32 resultados para subsoiling


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Both the inadequate use and the ignorance of the different soil tillage implements available in the home market has become one of the leading motives of failures, related to soil and water conservation. The periodical tillage is traditionally utilized after subsoiling for soil clod breaking, leveling and residue incorporation. This work aimed to evaluate the energy requirement for different periodical soil tillage systems performed before and after subsoiling in a soil classified as Distroferric Red Nitosol. The periodic tillage systems were: disk plowing; disk plowing plus one leveling harrowing; disk harrow; disk harrow plus leveling harrowing stirring. The experimental design was a 5x2 factorial scheme with 5 completely randomized blocks. The results show that the periodic soil preparation systems based on disks have better energy efficiency when performed before the operation of subsoiling. The system of soil preparation with harrowing obtained the lower energy demand, in relation to other periodic soil preparation systems, when done after subsoiling.


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Foi estudado o consumo de combustível de diferentes sistemas de preparo periódico, realizados antes e depois da operação de subsolagem num solo classificado como Nitossolo Vermelho Distroférrico. As operações de preparo foram: a) 1 aração com arado de discos; b) 1 aração com arado de discos e 1 gradagem com grade destorroadora-niveladora; c) 1 gradagem com grade aradora; d) 1 gradagem com grade aradora e 1 gradagem com grade destorroadora-niveladora e; e) 1 escarificação com escarificador. O consumo específico (g kWh-1) de combustível para os diferentes sistemas de preparo periódico do solo variou estatisticamente com a condição de subsolagem realizada antes e depois. A escarificação proporcionou menor volume de combustível requerido por hectare (L ha-1) que os demais sistemas de preparo. O preparo do solo depois da subsolagem obteve um maior volume de combustível consumido por área (L ha-1).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The knowledge of operating performance of agricultural machinery has become a crescent concern and of utmost importance since mechanized production costs are directly affected by the efficiency of the machine in the field. This study determined the operational performance and economy of a tractor in the subsoiling operation in function of slope classes. The analysis technique included a time and movement study and the economic analysis of the parameters operational cost, production cost and energy consumption. on the classes of slope evaluated, increasing the percentage of inclination of relief, lowered the operational performance and increased the production costs. The cost of fuel represented the greatest percentage among those that make up the operational cost.


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The purpose of this work was to assess the effects of soil preparation methods (with or without subsoiling) on physical properties of a cerrado soil cropped to corn during the, 1986/87 season, in the Selviria county (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil). Also, the objective of this was to check the changes in the soil (dark red latosol-Acrustox) caused by the preparation after nine years of cultivation in comparison with natural state. The experiment consisted of six soil preparation systems: conventional, superpreparation, reversed, revolving hoe, reduced and no-tillage. Along with these systems subsoiling was also tested. The reversed system showed the best com grain yield. Subsoiling only presented positive results in productivity with the no-tillage system. All the preparation system tested degraded the physical properties in comparison with the natural soil.


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The mining process promotes land modification and complete landscape alteration. Those alterations in the surface are shown more obviously in the aesthetical aspect as the visual elements of form, texture, climbs, complexity and color which composes the landscape. As a consequence, mining has impacts on the topography, in the soil, in the vegetation and in the area's drainage, with a direct influence on the enterprise. A quite common problem in the recovery of degraded areas in mineral exploration is the compaction of the soil due to the intense traffic of machines and earth movement. The most common problem of the compaction of a degraded surface is an increase of the mechanical resistance to the penetration of plant roots, a reduction of the aeration, an alteration of the flow of water and heat, also in the availability of water and nutrients. Thus, the present work had the basic objective of diagnosing the compaction of an area degraded by mining in a spacial way, through the mechanical resistance and the penetration, to guide the future subsoiling in the area requiring recovery. Through the studies, it was concluded that the krigagem method in agreement with the space variation allows the division of the area under study into sub areas facilitating a future work to reduce costs and unnecessary interference to the atmosphere. The method was shown to be quite appropriate and it can be used in the diagnosis of compaction in a degraded area by mining, foreseeing the subsoiling requirement.


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A quite common problem in the recovery of degraded areas in the mineral exploration understands the compaction of the soil due to the intense traffic of machines and earth movement. The most common problem of the compaction of a degraded surface is: increase of the mechanical resistance to the penetration of the rooats, reduction of the aeration, alteration of the water flow and heat. Thus the present work had the basic objective of diagnosing the compaction of a degraded area by mining in a space way, through the mechanical resistance the way penetration to guide a future subsoiling in the place seeking recovery. Through the studies it was concluded that the kriging method in agreement with the space variation allows the division of the area studies in sub areas facilitating a future work to reduce cost and unnecessary interference to the atmosphere. The method was shown quite appropriate and it can be used in diagnosis of the compaction in a degraded area by mining, foreseeing subsoiling need.


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In Brazil the intensive agriculture use, mainly pasture, is the main cause of the presence of extensive areas of degraded lands. This study aimed to assess the impact of different soil management practices in a pasture degraded area used as garbage disposal. The experiment was performed at the Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP, in Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1990 to 1996. This area has undergone a process of recovery through removal of trash deposited on the surface, in 1985, levelling of soil, followed by application of limestone, subsoiling, planting of legumes (Crotalaria juncea) and crop rotation (soybean and maize). Since 1990 only popcorn maize was grown and established plots managed with different soil tillage systems, including harrow, chisel plow, moldboard plow, no tillage, disk plow and revolving hoe. One plot was planted exclusively with guinea grass (Panicum maximum) to serve as a reference for minimum loss of soil and another grown on a downhill direction to correspond to the expected maximum erosion. There were differences in sediment loss, nutrient loss and productivity of the popcorn maize in the period analyzed. The chisel plow and no tillage treatments caused the slightest loss of soil and nutrients, compared to other tillage systems. The results show that the soil management systems influenced the physical and chemical characteristics of soil, allowing an economical and environmental recovery of the area, providing the conditions for grain agricultural production.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Soil tillage is one of the agricultural practices that may contribute to increase the loss of carbon through emission of CO2 (FCO2). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of three soil tillage systems on FCO2, soil temperature and soil moisture in a sugarcane area under reform. The experimental area consisted of three tillage plots: conventional tillage (CT), conventional subsoiling (CS), and localized subsoiling (LS). FCO2, soil temperature and soil moisture were measured over a period of 17 days. FCO2 showed the highest value in CT (0.75 g CO2 m(-2) h(-1)). Soil temperature presented no significant difference (p > 0.05) between LS (26.2 degrees C) and CS (25.9 degrees C). Soil moisture was higher in LS (24%), followed by CS (21.8%) and CT (18.3%). A significant correlation (r = -0.71; p < 0.05) between FCO2 and soil temperature was observed only in CT. The conventional tillage presented a total emission (2,864.3 kg CO2 ha(-1)) higher than the emissions observed in CS (1,970.9 kg CO2 ha(-1)) and LS (1,707.7 kg CO2 ha(-1)). The conversion from CT to LS decreased soil CO2 emissions, reducing the contribution of agriculture in increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


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Soil compaction is one of the limiting factors in areas subjected to direct seeding. The method used to break up the compacted layer should disturb the soil as little as possible, as well as maintain the ground cover. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of subsoiling, scarification and use of shaft-type furrowing mechanisms when sowing, on preserving the ground cover, water content and soil density, as well as the effects on maize yield in a dystroferic Red Nitosol, cultivated under a system of direct seeding for ten years. The experimental design was of randomised blocks, with eight soil management treatments: subsoiling to a depth of 0.40 m before sowing the winter crop, subsoiling to 0.40 m before sowing the maize, scarification to 0.30 m before the winter crop, scarification to 0.30 m before the maize, scarification to 0.20 m before the winter crop, scarification to 0.20 m before the maize, direct seeding of the maize with a shaft-type furrowing mechanism and direct seeding of the maize using a double disc furrower. There were four replications. Subsoiling and scarification influenced the preservation of the ground cover, soil density and water content immediately after sowing, but did not interfere in plant development or grain yield in the maize crop. The use of shaft-type furrowing mechanisms in the sowing operation had no effect on any of the parameters under study.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)