciona un sistema de ayuda para ser utilizado en el proceso de toma de decisiones en la fase de diseño de una fachada multicapa, minimizando la arbitrariedad y ofreciendo una cualificación previa a la cuantificación que supondrá la elaboración del detalle constructivo y de su medición en las sucesivas fases del proyecto. Al mismo tiempo, la sistematización de dicha toma de decisiones en la fase del proyecto puede constituirse como un sistema de comprobación en las diferentes fases del proceso de decisión proyectual y de definición de la envolvente de un edificio. ABSTRACT The central issue of this doctoral Thesis is founded on the framework of the concept of the systematization of knowledge in architecture, in particular, in respect of the field of building construction and the decision making in the design stage of multilayer building envelope projects. Therefore, the main objective is to establish the bases for knowledgeable decision making during a multilayer building envelope design process, in order to collaborate with its optimization. Just as the history of architecture is connected to the history of innovation in construction, construction itself is subject to changes as a response to previous failures. On this basis, the decisions made during the project design phase are identified as the initial state to establish an strategic point for reflection and control, referred to the constructive processes. Conceptually, this research defines the parameters involving the multilayer building envelope projects, on the basis of a classification and systematization for all the components (elements, constructive units and constructive systems) used in multilayer façades. The mentioned systematization is materialized into a data matrix sheet in which, following a tree‐like organization, the access to every single component and its characterization is possible. The above data matrix allows the future inclusion of any new component or system that may appear in the construction market. That new component or system can be put into a relationship with another, which it shares location, type of material,… with. Based on the data matrix, the systematization of the decision making process for a building envelope design stage is designed, more particularly in the case of a façade. Putting this into practice, it is represented as a tool which allows the architect or the designer, to reflect and to select the appropriate building system when facing the different elections or the different options. The tool is based on the initial elections taken by the designer. Then and successively, it is shaped on the form of different operative steps, criteria, sub‐criteria and possibilities which respond to a different progress in the definition of the building construction system. In order to inform about the stage of the decision and the definition reached by the project in every particular case, a range of operative sheets are proposed. Additionally, the system allows the connection with other reviewing methods for building projects. The aim of this last possibility is to encourage the reflection on standardization of the associated risks to the building system itself and its future performance. The tool provides a helping system to be used during the decision making process for a multilayer façade design. It minimizes the arbitrariness and offers a qualification previous to the quantification that will be done with the development of the construction details and their bill of quantities, that in subsequent project stages will be executed. At the same time, the systematization of the mentioned decision making during the design phase, can be found as a checking system in the different stages of the decision making design process and in the different stages of the building envelope definition.


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A plethora of methods for procuring building projects are available to meet the needs of clients. Deciding what method to use for a given project is a difficult and challenging task as a client’s objectives and priorities need to marry with the selected method so as to improve the likelihood of the project being procured successfully. The decision as to what procurement system to use should be made as early as possible and underpinned by the client’s business case for the project. The risks and how they can potentially affect the client’s business should also be considered. In this report, the need for client’s to develop a procurement strategy, which outlines the key means by which the objectives of the project are to be achieved is emphasised. Once a client has established a business case for a project, appointed a principal advisor, determined their requirements and brief, then consideration as to which procurement method to be adopted should be made. An understanding of the characteristics of various procurement options is required before a recommendation can be made to a client. Procurement systems can be categorised as traditional, design and construct, management and collaborative. The characteristics of these systems along with the procurement methods commonly used are described. The main advantages and disadvantages, and circumstances under which a system could be considered applicable for a given project are also identified.