938 resultados para source analysis


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Age-related differences in information processing have often been explained through deficits in older adults' ability to ignore irrelevant stimuli and suppress inappropriate responses through inhibitory control processes. Functional imaging work on young adults by Nelson and colleagues (2003) has indicated that inferior frontal and anterior cingulate cortex playa key role in resolving interference effects during a delay-to-match memory task. Specifically, inferior frontal cortex appeared to be recruited under conditions of context interference while the anterior cingulate was associated with interference resolution at the stage of response selection. Related work has shown that specific neural activities related to interference resolution are not preserved in older adults, supporting the notion of age-related declines in inhibitory control (Jonides et aI., 2000, West et aI., 2004b). In this study the time course and nature of these inhibition-related processes were investigated in young and old adults using high-density ERPs collected during a modified Sternberg task. Participants were presented with four target letters followed by a probe that either did or did not match one of the target letters held in working memory. Inhibitory processes were evoked by manipulating the nature of cognitive conflict in a particular trial. Conflict in working memory was elicited through the presentation of a probe letter in immediately previous target sets. Response-based conflict was produced by presenting a negative probe that had just been viewed as a positive probe on the previous trial. Younger adults displayed a larger orienting response (P3a and P3b) to positive probes relative to a non-target baseline. Older adults produced the orienting P3a and 3 P3b waveforms but their responses did not differentiate between target and non-target stimuli. This age-related change in response to targetness is discussed in terms of "early selection/late correction" models of cognitive ageing. Younger adults also showed a sensitivity in their N450 response to different levels of interference. Source analysis of the N450 responses to the conflict trials of younger adults indicated an initial dipole in inferior frontal cortex and a subsequent dipole in anterior cingulate cortex, suggesting that inferior prefrontal regions may recruit the anterior cingulate to exert cognitive control functions. Individual older adults did show some evidence of an N450 response to conflict; however, this response was attenuated by a co-occurring positive deflection in the N450 time window. It is suggested that this positivity may reflect a form of compensatory activity in older adults to adapt to their decline in inhibitory control.


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La voix est un stimulus auditif omniprésent dans notre environnement sonore. Elle permet non seulement la parole, mais serait aussi l’équivalent d’un visage auditif transmettant notamment des informations identitaires et affectives importantes. Notre capacité à discriminer et reconnaître des voix est socialement et biologiquement importante et elle figure parmi les fonctions les plus importantes du système auditif humain. La présente thèse s’intéressait à l’ontogénèse et à la spécificité de la réponse corticale à la voix humaine et avait pour but trois objectifs : (1) mettre sur pied un protocole électrophysiologique permettant de mesurer objectivement le traitement de la familiarité de la voix chez le sujet adulte; (2) déterminer si ce même protocole pouvait aussi objectiver chez le nouveau-né de 24 heures un traitement préférentiel d’une voix familière, notamment la voix de la mère; et (3) mettre à l’épreuve la robustesse d’une mesure électrophysiologique, notamment la Fronto-Temporal Positivity to Voices, s’intéressant à la discrimination pré-attentionnelle entre des stimuli vocaux et non-vocaux. Les résultats découlant des trois études expérimentales qui composent cette thèse ont permis (1) d’identifier des composantes électrophysiologiques (Mismatch Negativity et P3a) sensibles au traitement de la familiarité d’une voix; (2) de mettre en lumière un patron d’activation corticale singulier à la voix de la mère chez le nouveau-né, fournissant le premier indice neurophysiologique de l’acquisition du langage, processus particulièrement lié à l’interaction mère-enfant; et (3) de confirmer l’aspect pré-attentionnel de la distinction entre une voix et un stimulus non-vocal tout en accentuant la sélectivité et la sensibilité de la réponse corticale réservée au traitement de la voix.


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Dans le cadre de l’évaluation pré-chirurgicale de patients épileptiques, il est impératif de déterminer la spécialisation hémisphérique du langage, ainsi que de localiser les aires du langage au sein de cet hémisphère. De nouvelles méthodes d’évaluation non- invasives doivent être mises au point afin de diminuer les risques associés aux méthodes plus invasives telles que le test à l’amobarbital intracarotidien (TAI). L’objectif principal de cette thèse est donc de développer un protocole d’évaluation pré-chirurgicale alternatif et non-invasif à l’aide de la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG) pour la latéralisation et la localisation du langage, incluant la mémoire verbale qui serait éventuellement accessible à une population pédiatrique francophone épileptique. L’article 1 présente une recension de la littérature résumant les différentes études en MEG ayant pour objectif l’évaluation pré-chirurgicale du langage. Trente-sept articles en MEG ont été analysés pour déterminer quelles tâches permettaient d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats de latéralisation intrahémisphérique et de localisation du langage pour l’évaluation du langage réceptif et expressif chez des sujets neurologiquement sains et épileptiques. Parmi les tests retenus, l’épreuve de reconnaissance de mots permet d’évaluer le langage réceptif et la mémoire verbale, tandis que des épreuves de fluence verbale telles que la génération de verbes permettent d’évaluer le langage expressif de façon à obtenir de très bons résultats. L’article 2 a permis de valider un protocole auprès de sujets neurologiquement sains à l’aide des épreuves identifiées dans l’article 1. Le protocole utilisé comprend une tâche de langage réceptif et de mémoire verbale (une épreuve de reconnaissance de mots) et une tâche de langage expressif (une épreuve de fluence verbale). Suite à la validation du protocole à l’aide d’analyses par composantes principales, les épreuves ont été administrées à un groupe de patients épileptiques. Les index de latéralité et les analyses de sources i révèlent que la MEG permet de localiser et de latéraliser les fonctions langagières et pourrait donc être utilisée comme méthode d'évaluation du langage lors de l'évaluation pré- chirurgicale auprès de patients épileptiques. Toutefois, alors que l’épreuve de mémoire verbale a permis d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats auprès de l’ensemble des participants, l’épreuve de fluence verbale n’a fourni des informations supplémentaires que chez un seul patient et chez aucun participant neurologiquement sain. En résumé, les deux articles de cette thèse démontrent le potentiel clinique de la MEG pour l’évaluation pré-chirurgicale de patients souffrant d’une épilepsie réfractaire.


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Research on the cortical sources of nociceptive laser-evoked brain potentials (LEPs) began almost two decades ago (Tarkka and Treede, 1993). Whereas there is a large consensus on the sources of the late part of the LEP waveform (N2 and P2 waves), the relative contribution of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) to the early part of the LEP waveform (N1 wave) is still debated. To address this issue we recorded LEPs elicited by the stimulation of four limbs in a large population (n=35). Early LEP generators were estimated both at single-subject and group level, using three different approaches: distributed source analysis, dipolar source modeling, and probabilistic independent component analysis (ICA). We show that the scalp distribution of the earliest LEP response to hand stimulation was maximal over the central-parietal electrodes contralateral to the stimulated side, while that of the earliest LEP response to foot stimulation was maximal over the central-parietal midline electrodes. Crucially, all three approaches indicated hand and foot S1 areas as generators of the earliest LEP response. Altogether, these findings indicate that the earliest part of the scalp response elicited by a selective nociceptive stimulus is largely explained by activity in the contralateral S1, with negligible contribution from the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2).


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Este estudo busca problematizar a concepção de saúde da criança veiculada pelo UNICEF, analisando especificamente os regimes de verdade e práticas de poder que são operados por esta agência acerca das condições de saúde em que vivem as crianças na Amazônia. Para tanto é realizada uma pesquisa documental que tem como fonte de análise o relatório “Ser Criança na Amazônia”: uma análise das condições de desenvolvimento infantil na região norte do Brasil, publicado pelo UNICEF em 2004. Como ferramentas de análise são utilizadas a história-genealógica de Foucault e sua analítica do poder, especialmente em relação ao biopoder. No contexto das políticas da ONU a performance do UNICEF no cuidado da infância é compreendida como parte de uma governamentalidade liberal que atua na promoção do progresso social e desenvolvimento econômico dos países, em prol da segurança. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa procura dar visibilidade ao modo como as práticas do UNICEF são articuladas às práticas vizinhas e engendram um dispositivo de governo que opera através de estratégias disciplinares e biopolíticas no controle da população da Amazônia, em função da gestão de riscos. De acordo com as análises do UNICEF, a saúde da criança é compreendida como efeito de determinadas condições sociais e econômicas consideradas fundamentais para sua sobrevivência e bem-estar. A falta de infraestrutura social e as precárias condições de existência são apontadas como fatores que podem gerar doenças e prejuízos ao desenvolvimento das crianças. Além disso, o relatório enfatiza o papel da mulher enquanto mãe, colocando-a como principal responsável pela sobrevivência e educação dos filhos, e a importância do desempenho da família para a garantia do pleno desenvolvimento infantil. Observa-se como as noções de saúde e infância, compreendidas respectivamente como um campo multideterminado e uma etapa da vida que precisa ser protegida e controlada, são utilizadas pelo UNICEF no governo das populações pobres da região, capturadas em discursos higiênicos que desqualificam as famílias em função de suas condições de sobrevivência e de suas práticas de cuidado em relação às crianças. Estes discursos produzem a demanda por uma rede infinda de proteções para as famílias que promovem a saúde e asseguram a vida, mas implicam em controles que põem em xeque sua autonomia.


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Objective - For patients with medication refractory medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), surgery offers the hope of a cure. However, up to 30% of patients with MTLE continue to experience disabling seizures after surgery. The reasons why some patients do not achieve seizure freedom are poorly understood. A promising theory suggests that epileptogenic networks are broadly distributed in surgically refractory MTLE, involving regions beyond the medial temporal lobe. In this retrospective study, we aimed to investigate the distribution of epileptogenic networks in MTLE using Bayesian distributed EEG source analysis from preoperative ictal onset recordings. This analysis has the advantage of generating maps of source probability, which can be subjected to voxel-based statistical analyses.Methods - We compared 10 patients who achieved post-surgical seizure freedom with 10 patients who continued experiencing seizures after surgery. Voxel-based Wilcoxon tests were employed with correction for multiple comparisons.Results - We observed that ictal EEG source intensities were significantly more likely to occur in lateral temporal and posterior medial temporal regions in patients with continued seizures post-surgery.Conclusions - Our findings support the theory of broader spatial distribution of epileptogenic networks at seizure onset in patients with surgically refractory MTLE.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Fähigkeit untersucht werden, Schmerzreize auf der Haut zu lokalisieren und deren Intensität zu differenzieren. Während dieser Diskriminationsaufgaben wurde die elektrische Aktivität des Gehirns gemessen.Traditionell werden dem nozizeptiven System nur geringe Diskriminationsleistungen zugeschrieben. In einer ersten Versuchsreihe sollten daher die räumlichen Diskriminationsleistungen für nozizeptive und taktile Reize verglichen werden. Auf dem Handrücken konnten schmerzhaft Laserhitzereize genauso gut lokalisiert werden wie taktile Reize (von-Frey-Haar). Nur ein mechanischer Nadelreiz, der taktiles und nozizeptives System koaktivierte, konnte noch besser lokalisiert werden. In der zweiten Versuchsreihe wurden während verschiedener Diskriminationsaufgaben (räumliche Diskrimination, Intensitätsdiskrimination) und einer Ablenkungsaufgabe (mentale Arithmetik) Laser-evozierte Potenziale von der Kopfhaut abgeleitet. Eine Dipolquellenanalyse zeigte als erstes eine Aktivierung des frontalen Operculums, entsprechend einem zur Zeit noch umstrittenen Projektionsgebiet eines nozizeptiven Thalamuskerns (VMpo), gefolgt vom primären somatosensorische Kortex (SI) und dem Gyrus cinguli. Im Gegensatz zum taktilen System wurde SI signifikant später aktiviert als SII (bzw. das Operculum). Die Diskriminationsaufgaben erhöhten die Aktivität aller Quellen im Vergleich zu der Ablenkungsbedingung. Dies konnte sogar für die früheste Quelle im Operculum gezeigt werden.Die frühe sensorisch-diskriminative Komponente der Schmerzverarbeitung im Operculum zeigte eine Hemisphärenasymmetrie, mit stärkerer Aktivierung der linken Hemisphäre unabhängig von der Stimulationsseite.


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The development of extratropical cyclones can be seen as an interplay of three positive potential vorticity (PV) anomalies: an upper-level stratospheric intrusion, low-tropospheric diabatically produced PV, and a warm anomaly at the surface acting as a surrogate PV anomaly. In the mature stage they become vertically aligned and form a “PV tower” associated with strong cyclonic circulation. This paradigm of extratropical cyclone development provides the basis of this thesis, which will use a climatological dataset and numerical model experiments to investigate the amplitude of the three anomalies and the processes leading in particular to the formation of the diabatically produced low-tropospheric PV anomaly.rnrnThe first part of this study, based on the interim ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) dataset, quantifies the amplitude of the three PV anomalies in mature extratropical cyclones in different regions in the Northern Hemisphere on a climatological basis. A tracking algorithm is applied to sea level pressure (SLP) fields to identify cyclone tracks. Surface potential temperature anomalies ∆θ and vertical profiles of PV anomalies ∆PV are calculated at the time of the cyclones’ minimum SLP and during the intensification phase 24 hours before in a vertical cylinder with a radius of 200 km around the surface cyclone center. To compare the characteristics of the cyclones, they are grouped according to their location (8 regions) and intensity, where the central SLP is used as a measure of intensity. Composites of ∆PV profiles and ∆θ are calculated for each region and intensity class at the time of minimum SLP and during the cyclone intensification phase.rnrnDuring the cyclones’ development stage the amplitudes of all three anomalies increase on average. In the mature stage all three anomalies are typically larger for intense than for weak winter cyclones [e.g., 0.6 versus 0.2 potential vorticity units (PVU) at lower levels, and 1.5 versus 0.5 PVU at upper levels].rnThe regional variability of the cyclones’ vertical structure and the profile evolution is prominent (cyclones in some regions are more sensitive to the amplitude of a particular anomaly than in other regions). Values of ∆θ and low-level ∆PV are on average larger in the western parts of the oceans than in the eastern parts. In addition, a large seasonal variability can be identified, with fewer and weaker cyclones especially in the summer, associated with higher low-tropospheric PV values, but also with a higher tropopause and much weaker surface potential temperature anomalies (compared to winter cyclones).rnrnIn the second part, we were interested in the diabatic low-level part of PV towers. Evaporative sources were identified of moisture that was involved in PV production through condensation. Lagrangian backward trajectories were calculated from the region with high PV values at low-levels in the cyclones. PV production regions were identified along these trajectories and from these regions a new set of backward trajectories was calculated and moisture uptakes were traced along them. The main contribution from surface evaporation to the specific humidity of the trajectories is collected 12-72 hours prior to therntime of PV production. The uptake region for weaker cyclones with less PV in the centre is typically more localized with reduced uptake values compared to intense cyclones. However, in a qualitative sense uptakes and other variables along single trajectories do not vary much between cyclones of different intensity in different regions.rnrnA sensitivity study with the COSMO model comprises the last part of this work. The study aims at investigating the influence of synthetic moisture modification in the cyclone environment in different stages of its development. Moisture was eliminated in three regions, which were identified as important moisture source regions for PV production. Moisture suppression affected the cyclone the most in its early phase. It led to cyclolysis shortly after its genesis. Nevertheles, a new cyclone formed on the other side of a dry box and developed relatively quickly. Also in other experiments, moisture elimination led to strong intensity reduction of the surface cyclone, limited upper-level development, and delayed or missing interaction between the two.rnrnIn summary, this thesis provides novel insight into the structure of different intensity categories of extratropical cyclones from a PV perspective, which corroborates the findings from a series of previous case studies. It reveals that all three PV anomalies are typically enhanced for more intense cyclones, with important regional differences concerning the relative amplitude of the three anomalies. The moisture source analysis is the first of this kind to study the evaporation-condensation cycle related to the intensification of extratropical cyclones. Interestingly, most of the evaporation occurs during the 3 days prior to the time of maximum cyclone intensity and typically extends over fairly large areas along the track of the cyclone. The numerical model case study complements this analysis by analyzing the impact of regionally confined moisture sources for the evolution of the cyclone.


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Event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to trace changes in brain activity related to progress in second language learning. Twelve English-speaking exchange students learning German in Switzerland were recruited. ERPs to visually presented single words from the subjects' native language (English), second language (German) and an unknown language (Romansh) were measured before (day 1) and after (day 2) 5 months of intense German language learning. When comparing ERPs to German words from day 1 and day 2, we found topographic differences between 396 and 540 ms. These differences could be interpreted as a latency shift indicating faster processing of German words on day 2. Source analysis indicated that the topographic differences were accounted for by shorter activation of left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) on day 2. In ERPs to English words, we found Global Field Power differences between 472 and 644 ms. This may due to memory traces related to English words being less easily activated on day 2. Alternatively, it might reflect the fact that--with German words becoming familiar on day 2--English words loose their oddball character and thus produce a weaker P300-like effect on day 2. In ERPs to Romansh words, no differences were observed. Our results reflect plasticity in the neuronal networks underlying second language acquisition. They indicate that with a higher level of second language proficiency, second language word processing is faster and requires shorter frontal activation. Thus, our results suggest that the reduced IFG activation found in previous fMRI studies might not reflect a generally lower activation but rather a shorter duration of activity.


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The effect of short-term (5 days) exposure to CO2-acidified seawater (year 2100 predicted values, ocean pH = 7.6) on key aspects of the function of the intertidal common limpet Patella vulgata (Gastropoda: Patellidae) was investigated. Changes in extracellular acid-base balance were almost completely compensated by an increase in bicarbonate ions. A concomitant increase in haemolymph Ca2+ and visible shell dissolution implicated passive shell dissolution as the bicarbonate source. Analysis of the radula using SEM revealed that individuals from the hypercapnic treatment showed an increase in the number of damaged teeth and the extent to which such teeth were damaged compared with controls. As radula teeth are composed mainly of chitin, acid dissolution seems unlikely, and so the proximate cause of damage is unknown. There was no hypercapnia-related change in metabolism (O2 uptake) or feeding rate, also discounting the possibility that teeth damage was a result of a CO2-related increase in grazing. We conclude that although the limpet appears to have the physiological capacity to maintain its extracellular acid-base balance, metabolism and feeding rate over a 5 days exposure to acidified seawater, radular damage somehow incurred during this time could still compromise feeding in the longer term, in turn decreasing the top-down ecosystem control that P. vulgata exerts over rocky shore environments.


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The chi63 promoter directs glucose-sensitive, chitin-dependent transcription of a gene involved in the utilization of chitin as carbon source. Analysis of 5′ and 3′ deletions of the promoter region revealed that a 350-bp segment is sufficient for wild-type levels of expression and regulation. The analysis of single base changes throughout the promoter region, introduced by random and site-directed mutagenesis, identified several sequences to be important for activity and regulation. Single base changes at −10, −12, −32, −33, −35, and −37 upstream of the transcription start site resulted in loss of activity from the promoter, suggesting that bases in these positions are important for RNA polymerase interaction. The sequences centered around −10 (TATTCT) and −35 (TTGACC) in this promoter are, in fact, prototypical of eubacterial promoters. Overlapping the RNA polymerase binding site is a perfect 12-bp direct repeat sequence. Some base changes within this direct repeat resulted in constitutive expression, suggesting that this sequence is an operator for negative regulation. Other base changes resulted in loss of glucose repression while retaining the requirement for chitin induction, suggesting that this sequence is also involved in glucose repression. The fact that cis-acting mutations resulted in glucose resistance but not inducer independence rules out the possibility that glucose repression acts exclusively by inducer exclusion. The fact that mutations that affect glucose repression and chitin induction fall within the same direct repeat sequence module suggests that the direct repeat sequence facilitates both chitin induction and glucose repression.


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Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) provide high-resolution measures of the time course of neuronal activity patterns associated with perceptual and cognitive processes. New techniques for ERP source analysis and comparisons with data from blood-flow neuroimaging studies enable improved localization of cortical activity during visual selective attention. ERP modulations during spatial attention point toward a mechanism of gain control over information flow in extrastriate visual cortical pathways, starting about 80 ms after stimulus onset. Paying attention to nonspatial features such as color, motion, or shape is manifested by qualitatively different ERP patterns in multiple cortical areas that begin with latencies of 100–150 ms. The processing of nonspatial features seems to be contingent upon the prior selection of location, consistent with early selection theories of attention and with the hypothesis that spatial attention is “special.”


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Response inhibition is the ability to suppress inadequate but automatically activated, prepotent or ongoing response tendencies. In the framework of motor inhibition, two distinct operating strategies have been described: “proactive” and “reactive” control modes. In the proactive modality, inhibition is recruited in advance by predictive signals, and actively maintained before its enactment. Conversely, in the reactive control mode, inhibition is phasically enacted after the detection of the inhibitory signal. To date, ample evidence points to a core cerebral network for reactive inhibition comprising the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and the basal ganglia (BG). Moreover, fMRI studies showed that cerebral activations during proactive and reactive inhibition largely overlap. These findings suggest that at least part of the neural network for reactive inhibition is recruited in advance, priming cortical regions in preparation for the upcoming inhibition. So far, proactive and reactive inhibitory mechanisms have been investigated during tasks in which the requested response to be stopped or withheld was an “overt” action execution (AE) (i.e., a movement effectively performed). Nevertheless, inhibitory mechanisms are also relevant for motor control during “covert actions” (i.e., potential motor acts not overtly performed), such as motor imagery (MI). MI is the conscious, voluntary mental rehearsal of action representations without any overt movement. Previous studies revealed a substantial overlap of activated motor-related brain networks in premotor, parietal and subcortical regions during overtly executed and imagined movements. Notwithstanding this evidence for a shared set of cerebral regions involved in encoding actions, whether or not those actions are effectively executed, the neural bases of motor inhibition during MI, preventing covert action from being overtly performed, in spite of the activation of the motor system, remain to be fully clarified. Taking into account this background, we performed a high density EEG study evaluating cerebral mechanisms and their related sources elicited during two types of cued Go/NoGo task, requiring the execution or withholding of an overt (Go) or a covert (MI) action, respectively. The EEG analyses were performed in two steps, with different aims: 1) Analysis of the “response phase” of the cued overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks, for the evaluation of reactive inhibitory control of overt and covert actions. 2) Analysis of the “preparatory phase” of the cued overt and covert Go/NoGo EEG datasets, focusing on cerebral activities time-locked to the preparatory signals, for the evaluation of proactive inhibitory mechanisms and their related neural sources. For these purposes, a spatiotemporal analysis of the scalp electric fields was applied on the EEG data recorded during the overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks. The spatiotemporal approach provide an objective definition of time windows for source analysis, relying on the statistical proof that the electric fields are different and thus generated by different neural sources. The analysis of the “response phase” revealed that key nodes of the inhibitory circuit, underpinning inhibition of the overt movement during the NoGo response, were also activated during the MI enactment. In both cases, inhibition relied on the activation of pre-SMA and rIFG, but with different temporal patterns of activation in accord with the intended “covert” or “overt” modality of motor performance. During the NoGo condition, the pre-SMA and rIFG were sequentially activated, pointing to an early decisional role of pre-SMA and to a later role of rIFG in the enactment of inhibitory control of the overt action. Conversely, a concomitant activation of pre-SMA and rIFG emerged during the imagined motor response. This latter finding suggested that an inhibitory mechanism (likely underpinned by the rIFG), could be prewired into a prepared “covert modality” of motor response, as an intrinsic component of the MI enactment. This mechanism would allow the rehearsal of the imagined motor representations, without any overt movement. The analyses of the “preparatory phase”, confirmed in both overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks the priming of cerebral regions pertaining to putative inhibitory network, reactively triggered in the following response phase. Nonetheless, differences in the preparatory strategies between the two tasks emerged, depending on the intended “overt” or “covert” modality of the possible incoming motor response. During the preparation of the overt Go/NoGo task, the cue primed the possible overt response programs in motor and premotor cortex. At the same time, through preactivation of a pre-SMA-related decisional mechanism, it triggered a parallel preparation for the successful response selection and/or inhibition during the subsequent response phase. Conversely, the preparatory strategy for the covert Go/NoGo task was centred on the goal-oriented priming of an inhibitory mechanism related to the rIFG that, being tuned to the instructed covert modality of the motor performance and instantiated during the subsequent MI enactment, allowed the imagined response to remain a potential motor act. Taken together, the results of the present study demonstrate a substantial overlap of cerebral networks activated during proactive recruitment and subsequent reactive enactment of motor inhibition in both overt and covert actions. At the same time, our data show that preparatory cues predisposed ab initio a different organization of the cerebral areas (in particular of the pre-SMA and rIFG) involved with sensorimotor transformations and motor inhibitory control for executed and imagined actions. During the preparatory phases of our cued overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks, the different adopted strategies were tuned to the “how” of the motor performance, reflecting the intended overt and covert modality of the possible incoming action.


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Background - Pichia pastoris is a widely-used host for recombinant protein production; expression is typically driven by methanol-inducible alcohol oxidase (AOX) promoters. Recently this system has become an important source of recombinant G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for structural biology and drug discovery. The influence of diverse culture parameters (such as pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, medium composition, antifoam concentration and culture temperature) on productivity has been investigated for a wide range of recombinant proteins in P. pastoris. In contrast, the impact of the pre-induction phases on yield has not been as closely studied. In this study, we examined the pre-induction phases of P. pastoris bioreactor cultivations producing three different recombinant proteins: the GPCR, human A2a adenosine receptor (hA2aR), green fluorescent protein (GFP) and human calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor component protein (as a GFP fusion protein; hCGRP-RCP-GFP). Results - Functional hA2aR was detected in the pre-induction phases of a 1 L bioreactor cultivation of glycerol-grown P. pastoris. In a separate experiment, a glycerol-grown P. pastoris strain secreted soluble GFP prior to methanol addition. When glucose, which has been shown to repress AOX expression, was the pre-induction carbon source, hA2aR and GFP were still produced in the pre-induction phases. Both hA2aR and GFP were also produced in methanol-free cultivations; functional protein yields were maintained or increased after depletion of the carbon source. Analysis of the pre-induction phases of 10 L pilot scale cultivations also demonstrated that pre-induction yields were at least maintained after methanol induction, even in the presence of cytotoxic concentrations of methanol. Additional bioreactor data for hCGRP-RCP-GFP and shake-flask data for GFP, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), the human tetraspanins hCD81 and CD82, and the tight-junction protein human claudin-1, demonstrated that bioreactor but not shake flask cultivations exhibit recombinant protein production in the pre-induction phases of P. pastoris cultures. Conclusions - The production of recombinant hA2aR, GFP and hCGRP-RCP-GFP can be detected in bioreactor cultivations prior to methanol induction, while this is not the case for shake-flask cultivations of GFP, HRP, hCD81, hCD82 and human claudin-1. This confirms earlier suggestions of leaky expression from AOX promoters, which we report here for both glycerol- and glucose-grown cells in bioreactor cultivations. These findings suggest that the productivity of AOX-dependent bioprocesses is not solely dependent on induction by methanol. We conclude that in order to maximize total yields, pre-induction phase cultivation conditions should be optimized, and that increased specific productivity may result in decreased biomass yields.