980 resultados para spin-parity
The nucleus Cs-126 was investigated by means of in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques using the Nordball detector system at the Niels Bohr Institute. Excited states of Cs-126 were populated via the Cd-116(N-14, 4n)Cs-126 reaction at a beam energy of 65 MeV. The Cs-126 level scheme was considerably extended, especially at negative parity and about 40 new levels and 70 new transitions were added into the level scheme. The previously reported negative-parity rotational bands, built on pi g(7/2)circle times nu h(11/2),pi d(5/2)circle times nu h(11/2),pi h(11/2)circle times nu g(7/2), and pi h(11/2)circle times nu d(5/2) configurations, have been extended and evolve into bands involving rotationally aligned (pi h(11/2))(2) and (nu h(11/2))(2) quasiparticles. Two new rotational bands have been tentatively assigned the pi h(11/2)circle times nu s(1/2) and pi g(9/2)circle times nu h(11/2) configurations, respectively
Tb-140 and Dy-141 were produced via fusion evaporation in the reaction Ca-40+Cd-106. Their beta-delayed proton decays were studied by means of "p-gamma" coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, including half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emissions, and the branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei. The ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were extracted as 7(+/-) and 9/2(+/-), respectively, by fitting the experimental data with a statistical model calculation. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces (NPES) of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were calculated by using the Woods-Saxon Strutinsky method, which indicate the ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-147 to be 7(+) and 9/2(-), respectively. In addition, the configuration-constrained NPES of Dy-143 was also calculated by using the same method. From the NPES a 1/2(+) ground state and a 11/2(-) isomer with the excitation energy of 198keV were found. The calculated results are consistent with our experimental data on the decay of Dy-143 reported in Eur. Phys. J., 2003, A16: 347-351.
The problem of constructing consistent parity-violating interactions for spin-3 gauge fields is considered in Minkowski space. Under the assumptions of locality, Poincaré invariance, and parity noninvariance, we classify all the nontrivial perturbative deformations of the Abelian gauge algebra. In space-time dimensions n=3 and n=5, deformations of the free theory are obtained which make the gauge algebra non-Abelian and give rise to nontrivial cubic vertices in the Lagrangian, at first order in the deformation parameter g. At second order in g, consistency conditions are obtained which the five-dimensional vertex obeys, but which rule out the n=3 candidate. Moreover, in the five-dimensional first-order deformation case, the gauge transformations are modified by a new term which involves the second de Wit-Freedman connection in a simple and suggestive way. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
In dieser Arbeit wurde die paritätsverletzende Asymmetrie in derrnquasielastischen Elektron-Deuteron-Streuung bei Q^2=0.23 (GeV/c)^2 mitrneinem longitudinal polarisierten Elektronstrahl bei einer Energie von 315rnMeV bestimmt. Die Messung erfolgte unter Rückwärtswinkeln. Der Detektor überdeckte einen polaren Streuwinkelbereichrnzwischen 140 und 150 deg. Das Target bestand aus flüssigemrnDeuterium in einer Targetzelle mit einer Länge von 23.4 cm. Dierngemessene paritätsverletzende Asymmetrie beträgt A_{PV}^d = (-20.11 pm 0.87_{stat} pm 1.03_{syst}), wobei der erste Fehler den statistischenrnFehlereitrag und der zweite den systematischen Fehlerbeitrag beschreibt. Ausrnder Kombination dieser Messung mit Messungen der paritätsverletzendenrnAsymmetrie in der elastischen Elektron-Proton-Streuung bei gleichem Q^2rnsowohl bei Vorwärts- als auch bei Rückwärtsmessungen können diernVektor-Strange-Formfaktoren sowie der effektive isovektorielle und isoskalarernVektorstrom des Protons, der die elektroschwachen radiativen Anapolkorrekturenrnenthält, bestimmt werden. Diese Arbeit umfasst ausserdem die Bestimmungrnder Asymmetrien bei einem transversal polarisierten Elektronstrahl sowohl beirneinem Proton- als auch einem Deuterontarget unter Rückwärtswinkeln beirnImpulsüberträgen von Q^2=0.10 (GeV/c)^2, Q^2=0.23 (GeV/c)^2rnund Q^2=0.35 (GeV/c)^2. Die im Experiment beobachteten Asymmetrien werdenrnmit theoretischen Berechnungen verglichen, welche den Imaginärteil der Zweiphoton-Austauschamplitude beinhalten.
We obtain phase diagrams of regular and irregular finite-connectivity spin glasses. Contact is first established between properties of the phase diagram and the performance of low-density parity check (LDPC) codes within the replica symmetric (RS) ansatz. We then study the location of the dynamical and critical transition points of these systems within the one step replica symmetry breaking theory (RSB), extending similar calculations that have been performed in the past for the Bethe spin-glass problem. We observe that the location of the dynamical transition line does change within the RSB theory, in comparison with the results obtained in the RS case. For LDPC decoding of messages transmitted over the binary erasure channel we find, at zero temperature and rate R=14, an RS critical transition point at pc 0.67 while the critical RSB transition point is located at pc 0.7450±0.0050, to be compared with the corresponding Shannon bound 1-R. For the binary symmetric channel we show that the low temperature reentrant behavior of the dynamical transition line, observed within the RS ansatz, changes its location when the RSB ansatz is employed; the dynamical transition point occurs at higher values of the channel noise. Possible practical implications to improve the performance of the state-of-the-art error correcting codes are discussed. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
The Standard Model of particle physics consists of the quantum electrodynamics (QED) and the weak and strong nuclear interactions. The QED is the basis for molecular properties, and thus it defines much of the world we see. The weak nuclear interaction is responsible for decays of nuclei, among other things, and in principle, it should also effects at the molecular scale. The strong nuclear interaction is hidden in interactions inside nuclei. From the high-energy and atomic experiments it is known that the weak interaction does not conserve parity. Consequently, the weak interaction and specifically the exchange of the Z^0 boson between a nucleon and an electron induces small energy shifts of different sign for mirror image molecules. This in turn will make the other enantiomer of a molecule energetically favorable than the other and also shifts the spectral lines of the mirror image pair of molecules into different directions creating a split. Parity violation (PV) in molecules, however, has not been observed. The topic of this thesis is how the weak interaction affects certain molecular magnetic properties, namely certain parameters of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopies. The thesis consists of numerical estimates of NMR and ESR spectral parameters and investigations of the effects of different aspects of quantum chemical computations to them. PV contributions to the NMR shielding and spin-spin coupling constants are investigated from the computational point of view. All the aspects of quantum chemical electronic structure computations are found to be very important, which makes accurate computations challenging. Effects of molecular geometry are also investigated using a model system of polysilyene chains. PV contribution to the NMR shielding constant is found to saturate after the chain reaches a certain length, but the effects of local geometry can be large. Rigorous vibrational averaging is also performed for a relatively small and rigid molecule. Vibrational corrections to the PV contribution are found to be only a couple of per cents. PV contributions to the ESR g-tensor are also evaluated using a series of molecules. Unfortunately, all the estimates are below the experimental limits, but PV in some of the heavier molecules comes close to the present day experimental resolution.
Geometric phases have been used in NMR to implement controlled phase shift gates for quantum-information processing, only in weakly coupled systems in which the individual spins can be identified as qubits. In this work, we implement controlled phase shift gates in strongly coupled systems by using nonadiabatic geometric phases, obtained by evolving the magnetization of fictitious spin-1/2 subspaces, over a closed loop on the Bloch sphere. The dynamical phase accumulated during the evolution of the subspaces is refocused by a spin echo pulse sequence and by setting the delay of transition selective pulses such that the evolution under the homonuclear coupling makes a complete 2 pi rotation. A detailed theoretical explanation of nonadiabatic geometric phases in NMR is given by using single transition operators. Controlled phase shift gates, two qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, and parity algorithm in a qubit-qutrit system have been implemented in various strongly dipolar coupled systems obtained by orienting the molecules in liquid crystal media.
The general structure of a metric-torsion theory of gravitation allows a parity-violating contribution to the complete action which is linear in the curvature tensor and vanishes identically in the absence of torsion. The resulting action involves, apart from the constant ¯K E =8pgr/c4, a coupling (B) which governs the strength of the parity interaction mediated by torsion. In this model the Brans-Dicke scalar field generates the torsion field, even though it has zero spin. The interesting consequence of the theory is that its results for the solar-system differ very little from those obtained from Brans-Dicke (BD) theory. Therefore the theory is indistinguishable from BD theory in solar-system experiments.
The common belief that fermions lying on linear Regge trajectories must have opposite-parity partners is shown to be false. The mechanism by which these experimentally nonexistant states are eliminated from the theory depends on the presence of fixed Regge cuts in fermion exchange amplitudes. Thus it is predicted that fermion Regge trajectories are always accompanied by fixed Regge cuts. More generally, if particles may be classified as composites of spin-1/2 (fermion) quarks, fixed cuts are expected to be present in boson exchange amplitudes as well. This result is demonstrated in the framework of the Van Hove model and a few further experimental consequences are discussed.
In Part I, the common belief that fermions lying on linear trajectories must have opposite-parity partners is shown to be false. Reggeization of a sequence of positive-parity fermion resonance is carried out in the Van Hove model. As a consequence of the absence of negative-parity states, the partial-wave amplitudes must have a fixed cut in the J plane. This fixed cut, in conjunction with the moving Regge pole, provides a new parametrization for fermion-exchange reactions, which is in qualitative agreement with the data.
In Part II, the spin structure of three particle vertices is determined from the quark model. Using these SU(6)W vertices in the Van Hove model, we derive a Reggeized scattering amplitude. In addition to Regge poles there are necessarily fixed Regge cuts in both fermion and boson exchange amplitudes. These fixed cuts are similar to those found in Part I, and may be viewed as a consequence of the absence of parity doubled quarks. The magnitudes of the pole and cut terms in an entire class of SU(6) related reactions are determined by their magnitudes in a single reaction. As an example we explain the observed presence or absence of wrong-signature nonsense dips in a class of reactions involving vector meson exchange.
A new measurement of proton resonance scattering on Be-7 was performed tip to the center-of-mass energy of 6.7 MeV using the low-energy RI beam facility CRIB (CNS Radioactive Ion Beam separator) at the Center for Nuclear Study of the University of Tokyo. The excitation function of Be-7 + p elastic scattering above 3.5 MeV was measured Successfully for the first time, providing important information about the resonance structure of the B-8 nucleus. The resonances are related to the reaction rate of Be-7(p.gamma)B-8. which is the key reaction in solar B-8 neutrino production. Evidence for the presence of two negative parity states is presented. One of them is a 2(-) state observed as a broad s-wave resonance, the existence of which had been questionable. Its possible effects on the determination of the astrophysical S-factor of Be-7(p.gamma)B-8 at solar energy are discussed. The other state had not been observed in previous measurements, and its spin and parity were determined as 1(-). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A systematic study of neutron-rich even-even Fe isotopes with a neutron number from 32 to 42 is carried out by using the projected shell model. Calculations are performed up to the spin I=20 state. Irregularities found in the yrast spectra and in B (E2) values are discussed in terms of neutron excitations to the high-j orbital g(9/2). Furthermore, the neutron two-quasiparticle structure of a low-K negative-parity band and the proton two-quasiparticle structure of a high-K positive-parity band are predicted to exist near the yrast region. Our study reveals a soft nature for the ground state of N approximate to 40 isotopes and emphasizes the important role of the neutron g(9/2) orbital in determining the structure properties for both low- and high-spin states in these nuclei.
High-spin states in Pt-187 were studied via the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction. Rotational bands based on the vi(13/2), v7/2(-)[503], vi(13/2)(2)vj, v3/2(-)[512] and v1/2(-)[521] configurations were observed, and interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The TRS calculations show that the vi(13/2) band has an appreciable negative gamma deformation, and the negative-parity bands tend to have a near prolate shape with small positive gamma values. Experimental values of B(M1)/B(E2) ratios have been extracted and compared with theoretical values from the semi-classical Donau and Frauendof approach, strongly suggesting a low frequency pi h(9/2) alignment in the v7/2(-)[503] band.
Medium-spin states of Ge-70 have been studied via the Ni-60(C-12,2p gamma)Ge-70 reaction at 45 MeV. The ground-state band and the second 0(+) band have been extended to the 12(+) and 8(+) states, respectively. Two negative-parity bands, one of which has a coupled structure and the other has a decoupled structure, have been observed additionally. Although the latter decoupled structure was known up to the (21(-)) state from a previous experiment, the part of the level scheme up to the 15(-) state has been largely modified by the present experiment. Backbendings observed in the positive- and negative-parity yrast bands have been compared with those of the neighboring even Ge isotopes. The experimental level structure has been compared with the shell-model calculations in the model space (2p(3/2), 1f(5/2), 2(p1/2), 1g(9/2)) employing two kinds of effective interactions, one of which is an extended P + QQ interaction with monopole interactions and the other is developed from a renormalized G matrix. Microscopic structures of the observed bands have been discussed with the help of the shell-model calculations.
Efforts have been made in our group to study the band structure of odd-odd nuclei in the A similar to 170 mass region. We aimed at providing new data of high-spin states and searching for the low-spin signature inversion in the 2-qp bands built on the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2) and pi i(13/2)circle times nu i(13/2) configurations. In this talk, main results of our work will be summarized, and some systematic features of signature inversion discussed. The spin and parity assignments for the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) band in (184)An could be regarded as firm providing a good example for systematic and theoretical investigations.