999 resultados para sivu 91
Jacobins de la rue Saint-Jacques.
Visando estudar a influência de fósforo adicionado e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) no crescimento e nutrição mineral de limoeiro-cravo, instalou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, com delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 6 x 3, sendo os fatores: (a) seis doses de P (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250 mg kg-1 de substrato) e (b) duas espécies de FMAs (Glomus etunicatum e G. intraradices) e um controle sem FMA, com três repetições, em vasos de 1,7 dm³ de substrato. Após cinco meses do transplantio das mudas de limoeiro-cravo, avaliaram-se a altura, diâmetro do caule, matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas, nutrientes acumulados na parte aérea e percentagem de colonização radicular. No substrato, avaliaram-se o comprimento de micélio extra-radicular ativo (MEA) e total (MET) de FMAs. O porta-enxerto limoeiro-cravo apresentou alta dependência micorrízica na absorção dos nutrientes, quando inoculado com G. intraradices, o que resultou em maior altura, diâmetro de caule e matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas. Apenas essa espécie de FMA formou micorriza com o hospedeiro, com valores de colonização radicular inversamente proporcionais às doses de P adicionado. Houve aumento de MEA e MET com o aumento das doses de P, com alta correlação entre o primeiro e a absorção de nutrientes. Apesar de não colonizar o hospedeiro, a infestação com G. etunicatum resultou em valores de MEA e MET superiores aos do controle, indicando, talvez, capacidade saprofítica desse fungo para sobreviver no substrato.
Contient : Fragment a ; Fragment b ; Fragment c ; Fragment d
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
Heat straightening of steel beams on bridges struck by over height trucks has become common practice in recent years in Iowa. A study of the effects of this heat straightening on the steel beams thus straightened is needed. Appropriate samples for mechanical and metallurgical tests were cut from the same rolled beam from the end which was heated and the end which was not heated and the test results were compared. The test results showed beyond doubt that the steel was being heated beyond the permitted temperature and that the impact properties are being drastically reduced by the current method of heat straightening.
The Iowa Department of Transportation has been determining a present serviceability index (PSI) on the primary highway system since 1968. A CHLOE profilometer has been used as the standard for calibrating the Roadmeters that do the system survey. The current Roadmeter, an IJK Iowa DOT developed unit, is not considered an acceptable Roadmeter for determining the FHWA required International Roughness Index (IRI). Iowa purchased a commercial version of the South Dakota type profile (SD Unit) to obtain IRI. This study was undertaken to correlate the IRI to the IJK Roadmeter and retire the Roadmeter. One hundred forty-seven pavement management sections (IPMS) were tested in June and July 1991 with both units. Correlation coefficients and standard error of estimates were: r' Std. Error PCC pavements 0.81 0.15 Composite pavements 0.71 0.18 ACC pavements 0.77 0.17 The correlation equations developed from this work will allow use of the IRI to predict the IJK Roadmeter response with sufficient accuracy. Trend analysis should also not be affected.
Immunogenicity of a long 20-mer NY-ESO-1f peptide vaccine was evaluated in a lung cancer patient TK-f01, immunized with the peptide with Picibanil OK-432 and Montanide ISA-51. We showed that internalization of the peptide was necessary to present CD8 T-cell epitopes on APC, contrasting with the direct presentation of the short epitope. CD8 T-cell responses restricted to all five HLA class I alleles were induced in the patient after the peptide vaccination. Clonal analysis showed that B*35:01 and B*52:01-restricted CD8 T-cell responses were the two dominant responses. The minimal epitopes recognized by A*24:02, B*35:01, B*52:01 and C*12:02-restricted CD8 T-cell clones were defined and peptide/HLA tetramers were produced. NY-ESO-1 91-101 on A*24:02, NY-ESO-1 92-102 on B*35:01, NY-ESO-1 96-104 on B*52:01 and NY-ESO-1 96-104 on C*12:02 were new epitopes first defined in this study. Identification of the A*24:02 epitope is highly relevant for studying the Japanese population because of its high expression frequency (60%). High affinity CD8 T-cells recognizing tumor cells naturally expressing the epitopes and matched HLA were induced at a significant level. The findings suggest the usefulness of a long 20-mer NY-ESO-1f peptide harboring multiple CD8 T-cell epitopes as an NY-ESO-1 vaccine. Characterization of CD8 T-cell responses in immunomonitoring using peptide/HLA tetramers revealed that multiple CD8 T-cell responses comprised the dominant response.
Ten miles of U.S. Highway 20 in Webster County began to show deterioration in 1990. Any deterioration was unexpected, since the road was just constructed in 1986 and 1987. The deterioration looked much like the staining and cracking of D-cracking. Cracking was found on 391 joints throughout the 10 mile four lane divided highway. Evaluation of cores from the project reveal low air contents at those locations where cracking is occurring. The cause of the low air contents can only be speculated on. A possible cause may be the vibration from the paver coupled with the additional vibration at the joints. Other projects constructed in 1986 and 1987 with the same equipment show no signs of distress.
The Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) has become the "standard" for deflection testing of pavements. Iowa has used a Road Rater since 1976 to obtain deflection information. A correlation between the Road Rater and the FWD was needed if Iowa was going to continue with the Road Rater. Comparative deflection testing was done using a Road Rater Model 400 and a Pynatest 8000 FWD on 26 pavement sections. The SHRP contractor, Braun Intertec Pavement, Inc., provided the FWD testing. The r^2 for the linear correlations ranged from 0.90 to 0.99 for the different pavement types and sensor locations.