998 resultados para student union
Renovating the old Student Union patio, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. The Australian tea trees were moved from the music building site. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Painting signage on old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California, as part of a campus renewal project in 1973. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Prepared by Agnes Reynolds.
In eleven short chapters faculty, academic advising staff and student union representatives discuss aspects of Memorial’s First Year Success Program (piloted as a Teaching Learning Framework initiative 2012-2017). Teaching approaches, curriculum content and policy rationales are covered in a broad view of how and why students identified as least likely to succeed at university can be academically supported. Contributors identify the singular importance of the community that First Year Success provided them and its student participants.
Opinnäytetyössäni kartoitan vieraskielisten opiskelijoiden tarpeita opiskelijakunnan viestinnälle sekä sitä, muuttuvatko tarpeet opintojen edetessä. Lisäksi pyrin työssäni selvittämään, miten opiskelijakunnan tulisi järjestää viestintänsä (viestintäkanavat ja -tavat) vieraskielisten opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta, ovatko opiskelijat valmiita osallistumaan viestintään itse ja minkälainen opiskelijoiden roolin pitäisi heidän mielestään olla ammattikorkeakoulussa tapahtuvassa viestinnässä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytän laadullista teemahaastattelua. Tarkastelen työssäni myös, mitä edellytyksiä viestinnän vuorovaikutteisuus vaatisi sekä opiskelijakunnan viestinnän mahdollisuuksia edistää yhteisöllisyyttä ammattikorkeakoulussa. Lisäksi peilaan eri kulttuurien vaikutusta opiskelijakunnan viestintään. Opiskelijakunta on lakisääteisesti ammattikorkeakoulussa opiskelijoiden edustajana toimiva julkisoikeudellinen yhteisö. Opiskelijakuntatoiminta on kansalaistoimintaa ammattikorkeakoulussa ja vaatii onnistuakseen organisointia, keskusteluja, tavoitteita ja toimintaa. Toteuttaakseen tehtäviään parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla opiskelijakunnan viestinnän on huomioitava yhdenvertaisesti kaikki opiskelijat. Vieraskieliset tutkinto-opiskelijat ovat osin englanninkielisen viestinnän puutteellisuuden takia kokeneet jääneensä ulkopuolelle sekä ammattikorkeakoulu- että opiskelijakuntayhteisöstä. Tämä myös hankaloittaa opintoja sekä niissä jaksamista. Selvityksen pohjalta opiskelijakunnan viestintätoiminnan tavoitteina tulisi olla toimiva perustiedotus, viestinnän suunnitelmallisuus ja yhteisökuvan selkeyttäminen, päätöksenteon ja osallistumiskeinojen näkyviksi saattaminen, viestinnän vuorovaikutteisuus sekä yhteisöllisyyden muodostaminen viestinnän keinoin. Tavoitteiden määrittelyn lisäksi opinnäytetyöni sisältää käytännön toimenpidesuosituksia englanninkielisen viestinnän kehittämiseksi.
The study focus on the formation of the work identity among members of Lappeenranta University of Technology's Student Union.
Frank Reynolds was in charge of the Rock at Brock featuring the Guess Who and 7 other Canadian Bands, held on the back field at Brock. It was a geat affair, with 40,000 in attendance and few incidents. The student union rented every bus the City of St Catharines owned and took everyone home at 1 AM when the event ended.
Frank Reynolds graduated from Brock University in 1970. While a student at Brock Mr. Reynolds was active in student life, as editor of the student newspaper and as president of the student union. He also produced other student publications, including yearbooks. In 1970 he organized the Rock at Brock, which brought various rock groups to the university campus.
This dissertation aims to analyze the social direction in which the Student Movement in Social Work in Brazil (ENESSO) has gone through. This is done considering how the functioning of the National Executive, the Brazilian Social Work Student union has operated. The research analyzed their political position regarding the university as well as professional education in the period of 2003 to 2008. The study s theoretical and methodological object was obtained according to its structural, juncture, and time determinants. All of the mentioned elements considered the contemporary capital crisis and its implications towards the State and Society emphasizing specifically the changes that occurred in the University regarding professional education. For the purpose of data collection and production, a documental and field research was realized. Thus, interviews were done considering one manager of each management period of the ENESSO group in the time span of 2003 to 2008. Some subjects that represented the Brazilian Social Work Teaching and Research Association (ABEPSS) as well as were also interviewed. These subjects have had a relevant role in partnership with these entities and represented students in the contemporary scene. Results suggest that ENESSO has developed work that defends a project of a public, free and laic quality university. This entity also defends a project that considers the 1996 Curricular Guidelines. Currently, there is internal dispute in the social direction of the MESS, this is seen amongst political groups that diverge in opinions related to the analysis done by the Lula government regarding the political role that the National Student Union-UNE has taken in the counter-reform of higher education. This current juncture is seen as extremely individualist and it results as in unfavorable for the collective organization of the working class, especially regarding student movement. MESS has been going through a moment of profound instability and this dimension is being expressed by the absence of national coordinator for the 2008/2009 management period at ENESSO. Even though there are difficulties, it is possible to point out partnership of the entities that represent the national Social Work in Brazil. These partnerships are all related to a struggle and search for the development of a professional project that leads towards the sociability awareness that goes beyond capital.