834 resultados para sistematização


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Assédio moral no trabalho: a sistematização dos estudos sobre um campo em construção. São Paulo. EAESP - Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2007. 230 p. Dissertação de Mestrado em Administração de Empresas. Esta pesquisa investigou a maneira como a questão do assédio moral aparece nos estudos científicos, levando em consideração as contribuições teóricas e empíricas de pesquisadores de vários países do mundo. O estudo é baseado no mapeamento do cenário em que aparecem os primeiros estudos sobre este assunto, nas principais contribuições, no entendimento das causas e nos impactos deste tipo de violência no trabalho, além de algumas maneiras já testadas de como lidar com este problema. Pretende-se mapear também as principais contribuições de pesquisadores brasileiros, além de eventuais características específicas deste fenômeno no país. A metodologia escolhida foi a da revisão e produção bibliográfica, classificada de acordo com categorias descritivas e explicativas do fenômeno, de forma que a integração das diversas abordagens permita uma visão panorâmica da temática. Espera-se que os resultados contribuam para a melhor compreensão e caracterização deste fenômeno e que auxilie interessados no combate efetivo deste grave problema organizacional.


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Neste trabalho estudou-se as artérias da base do encéfalo e suas fontes de suprimento sangüíneo em nutria (Myocastor coypus). Foram utilizados 32 espécimes. Em 30 animais, o sistema arterial foi preenchido com látex 603 corado em vermelho através da artéria aorta. Duas fêmeas foram utilizadas na confecção de moldes acrílicos. Sistematizou-se a origem das fontes de suprimento sangüíneo para o encéfalo e as artérias (Aa) da face ventral do cérebro, à direita (D) e à esquerda (E), com suas respectivas percentagens de aparecimento. O arco aórtico emitiu o tronco braquiocefálico e a artéria (A.) subclávia E (60%) ou tronco braquiocefálico, A. carótida comum E e A. subclávia E (40%). O tronco braquiocefálico lançou A. carótida comum D e E e A. subclávia D (60%) ou A. carótida comum D e A. subclávia D (40%). A A. carótida comum D e E dividiu-se em A. carótida externa e A. occipital. A A. carótida interna foi ramo da A. occipital (100%), à D e E, e não cooperou na irrigação encefálica. Ramos terminais das Aa. Vertebrais D e E presentes (100%) formaram a A. basilar (100%). A. espinhal ventral presente (100%). A. cerebelar caudal à D foi simples (60%), dupla (36,7%) e tripla (3,3%), e à E foi simples (60%) e dupla (40%). A. cerebelar média como ramo da A. cerebelar caudal à D (70%) e à E (73,3%). A. trigeminal D e E ímpar (100%). A. cerebelar rostral D, simples (73,3%) e dupla (26,7%), à E, simples (70%) e dupla (30%). A. cerebral caudal D, simples (66,7%) e dupla (33,3%), à E, simples (73,3%) e dupla (26,7%). A. hipofisária D e E ímpar presente (100%). A. cerebral média D e E ímpar presente (100%). A. cerebral rostral D, desenvolvida e ímpar (86,7%), dupla (10%) e ausente (3,3%), à E desenvolvida e ímpar (100%). Ramo medial da A. cerebral rostral D, ímpar e desenvolvido (66,7%), vestigial (23,3%) ou ausente (10%), à E, ímpar e desenvolvido (73,3%), vestigial (23,3%) e ausente (3,3%). A. inter-hemisférica rostral presente (100%), formada pela anastomose do ramo medial da A. cerebral rostral D e E (40%), formada apenas pelo ramo medial da A. cerebral rostral E (33,3%) e formada apenas pelo ramo medial da A. cerebral rostral D (26,7%). A. lateral do bulbo olfatório D e E presente e ímpar (100%). A. medial do bulbo olfatório D e E ímpar (100%). A. etmoidal interna D simples (96,7%) e dupla (3,3%), à E, simples (100%). Observou-se que o círculo arterial cerebral da nutria foi fechado caudalmente (100%) e rostralmente aberto (60%) ou fechado (40%). O encéfalo foi suprido exclusivamente pelo sistema vértebro-basilar.


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A. basilar ímpar e com diminuição de calibre, na altura da ponte (100%); A. cerebelar caudal D e E, ímpar (100%); A. cerebelar média D e E, ímpar (96,7%) e dupla (3,3%). Observou-se que o círculo arterial cerebral do javali foi fechado tanto rostral como caudalmente (100%). O encéfalo foi suprido principalmente pelas Aa. carótidas internas e seus ramos as Aa. occipitais e condilares, via RAER e RAEC, com uma pequena contribuição através de ramos das Aa. vertebral e espinhal ventral, especialmente para o rombencéfalo.


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A partir da constatação de que os hospitais carecem de sistemas administrativos e que boa parte dessa carência se deve ao fato de que os mesmos não possuem adequados sistemas de informação, não acompanhando a utilização dos insumos e a sua relação com produtos, propõe para a realidade de nosso meio um modelo de montagem de sistema de informações, base para uma embrionária avaliação de gestão. Apresenta, baseado na proposta, uma experimentação realizada em um hospital regional do interior paulista, acompanhando os resultados-da implantação do modelo de 1982 a 1984.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a sistematização das janelas de oportunidade de financiamento de elaboração e implementação dos Planos de Mobilidade Urbana, atualmente geridas pelo Ministério das Cidades. Para tanto, foi primeiramente realizado um diagnóstico da Mobilidade Urbana no Brasil, desenvolvido o conceito de Plano de Mobilidade Urbana, bem como identificadas as janelas de oportunidade de financiamento. Em seguida, o trabalho descreve em detalhes cada uma das janelas de oportunidade identificadas, para então sistematizá-las e analisá-las comparativamente.


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This paper is about the objective dimension of fundamental rights, aiming to present a concept well-designed for this dimension, and establish a systematic teaching of the subject, presenting the developments of this dimension of fundamental rights. The objective dimension of fundamental rights arises related to the idea of linking the state of fundamental rights, transforming these rights as the foundation and purpose of the state. It is distinguished from that perspective of the subjective dimension of fundamental rights, which includes the fundamental rights in an individual-state relationship. Under the subjective prism, rights are seen as limits required by the individual, the state intervention in the lives of individuals. A new dimension goes beyond the perspective of the rights of the individual as a mere resistance in the face of the state, assigning those rights also an active mission, which generates a series of legal repercussions. These developments or "effectiveness" the objective dimension are studied. The first consists of Binding Effectiveness, and demonstrated a new respect for fundamental rights within the state structure, which creates concepts such as "linkage of state functions fundamental rights" and "state s duty to protect". There is also the Radiant Effectiveness in which are examined topics such as the "constitutionalization of Law" and the "application of fundamental rights to particular relationships". Studies are still Procedure Effectiveness, in the case of "objectification of the mechanisms of protection of fundamental rights" and "opening of the processes of state protection of fundamental rights to public participation"


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Since the enactment of LDBEN 9.9394/96, Physical Education began to be understood as a curricular component in school. Thus, we see the need for systematization of content. We observed that the physical education classes at the public schools in Natal/RN from the game content, teachers did not use the existing proposals for systematization. And it was on this reality that the study occurred, aiming to present and discuss a proposal to systematization the game content in physical education classes in elementary and secondary education. Accordingly, we departed of following question: What possibilities of systematization of the game content in school physical education classes?. The methodology used was the action research, which allowed us to structure the intervention plan for the game content, directed to a reflective didactic process. The dialogue with action research provided an opportunity to understand of the proposal of systematization, the knowledge of game content, the planning and process of teaching and learning in physical education lessons developed. We use the proposed systematization the book Educação Física Escolar e Organização Curricular , to direct and organize the lesson plans. As research technique, we use the participant observation, filming, photographic records and field diary, guiding us in the debates and discussions about the field of research. The applications of the lesson plans were carried out in three schools, all located in Natal / RN: Escola Municipal Professora Ivonete Maciel, Escola Municipal Professor Ulisses de Góis e Professor Escola Estadual Josino Macedo. The members of this study were students PIBID-EF-UFRN, teachers, supervisors and school. They made the bridge between research and action, theoretical foundation and pedagogical practice, university and school. The results were advanced for beyond the propositions submitted by the above-mentioned book. For the Elementary School 1, the proposed systematization broadened experiences and learning of knowledge of the game and of playful and body manifestations. Provided an opportunity to know and learn about game of make account, rules, popular games, cooperative games, among others. For Elementary Schools 2 and Middle education, systematized lessons allowed the practical, the incorporation of knowledge of the game and its features: such as rules, origin, meaning of the name, different denominations, among others. The students experienced and learned, popular games, pre-sport games, cooperative games, with recycled material, among others. The treatment from three dimensions of contents: procedural, conceptual and attitudinal, occurred parallel to approach the game content, and in conjunction with our interventions, not being done separately during practice, but an ongoing process during class. This new perspective of work the game, in a systematized way, with applying, description and discussion the activities, allowed elaborate a summary framework of thematizations for game content, by year of teaching


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Nursing as a profession goes in search on quality of their care through new frameworks, trying to break postures of the health care system so fragmented in the care. To change professional practices, it is necessary to build their own knowledge grounded on Nursing Care System. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of nurses' knowledge on care systematization in nursing in the University Hospital Natal-RN. It is an analytical descriptive study carried out at the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Natal-RN, 2010, the sample was composed of 40 active nurses working in hospitalization units of the hospital, the inclusion criteria were being in the monthly scale sector and agree to participate in the study. The non-participant observation and another interview were used for collecting data, statistical analysis was descriptive and inferential with reliability test, Pearson test, chi-square and Fischer, the variables that correlated were analyzed in a model Multiple logistic , calculating odds ratio. The results were: predominance of female professionals (90%), predominantly in the age range 39-46 years (37.5%), nurses who have the undergraduate degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (80%), and who have expertise training as a minimal degree (62.5%). Among the surveyed, the knowledge showed significance with the graduation time (p = 0.018) and time working in HUOL (p = 0.036). The majority of the professionals surveyed do not know which organ is responsible for the SAE legislation (52.5%), aware of the steps needed to build the nursing diagnosis (92.5%), understand the characteristics of nursing planning (90% ). However the same professionals do not perform physical examination in patients (50.0%) did not classify the clinical findings (68.4%), and identify the problems encountered as a classification (13.2%). The planning of nursing care is carried out by verbal order of nurses (82.5%), 41% of the professionals assess only the intervention stage, in other words, the actions taken. Regarding the practical application of nursing records 53% of nurses do not realize records, 30.8% is incomplete, the other held notes (p = 0.003). The nurses know the nursing process (90% of appropriate responses), despite the actions defined by the theory are not applied in practice. Investigators believe the condition of the hospital teacher (22.5%) could positively affect the implementation of the SAE associated with the interest of professionals (20%). Of the respondents, 17.5% accept as truth the lack of facilities to assist the SAE implementation in the hospital. It was concluded that nurses know the theory that underlies the SAE and the nursing process, but do not develop the service know as well, there is need for action to boost the SAE implementation as practice of nurses in the hospital investigated


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The incessant search if nurse for qualify nursing care makes the Nursing Assistance Systematization, a current topic of discussion throughout the country, not only in order to comply the legal requirements of their practice, but especially by the expected benefits of its application. In this meaning, this research had a qualitative approach, developed for a way of research-action. The general purpose was to analyze the change in the nursing practices in a pediatric teaching hospital, based on construction and implementation of Nursing Assistance Systematization by the nursing team. The results had the thematic analysis of Paulo Freire and were shown in the form of reports. To achieve these purposes, it began by steps pre-trial, to review the charts of the institution and an approach with the managers. In the situational diagnosis of nursing practices without the systematization followed by applying a questionnaire with a nursing team and a focal group with nurses. These ways supported the implementation stage of the Nursing Assistance Systematization which developed actions associate such as focal group with the nurses about the nursing history, capacity with the nursing team about the Nursing Assistance Systematization, development, application and reworking of printed, and discussions in the small groups. The evaluations of the changes after the actions of the research occurred through individual interview with the nurses, to check the results. The charts review confirmed the deficit in the records performed by the nurse on the chart, which reinforced the need for implementation of Nursing Assistance Systematization, an argument used on the meeting with the managers, who promptly agree with the search. The questionnaire and the focal group with the nurses reveal a process of nursing work without systematization, showing gaps in practices, but also obtained relate of expectations of improvements in quality of care as of Nursing Assistance Systematization, furnishing data to the development of ways following-up. The prints were gradually used and modified as the team understood the Nursing Assistance Systematization and its purposes through capacity course. The final evaluation pointed to the partial implementation of the stages of Nursing Assistance Systematization had been institutionalized at the history and the development of nursing, beyond difficulties with diagnosis and prescription of nursing, in later representing a paradigm shift. This search collaborated to change the view about the Nursing Assistance Systematization by nursing team at the institution had been revealed through introduction of new practices in the process of nursing work, as examination of physical exam of the patient, the interview in the admission of customers on service and the daily monitoring by nursing through development of nursing. Before addition, it was noted which the purposes of this search were achieved, since were analyzed the changes in the nursing practices with the systematization. The research-action achieved proposes of the involvement of nursing team in changing their practices. This search contributed to the implementation of the Nursing Assistance Systematization in a pediatric teaching hospital and showed which is possible to seek resolution of problems when the objective is of the group and gave access for further searches within this theme


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This study aimed to understand the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care in the light of the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. It is a comprehensive phenomenological research, using the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. For the unveiling of the phenomenon (the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care), the search process was configured from the proposed guiding principles for a research methodology based on the work itself of Schutz held by Zeferino (2010) in his PhD. For data collection, we used the focus group technique, counting on the collaboration of thirteen practical nurses working in a university hospital in Rio Grande do Norte, who responded positively to the inclusion criteria: working in the study hospital, performing care direct to patients. Forty-four subjects showed interest in participating, being held a draw for selection of the research sample, consisting of 14 professionals, one of whom did not attend the gathering of data collection. The focus group, entitled "What I think about the systematization of nursing care", took place on February 15th, 2013, totaling 101 minutes. It was performed according to the Experiential Education Humanescent using building posters as projective technique, from the key question: "What is the systematization of nursing care for you?". In order to understand some of the biographical situation of the participants, a questionnaire was administered to study participants. From the agreement of the subjects, the focus group was recorded and photographed with the cooperation of one reporter and two other employees. We used Microsoft Word 2010 to perform the transcript of the meeting and Microsoft Excel 2010 for synthesizing the results via a spreadsheet. The study followed the ethical and legal principles that govern scientific research on humans, recommended in Resolution nº 196/96, it was approved by Opinion Embodied Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), nº 98 424, of August 31th, 2012, CAAE No. 05906912.0.0000.5537. The analysis of the nursing staff speeches, along with the contemplation of their posters and their written descriptions, allowed from the guiding principles of Zeferino (2010), in light of the reference of Alfred Schutz, unveiling the typical ideal of nursing technicians about the systematization of nursing care, passing four themes: typing of the concept of systematization of nursing care; benefits, which resulted in the reasons to believe in the positivity of this working tool; experienced problems, revealing the world of everyday life of nursing professionals, and possibilities for improvement. It was concluded that the nursing technicians are unaware of the systematization of nursing care. However, they typify a very positive perception about the same, especially with regard to improvements that may foster care


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho, desenvolver modelos de programação não-linear para sistematização de terras, aplicáveis para áreas com formato regular e que minimizem a movimentação de terra, utilizando o software GAMS para o cálculo. Esses modelos foram comparados com o Método dos Quadrados Mínimos Generalizado, desenvolvido por Scaloppi & Willardson (1986), sendo o parâmetro de avaliação o volume de terra movimentado. Concluiu-se que, ambos os modelos de programação não-linear desenvolvidos nesta pesquisa mostraram-se adequados para aplicação em áreas regulares e forneceram menores valores de movimentação de terra quando comparados com o método dos quadrados mínimos.


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The school culture reveals an organization, over all in terms of the distribution of the contents throughout the different levels of education. However, the Physical Education does not have its contents systemized, that is, there are no clearly definite criteria that can assist the teacher in the curricular organization, as well as, are restricted the didactic books of reference for the area. So, the aim of this study was to try the identification of relevant contents for the teach-learning of the scholar Physical Education pertaining of 1(a) to 4(a) series, as well as, a suggestion to organize these contents in a systemize form, respecting a pedagogical sequence for the indicated series. Field research was carried out, in which was used the practical experience of two of the authors of this article, that are Physical Education teachers, throughout three years. The data were collected by descriptions and daily of field, of the positive experiences lived by the teachers.