690 resultados para student movements


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In the 20th century, youth has become a western myth rather than an important social category in the projection of future societies. The Right-wing was ahead of left-wing movements supporting national political projects. The crisis in the Welfare state and socialism system disoriented the right and left-wing movements. The myth of youth as reference for the progressive development of history was destroyed. Youth movements, consolidated in some student movements and supported by some religious organizations took over this reference position. However, these new youth movements are rarely engaged in political or environmentalist projects. The violence that originates from disturbing practices of social reproduction puts youth under pressure.


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The Nathaniel Gist Gee Papers consist of various papers concerning Gee’s years in China including correspondence, reports, newspaper and magazine clippings, Chinese poetry, statistics, manifestos, statements, his professional papers concerned primarily with freshwater sponges, and professional papers and publications he collected that chronicle China’s growth. Many of the records are concerned with China’s political and social changes including China’s Nationalist and Student Movements during Gee’s stay in China. Nathaniel Gist Gee (1876-1937), born in Union, SC, was a professor of Natural Science at Soochow University and Yenching University in China from 1901-1932.


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"Written under the direction of Sub-committee on college courses, Sunday school council of evangelical denominations and Committee on voluntary study, Council of North American student movements."--t.p.


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It stands to reason that critical theorists should be interested in the newest student movements working to challenge the neoliberalisation of higher education. Yet, while these politics are pushing the limits of critical knowledge about the cultivation of new modalities of radical political resistance, their theoretical significance remains marginalised within the academy. While the academic literature is replete with analysis of the long-anticipated ‘crisis of the university’, many professional responses to the most recent privatisation policies have been muted and ambivalent; or, at the very least, hopeful that the trends can be arrested or mitigated by sanctioned operations of professional critique and opposition. In this essay, I suggest that some of the recent work of student activists demonstrates both the contingency of this position and the possibility of cultivating new political subjectivities and critical-experimental modalities of resistance, within and beyond the university.


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Honors thesis


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El presente texto analiza la función del Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográficas (IIEC) como punto de encuentro de la cultura cinematográfica nacional entre 1947 y 1955 —los años de Victoriano López— y dirige el foco analítico a los discursos, debates e intereses que marcaron la labor del instituto en estos primeros años. Para ello, este artículo fija su atención en uno de los pocos docu­mentos originales conservados de esa época, un boletín publicado por los alumnos en 1951, material que será aquí completado con entrevistas y los escasos documentos referentes al instituto conservados en el Archivo General de la Administración. La piedra de toque del análisis la constituyen por un lado las ac­tividades del cineclub, organizado por los alumnos de la clase de Historia del Cine en 1951, y, en el plano discursivo, los debates en torno a la Filmología, doctrina con la que desde 1947 se intenta dotar a las acti­vidades del Instituto de una base teórica con desiguales resultados. Se consigue así un acercamiento a las prácticas y discursos esenciales para comprender la importancia del instituto como punto central dentro de una naciente cultura cinematográfica nacional.


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Bajo el paradigma de modernización y desarrollo norteamericano -y en un contexto de Guerra Fría-, durante la década de 1960 se adecuaron a la realidad chilena programas de control de natalidad que no sólo buscaron disminuir las altas tasas de mortalidad materno infantil, sino que además respondieron al proyecto de seguridad hemisférica norteamericana de contención a posibles revoluciones populares en países del Tercer Mundo.


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Slides on presentations on the following topics: 2.1 Privacy and Security Legal overview, 2.2 Creative Commons open source, open movements 2.3 Crime online, Cyber security 2.4 Freedom of Speech and Defamation


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Monday 12th May Building 34 Room 3001, 12.00-13.45 Su & Rikki Presenting: Groups: E, F, G, H Marking Groups: I, J, K, L Schedule and Topics 12.00-12.05: Introduction and protocol for the session 12.05-12.25 Group E: Creative commons, open source, open movements 12.25-12.45 Group F: Trolling, Banter, Cyber Hate, Online Bullying 12.45-13.05 Group G: Personal Privacy and Security 13.05-13.25 Group H: Crime online; cyber security 13.25-13.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups


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Historical accounts of revolutionary movements oftentimes occlude the pleasures of countering hegemony or criticize the “frivolity” of what is perceived to be non-political activities. However, turn of the century Finnish-American socialist theater clubs and early twentieth century Finnish-American communist halls and their uncounted social groups and activities prove to be a rich resource in reconsidering the importance of acknowledging and understanding the role that pleasure has played and should play in political protest. Finnish-American radical activities, especially those condemned already at the time as hall socialism, are important historical precedents to today’s alter-globalization student festivals and protest concerts, midnight raves


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This paper explores the relationship between the rise of “new” social movements (15-M and Occupy) and the Internet. The new social media gives rise to new kinds of social movements  which embed this technology from the moment of conception. The future of social movements will be characterised by movinets, which will have the effect of developing new efficient ways of activism. The movinets, with their embedded technology and capacity to circulate ideas among different spheres of reality, have a potential to alter the dynamics of social mobilisation.


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An unfavorable denture-bearing area could compromise denture retention and stability, limit mastication, and possibly alter masticatory motion. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the masticatory movements of denture wearers with normal and resorbed denture-bearing areas. Completely edentulous participants who received new complete dentures were selected and divided into 2 groups (n=15) according to the condition of their denture-bearing areas as classified by the Kapur method: a normal group (control) (mean age, 65.9 ± 7.8 years) and a resorbed group (mean age, 70.2 ± 7.6 years). Masticatory motion was recorded and analyzed with a kinesiographic device. The patients masticated peanuts and Optocal. The masticatory movements evaluated were the durations of opening, closing, and occlusion; duration of the masticatory cycle; maximum velocities and angles of opening and closing; total masticatory area; and amplitudes of the masticatory cycle. The data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and the Tukey honestly significant difference post hoc test (α=.05). The group with a resorbed denture-bearing area had a smaller total masticatory area in the frontal plane and shorter horizontal masticatory amplitude than the group with normal denture-bearing area (P<.05). Denture wearers with resorbed denture-bearing areas showed reduced jaw motion during mastication.


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Patients with myofascial pain experience impaired mastication, which might also interfere with their sleep quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the jaw motion and sleep quality of patients with myofascial pain and the impact of a stabilization device therapy on both parameters. Fifty women diagnosed with myofascial pain by the Research Diagnostic Criteria were enrolled. Pain levels (visual analog scale), jaw movements (kinesiography), and sleep quality (Epworth Sleepiness Scale; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) were evaluated before (control) and after stabilization device use. Range of motion (maximum opening, right and left excursions, and protrusion) and masticatory movements during Optosil mastication (opening, closing, and total cycle time; opening and closing angles; and maximum velocity) also were evaluated. Repeated-measures analysis of variance in a generalized linear mixed models procedure was used for statistical analysis (α=.05). At baseline, participants with myofascial pain showed a reduced range of jaw motion and poorer sleep quality. Treatment with a stabilization device reduced pain (P<.001) and increased both mouth opening (P<.001) and anteroposterior movement (P=.01). Also, after treatment, the maximum opening (P<.001) and closing (P=.04) velocities during mastication increased, and improvements in sleep scores for the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (P<.001) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (P=.04) were found. Myofascial pain impairs jaw motion and quality of sleep; the reduction of pain after the use of a stabilization device improves the range of motion and sleep parameters.