982 resultados para skin care


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Purpose: To provide an overview and a critical appraisal of systematic reviews (SRs) of published interventions for the prevention/management of radiation dermatitis. Methods and Materials: We searched Medline, CINAHL, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. We also manually searched through individual reference lists of potentially eligible articles and a number of key journals in the topic area. Two authors screened all potential articles and included eligible SRs. Two authors critically appraised and extracted key findings from the included reviews using AMSTAR (the measurement tool for “assessment of multiple systematic reviews”). Results: Of 1837 potential titles, 6 SRs were included. A number of interventions have been reported to be potentially beneficial for managing radiation dermatitis. Interventions evaluated in these reviews included skin care advice, steroidal/nonsteroidal topical agents, systemic therapies, modes of radiation delivery, and dressings. However, all the included SRs reported that there is insufficient evidence supporting any single effective intervention. The methodological quality of the included studies varied, and methodological shortfalls in these reviews might create biases to the overall results or recommendations for clinical practice. Conclusions: An up-to-date high-quality SR in the prevention/management of radiation dermatitis is needed to guide practice and direction for future research. We recommend that clinicians or guideline developers critically evaluate the information of SRs in their decision making.


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Background: Despite the technologic advances, radiation dermatitis is still a prevalent and distressing symptom in patients with cancer undergoing radiotherapy. Systematic reviews (SRs) are regarded as level I evidence providing direction for clinical practice and guidelines. This overview aims to provide a critical appraisal of SRs published on interventions for the prevention/management of radiation dermatitis. Methodology: We searched the following electronic databases: MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library (up to Feb 2012). We also hand-searched reference lists of potentially eligible articles and a number of key journals in the area. Two authors screened all potential articles and included eligible SRs. Two authors critically appraised and extracted key findings from the included reviews using the “A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews” (AMSTAR). Results: Of 1837 potential titles, six SRs were included. A number of interventions have been reported to be potentially beneficial for managing radiation dermatitis. Interventions evaluated in these reviews included skin care advice, steroidal/non-steroidal topical agents, systematic therapies, modes of radiation delivery, and dressings. However, all the included SRs reported that there is insufficient evidence supporting any single effective intervention. The methodological quality of the included studies varied, and methodological shortfalls in these reviews may create biases to the overall results or recommendations for clinical practice. Conclusions and implications: An up-to-date high quality SR in preventing/managing radiation dermatitis is needed to guide practice and direction for future research. Clinicians or guideline developers are recommended to critically evaluate the information of SRs in their decision making.


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Purpose This study tested the effectiveness of a pressure ulcer (PU) prevention bundle in reducing the incidence of PUs in critically ill patients in two Saudi intensive care units (ICUs). Design A two-arm cluster randomized experimental control trial. Methods Participants in the intervention group received the PU prevention bundle, while the control group received standard skin care as per the local ICU policies. Data collected included demographic variables (age, diagnosis, comorbidities, admission trajectory, length of stay) and clinical variables (Braden Scale score, severity of organ function score, mechanical ventilation, PU presence, and staging). All patients were followed every two days from admission through to discharge, death, or up to a maximum of 28 days. Data were analyzed with descriptive correlation statistics, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, and Poisson regression. Findings The total number of participants recruited was 140: 70 control participants (with a total of 728 days of observation) and 70 intervention participants (784 days of observation). PU cumulative incidence was significantly lower in the intervention group (7.14%) compared to the control group (32.86%). Poisson regression revealed the likelihood of PU development was 70% lower in the intervention group. The intervention group had significantly less Stage I (p = 002) and Stage II PU development (p = 026). Conclusions Significant improvements were observed in PU-related outcomes with the implementation of the PU prevention bundle in the ICU; PU incidence, severity, and total number of PUs per patient were reduced. Clinical Relevance Utilizing a bundle approach and standardized nursing language through skin assessment and translation of the knowledge to practice has the potential to impact positively on the quality of care and patient outcome.


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This project aims to explore the Portuguese Beauty and Cosmetics market, and to discuss the usage and purchase behaviour of young female adults, between 18 and 26 years old. After a market analysis based on secondary data, it evaluates the results of qualitative and quantitative research based on 9 interviews and 126 online questionnaires to explore the consumers’ reasoning when choosing products from this category – fragrances, skin care or make-up – as well as their attitude towards brands, with a special focus on the premium cosmetics brand Lancôme. Contrary to our expectations there was no statistically significant positive influence of the online touchpoints within this age segment’s purchase intention. However, results indicate that Lancôme is already being perceived by some as young and modern, but is still suffering the threat of Mass Market brands that are valued by this target, mainly due to a price sensitivity towards premium beauty brands.


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Antecedentes El dolor en neonatos ha sido un problema poco explorado. Se ha propuesto el uso de las terapias no farmacológicas para su tratamiento, sin embargo existen pocas aproximaciones sistemáticas para la evaluación de su eficacia. Objetivos Determinar la eficacia de las terapias no farmacológicas en el manejo del dolor en neonatos pretérmino a través de una revisión sistemática. Metodología Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura para evaluar la eficacia de las terapias no farmacológicas en el manejo del dolor en el recién nacido petérmino. La búsqueda se realizó a través de las bases de datos Embase, Cochrane, Bireme y Embase. Se identificaron estudios publicados inglés y español. Se realizó un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo. Resultados Se incluyeron 10 ensayos clínicos. La solución de sacarosa administrada por vía oral mostró reducir la intensidad del dolor en el recién nacido. La intubación y toma de muestras facilitada por el cuidador mostró también reducir la intensidad del dolor. Conclusión Se recomienda la administración solución de sacarosa y acompañamiento del cuidador durante los procedimientos como medidas para reducir el dolor en el recién nacido pretérmino.


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A dermatite atópica é uma patologia cutânea crónica que requer cuidados intensivos da pele e tratamento farmacológico; contudo, os tratamentos disponíveis necessitam urgentemente de ser melhorados, especialmente quando utilizados por períodos longos ou em grupos específicos (ex: crianças). A nanotecnologia tem contribuído com sistemas de veiculação inovadores e pode oferecer terapias efectivas e direcionadas. Os objectivos deste estudo centraram-se na preparação caracterização das nanopartículas de policaprolactona carregadas com acetato de hidrocortisona em termos das propriedades físico-químicas, eficiência de encapsulação, ensaios de libertação in vitro e ensaios de segurança dos excipientes utilizados em voluntários humanos. As nanopartículas produzidas apresentaram um tamanho médio de 258,4 24,5 nm e um índice de polidispersão de 0,084. O potencial zeta foi -4,39 0,62 mV e a eficiência de encapsulação foi 36,32 0,03 %. A libertação in vitro do fármaco foi controlada ao longo do tempo. Além disso, os testes de segurança indicaram que os excipientes foram bem tolerados. Este estudo demonstra que as nanopartículas de policaprolactona são sistemas estáveis para veiculação de acetato de hidrocortisona que poderão conduzir a uma libertação prolongada do fármaco, com resultados promissores ao nível da sua segurança quando aplicados na pele humana.


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A pele é o maior órgão do ser humano, separando o meio interno das agressões exteriores. Os cuidados a ter com a pele e os produtos destinados a esse fim fazem cada vez mais parte do quotidiano da maioria das pessoas. A importância que os cosméticos têm hoje em dia é inegável. Este é um mercado crescente sobretudo na área de produtos que visam cuidar da pele, não só apostando na manutenção e recuperação de uma pele saudável e com boa aparência, como na prevenção de possíveis alterações a que a pele está sujeita. Nos últimos anos, novos conceitos foram surgindo, como é o caso dos produtos dermatocosméticos. Muitas substâncias sejam de origem natural ou sintética, são investigadas e testadas como ingredientes activos. Nesta dissertação são abordados diferentes aspectos introdutórios, tais como a origem da dermatocosmética – diferenças entre cosmético e dermatocosmético – classificação desses mesmos produtos, respectivos mecanismos de acção, locais de aplicação, tipos de formulações e perspectivas futuras. Esta abordagem do tema tem como principal objectivo facilitar a compreensão sobre alguns aspectos específicos como conhecer alguns dos ingredientes que são actualmente usados em produtos dermatocosméticos.


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O âmbito deste trabalho reside no contributo da Farmacovigilância para um Uso Racional do Medicamento, focando o relevante papel do farmacêutico nestes dois campos. A Farmacovigilância tem uma actuação a nível mundial, com um objectivo bem claro, o uso seguro do medicamento. Tem-se verificado uma evolução ao longo dos séculos, tendo sido a ocorrência de tragédias o impulso para a implementação de Sistemas de Farmacovigilância, a tragédia que ocorreu com a administração de talidomida a mulheres grávidas foi um dos grandes marcos para a criação do Sistema Internacional de Farmacovigilância. A Reacção Adversa a Medicamento(s) (RAM) é uma consequência do risco subjacente à utilização de fármacos, estando por isso a Notificação Espontânea (NE) de RAMs na base da Farmacovigilância. Todos os que contactam com tratamentos terapêuticos devem notificar, falamos portanto de profissionais de saúde, da indústria e dos utentes. Não menosprezando qualquer efeito adverso que decorra da utilização de um medicamento, deve-se notificar todas as RAMs estando elas já reconhecidas ou não. O Uso Racional do Medicamento pressupõe a intervenção do médico, do farmacêutico e do utente, havendo o objectivo bem claro através de várias medidas implementadas e do apoio dos Estudos de Utilização de Medicamentos (EUM) de uma prescrição, uma dispensa e um uso correctos. O farmacêutico é parte activa da Farmacovigilância e do Uso Racional do Medicamento. O farmacêutico tem contacto não só com a prescrição como com a dispensa e com o evoluir do tratamento terapêutico, sendo portanto um monitorizador. Devido à proximidade do dia-a-dia entre farmacêutico e doente cabe a este profissional de saúde educar para um uso correcto e seguro do medicamento, transmitindo sempre um elevado nível de confiança e fiabilidade.


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Objective: To analyze the occupational and demographic characteristics for workers participating in the Australian National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance (NHEWS) Survey, who reported the provision of various types of workplace control measures for exposure of the hands to wet-working conditions, and to identify the barriers for the provision of controls. Methods: Computer-assisted telephone interviews were conducted with 4500 workers in 2008. Workers were asked about the types of control measures provided to them in the workplace for exposure of the hands to liquids. Results: Workplace size was the strongest predictor for the provision of control measures. Compared to workplaces with fewer than five employees, workers in workplaces with 200 or more employees were more likely to report provision of gloves, barrier creams and moisturizers, labeling and warning, and ongoing training and education about skin care. Conclusion: Smaller workplaces have poorer access to control measures to mitigate exposure to wet work.


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Silk fibroin (SF) from Bombyx mori has many established excellent properties and has found various applications in the biomedical field. However, some abilities or capacities of SF still need improving to meet the need for using practically. Indeed, diverse SF-based composite biomaterials have been developed. Here we report the feasibility of fabricating pantothenic acid (vitamin B5, VB5)-reinforcing SF nanofibrous matrices for biomedical applications through green electrospinning. Results demonstrated the successful loading of D-pantothenic acid hemicalcium salt (VB5-hs) into resulting composite nanofibers. The introduction of VB5-hs did not alter the smooth ribbon-like morphology and the silk I structure of SF, but significantly decreased the mean width of SF fibers. SF conformation transformed into β-sheet from random coil when composite nanofibrous matrices were exposed to 75% (v/v) ethanol vapor. Furthermore, nanofibers still remained good morphology after being soaked in water environment for five days. Interestingly, as-prepared composite nanofibrous matrices supported a higher level of cell viability, especially in a long culture period and significantly assisted skin cells to survive under oxidative stress compared with pure SF nanofibrous matrices. These findings provide a basis for further extending the application of SF in the biomedical field, especially in the personal skin-care field.


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Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica que objetivou relacionar as medidas educativas para a promoção da integridade da pele em idosos com as Cartas de Promoção da Saúde. Realizou-se a busca nas bases de dados CINAHL, SCOPUS, LILACS e COCHRANE, nos portais CAPES e BVS e na biblioteca PUBMED, mediante a aplicação dos descritores Health Education; Skin e Aged. Os resultados dos 7 artigos analisados apontaram como principais medidas educativas: inspeção diária da pele, cuidados com calçados e com os pés, uso regular de protetor solar e mudanças de decúbito. Essas medidas estavam relacionadas com as seguintes Cartas de Promoção da Saúde: Ottawa, Declaração de Santafé de Bogotá e Declaração de Jacarta. Conclui-se que as medidas educativas, baseadas nas Cartas, são de grande relevância para a criação de uma cultura de saúde, com enfoque na população e no indivíduo como agentes executores imprescindíveis para o alcance da promoção da saúde


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A venous ulcer is the most serious clinical manifestation of chronic venous failure, and the most frequent in lower limbs, accounting for 70% of all ulcers. Patients may suffer from this infirmity for several years without healing of the lesion if treatment is inadequate. The aim of this investigation was to verify the effectiveness of decongestive physical therapy in the healing of venous ulcers. This is a quasi-experimental, interventionist study, with paired, non-probabilistic sampling, composed of 50 patients divided into two groups: control and intervention, each composed of 25 patients. Both groups were identically treated for six months with daily dressings and the latter also underwent complex physical therapy consisting of a combination of the following techniques: manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandaging, lower limb elevation, myolymphokinetic exercises and skin care. The study was approved (Protocol no. 59/2007) by the Ethics Committee of the State University of Southeast Bahia. The Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests were applied for data analysis. After statistical analysis the patients who underwent therapy showed a statistically significant difference with respect to wound contraction starting in the second month of treatment. Compared to the control, the intervention group showed a greater reduction in both pain and edema starting in the third and fourth month of therapy, respectively. To reinforce these findings, the mean percentage of tissue present at the base of the ulcer (granulation/fibrin ratio) was calculated. The intervention group showed greater granulation at the base of the ulcer compared to the control, significant from the second month of treatment on. It was observed in this study that lymphotherapy, when compared between the intervention and control groups, accelerated the healing process, and reduced pain and edema in the affected limbs. It is expected, therefore, that these results widen scientific knowledge and we suggest that this therapy be used 78 not only to reduce lymphedema, but also as a treatment option for venous ulcers, given its easy application and low cost. The data, therefore, demonstrated the importance of basic care on the part of a multiprofessional and transdisciplinary health team involved in the healing process of these infirmities, thereby contributing to better quality of life in these individuals


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The skin pigmentation caused by ultraviolet light irradiation as a defense against the carcinogenic action of solar light may lead to early skin aging and to hyperchromia, which treatment requires the use of photo-protective, depigmenting and rejuvenating agents. Recently, there have been used many substances for the prevention and/or treatment of skin aging as well as to lowering the skin pigmentation. Glycolic acid is the alpha-hydroxy acid most commonly used in cosmetic and dermatological prepatations. This use is due to its depigmentating and rejuvenating properties and its efficacy at different concentrations, when incorporated to different kind of excipients.


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Background: Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes various forms of acute and chronic skin damage, including immunosuppression, inflammation, premature aging and photodamage. Furthermore, it induces the generation of reactive oxygen species, produces proinflammatory cytokines and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and increases tyrosinase activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential photoprotective effects of Rheum rhaponticum L. rhizome extract on human UV-stimulated melanocytes.Methods: The effects of Rheum rhaponticum rhizome extract on tyrosine kinase activity, and on interleukin-1α (IL-1α), tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and α-MSH production in human epidermal melanocytes were evaluated under UV-stimulated and non-stimulated conditions. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by lipid peroxidation and 1,1-dyphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) assays, while anti-tyrosinase activity was evaluated by the mushroom tyrosinase method.Results: Rheum rhaponticum L. rhizome extract showed in vitro antioxidant properties against lipid peroxidation, free radical scavenging and anti-tyrosinase activities, and inhibited the production of IL-1α, TNF-α, α-MSH, and tyrosine kinase activity in melanocytes subjected to UV radiation.Conclusions: These results support the inclusion of Rheum rhaponticum L. rhizome extract into cosmetic, sunscreen and skin care products for the prevention or reduction of photodamage. © 2013 Silveira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Venous leg ulcers (VLUs) represent the most advanced stage of chronic venous insufficiency. Despite the large body of knowledge available regarding the risk factors and aetiopathogeny of the condition, patients referred to public health care systems in developing countries often do not receive adequate diagnosis or early treatment, leading to clinical evolution and disease recurrence. This review collates updated information about the epidemiology, risk factors, aetiopathogeny, diagnosis, ulcer healing methods and determinant factors of the pernicious cycle of VLUs in developing countries, with a focus on the Brazilian setting.