937 resultados para splice variants


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Tenascin-C is an adhesion-modulating matrix glycoprotein that has multiple effects on cell behavior. Tenascin-C transcripts are expressed in motile cells and at sites of tissue modeling during development, and alternative splicing generates variants that encode different numbers of fibronectin type III repeats. We have examined the in vivo expression and cell adhesive properties of two full-length recombinant tenascin-C proteins: TN-190, which contains the eight constant fibronectin type III repeats, and TN-ADC, which contains the additional AD2, AD1, and C repeats. In situ hybridization with probes specific for the AD2, AD1, and C repeats shows that these splice variants are expressed at sites of active tissue modeling and fibronectin expression in the developing avian feather bud and sternum. Transcripts incorporating the AD2, AD1, and C repeats are present in embryonic day 10 wing bud but not in embryonic day 10 lung. By using a panel of nine cell lines in attachment assays, we have found that C2C12, G8, and S27 myoblastic cells undergo concentration-dependent adhesion to both variants, organize actin microspikes that contain the actin-bundling protein fascin, and do not assemble focal contacts. On a molar basis, TN-ADC is more active than TN-190 in promoting cell attachment and irregular cell spreading. The addition of either TN-190 or TN-ADC in solution to C2C12, COS-7, or MG-63 cells adherent on fibronectin decreases cell attachment and results in decreased organization of actin microfilament bundles, with formation of cortical membrane ruffles and retention of residual points of substratum contact that contain filamentous actin and fascin. These data establish a biochemical similarity in the processes of cell adhesion to tenascin-C and thrombospondin-1, also an “antiadhesive” matrix component, and also demonstrate that both the adhesive and adhesion-modulating properties of tenascin-C involve similar biochemical events in the cortical cytoskeleton. In addition to these generic properties, TN-ADC is less active in adhesion modulation than TN-190. The coordinated expression of different tenascin-C transcripts during development may, therefore, provide appropriate microenvironments for regulated changes in cell shape, adhesion, and movement.


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The proliferation of various tumors is inhibited by the antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) in vitro and in vivo, but the receptors mediating the effects of GHRH antagonists have not been identified so far. Using an approach based on PCR, we detected two major splice variants (SVs) of mRNA for human GHRH receptor (GHRH-R) in human cancer cell lines, including LNCaP prostatic, MiaPaCa-2 pancreatic, MDA-MB-468 breast, OV-1063 ovarian, and H-69 small-cell lung carcinomas. In addition, high-affinity, low-capacity binding sites for GHRH antagonists were found on the membranes of cancer cell lines such as MiaPaCa-2 that are negative for the vasoactive intestinal peptide/pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptor (VPAC-R) or lines such as LNCaP that are positive for VPAC-R. Sequence analysis of cDNAs revealed that the first three exons in SV1 and SV2 are replaced by a fragment of retained intron 3 having a new putative in-frame start codon. The rest of the coding region of SV1 is identical to that of human pituitary GHRH-R, whereas in SV2 exon 7 is spliced out, resulting in a 1-nt upstream frameshift, which leads to a premature stop codon in exon 8. The intronic sequence may encode a distinct 25-aa fragment of the N-terminal extracellular domain, which could serve as a proposed signal peptide. The continuation of the deduced protein sequence coded by exons 4–13 in SV1 is identical to that of pituitary GHRH-R. SV2 may encode a GHRH-R isoform truncated after the second transmembrane domain. Thus SVs of GHRH-Rs have now been identified in human extrapituitary cells. The findings support the view that distinct receptors are expressed on human cancer cells, which may mediate the antiproliferative effect of GHRH antagonists.


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Gephyrin is essential for both the postsynaptic localization of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the central nervous system and the biosynthesis of the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) in different peripheral organs. Several alternatively spliced gephyrin transcripts have been identified in rat brain that differ in their 5′ coding regions. Here, we describe gephyrin splice variants that are differentially expressed in non-neuronal tissues and different regions of the adult mouse brain. Analysis of the murine gephyrin gene indicates a highly mosaic organization, with eight of its 29 exons corresponding to the alternatively spliced regions identified by cDNA sequencing. The N- and C-terminal domains of gephyrin encoded by exons 3–7 and 16–29, respectively, display sequence similarities to bacterial, invertebrate, and plant proteins involved in Moco biosynthesis, whereas the central exons 8, 13, and 14 encode motifs that may mediate oligomerization and tubulin binding. Our data are consistent with gephyrin having evolved from a Moco biosynthetic protein by insertion of protein interaction sequences.


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In humans, a polymorphic gene encodes the drug-metabolizing enzyme NATI (arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1), which is widely expressed throughout the body. While the protein-coding region of NATI is contained within a single exon, examination of the human EST (expressed sequence tag) database at the NCBI revealed the presence of nine separate exons, eight of which were located in the 5'non-coding region of NATI. Differential splicing produced at least eight unique mRNA isoforms that could be grouped according to the location of the first exon, which suggested that NATI expression occurs from three alternative promoters. Using RT (reverse transcriptase)-PCR, we identified one major transcript in various epithelial cells derived from different tissues. In contrast, multiple transcripts were observed in blood-derived cell lines (CEM, THP-1 and Jurkat), with a novel variant, not identified in the EST database, found in CEM cells only. The major splice variant increased gene expression 9-11-fold in a luciferase reporter assay, while the other isoforrns were similar or slightly greater than the control. We examined the upstream region of the most active splice variant in a promoter-reporter assay, and isolated a 257 bp sequence that produced maximal promoter activity. This sequence lacked a TATA box, but contained a consensus Sp1 site and a CAAT box, as well as several other putative transcription-factor-binding sites. Cell-specific expression of the different NATI transcripts may contribute to the variation in NATI activity in vivo.


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Regional atrophy caused by neuronal loss is a characteristic of Alzheimer Disease (AD). Excitatory amino acid transporter-2 (EAAT2) is the major carrier responsible for clearing glutamate from the synaptic cleft in mammalian CNS. A localized attenuation of glutamate transport via reduced expression of functional forms of EAAT2 might contribute to regional excitotoxicity. The EAAT2 gene spans over 100 kb and encodes a 12-kb message. Several groups have identified alternative splice variants of EAAT2 in human brain tissue. These variants can affect transport by altering wild-type EAAT2 protein expression, localization, or transport efficiency. Alternative EAAT2 mRNA transcripts reportedly elicit a dominant-negative effect on glutamate uptake in cell culture. A 50% reduction in the expression in AD cortex of the truncated EAAT2 C-terminal isoform, EAAT2b, has been reported. We obtained cerebral cortex tissue, under informed written consent from the next of kin, from pathologically confirmed control, AD, and non-AD dementia cases. We aimed to determine the distribution and expression patterns of EAAT2 subtypes in susceptible and spared brain regions. We detected five alternate transcripts of EAAT2, two of which had not previously been reported. The relative contributions of novel variants, wild-type EAAT2, and previously discovered splice variants was investigated using Real-time PCR in AD, non-AD dementia, and age-matched control cortex. Our aim is to survey the relationship between these expression patterns and those of markers such as tau, GFAP, and b-amyloid, and to assess the correlation between variant-transporter expression and the level of cell loss.


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Myostatin plays a fundamental role in regulating the size of skeletal muscles. To date, only a single myostatin gene and no splice variants have been identified in mammals. Here we describe the splicing of a cryptic intron that removes the coding sequence for the receptor binding moiety of sheep myostatin. The deduced polypeptide sequence of the myostatin splice variant (MSV) contains a 256 amino acid N-terminal domain, which is common to myostatin, and a unique C-terminus of 65 amino acids. Western immunoblotting demonstrated that MSV mRNA is translated into protein, which is present in skeletal muscles. To determine the biological role of MSV, we developed an MSV over-expressing C2C12 myoblast line and showed that it proliferated faster than that of the control line in association with an increased abundance of the CDK2/Cyclin E complex in the nucleus. Recombinant protein made for the novel C-terminus of MSV also stimulated myoblast proliferation and bound to myostatin with high affinity as determined by surface plasmon resonance assay. Therefore, we postulated that MSV functions as a binding protein and antagonist of myostatin. Consistent with our postulate, myostatin protein was co-immunoprecipitated from skeletal muscle extracts with an MSV-specific antibody. MSV over-expression in C2C12 myoblasts blocked myostatin-induced Smad2/3-dependent signaling, thereby confirming that MSV antagonizes the canonical myostatin pathway. Furthermore, MSV over expression increased the abundance of MyoD, Myogenin and MRF4 proteins (P,0.05), which indicates that MSV stimulates myogenesis through the induction of myogenic regulatory factors. To help elucidate a possible role in vivo, we observed that MSV protein was more abundant during early post-natal muscle development, while myostatin remained unchanged, which suggests that MSV may promote the growth of skeletal muscles. We conclude that MSV represents a unique example of intra-genic regulation in which a splice variant directly antagonizes the biological activity of the canonical gene product.


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The majority of mutations that cause isolated GH deficiency type II (IGHD II) affect splicing of GH-1 transcripts and produce a dominant-negative GH isoform lacking exon 3 resulting in a 17.5-kDa isoform, which further leads to disruption of the GH secretory pathway. A clinical variability in the severity of the IGHD II phenotype depending on the GH-1 gene alteration has been reported, and in vitro and transgenic animal data suggest that the onset and severity of the phenotype relates to the proportion of 17.5-kDa produced. The removal of GH in IGHD creates a positive feedback loop driving more GH expression, which may itself increase 17.5-kDa isoform productions from alternate splice sites in the mutated GH-1 allele. In this study, we aimed to test this idea by comparing the impact of stimulated expression by glucocorticoids on the production of different GH isoforms from wild-type (wt) and mutant GH-1 genes, relying on the glucocorticoid regulatory element within intron 1 in the GH-1 gene. AtT-20 cells were transfected with wt-GH or mutated GH-1 variants (5'IVS-3 + 2-bp T->C; 5'IVS-3 + 6 bp T->C; ISEm1: IVS-3 + 28 G->A) known to cause clinical IGHD II of varying severity. Cells were stimulated with 1 and 10 mum dexamethasone (DEX) for 24 h, after which the relative amounts of GH-1 splice variants were determined by semiquantitative and quantitative (TaqMan) RT-PCR. In the absence of DEX, only around 1% wt-GH-1 transcripts were the 17.5-kDa isoform, whereas the three mutant GH-1 variants produced 29, 39, and 78% of the 17.5-kDa isoform. DEX stimulated total GH-1 gene transcription from all constructs. Notably, however, DEX increased the amount of 17.5-kDa GH isoform relative to the 22- and 20-kDa isoforms produced from the mutated GH-1 variants, but not from wt-GH-1. This DEX-induced enhancement of 17.5-kDa GH isoform production, up to 100% in the most severe case, was completely blocked by the addition of RU486. In other studies, we measured cell proliferation rates, annexin V staining, and DNA fragmentation in cells transfected with the same GH-1 constructs. The results showed that that the 5'IVS-3 + 2-bp GH-1 gene mutation had a more severe impact on those measures than the splice site mutations within 5'IVS-3 + 6 bp or ISE +28, in line with the clinical severity observed with these mutations. Our findings that the proportion of 17.5-kDa produced from mutant GH-1 alleles increases with increased drive for gene expression may help to explain the variable onset progression, and severity observed in IGHD II.


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Gastrointestinal peptide hormone receptors, like somatostatin receptors, are often overexpressed in human cancer, allowing receptor-targeted tumor imaging and therapy. A novel candidate for these applications is the secretin receptor recently identified in pancreatic and cholangiocellular carcinomas. In the present study, secretin receptors were assessed in a non-gastrointestinal tissue, the human lung. Non-small-cell lung cancers (n=26), small-cell lung cancers (n=10), bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumors (n=29), and non-neoplastic lung (n=46) were investigated for secretin receptor protein expression with in vitro receptor autoradiography, using (125)I-[Tyr(10)] rat secretin and for secretin receptor transcripts with RT-PCR. Secretin receptor protein expression was found in 62% of bronchopulmonary carcinoids in moderate to high density, in 12% of non-small cell lung cancers in low density, but not in small cell lung cancers. In tumors found to be secretin receptor positive by autoradiography, RT-PCR revealed transcripts for the wild-type secretin receptor and for novel secretin receptor splice variants. In the non-neoplastic lung, secretin receptor protein expression was observed in low density along the alveolar septa in direct tumor vicinity in cases of acute inflammation, but not in histologically normal lung. In the autoradiographically positive peritumoral lung, RT-PCR showed transcripts for the wild-type secretin receptor and for a secretin receptor spliceoform different from those occurring in lung and gut tumors. In conclusion, secretin receptors are new markers for bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumors, and represent the molecular basis for an in vivo targeting of carcinoid tumors for diagnosis and therapy. Furthermore, secretin receptors may play a role in peritumoral lung pathophysiology. Secretin receptor mis-splicing specifically occurs in tumor and non-tumor lung pathology.


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Cytochrome P450s, a superfamily of heme enzymes found in most living organisms. They are responsible for metabolism of many therapeutic drugs, industrial pollutants, carcinogens, and additives to foodstuffs, as well as some endogenous compounds including fatty acids and steroids. First pass drug metabolism studies represent mainly liver and small intestine elimination, and are viewed as the standard to predict therapeutic outcome. However, drug plasma levels determined after administration do not always correlate with therapeutic efficacy of the drug. Therefore, a possible explanation may come by understanding drug metabolism in extrahepatic tissues and/or at the site of drug action. Identification and characterization of novel tissue specific isoforms of P450 generated by alternative splicing of known P450 genes or as yet unidentified genes is essential to predict pharmacological outcome of drugs or the fate of a carcinogen that act at sites remote from liver. ^ Using RT-PCR, brain-specific cytochrome P450s were detected in samples of human autopsy brain. So far, we have identified two human brain variants including P450 2D7 and P450 1A1. We have shown the presence of the P450 1A1 brain specific splice variant in African Americans, Caucasians and Indians albeit different patterns of liver to brain variant ratio were seen distributed throughout each population. Interestingly, the splice variant was detected only in the brain but not in any other tissues from the same individual. Homology modeling was used to compare the variant 3D structure to the liver form structure and differences in the substrate access channels and substrate binding sites were noticed. Automated computational docking was used to predict the metabolic fate of the potent carcinogenic substrate, benzo[a]pyrene. P450 1A1 brain variant showed no binding orientations that could produce the active metabolite, whereas P450 1A1 liver form did reveal orientations capable of generating active carcinogenic product. In vitro P32 labeling studies verified the docking predictions. Therefore, the data support the hypothesis that P450 brain splice variants mediate the metabolism of xenobiotics by mechanisms distinct from the well-studied liver counterparts. ^


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The Drosophila melanogaster genome contains only one CPT1 gene (Jackson, V. N., Cameron, J. M., Zammit, V. A., and Price, N. T. (1999) Biochem. J. 341, 483-489). We have now extended our original observation to all insect genomes that have been sequenced, suggesting that a single CPT1 gene is a universal feature of insect genomes. We hypothesized that insects may be able to generate kinetically distinct variants by alternative splicing of their single CPT1 gene. Analysis of the insect genomes revealed that (a) the single CPT1 gene in each and every insect genome contains two alternative exons and (ii) in all cases, the putative alternative splicing site occurs within a small region corresponding to 21 amino acid residues that are known to be essential for the binding of substrates and of malonyl-CoA in mammalian CPT1A.Weperformed PCR analyses of mRNA from different Drosophila tissues; both of the anticipated splice variants of CPT1mRNAwere found to be expressed in all of the tissues tested (both in larvae and adults), with the expression level for one of the splice variants being significantly different between flight muscle and the fat body of adult Drosophila. Heterologous expression of the full-length cDNAs corresponding to the two putative variants of Drosophila CPT1 in the yeast Pichia pastoris revealed two important differences between the properties of the two variants: (i) their affinity (K 0.5) for one of the substrates, palmitoyl-CoA, differed by 5-fold, and (ii) the sensitivity to inhibition by malonyl-CoA at fixed, higher palmitoyl-CoA concentrations was 2-fold different and associated with different kinetics of inhibition. These data indicate that alternative splicing that specifically affects a structurally crucial region of the protein is an important mechanism through which functional diversity of CPT1 kinetics is generated from the single gene that occurs in insects. © 2010 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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The last few years have seen dramatic advances in genomics, including the discovery of a large number of non-coding and antisense transcripts. This has revolutionised our understanding of multifaceted transcript structures found within gene loci and their roles in the regulation of development, neurogenesis and other complex processes. The recent and continuing surge of knowledge has prompted researchers to reassess and further dissect gene loci. The ghrelin gene (GHRL) gives rise to preproghrelin, which in turn produces ghrelin, a 28 amino acid peptide hormone that acts via the ghrelin receptor (growth hormone secretagogue receptor/GHSR 1a). Ghrelin has many important physiological and pathophysiological roles, including the stimulation of growth hormone (GH) release, appetite regulation, and cancer development. A truncated receptor splice variant, GHSR 1b, does not bind ghrelin, but dimerises with GHSR 1a, and may act as a dominant negative receptor. The gene products of ghrelin and its receptor are frequently overexpressed in human cancer While it is well known that the ghrelin axis (ghrelin and its receptor) plays a range of important functional roles, little is known about the molecular structure and regulation of the ghrelin gene (GHRL) and ghrelin receptor gene (GHSR). This thesis reports the re-annotation of the ghrelin gene, discovery of alternative 5’ exons and transcription start sites, as well as the description of a number of novel splice variants, including isoforms with a putative signal peptide. We also describe the discovery and characterisation of a ghrelin antisense gene (GHRLOS), and the discovery and expression of a ghrelin receptor (growth hormone secretagogue receptor/GHSR) antisense gene (GHSR-OS). We have identified numerous ghrelin-derived transcripts, including variants with extended 5' untranslated regions and putative secreted obestatin and C-ghrelin transcripts. These transcripts initiate from novel first exons, exon -1, exon 0 and a 5' extended 1, with multiple transcription start sites. We used comparative genomics to identify, and RT-PCR to experimentally verify, that the proximal exon 0 and 5' extended exon 1 are transcribed in the mouse ghrelin gene, which suggests the mouse and human proximal first exon architecture is conserved. We have identified numerous novel antisense transcripts in the ghrelin locus. A candidate non-coding endogenous natural antisense gene (GHRLOS) was cloned and demonstrates very low expression levels in the stomach and high levels in the thymus, testis and brain - all major tissues of non-coding RNA expression. Next, we examined if transcription occurs in the antisense orientation to the ghrelin receptor gene, GHSR. A novel gene (GHSR-OS) on the opposite strand of intron 1 of the GHSR gene was identified and characterised using strand-specific RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). GHSR-OS is differentially expressed and a candidate non-coding RNA gene. In summary, this study has characterised the ghrelin and ghrelin receptor loci and demonstrated natural antisense transcripts to ghrelin and its receptor. Our preliminary work shows that the ghrelin axis generates a broad and complex transcriptional repertoire. This study provides the basis for detailed functional studies of the the ghrelin and GHSR loci and future studies will be needed to further unravel the function, diagnostic and therapeutic potential of the ghrelin axis.


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KLK15 over-expression is reported to be a significant predictor of reduced progression-free survival and overall survival in ovarian cancer. Our aim was to analyse the KLK15 gene for putative functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and assess the association of these and KLK15 HapMap tag SNPs with ovarian cancer survival. Results In silico analysis was performed to identify KLK15 regulatory elements and to classify potentially functional SNPs in these regions. After SNP validation and identification by DNA sequencing of ovarian cancer cell lines and aggressive ovarian cancer patients, 9 SNPs were shortlisted and genotyped using the Sequenom iPLEX Mass Array platform in a cohort of Australian ovarian cancer patients (N = 319). In the Australian dataset we observed significantly worse survival for the KLK15 rs266851 SNP in a dominant model (Hazard Ratio (HR) 1.42, 95% CI 1.02-1.96). This association was observed in the same direction in two independent datasets, with a combined HR for the three studies of 1.16 (1.00-1.34). This SNP lies 15bp downstream of a novel exon and is predicted to be involved in mRNA splicing. The mutant allele is also predicted to abrogate an HSF-2 binding site. Conclusions We provide evidence of association for the SNP rs266851 with ovarian cancer survival. Our results provide the impetus for downstream functional assays and additional independent validation studies to assess the role of KLK15 regulatory SNPs and KLK15 isoforms with alternative intracellular functional roles in ovarian cancer survival.


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Prior to the completion of the human genome project, the human genome was thought to have a greater number of genes as it seemed structurally and functionally more complex than other simpler organisms. This along with the belief of “one gene, one protein”, were demonstrated to be incorrect. The inequality in the ratio of gene to protein formation gave rise to the theory of alternative splicing (AS). AS is a mechanism by which one gene gives rise to multiple protein products. Numerous databases and online bioinformatic tools are available for the detection and analysis of AS. Bioinformatics provides an important approach to study mRNA and protein diversity by various tools such as expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences obtained from completely processed mRNA. Microarrays and deep sequencing approaches also aid in the detection of splicing events. Initially it was postulated that AS occurred only in about 5%; of all genes but was later found to be more abundant. Using bioinformatic approaches, the level of AS in human genes was found to be fairly high with 35-59%; of genes having at least one AS form. Our ability to determine and predict AS is important as disorders in splicing patterns may lead to abnormal splice variants resulting in genetic diseases. In addition, the diversity of proteins produced by AS poses a challenge for successful drug discovery and therefore a greater understanding of AS would be beneficial.