41 resultados para sphingolipids


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海洋微生物拥有丰富多样的次生代谢途径,其中海洋生物内生真菌次生代谢产物研究日益受到天然产物化学界的重视。本论文以菌丝体生物量、发酵产物重量、抗菌与细胞毒活性、薄层色谱分析结果以及高效液相色谱分析结果等为评价依据对采自青岛沿海的13株海藻内生真菌在四种液体培养基上的静置发酵产物进行了综合评价,并从中选择了黑曲霉Aspergillus niger EN-13(分离自褐藻囊藻Colpomenia sinuosa)和杂色曲霉A. versicolor EN-7(分离自褐藻鼠尾藻Sargassum thunbergii)两株真菌进行了30升规模发酵(分别采用GPYM培养基和PDB培养)和化学成分的研究,对分离得到的大部分化合物进行了初步的生物活性筛选。 发酵提取物采用常规的硅胶柱层析、反相硅胶柱层析,凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱层析、制备薄层层析、半制备高效液相色谱以及重结晶等分离手段,得到单体化合物。利用各种现代波谱技术(IR、UV、EI-MS、FAB-MS、HR-ESI-MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、1H-1H COSY、HSQC、HMBC等)并结合化学方法从两种菌株发酵提取物中鉴定了55个化合物的结构。其中从菌株A. niger EN-13分离鉴定了31个化合物,发现9个新化合物,包括2个鞘酯类化合物(AN-1~2)、3个萘并-γ-吡喃酮类化合物(AN-3~5)、3个苯乙基取代的α-吡喃酮类化合物(AN-17, AN-19~20)和1个甾体Diels-Alder加成产物(AN-21),另有1个新的天然环二肽(AN-27)被分离鉴定;从菌株A. versicolor EN-7分离鉴定了24个化合物,发现2个新化合物,为蒽醌AV-12与AV-17,另外,从前一菌株(A. niger EN-13)中鉴定的2个新鞘酯类化合物(AN-1~2)在A. versicolor EN-7中也被再次分离到。 对大部分单体化合物进行了抗菌活性、DPPH自由基清除活性和细胞毒活性测试。结果显示新化合物AN-1、AN-5和AN-20具有弱或中等强度的抑制白色念珠菌生长的活性,AN-4、AN-5、AN-21显示了弱或中等强度的抑制黑曲霉生长的活性,AV-12、AV-17显示了弱的抑制大肠杆菌生长的活性。在DPPH自由基清除活性筛选中,AN-5显示了中等强度的活性,其EC50为109.3 mM,与阳性对照BHT相近(EC50为81.8 mM)。其它部分已知化合物在抗菌和DPPH自由基清除活性的筛选中也显示了弱或中等强度的活性。在针对人肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721和人肺腺癌细胞株A549的体外细胞毒活性筛选中,所测样品均未显示显著活性。


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L’apoptose est une forme de mort cellulaire essentielle au développement et au maintien de l’homéostase chez les animaux multicellulaires. La machinerie apoptotiq ue requiert la participation des caspases, des protéases conservées dans l’évolution et celle des organelles cytoplasmiques. Les lysosomes subissent des ruptures partielles, labilisation de la membrane lysosomale (LML), qui entraînent l’activation des cathepsines dans le cytoplasme de cellules cancéreuses humaines en apoptose induite par la camptothecin (CPT), incluant les histiocytes humains U-937. Ces modifications lysosomales se manifestent tôt durant l’activation de l’apoptose, concomitamment avec la perméabilisation de la mitochondrie et l’activation des caspases. Une étude protéomique quantitative et comparative a permis d’identifier des changements précoces dans l’expression/localisation de protéines lysosomales de cellules U-937 en apoptose. Lors de deux expériences indépendantes, sur plus de 538 protéines lysosomales identifiées et quantifiées grâce au marquage isobarique iTRAQ et LC-ESIMS/ MS, 18 protéines augmentent et 9 diminuent dans les lysosomes purifiés de cellules en cours d’apoptose comparativement aux cellules contrôles. Les candidats validés par immuno-buvardage et microscopie confocale incluent le stérol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3- déhydrogénase, le prosaposin et la protéine kinase C delta (PKC-d). Des expériences fonctionnelles ont démontrées que la translocation de PKC-d aux lysosomes est requise pour la LML puisque la réduction de son expression par ARN interférents ou l’inhibition de son activité à l’aide du rottlerin empêche la LML lors de l’apoptose induite par la CPT. La translocation de PKC-d aux lysosomes conduit à la phosphorylation et l’activation de la sphingomyelinase acide lysosomale (ASM), et à l’accroissement subséquent du contenu en céramide (CER) à la membrane lysosomale. Cette accumulation de CER endogène aux lysosomes est un évènement critique pour la LML induite par la CPT car l’inhibition de l’activité de PKC-d ou de ASM diminue la formation de CER et la LML.Ces résultats révèlent un nouveau mécanisme par lequel la PKC-d active l’ASM qui conduit à son tour à l’accumulation de CER à la membrane lysosomale et déclenche la LML et l’activation de la voie lysosomale de l’apoptose induite par la CPT. En somme, ce mécanisme confirme l’importance du métabolisme des sphingolipides dans l’activation de la voie lysosomale de l’apoptose.


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La vitamine K fait l’objet d’un intérêt croissant en regard du rôle qu’elle peut jouer dans la santé humaine hormis celui bien établi dans la coagulation sanguine. De plus en plus d’études expérimentales lui confèrent des fonctions dans le système nerveux central, particulièrement dans la synthèse des sphingolipides, l’activation de la protéine vitamine K-dépendante Gas6 et la protection contre les dommages oxydatifs. Toutefois, il demeure beaucoup moins bien établi si la perturbation de ces fonctions peut conduire à des déficits cognitifs. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle le statut vitaminique K des personnes âgées en santé est un déterminant de la performance cognitive. En vue de la réalisation de cet objectif, une meilleure compréhension des indicateurs du statut vitaminique K s’avérait nécessaire. Chacune des études présentées vise donc un objectif spécifique : 1) évaluer le nombre de rappels alimentaires de 24 heures non consécutifs nécessaire pour mesurer l’apport habituel de vitamine K des personnes âgées; 2) évaluer la valeur d’une seule mesure de la concentration sérique de vitamine K comme marqueur de l’exposition à long terme; et 3) examiner l’association entre le statut vitaminique K et la performance cognitive des personnes âgées en santé de la cohorte québécoise NuAge. Trois dimensions cognitives ont été évaluées soient la mémoire épisodique verbale et non-verbale, les fonctions exécutives et la vitesse de traitement de l’information. Cette thèse présente la première étude appuyant l’hypothèse d’un rôle de la vitamine K dans la cognition chez les personnes âgées. Spécifiquement, la concentration sérique de vitamine K a été associée positivement à la performance en mémoire épisodique verbale, et plus particulièrement au processus de consolidation de la trace mnésique. En accord avec les travaux chez l’animal et l’action de la protéine Gas6 dans l’hippocampe, un rôle spécifique de la vitamine K à l’étape de consolidation est biologiquement plausible. Aucune association significative n’a été observée avec les fonctions exécutives et la vitesse de traitement de l’information. Parallèlement, il a été démontré qu’une mesure unique de la concentration sérique de vitamine K constitue une mesure adéquate de l’exposition à long terme à la vitamine K. De même, il a été établi que six à 13 rappels alimentaires de 24 heures sont nécessaires pour estimer précisément l’apport de vitamine K des personnes âgées en santé. Collectivement, les résultats de ces deux études fournissent des informations précieuses aux chercheurs permettant une meilleure interprétation des études existantes et une meilleure planification des études futures. Les résultats de cette thèse constituent une avancée importante dans la compréhension du rôle potentiel de la vitamine K dans le système nerveux central et renforce la nécessité qu’elle soit considérée en tant que facteur nutritionnel du vieillissement cognitif, en particulier chez les personnes traitées par un antagoniste de la vitamine K.


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Purpose of review Lipid rafts are potentially modifiable by diet, particularly (but not exclusively) by dietary fatty acids. This review examines the potential for dietary modification of raft structure and function in the immune system, brain and retinal tissue, the gut, and in cancer cells. Recent findings In-vitro and ex-vivo studies suggest that dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may exert immunosuppressive and anticancer effects through changes in lipid raft organization. In addition, gangliosides and cholesterol may modulate lipid raft organization in a number of tissues, and recent work has highlighted sphingolipids in membrane microdomains as potential targets for inhibition of tumor growth. The roles of fatty acids and gangliosides, especially in relation to lipid rafts, in cognitive development, age-related cognitive decline, psychiatric disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease are poorly understood and require further investigation. The roles of lipid rafts in cancer, in microbial pathogenesis, and in insulin resistance are starting to emerge, and indicate compelling evidence for the growing importance of membrane microdomains in health and disease. Summary In-vitro and animal studies show that n-3 PUFAs, cholesterol, and gangliosides modulate the structure and composition of lipid rafts, potentially influencing a wide range of biological processes, including immune function, neuronal signaling, cancer cell growth, entry of pathogens through the gut barrier, and insulin resistance in metabolic disorders. The physiological, clinical, and nutritional relevance of these observations remains to be determined.


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The structure, size, stability, and functionality of lipid rafts are still in debate, but recent techniques allowing direct visualization have characterized them in a wide range of cell types. Lipid rafts are potentially modifiable by diet, particularly (but not exclusively) by dietary fatty acids. However, it is not clear whether dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are incorporated into raft lipids or whether their low affinity to cholesterol disallows this and causes phase separation from rafts and displacement of raft proteins. This review examines the potential for dietary modification of raft structure and function in the immune system, brain and retinal tissue, the gut, and in cancer cells. Although there is increasing evidence to suggest that membrane microdomains, and their modulation, have an impact in health and disease, it is too early to judge whether modulation of lipid rafts is responsible for the immunomodulatory effects of n-3 PUFA. In addition to dietary fatty acids, gangliosides and cholesterol may also modulate microdomains in a number of tissues, and recent work has highlighted sphingolipids in membrane microdomains as potential targets for inhibition of tumor growth by n-3 PUFA. The roles of fatty acids and gangliosides in cognitive development, age-related cognitive decline, psychiatric disorders, and Alzheimer's disease are poorly understood and require clarification, particularly with respect to the contribution of lipid rafts. The roles of lipid rafts in cancer, in microbial pathogenesis, and in insulin resistance are only just emerging, but compelling evidence indicates the growing importance of membrane microdomains in health and disease.


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In addition to its role as a protein component in Leishmania, serine is also a precursor for the synthesis of both phosphatidylserine, which is a membrane molecule involved in parasite invasion and inactivation of macrophages, and sphingolipids, which are necessary for Leishmania to differentiate into its infective forms. We have characterized serine uptake in both promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. In promastigotes, kinetic data show a single, saturable transport system, with a Km of 0.253 +/- 0.01 mM and a maximum velocity of 0.246 +/- 0.04 nmol/min per 107 cells. Serine transport increased linearly with temperature in the range from 20 degrees C to 45 degrees C, allowing the calculation of an activation energy of 7.09 kJ/mol. Alanine, cysteine, glycine, threonine, valine and ethanolamine competed with the substrate at a ten-fold excess concentration. Serine uptake was dependent on pH, with an optimum activity at pH 7.5. The characterization of the serine transport process in amastigotes revealed a transport system with a similar Km, energy of activation and pH response to that found in promastigotes, suggesting that the same transport system is active in both insect vector and mammalian host Leishmania stages. This could constitute an evolutionary mechanism that guarantees the provision of such an essential molecule during host change events, such as differentiation into amastigotes and macrophage invasion, as well as to ensure that the parasite maintains the infection in the mammalian host. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lipid rafts are highly ordered membrane domains rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids that provide a scaffold for signal transduction proteins; altered raft structure has also been implicated in cancer progression. We have shown that 25 mu M 10-(octyloxy) decyl-2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl phosphate (ODPC), an alkylphospholipid, targets high cholesterol domains in model membranes and induces apoptosis in leukemia cells but spares normal hematopoietic and epithelial cells under the same conditions. We performed a quantitative (SILAC) proteomic screening of ODPC targets in a lipid-raft-enriched fraction of leukemic cells to identify early events prior to the initiation of apoptosis. Six proteins, three with demonstrated palmitoylation sites, were reduced in abundance. One, the linker for activation of T-cell family member 2 (LAT2), is an adaptor protein associated with lipid rafts in its palmitoylated form and is specifically expressed in B lymphocytes and myeloid cells. Interestingly, LAT2 is not expressed in K562, a cell line more resistant to ODPC-induced apoptosis. There was an early loss of LAT2 in the lipid-raft-enriched fraction of NB4 cells within 3 h following treatment with 25 mu M ODPC. Subsequent degradation of LAT2 by proteasomes was observed. Twenty-five mu M ODPC inhibited AKT activation via myeloid growth factors, and LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells by shRNA reproduced this effect. LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells also decreased cell proliferation and increased cell sensitivity to ODPC (7.5X), perifosine (3X), and arsenic trioxide (8.5X). Taken together, these data indicate that LAT2 is an early mediator of the anti-leukemic activity of alkylphospholipids and arsenic trioxide. Thus, LAT2 may be used as a target for the design of drugs for cancer therapy. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11: 10.1074/mcp.M112.019661, 1898-1912, 2012.


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In den letzten Jahren gewann die Erforschung des Sphingolipidstoffwechsels in den verschiedensten Zellsystemen immer mehr an Bedeutung, da es sich zeigte, dass einige Sphingolipidspezies, vor allem Ceramid und Sphingosin-1-Phosphat, als wichtige intra- und extrazelluläre Botenstoffe wirken und bei einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher zellulärer Antworten, wie Apoptose, Proliferation und Migration, eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Während Ceramid eher pro-apoptotisch und wachstumshemmend wirkt, begünstigt Sphingosin-1-Phosphat als „Gegenspieler“ eher die Proliferation und das Zellwachstum. Ceramid kann relativ schnell in Sphingosin-1-Phosphat umgewandelt werden durch die Wirkung zweier Enzymklassen, den Ceramidasen und den Sphingosinkinasen. Konsequenterweise ist die Regulation dieser Enzyme von entscheidender Bedeutung für das zelluläre Gleichgewicht zwischen Ceramid und Sphingosin-1-Phosphat. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde die Wirkung von extrazellulären Nukleotiden, die ebenfalls als Regulatoren zahlreicher zellulärer Antworten, wie z.B. Proliferation und Migration, bekannt sind und über entsprechende Oberflächenrezeptoren, die Purinrezeptoren, wirken, auf die Aktivität besonders der Sphingosinkinasen 1 und 2 näher untersucht. Es sollte geklärt werden, ob die Sphingosinkinasen an einigen durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide induzierbaren zellulären Antworten, in diesem Falle der Migration und der Proliferation von Zellen, beteiligt sind. Als Zellsystem wurden Nierenmesangiumzellen verwendet, da diese Zellen bei verschiedenen entzündlichen Nierenerkrankungen (Glomerulonephritiden) eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Es konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass extrazelluläre Nukleotide die Aktivität der Sphingosinkinase 1 in den Mesangiumzellen stimulieren können. Zu beobachten ist dabei eine biphasische Aktivitätssteigerung der Sphingosinkinase 1. Die erste Aktivitätssteigerung nach einer Kurzzeitstimulation ist dabei auf eine Phosphorylierung des Enzyms zurückzuführen, während die zweite Aktivitätssteigerung mit einer Aktivierung des Sphingosinkinase 1-Promotors, einer verstärkten mRNA-Expression und einer de novo Proteinsynthese zu erklären ist. Diese Induktion kann durch die Verwendung von Hemmstoffen des PKC- und MAPK-Signalweges, sowie durch Verwendung eines Transkriptions- (Actinomycin D) oder eines Translationsinhibitors (Cycloheximid) blockiert werden. Die Halbwertszeit der mRNA der Sphingosinkinase 1 in den Mesangiumzellen konnte auf ca. 20 Minuten bestimmt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die Sphingosinkinase 2 nicht durch ATP aktivierbar, wohl aber durch diverse Abbauprodukte von ATP, wie AMP und Adenosin, sowie durch UTP und seine Abbauprodukten UDP und UMP. Die neutrale Ceramidase kann nicht durch ATP und UTP aktiviert werden, wohl aber durch P2X7-Rezeptoragonisten (Bz-ATP, αβ-Me-ATP, γS-ATP) und TPA. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Rolle der Sphingosinkinasen und der neutralen Ceramidase bei der durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide induzierten Migration und Proliferation untersucht. Es zeigte sich mit Hilfe von genspezifischer siRNA zur Depletion der Sphingosinkinasen und der neutralen Ceramidase, sowie durch Verwendung von Kinase-Hemmstoffen und damit einhergehend der Inhibierung der Signalwege und mit Hilfe von verschiedenen Zelllinien isoliert aus Wildtyp-, SPHK 1-überexprimierenden und mSPHK1-defizienten Mäusen, dass die Aktivierung der Sphingosinkinase 1 durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Migrationsfähigkeit der Zellen ist, jedoch keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Proliferationsrate der Mesangiumzellen hat. Auch die Aktivität der neutralen Ceramidase ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Migrationsfähigkeit der Zellen. Durch Depletion der neutralen Ceramidase scheint Ceramid in den Zellen zu akkumulieren, was die Proliferationsrate reduziert. Für die Proliferation der Mesangiumzellen könnte die Sphingosinkinase 2 als negativer Regulator fungieren, wie die Experimente mit der genspezifischen siRNA unter UTP-Stimulation gezeigt haben. Für die Migration der Mesangiumzellen gilt darüber hinaus, dass auch das Produkt der Sphingosinkinase 1, Sphingosin-1-Phosphat, in der Lage ist, die Migration zu stimulieren. Im Gegensatz dazu spielt Sphingosin-1-Phosphat für die Induktion der Proliferation der hier verwendeten Zellen keine wesentliche Rolle. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Daten, dass die Sphingosinkinase 1 und vorgeschaltet auch die neutrale Ceramidase bei der Migration von Mesangiumzellen eine zentrale Rolle spielen und damit als therapeutische Angriffspunkte bei der Behandlung von Krankheiten, die durch eine vermehrte Migration gekennzeichnet sind, in Frage kommen.


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In recent years sphingolipids have emerged as important signaling molecules regulating fundamental cell responses such as cell death and differentiation, proliferation and aspects of inflammation. Especially ceramide has been a main focus of research since it possesses pro-apoptotic capacity in many cell types. A counterplayer of ceramide was found in sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), which is generated from ceramide by the consecutive actions of ceramidase and sphingosine kinase. S1P can potently induce cell proliferation via binding to and activation of the Edg family of receptors which have now been renamed as S1P receptors. Obviously, a delicate balance between ceramide and sphingosine-1-phosphate determines whether cells undergo apoptosis or proliferate, two cell responses that are critically involved in tumor development. Directing the balance in favor of ceramide, i.e. by inhibiting ceramidase or sphingosine kinase activities may support the pro-apoptotic action of ceramide and thus may have beneficial effects in cancer therapy. This review will summarize novel insights into the regulation of sphingolipid formation and their potential involvement in tumor development. Finally, we will pinpoint potential new targets for tumor therapy.


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Sphingolipids not only function as structural components of cell membranes but also act as signaling molecules to regulate fundamental cellular responses, such as cell death and differentiation, proliferation and certain types of inflammation. Particularly the cellular balance between ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate seems to be crucial for a cell's decision to either undergo apoptosis or proliferate, two events which are implicated in tumor development and growth. Whereas ceramide possesses proapoptotic capacity in many cell types, sphingosine 1-phosphate acts as a counterplayer able to induce cell proliferation and protect cells from undergoing apoptosis. Therefore, tipping the balance in favour of ceramide production, i.e. by inhibiting ceramidase or sphingosine kinase activities has potential to support its proapoptotic action and hence represents a promising rational approach to effective cancer therapy. This review highlights most recent data on the regulation of cellular sphingolipid formation and their potential implication in tumor development, and provides perspectives for their use as targets in molecular intervention therapy.


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Lipids serve important functions as membrane constituents and also as energy storing molecules. Besides these functions certain lipid species have now been recognized as signalling molecules that regulate a multitude of cellular responses including cell growth and death, and also inflammatory reactions. Bioactive lipids are generated by hydrolysis from membrane lipids mainly by phospholipases giving rise to fatty acids and lysophospholipids that either directly exert their function or are further converted to active mediators. This review will summarize the present knowledge about bioactive lipids that either promote or attenuate inflammatory reactions. These lipids include polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), eicosanoids including the epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EET), peroxisome proliferation activating receptor (PPAR) activators, cannabinoids and the sphingolipids ceramide, sphingosine 1-phosphate and sphingosylphosphorylcholine.


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Chronic kidney diseases including glomerulonephritis are often accompanied by acute or chronic inflammation that leads to an increase in extracellular matrix (ECM) production and subsequent glomerulosclerosis. Glomerulonephritis is one of the leading causes for end-stage renal failure with high morbidity and mortality, and there are still only a limited number of drugs for treatment available. In this MiniReview, we discuss the possibility of targeting sphingolipids, specifically the sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1) and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) pathway, as new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of glomerulonephritis, as this pathway was demonstrated to be dysregulated under disease conditions. Sphingosine 1-phosphate is a multifunctional signalling molecule, which was shown to influence several hallmarks of glomerulonephritis including mesangial cell proliferation, renal inflammation and fibrosis. Most importantly, the site of action of S1P determines the final effect on disease progression. Concerning renal fibrosis, extracellular S1P acts pro-fibrotic via activation of cell surface S1P receptors, whereas intracellular S1P was shown to attenuate the fibrotic response. Interference with S1P signalling by treatment with FTY720, an S1P receptor modulator, resulted in beneficial effects in various animal models of chronic kidney diseases. Also, sonepcizumab, a monoclonal anti-S1P antibody that neutralizes extracellular S1P, and a S1P-degrading recombinant S1P lyase are promising new strategies for the treatment of glomerulonephritis. In summary, especially due to the bifunctionality of S1P, the SphK1/S1P pathway provides multiple target sites for the treatment of chronic kidney diseases.


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The perforation of the plasmalemma by pore-forming toxins causes an influx of Ca2+ and an efflux of cytoplasmic proteins. In order to ensure cellular survival, lesions have to be identified, plugged and removed from the membrane. The Ca2+-driven fusion of lysosomes with the plasma membrane leads to hydrolysis of sphingomyelin by acid sphingomyelinase and a formation of ceramide platforms in the outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer. We propose that the negative curvature, promoted by tighter packing of lipids in the outer layer, leads to an inward vesiculation of the damaged area for its endocytotic uptake and internal degradation. In contrast, the activation of neutral sphingomyelinase triggers the production of ceramide within the inner leaflet of the lipid bilayer, thereby promoting an outward curvature, which enables the cell to shed the membrane-containing toxin pore into the extracellular space. In this process, ceramide is supported by members of the annexin protein family which act as Ca2+ sensors and as membrane fusion agents.


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The observation that the membranes of flagella are enriched in sterols and sphingolipids has led to the hypothesis that flagella might be enriched in raft-forming lipids. However, a detailed lipidomic analysis of flagellar membranes is not available. Novel protocols to detach and isolate intact flagella from Trypanosoma brucei procyclic forms in combination with reverse-phase liquid chromatography high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry allowed us to determine the phospholipid composition of flagellar membranes relative to whole cells. Our analyses revealed that phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, ceramide and the sphingolipids inositol phosphorylceramide and sphingomyelin are enriched in flagella relative to whole cells. In contrast, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol are strongly depleted in flagella. Within individual glycerophospholipid classes, we observed a preference for ether-type over diacyl-type molecular species in membranes of flagella. Our study provides direct evidence for a preferential presence of raft-forming phospholipids in flagellar membranes of T. brucei.


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OBJECTIVE Glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids are structurally heterogeneous due to differences in the O- and N-linked fatty acids and head groups. Sphingolipids also show a heterogeneity in their sphingoid base composition which up to now has been little appreciated. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of certain glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). METHODS The lipid profile in plasma from patients with stable CAD (n = 18) or AMI (n = 17) was compared to healthy subjects (n = 14). Sixty five glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species were quantified by LC-MS. The relative distribution of these lipids into lipoprotein fractions was analyzed. RESULTS In the CAD cohort, 45 glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species were significantly lower compared to healthy controls. In the AMI group, 42 glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species were reduced. Four PC plasmalogens (PC33:1, PC33:2, PC33:3 and PC35:3) showed the most significant difference. Out of eleven analyzed sphingoid bases, four were lower in the CAD and six in the AMI group. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) levels were reduced in the AMI group whereas an atypical C16:1 S1P was lower in both groups. Phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin species were exclusively present in lipoprotein particles, whereas lysophosphatidylcholines were mainly found in the lipoprotein-free fraction. The observed differences were not explained by the use of statins as confirmed in a second, independent cohort. CONCLUSIONS Reduced levels of four PC plasmalogens (PC33:1, PC33:2, PC33:3 and PC35:3) were identified as a putatively novel lipid signature for CAD and AMI.