961 resultados para social meaning


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The hawari of Cairo - narrow non-straight alleyways - are the basic urban units that have formed the medieval city since its foundation back in 969 AD. Until early in the C20th, they made up the primary urban divisions of the city and were residential in nature. Contemporary hawari, by contrast, are increasingly dominated by commercial and industrial activity. This medieval urban maze of extremely short, broken, zigzag streets and dead ends are defensible territories, powerful institutions, and important social systems. While the hawari have been studied as an exemplar for urban structure of medieval Islamic urbanism, and as individual building typologies, this book is the first to examine in detail the socio-spatial practice of the architecture of home in the city. It investigates how people live, communicate and relate to each other within their houses or shared spaces of the alleys, and in doing so, to uncover several new socio-spatial dimensions and meanings in this architectural form.

In an attempt to re-establish the link between architecture past and present, and to understand the changing social needs of communities, this book uncovers the notion of home as central to understand architecture in such a city with long history as Cairo. It firstly describes the historical development of the domestic spaces (indoor and outdoor), and provides an inclusive analysis of spaces of everyday activities in the hawari of old Cairo. It then broadens its analysis to other parts of the city, highlighting different customs and representations of home in the city at large. Cairo, in the context of this book, is represented as the most sophisticated urban centre in the Middle East with different and sometimes contrasting approaches to the architecture of home, as a practice and spatial system.

In order to analyse the complexity and interconnectedness of the components and elements of the hawari as a 'collective home', it layers its narratives of architectural and social developments as a domestic environment over the past two hundred years, and in doing so, explores the in-depth social meaning and performance of spaces, both private and public.


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Ciências da Arte), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014


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A importância da eficiência energética em edifícios de uso coletivo através do aperfeiçoamento das práticas de conservação e da implementação de novas tecnologias, enfatiza o papel que a mudança de comportamentos associados ao uso e à conservação de energia detém na melhoria desta eficiência. Mas como contribuir para a alteração de comportamentos sem antes conhecer os sentidos e significados sociais atribuídos à energia? Considerando que este conhecimento é fulcral para a alteração de comportamentos, recorre-se aos resultados de um inquérito por questionário sobre o uso de energia desenvolvido com alunos e professores de uma escola secundária de Lisboa recentemente intervencionada, para caracterizar as representações sociais da energia destes dois grupos (cf. projeto Net Zero Energy School - Reaching the Community – FCT/MIT Portugal). A primeira pergunta do questionário solicitava aos inquiridos que indicassem as primeiras três palavras que lhes vinham à ideia quando pensavam em energia. A maioria dos alunos associou a palavra “energia” às energias renováveis e à luz, e os professores à ambiente e sustentabilidade energética, às questões de natureza económica e de consumo. Explora-se aqui os aspetos centrais e periféricos das representações da energia na explicitação dos sentidos e significados atribuídos a energia e discutem-se as questões fundamentais a considerar no âmbito da mudança de comportamentos de uso e conservação de energia numa dada comunidade escolar.


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Cette thèse a pour objectif d’examiner l’œuvre romanesque du Togolais Sami Tchak (de son vrai nom Sadamba Tcha Koura). Parmi les écrivains africains francophones dits de la nouvelle génération, il se distingue par une esthétique qui s’inscrit essentiellement dans une dynamique transgressive et transculturelle. À travers un recours systématique au matériau de la sexualité, Sami Tchak construit une poétique, qui, au-delà de son audace transgressive, de son aspect délibérément choquant et provocateur, s’attache à interroger l’existence humaine, à mettre en évidence les misères et les faiblesses de l’Homme. En outre, cette poétique de la sexualité est porteuse de sens du social : elle sert de prétexte à l’auteur pour dépeindre l’existence de ceux qu’il appelle des « vies sans horizon », des « vies sans relief », mais aussi pour déconstruire la doxa. Mû par le désir de s’imposer comme une voix individuelle, de s’éloigner du dogme enfermant de l’africanité, Sami Tchak choisit de marquer son propre territoire littéraire par le biais d’une démarche transculturelle, en ancrant son œuvre dans la mémoire de la littérature. Cet ancrage se double d’une construction polysémique de l’espace. La présente étude s’appuie sur une triple approche, intertextuelle, sociocritique et transculturelle. Par exemple, elle montrera que, contrairement à une certaine critique qui le soupçonne de tourner le dos à l’Afrique, le projet romanesque de Sami Tchak procède d’une conscience à la fois africaine et universelle : même dans les romans qui se déroulent dans l’espace latino-américain, on remarquera que l’auteur possède l’art d’évoquer l’Afrique, surtout à travers des discours allusifs, implicites.


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The document refers to the San Francisco river canalization and subsequent construction of the Avenida Jiménez de Quesada. Understanding that the project was ascribed to the modernizing policy of the time, the investigation identifies the different stages in the canalization process, and shows its relations with the spatial structure of the city and the local conditions that developed on the river surroundings. The financing of the project through the “property increase duty” permits an illustration of the progress of canalization and construction of the Jiménez Avenue process, providing a less technical and more social meaning to the sequence in which the project executed. Consequently, the document approaches the shaping dynamics of Bogotá´s spatial structure at the beginning of the XX century.


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In this paper we show how a seemingly unremarkable object – a cattle grid – has come to presence climate change in partial and contingent ways on the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, UK. We identify the cattle grid as an ‘anticipatory object’ through which conservation organisations seek to manage the future and adapt to climate change, but which at the same time presences that unthought-of future for others in the landscape. We explore the ways in which the cattle grid acts to presence something that is not only absent – climate change – but has uncertain imminence. We investigate the ways in which the cattle grid make climate relevant as an embodied and experiential process, a physical and intellectual artefact, and the means to imagine climate and the ways it might change. Drawing upon interpretative approaches informed by theorisations of materiality, presence and absence to understand climate change as a social phenomenon, we go beyond a consideration of this ordinary object defined by its function to consider how the object is experienced, the processes and practices through which people relate to it, and the ways in which social meaning accumulates around it. The empirical basis for this argument is provided by in-depth interviews with local representatives of Natural England, residents and farmers.


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This article presents an account of the role of Tim O'Reilly, both as an individual and as a corporate entity (O'Reilly Group), in the creation, spread and use of the concept of Web 2.0. It demonstrates that, whatever Web 2.0's current uses to describe variously the technologies, politics, commerce or social meaning of the Internet, it originates as a deliberately open signifier of novel and potential internet development in the mid-2000s. The article argues that O'Reilly has promoted the diversity of the term's meanings and uses - celebrating textual liberties - but has also emphasised the special role that O'Reilly plays in providing the authoritative definition of that term. In essence, O'Reilly profits from this 'control' of the idea of Web 2.0 but that, to enjoy that control O'Reilly must also allow differences in meaning. The article concludes by suggesting that Web 2.0 therefore signifies a new kind of economics that brings together freedom and control in a new way.


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TWEI 2.0 (Type will ease itself 2.0) is a newly developed artefact of inquiry that engages the reproductions of memory, meaning and experience. The work offers a new typographic mark-making proposal salvaged from ordinary articles common to routines of the everyday – street and road signage, maps, and GPS coordinates. Our experience of these articles offer familiar patterns of recognition and sites for meaning making. We keep hold of and remember the traces of colour, marks and symbols as a means to retain our experiences of places and sites of meaning. In this work TWEI 2.0 positions a cartographic reproduction of digital histories, which have been repurposed from landscapes in Kuwait and Oman. The digital based work will be projected in a large format so to be physically realized on an architectural scale representative of large maps in the gallery environment. This scenario offers a vision that is as inescapable as the signage from which it comments on and offers a consideration of the gallery wall as both a boundary for experience and the production of a site of meaning. The work in this space physically presents an installation that seeks to be at both overwhelming and intimate. Here the artist pursues direct engagement with the audience as a practice of social meaning and partnership providing a direct correlation to our familiarities with common physical signage and sign posting of our streets, corners and roads. In achieving this TWEI 2.0 proposes to highlight the fragility of meaning and the brittleness of memories.


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Child support is one of the defining and under-studied elements of single mothering in contemporary Australia. However, the Australian Child Support Scheme is marked by high levels of debt and unreliable, partial and non-payment, which exacerbate mothers' financial insecurity. Most Australian child support research has focused on the amounts and outcomes of payments. Little is known about how and why mothers and fathers make the child support decisions they do. In this paper, we synthesise data from three interview studies with mothers who were due to receive child support to assess whether they experienced the system as intended. We compare the experience of child support policy 'on the books' with its experience by mothers 'on the ground'. A qualitative approach to mothers' experiences of child support highlights the social meaning of that money and the importance of understanding its transfer and use as embedded in social relations.


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Although there is a small body of feminist scholarship that problematizes gender in public relations, gender is a relatively undefined area of thinking in the field and there have been few serious studies of the socially constructed roles defining women and men in public relations. This book is positioned within the critical public relations stream. Through the prism of 'gender and public relations', it examines not only the manipulatory, but also the emancipatory, subversive and transformatory potential of public relations for the construction of meaning. Its focus is on the dynamic interrelationships arising from public relations activities in society and the gendered, lived experiences of people working in the occupation of public relations. There are many previously unexplored areas within and through public relations which the book examines. These include: • the production of social meaning and power relations. • advocacy and activist campaigns for social and political change. • the negotiation of identity, diversity and cultural practice. • celebrity, bodies, fashion and harassment in the workplace. • notions of managing reputation and communicating policy. In extending the field of inquiry, this edited collection highlights how gender is accomplished and transformed, and, thus how power is exercised and inequality (re)produced or challenged in public relations. The book will expand thinking about power relations and privilege for both women and men and how these are affected by the interplay of social, cultural and institutional practices. Winner of the Outstanding Book PRide Award, awarded by the National Communication Association (NCA).


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O estudo do comportamento dos consumidores  nomeadamente, os rituais de consumo associados ao consumo de café e os fatores envolvidos nesse processo  é importante para podermos compreender e comparar o comportamento dos consumidores cariocas e lisboetas no que tange ao consumo de café. Por outro lado, também é importante averiguar a influência da cultura e da sociedade nesses rituais de consumo, de forma a compreender a evolução do varejo de café pronto no Brasil. Os modelos que vêm sendo aplicados aqui se adaptam às características do público local, o que traz para a nossa discussão, a noção de cultura. Como em Portugal o uso do café expresso já é mais maduro que no Rio de Janeiro, a comparação entre as duas culturas pode ser interessante para ajudar o varejo brasileiro a se desenvolver. Para tal, neste estudo, foram entrevistados moradores das cidades do Rio de Janeiro e de Lisboa, a fim de descrevermos de que modo consomem café, os rituais associados a esse bem de consumo, assim como seus hábitos, motivações e justificativas para esse consumo, mostrando que não trata apenas de uma decisão de compra utilitária, mas também simbólica. Com esse objetivo, foram entrevistadas 69 e pessoas e os resultados dessas entrevistas avaliados de forma interpretativa. A conclusão foi a de que a bebida é consumida por uma parcela heterogênea dos entrevistados e que, geralmente, os consumidores associam o consumo de café a hábito, prazer, círculo de amizades, trabalho – como break –, colegas e família. Isso revela que o significado social da bebida está enraizado no âmbito doméstico, no trabalho ou no círculo de amizades e que esse significado está intrinsecamente associado aos hábitos e costumes das sociedades brasileira e portuguesa como fruto de suas culturas. Consequentemente, grande parte dos rituais de consumo dessa bebida está interligada ao seu significado social. Observou-se a necessidade de expansão desse mercado, particularmente, entre os jovens no Rio de Janeiro, e que muitas vezes o aroma é preferível ao sabor, pois mesmo aqueles que não apreciam muito a bebida, de uma forma geral, afirmaram gostar bastante do aroma. Assim, é fundamental para os gestores de estabelecimentos de varejo de café pronto conhecerem o cliente, serem inovadores e anteciparem as tendências, de modo a satisfazerem as necessidades deste. A preocupação não deve ser apenas com a qualidade do produto oferecido e com o conforto do cliente, mas também em agregar valor ao café e ao serviço prestado, proporcionando à clientela uma experiência única, a qual pode ser um diferencial importante, pois a conotação simbólica associada a esse bem de consumo é cada vez mais destacada.


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This study aimed to map the key positions regarding the constitutionality of the Maria da Penha Law (Law 11.340/2006) in the Brazilian judicial system. The law, the result of political struggles by the Brazilian feminist movement, has been the subject of discussions in the public sphere and actions aimed at consolidating its constitutionality before the Federal Supreme Court. We examined and discussed the arguments used in the Courts, intending to show that the creation of law is not limited to the legislative moment, but rather that its social meaning is also constituted through disputes within the Judiciary.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Nos anos 1970 as análises desenvolvidas por pesquisadores vinculados ao CEBRAP revelam a perspectiva de construção de uma nova interpretação acerca da realidade brasileira. Assim, a produção intelectual do CEBRAP que repercute ao longo da década de 1970 aponta para a revisão de certas teorias hegemônicas dos anos 1950 e 1960, que desde o golpe de 1964 vinham perdendo o sentido social que tinham. O significado dessa revisão é profundo e se reflete não apenas na agenda de análises sobre o pensamento social, como também nos debates que buscam a compreensão sobre a realidade políticosocial brasileira. É, justamente, nos artigos e ensaios publicados pelo Centro que encontramos um profuso material que permite nos inscrevermos no debate, no qual privilegiaremos três programas de pesquisas pleiteados pelo Centro: Estado e Sociedade Civil, Economia e Estudos Populacionais.