225 resultados para somatostatin
In this study, we investigated the potential role of high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) in severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and the effects of growth hormone (G) and somatostatin (S) in SAP rats. The rats were randomly divided into 6 groups of 20 each: sham-operated, SAP, SAP+saline, SAP+G, SAP+S and SAP+G+S. Ileum and pancreas tissues of rats in each group were evaluated histologically. HMGB1 mRNA expression was measured by reverse transcription-PCR. Levels of circulating TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, and endotoxin were also measured. In the SAP group, interstitial congestion and edema, inflammatory cell infiltration, and interstitial hemorrhage occurred in ileum and pancreas tissues. The levels of HMGB1, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6 and endotoxin were significantly up-regulated in the SAP group compared with those in the sham-operated group, and the 7-day survival rate was 0%. In the SAP+G and SAP+S groups, the inflammatory response of the morphological structures was alleviated, the levels of HMGB1, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, and endotoxin were significantly decreased compared with those in the SAP group, and the survival rate was increased. Moreover, in the SAP+G+S group, all histological scores were significantly improved and the survival rate was significantly higher compared with the SAP group. In conclusion, HMGB1 might participate in pancreas and ileum injury in SAP. Growth hormone and somatostatin might play a therapeutic role in the inflammatory response of SAP.
Agonist-induced internalization of somatostatin receptors (ssts) determines subsequent cellular responsiveness to peptide agonists and influences sst receptor scintigraphy. To investigate sst2A trafficking, rat sst2A tagged with epitope was expressed in human embryonic kidney cells and tracked by antibody labeling. Confocal microscopical analysis revealed that stimulation with sst and octreotide induced internalization of sst2A. Internalized sst2A remained sequestrated within early endosomes, and 60 min after stimulation, internalized sst2A still colocalized with beta-arrestin1-enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP), endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1), and rab5a. Internalized (125)I-Tyr(11)-SST-14 was rapidly hydrolyzed by endosomal endopeptidases, with radioactive metabolites being released from the cell. Internalized (125)I-Tyr(1)-octreotide accumulated as an intact peptide and was released from the cell as an intact peptide ligand. We have identified ECE-1 as one of the endopeptidases responsible for inactivation of internalized SST-14. ECE-1-mediated cleavage of SST-14 was inhibited by the specific ECE-1 inhibitor, SM-19712, and by preventing acidification of endosomes using bafilomycin A(1). ECE-1 cleaved SST-14 but not octreotide in an acidic environment. The metallopeptidases angiotensin-1 converting enzyme and ECE-2 did not hydrolyze SST-14 or octreotide. Our results show for the first time that stimulation with SST-14 and octreotide induced sequestration of sst2A into early endosomes and that endocytosed SST-14 is degraded by endopeptidases located in early endosomes. Furthermore, octreotide was not degraded by endosomal peptidases and was released as an intact peptide. This mechanism may explain functional differences between octreotide and SST-14 after sst2A stimulation. Moreover, further investigation of endopeptidase-regulated trafficking of neuropeptides may result in novel concepts of neuropeptide receptor inactivation in cancer diagnosis.
Somatostatin-receptor 1 (sst1) is an autoreceptor in the central nervous system that regulates the release of somatostatin. Sst1 is present intracellularly and at the cell surface. To investigate sst1 trafficking, rat sst1 tagged with epitope was expressed in rat insulinoma cells 1046-38 (RIN-1046-38) and tracked by antibody labeling. Confocal microscopic analysis revealed colocalization of intracellularly localized rat sst1-human simplex virus (HSV) with Rab5a-green fluorescent protein and Rab11a-green fluorescent protein, indicating the distribution of the receptor in endocytotic and recycling organelles. Somatostatin-14 induced internalization of cell surface receptors and reduction of binding sites on the cell surface. It also stimulated recruitment of intracellular sst1-HSV to the plasma membrane. Confocal analysis of sst1-HSV revealed that the receptor was initially transported within superficial vesicles. Prolonged stimulation of the cells with the peptide agonist induced intracellular accumulation of somatostatin-14. Because the number of cell surface binding sites did not change during prolonged stimulation, somatostatin-14 was internalized through a dynamic process of continuous endocytosis, recycling, and recruitment of intracellularly present sst1-HSV. Accumulated somatostatin-14 bypassed degradation via the endosomal-lysosomal route and was instead rapidly released as intact and biologically active somatostatin-14. Our results show for the first time that sst1 mediates a dynamic process of endocytosis, recycling, and re-endocytosis of its cognate ligand.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Somatostatin ist ein Molekül mit multifunktinonellem Charakter, dem Neurotransmitter-, Neuromodulator- und (Neuro)-Hormoneigenschaften zugeschrieben werden. Gemäß seiner ubiquitären Verteilung in Geweben beeinflusst es Stoffwechsel- und Entwicklungsprozesse, bis hin zu Lern-und Gedächtnisleistungen. Diese Wirkungen resultieren aus dem lokalen und zeitlichen Zusammenspiel eines Liganden und fünf G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptoren (SSTR1-5). Zur Charakterisierung der biologischen Bedeutung des Somatostatin-Systems im Gesamtorganismus wurde eine Mutationsanalyse einzelner Systemkomponenten durchgeführt. Sie umfaßte die Inaktivierung der Gene für das Somatostatin-Präpropeptid und die der Rezeptoren SSTR3 und SSTR4 durch Gene Targeting. Die entsprechenden Ausfallmutationen belegen: Weder die Rezeptoren 3 und 4, noch Somatostatin sind für das Überleben des Organismus unter Standardhaltungsbedingungen notwendig. Die entsprechenden Mauslinien zeigen keine unmittelbar auffälligen Einschränkungen ihrer Biologie. Die Somatostatin-Nullmaus wurde zum Hauptgegenstand einer detaillierten Untersuchung aufgrund der übergeordneten Position des Liganden in der Signalkaskade und verfügbaren Hinweisen zu seiner Funktion. Folgende Schlußfolgerungen konnten nach eingehender Analyse gezogen werden: Der Ausfall des Somatostatin-Gens hat erhöhte Plasmakonzentrationen an Wachstumshormon (GH) zur Konsequenz. Dies steht im Einklang mit der Rolle Somatostatins als hemmender Faktor der Wachstumshormon-Freisetzung, die in der Mutante aufgehoben ist. Durch die Somatostatin-Nullmaus wurde zudem deutlich: Somatostatin interagiert als wesentliches Bindeglied zwischen der Wachstums- und Streßachse. Permanent erhöhte Corticosteron-Werte in den Mutanten implizieren einen negativen tonischen Einfluß für die Sekretion von Glukocorticoiden in vivo. Damit zeigt die Knockout-Maus, daß Somatostatin normalerweise als ein entscheidendes inhibierendes Kontrollelement der Steroidfreisetzung fungiert. Verhaltensversuche offenbarten ein Defizit im motorischen Lernen. Somatostatin-Nullmäuse bleiben im Lernparadigma “Rotierender Stabtest” hinter ihren Artgenossen zurück ohne aber generell in Motorik oder Koordination eingeschränkt zu sein. Diese motorischen Lernvorgänge sind von einem funktionierenden Kleinhirn abhängig. Da Somatostatin und seine Rezeptoren kaum im adulten, wohl aber im sich entwickelnden Kleinhirn auftreten, belegt dieses Ergebnis die Funktion transient in der Entwicklung exprimierter Neuropeptide – eine lang bestehende, aber bislang experimentell nicht nachgewiesene Hypothese. Die Überprüfung weiterer physiologischer Parameter und Verhaltenskategorien unter Standard-Laborbedingunggen ergab keine sichtbaren Abweichungen im Vergleich zu Wildtyp-Mäusen. Damit steht nun ein Tiermodell zur weiterführenden Analyse für die Somatostatin-Forschung bereit: In endokrinologischen, elektrophysiologischen und verhaltens-biologischen Experimenten ist nun eine unmittelbare Korrelation selektiv mit dem Somatostatin-Peptid bzw. mit den Rezeptoren 3 und 4 aber auch in Kombination der Ausfallmutationen nach entsprechenden Kreuzungen möglich.
Die hochspezifische Funktionalisierung von Proteinen und Peptiden kann durch milde reduktive Spaltung der lösungsmittelzugänglichen Disulfidbrücken und anschließende Rückverbrückung durch den Einbau sogenannter Linkermoleküle über einen konsekutiven Eliminierungs-Additionsprozess verwirklicht werden. Die Erweiterung des Linkerportfolios stellte in erster Instanz die Entwicklung von verschieden funktionalisierten Systemen dar, welche als hochflexible Kernbausteine für den Aufbau komplexer Architekturen dienten. Das Verständnis für die Reaktivität und Reversibilität der Thioladdition an die Mono-und Bissulfone in Abhängigkeit des Substituenten in p-Position konnte durch Variation von Parametern wie Lösungsmittel oder pH-Wert für intelligentes Produktdesign genutzt werden. Heterokonjugate zweier Biomoleküle mit ungepaartem Cystein wurden durch die Kombination von Maleinimid- und Bissulfonchemie innerhalb eines Linkermoleküls realisiert. Polymer-Peptid-Konjugate wurden einerseits über die grafting to Methode durch Modifizierung von Somatostatin mit PEGbissulfonen und anderseits durch grafting from unter Verwendung eines zuvor synthetisierten ATRP-Makroinitiators dargestellt. Multivalente Konjugate konnten durch die Synthese von hochsymmetrischen Tetra- sowie Hexasulfonen und anschließende Umsetzung mit Somatostatin erhalten werden. Die Polyinterkalatorpolymere, die durch lebende radikalische Polymerisation eines Bissulfidmonomers generiert wurden, wurden mit Glutathion umgesetzt. Durch die Interkalation von p-Ethinyl sowie p-Iodmonosulfon in die Disulfidbrücke von Somatostatin konnte erfolgreich gezeigt werden, dass die Rückverbrückung unter Rezyklisierung gelang. Die biologische Integrität wurde durch die Modifikation nicht beeinträchtigt und die erfolgreiche Aufnahme wurde nur bei den rezeptorpositiven Zellen (CAPAN-2) beobachtet. Das artifizielle Iodderivat im Vergleich zum nativen Somatostatin ein erhöhtes Potential zur Apoptoseinduktion. Die Somatostatinderivate präsentierten sich somit als attraktive potentielle Therapeutika.
Internalized somatostatin receptor subtype 2 in neuroendocrine tumors of octreotide-treated patients
Somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst(2)) is widely expressed in neuroendocrine tumors and can be visualized immunohistochemically at the cell membrane for diagnostic purposes. Recently, it has been demonstrated in animal sst(2) tumor models in vivo that somatostatin analog treatment was able to induce a complete internalization of the tumor sst(2).
A variety of radiolabeled somatostatin analogs have been developed for targeting of somatostatin receptor (sst)-positive tumors. Bicyclic somatostatin-based radiopeptides have not been studied yet. Hypothesizing that the introduction of conformational constraints may lead to receptor subtype selectivity or may help to delineate structural features determining pansomatostatin potency, we developed and evaluated first examples of this new class of potential radiotracers for imaging or therapy of neuroendocrine tumors.
Among clinically relevant somatostatin functions, agonist-induced somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst(2)) internalization is a potent mechanism for tumor targeting with sst(2) affine radioligands such as octreotide. Since, as opposed to octreotide, the second generation multi-somatostatin analog SOM230 (pasireotide) exhibits strong functional selectivity, it appeared of interest to evaluate its ability to affect sst(2) internalization in vivo. Rats bearing AR42J tumors endogenously expressing somatostatin sst(2) receptors were injected intravenously with SOM230 or with the [Tyr(3), Thr(8)]-octreotide (TATE) analog; they were euthanized at various time points; tumors and pancreas were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for the cellular localization of somatostatin sst(2) receptors. SOM230-induced sst(2) internalization was also evaluated in vitro by immunofluorescence microscopy in AR42J cells. At difference to the efficient in vivo sst(2) internalization triggered by intravenous [Tyr(3), Thr(8)]-octreotide, intravenous SOM230 did not elicit sst(2) internalization: immunohistochemically stained sst(2) in AR42J tumor cells and pancreatic cells were detectable at the cell surface at 2.5min, 10min, 1h, 6h, or 24h after SOM230 injection while sst(2) were found intracellularly after [Tyr(3), Thr(8)]-octreotide injection. The inability of stimulating sst(2) internalization by SOM230 was confirmed in vitro in AR42J cells by immunofluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, SOM230 was unable to antagonize agonist-induced sst(2) internalization, neither in vivo, nor in vitro. Therefore, SOM230 does not induce sst(2) internalization in vivo or in vitro in AR42J cells and pancreas, at difference to octreotide derivatives with comparable sst(2) binding affinities. These characteristics may point towards different tumor targeting but also to different desensitization properties of clinically applied SOM230.
Peptide receptor targeting has become an increasingly attractive method to target tumors diagnostically and radiotherapeutically. Peptides linked to a variety of chelators have been developed for this purpose. They have, however, rarely been tested for their agonistic or antagonistic properties. We report here on a somatostatin antagonist that switched to an agonist upon coupling to a DOTA chelator.
Somatostatin analogs that activate the somatostatin subtype 2A (sst2A) receptor are used to treat neuroendocrine cancers because they inhibit tumor secretion and growth. Recently, new analogs capable of activating multiple somatostatin receptor subtypes have been developed to increase tumor responsiveness. We tested two such multi-somatostatin analogs for functional selectivity at the sst2A receptor: SOM230, which activates sst1, sst2, sst3, and sst5 receptors, and KE108, which activates all sst receptor subtypes. Both compounds are reported to act as full agonists at their target sst receptors. In sst2A-expressing HEK293 cells, somatostatin inhibited cAMP production, stimulated intracellular calcium accumulation, and increased ERK phosphorylation. SOM230 and KE108 were also potent inhibitors of cAMP accumulation, as expected. However, they antagonized somatostatin stimulation of intracellular calcium and behaved as partial agonists/antagonists for ERK phosphorylation. In pancreatic AR42J cells, which express sst2A receptors endogenously, SOM230 and KE108 were both full agonists for cAMP inhibition. However, although somatostatin increased intracellular calcium and ERK phosphorylation, SOM230 and KE108 again antagonized these effects. Distinct mechanisms were involved in sst2A receptor signaling in AR42J cells; pertussis toxin pretreatment blocked somatostatin inhibition of cAMP accumulation but not the stimulation of intracellular calcium and ERK phosphorylation. Our results demonstrate that SOM230 and KE108 behave as agonists for inhibition of adenylyl cyclase but antagonize somatostatin's actions on intracellular calcium and ERK phosphorylation. Thus, SOM230 and KE108 are not somatostatin mimics, and their functional selectivity at sst2A receptors must be considered in clinical applications where it may have important consequences for therapy.
A limited set of novel octreotide dicarba-analogues with non-native aromatic side chains in positions 7 and/or 10 were synthesized. Their affinity toward the ssts1-5 was determined. Derivative 4 exhibited a pan-somatostatin activity, except sst4, and derivative 8 exhibited high affinity and selectivity toward sst5. Actually, compound 8 has similar sst5 affinity (IC50 4.9 nM) to SRIF-28 and octreotide. Structure-activity relationships suggest that the Z geometry of the double-bond bridge is that preferred by the receptors. The NMR study on the conformations of these compounds in SDS(-d25) micelles solution shows that all these analogues have the pharmacophore beta-turn spanning Xaa7-D-Trp8-Lys9-Yaa10 residues. Notably, the correlation between conformation families and affinity data strongly indicates that the sst5 selectivity is favored by a helical conformation involving the C-terminus triad, while a pan-SRIF mimic activity is based mainly on a conformational equilibrium between extended and folded conformational states.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor imaging is superior to somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst(2)) imaging in localizing benign insulinomas. Here, the role of GLP-1 and sst(2) receptor imaging in the management of malignant insulinoma patients was investigated.
Preclinical studies have indicated that somatostatin receptor (sst)-expressing tumors demonstrate higher uptake of radiolabeled sst antagonists than of sst agonists. In this study, we evaluated whether imaging with sst antagonists was feasible in patients.