986 resultados para structural modification


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We report selective optical reflectance in an aluminium (Al) coated flexible carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film over a wide range of wavelengths (500-2500 nm). Selective-wavelength surface is achieved by coating CNT surfaces with Al thin film that presented a maximum optical reflectivity of similar to 65% in the infrared region. However, CNT film alone showed a reflectance of 15-20% over a larger range of wavelengths without any structural modification, which has not been realized so far. Moreover, a tailorable reflectance in CNT is shown to be achieved by tuning various parameters, namely, the porosity of the material, angle of an incident light, and refractive index of the materials. Owing to higher infrared reflectivity and thermal diffusivity, Al coated CNT presents a potential for a high efficiency solar collector. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The authors prepared (1 - x) BiFeO3 - (x)Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 for x <= 0.30 by sol-gel method and investigated the material's structures, magnetic and electrical properties. Detailed Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction data revealed that the system retains distorted rhombohedral R3c structure for x <= 0.10 but transforms to monoclinic (Cc) structure for x > 0.10. Disappearance of some Raman modes corresponding to A1 modes and the decrease in the intensities of the remaining A1 modes with increasing x in the Raman spectra, which is a clear indication of structural modification and symmetry changes brought about by PZT doping. Enhanced magnetization with PZT doping content may be attributed to the gradual change and destruction in the spin cycloid structure of BiFeO3. The leakage current density at 3.5 kV/cm was reduced by approximately three orders of magnitude by doping PZT (x = 0.30), compared with BFO ceramics. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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DNA is nature’s blueprint, holding within it the genetic code that defines the structure and function of an organism. A complex network of DNA-binding proteins called transcription factors can largely control the flow of information from DNA, so modulating the function of transcription factors is a promising approach for treating many diseases. Pyrrole-imidazole (Py-Im) polyamides are a class of DNA-binding oligomers, which can be synthetically programmed to bind a target sequence of DNA. Due to their unique shape complementarity and a series of favorable hydrogen bonding interactions that occur upon DNA-binding, Py-Im polyamides can bind to the minor groove of DNA with affinities comparable to transcription factors. Previous studies have demonstrated that these cell-permeable small molecules can enter cell nuclei and disrupt the transcription factor-DNA interface, thereby repressing transcription. As the use of Py-Im polyamides has significant potential as a type of modular therapeutic platform, the need for polyamides with extremely favorable biological properties and high potency will be essential. Described herein, a variety of studies have been performed aimed at improving the biological activity of Py-Im polyamides. To improve the biological potency and cellular uptake of these compounds, we have developed a next-generation class of polyamides bearing aryl-turn moieties, a simple structural modification that allows significant improvements in cellular uptake. This strategy was also applied to a panel of high-affinity cyclic Py-Im polyamides, again demonstrating the remarkable effect minor structural changes can have on biological activity. The solubility properties of Py-Im polyamides and use of formulating reagents with their treatment have also been examined. Finally, we describe the study of Py-Im polyamides as a potential artificial transcription factor.


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A series of organic D-pi-A sensitizers composed of different triarylamine donors in conjugation with the thienothiophene unit and cyanoacrylic acid as an acceptor has been synthesized at a moderate yield. Through tuning the number of methoxy substituents on the triphenylamine donor, we have gradually red-shifted the absorption of sensitizers to enhance device efficiencies.


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By depositing ceria over supported precious metal (PM) catalysts and characterizing them with in situ diffuse reflectance UV (DR UV) and in situ Raman spectroscopy, we have been able to prove a direct correlation between a decrease in ceria band gap and the work function of the metal under reducing conditions. The PM ceria interaction results in changes on the ceria side of the metal ceria interface, such that the degree of oxygen vacancy formation on the ceria surface also correlates with the precious metal work function. Nevertheless, conclusive evidence for a purely electronic interaction could not be provided by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. On the contrary, the results highlight the complexity of the PM ceria interaction by supporting a spillover mechanism resulting from the electronic interaction under reducing conditions. Under oxidizing conditions, another effect has been observed; namely, a structural modification of ceria induced by the presence of PM cations. In particular, we have been able to demonstrate by in situ Raman spectroscopy that, depending on the PM ionic radius, it is possible to create PM ceria solid solutions. We observed that this structural modification prevails under an oxidizing atmosphere, whereas electronic and chemical interactions take place under reducing conditions.


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Carbon composite monoliths were prepared from a commercial phenolic resin mixed with just 1 wt% of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) followed by carbonization and physical activation with CO. The products possess a hierarchical macroporous-microporous structure and superior CO adsorption properties. In particular, they show the top-ranked CO capacity (52 mg CO per g adsorbent at 25 °C and 114 mmHg) under low CO partial pressures, which is of more relevance for flue gas applications. This matches or exceeds those of carbons produced by complex chemical activation and functionalization. Our study demonstrates an effective way to create narrow micropores through structural modification of carbon composites by CNTs. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Monoglycated cholecystokinin octapeptide (Asp(1)-glucitol CCK-X) was prepared under hyperglycaemic reducing conditions and purified by reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography. Electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry and automated Edman degradation demonstrated that CCK-8 was glycated specifically at the amino-terminal Asp(1) residue. Effects of Asp(1)-glucitol CCK-8 and CCK-8 on insulin secretion were examined using glucose-responsive clonal BRIN-BD11 cells. In acute (20 min) incubations, 10(-10) mol/l CCK-8 enhanced insulin release by 1.2-1.5-fold at 5.6-11.1 mmol/l glucose. The stimulatory effect induced by 10(-10) mom CCK-8 was abolished following glycation. At 5.6 mmol/l glucose, CCK-8 at concentrations ranging from 10(-11) to 10(-7) mol/l induced a significant 1.6-1.9-fold increase in insulin secretion. Insulin output in the presence of Asp(1)-glucitol CCK-8 over the concentration range 10(-11)-10(-7) mol/l was decreased by 21-35% compared with CCK-8, and its insulinotropic action was effectively abolished. Asp(1)-glucitol CCK-8 at 10(-8) mol/l also completely blocked the stimulatory effects of 10(-11)-10(-8) mol/l CCK-8. These data indicate that structural modification by glycation at the amino-terminal Asp(1) residue effectively abolishes and/or antagonises the insulinotropic activity of CCK-8. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Les cellules épithéliales des voies aériennes respiratoires sécrètent du Cl- via le canal CFTR. La fibrose kystique est une maladie génétique fatale causée par des mutations de ce canal. La mutation la plus fréquente en Amérique du Nord, ∆F508, met en péril la maturation de la protéine et affecte les mécanismes d’activation du canal. Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs molécules ont été identifiées par criblage à haut débit qui peuvent rétablir l’activation de protéines CFTR mutées. Ces molécules sont nommées potentiateurs. Les canaux K+ basolatéraux, dont KCa3.1, jouent un rôle bien documenté dans l’établissement d’une force électromotrice favorable à la sécrétion de Cl- par CFTR dans les cellules épithéliales des voies aériennes respiratoires. Il a par exemple été démontré que l’application de 1-EBIO, un activateur de KCa3.1, sur des monocouches T84 résulte en une augmentation soutenue de la sécrétion de Cl- et que cette augmentation était réversible suite à l’application de CTX, un inhibiteur de KCa3.1(Devor et al., 1996). Dans le cadre d’une recherche de potentiateurs efficaces en conditions physiologiques et dans un contexte global de transport trans-cellulaire, il devient essentiel de considérer les effets des potentiateurs de CFTR sur KCa3.1. Une caractérisation électrophysiologique par la méthode du patch clamp et structurelle via l’utilisation de canaux modifiés par mutagenèse dirigée de différents potentiateurs de CFTR sur KCa3.1 fut donc entreprise afin de déterminer l’action de ces molécules sur l’activité de KCa3.1 et d’en établir les mécanismes. Nous présentons ici des résultats portant sur les effets sur KCa3.1 de quelques potentiateurs de CFTR possédant différentes structures. Un criblage des effets de ces molécules sur KCa3.1 a révélé que la genisteine, le SF-03, la curcumine et le VRT-532 ont des effets inhibiteurs sur KCa3.1. Nos résultats suggèrent que le SF-03 pourrait agir sur une protéine accessoire et avoir un effet indirect sur KCa3.1. La curcumine aurait aussi une action inhibitrice indirecte, probablement via la membrane cellulaire. Nos recherches sur les effets du VRT-532 ont montré que l’accessibilité au site d’action de cette v molécule est indépendante de l’état d’ouverture de KCa3.1. L’absence d’effets inhibiteurs de VRT-532 sur le mutant constitutivement actif V282G indique que cette molécule pourrait agir via l’interaction CaM-KCa3.1 et nécessiter la présence de Ca2+ pour agir. Par ailleurs, un autre potentiateur de CFTR, le CBIQ, a des effets potentiateurs sur KCa3.1. Nos résultats en canal unitaire indiquent qu’il déstabilise un état fermé du canal. Nos travaux montrent aussi que CBIQ augmente la probabilité d’ouverture de KCa3.1 en conditions sursaturantes de Ca2+, ainsi que son affinité apparente pour le Ca2+. Des expériences où CBIQ est appliqué en présence ou en absence de Ca2+ ont indiqué que l’accessibilité à son site d’action est indépendante de l’état d’ouverture de KCa3.1, mais que la présence de Ca2+ est nécessaire à son action. Ces résultats sont compatibles avec une action de CBIQ déstabilisant un état fermé du canal. Finalement, des expériences en Ba2+ nous ont permis d’investiguer la région du filtre de sélectivité de KCa3.1 lors de l’action de CBIQ et nos résultats pointent vers une action de CBIQ dans cette région. Sur la base de nos résultats nous concluons que CBIQ, un potentiateur de CFTR, aurait un effet activateur sur KCa3.1 via la déstabilisation d’un état fermé du canal à travers une action sur sa ‘gate’ au niveau du filtre de sélectivité. De plus, les potentiateurs de CFTR ayant montré des effets inhibiteurs sur KCa3.1 pourraient agir via la membrane ou via une protéine accessoire du canal ou sur l’interaction CaM-KCa3.1. Dans l’optique de traitements potentiels de la fibrose kystique, nos résultats indiquent que le CBIQ pourrait être un potentiateur efficace pusiqu’il est capable de trimuler à la fois KCa3.1 et CFTR. Par contre, dans les cas du VRT-532 et du SF-03, une inhibition de KCa3.1 pourraient en faire des potentiateurs moins efficaces.


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We have investigated the effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on thermally evaporated 44 nm thick, amorphous Co77Fe23 thin films on silicon substrates using 100 MeV Ag7+ ions fluences of 1 1011 ions/ cm2, 1 1012 ions/cm2, 1 1013 ions/cm2, and 3 1013 ions/cm2. The structural modifications upon swift heavy irradiation were investigated using glancing angle X-ray diffraction. The surface morphological evolution of thin film with irradiation was studied using Atomic Force Microscopy. Power spectral density analysis was used to correlate the roughness variation with structural modifications investigated using X-ray diffraction. Magnetic measurements were carried out using vibrating sample magnetometry and the observed variation in coercivity of the irradiated films is explained on the basis of stress relaxation. Magnetic force microscopy images are subjected to analysis using the scanning probe image processor software. These results are in agreement with the results obtained using vibrating sample magnetometry. The magnetic and structural properties are correlated


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A femtosecond-laser pulse can induce ultrafast nonthermal melting of various materials along pathways that are inaccessible under thermodynamic conditions, but it is not known whether there is any structural modification at fluences just below the melting threshold. Here, we show for silicon that in this regime the room-temperature phonons become thermally squeezed, which is a process that has not been reported before in this material. We find that the origin of this effect is the sudden femtosecond-laser-induced softening of interatomic bonds, which can also be described in terms of a modification of the potential energy surface. We further find in ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations on laser-excited potential energy surfaces that the atoms move in the same directions during the first stages of nonthermal melting and thermal phonon squeezing. Our results demonstrate how femtosecond-laser-induced coherent fluctuations precurse complete atomic disordering as a function of fluence. The common underlying bond-softening mechanism indicates that this relation between thermal squeezing and nonthermal melting is not material specific.


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Aquesta Tesi Doctoral està dividida en diferents capítols tots ells basats en aplicacions de macrocicles nitrogenats triolefínics de 15 membres i dels seus complexos amb metalls de transició. En primer lloc es descriu l'aplicació d'un complex macrocíclic ferrocenílic de Pd0 com a catalitzador en reaccions de Mizoroki-Heck i Suzuki emprant sals de diazoni com a agents arilants. Aquest catalitzador va proporcionar bons rendiments de productes i va poder ser recuperat i reutilitzat, essent el primer sistema catalític reciclable descrit en la reacció de Mizoroki-Heck amb sals de diazoni. La metodologia es va estendre de forma efectiva a alcohols al·lílics, però en no ser possible recuperar el catalitzador macrocíclic, es va emprar Pd(dba)2. Posteriorment es van preparar estructures macromoleculars mitjançant la introducció de diferents unitats macrocícliques sobre un espaiador. La complexació d'aquestes estructures va permetre preparar complexos tant homo (Pd0) com heterometàl·lics (Pd0, Pt0) amb bons rendiments. Els complexos homometàl·lics van resultar ser bons catalitzadors en reaccions de Suzuki i fàcilment recuperables per simple filtració. En una última part, es van preparar nous macrocicles triolefínics contenint d'un a tres grups amino lliures en l'estructura mitjançant la utilització del grup protector (2-trimetilsilil)etansulfonil (SES). Aquesta modificació estructural va permetre ampliar la capacitat coordinant dels macrocicles a altres metalls de transició, com el PdII, possibilitant noves aplicacions. Concretament es va aplicar el lligand contenint un sol grup amino lliure al reconeixement, transport i preconcentració de PdII i PtIV continguts en dissolucions aquoses.


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The composition of polyphenols in ileal fluid samples obtained from an ileostomy subject after lingonberry intake was compared with lingonberry extracts obtained after simulated in vitro digestion (IVDL) and subsequent faecal fermentation (IVFL). HPLC-PDA-MS/MS analysis confirmed similar patterns of lingonberry (poly)phenolic metabolism after the in vivo and in vitro digestion, with reduced recovery of anthocyanins and a similar pattern of recovery for proanthocyanidins observed for both methods of digestion. On the other hand, the IVFL sample contained none of the original (poly)phenolic components but was enriched in simple aromatic components. Digested and fermented extracts exhibited significant (P < 0.05) anti-genotoxic (Comet assay), anti-mutagenic (Mutation Frequency assay), and anti-invasive (Matrigel Invasion assay) effects in human cell culture models of colorectal cancer at physiologically-relevant doses (0-50 μg/mL gallic acid equivalents). The ileal fluid induced significant anti-genotoxic activity (P < 0.05), but at a higher concentration (200 μg/mL gallic acid equivalents) than the IVDL. Despite extensive structural modification following digestion and fermentation, lingonberry extracts retained their bioactivity in vitro. This reinforces the need for studies to consider the impact of digestion when investigating bioactivity of dietary phytochemicals.


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São apresentados os aspectos teóricos, práticos e bibliográficos envolvidos no desenvolvimento da tese de doutorado intitulada Modificação estrutural de bentonitas nacionais: caracterização e estudos de adsorção. O trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de um material adsorvente a partir de bentonitas, do tipo montmorilonitas, modificadas estruturalmente com o objetivo de aumentar sua capacidade de adsorção de poluentes, orgânicos e inorgânicos. O estudo visa incrementar o valor agregado deste recurso mineral e insere-se na área de tratamento de efluentes líquidos usando adsorventes não tradicionais, eficientes e de baixo custo em substituição ao carvão ativado ou às resinas de troca iônica. Foram estudadas as propriedades físicas e químicas; distribuição de tamanho de partículas, área superficial, potenciais eletrocinéticos, capacidade de troca catiônica, composição mineralógica, morfologia superficial e espaçamento basal, bem como as propriedades adsorptivas dos argilominerais não tratados e modificados, não modificadas e pilarizadas respectivamente. Também são discutidos os mecanismos de adsorção envolvidos e o desenvolvimento de um reator contínuo (adsorção em flocos) e de separação sólido/líquido. As modificações estruturais dos argilominerais foram realizadas via homoionização com cloreto de cálcio e posterior intercalação com compostos orgânicos com ação quelante de metais. A FENAN, bentonita obtida pela intercalação com Orto Fenantrolina (OF), foi a que apresentou melhor viabilidade técnica em termos de adsorção, adsorção/dessorção, floculação e de acumulação de poluentes na forma floculada e não floculada. Adicionalmente os estudos de reversibilidade da intercalação revelaram a alta estabilidade da OF na FENAN, em soluções fortemente ácidas, onde aproximadamente 90% da OF permanece ligada à superfície da argila. A quantidade de OF adsorvida na forma de unidades micelares foi de 112 mg por grama de bentonita a pH 8,5 ± 0,5. A caracterização das bentonitas, via difração de Raios X, análise térmica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e por microscopia de força atômica, revelou que as FENAN possuem um comportamento estrutural muito estável ao longo da seqüência de adsorção/dessorção e que após a adsorção de poluentes inorgânicos, o quelato metálico formado apresenta alta estabilidade dentro da estrutura da organobentonita. A capacidade de acumulação alcançada nas FENAN foi de 110 mg de Cu/g de bentonita, valor superior à de diversos materiais adsorventes alternativos propostos em outros trabalhos similares. Os estudos de acumulação das FENAN floculadas – FENANFLOC, indicaram que a presença de floculante, na quantidade utilizada, não afeta significativamente a capacidade de remoção das bentonitas modificadas. Este comportamento apresentado, permitiu o desenvolvimento do Reator Expandido de Flocos Adsorventes (REFA), cujas características e parâmetros operacionais são discutidos em detalhe. Finalmente, os resultados são discutidos em termos dos fenômenos interfaciais envolvidos e dos potenciais práticos deste novo adsorvente e da nova técnica de adsorção em flocos no REFA.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)