994 resultados para simple causal positioning


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Aim: The aim of this report is to describe a quick and simple method of positioning retention magnets when deformed patients are rehabilitated with an oculopalpebral prostheses attached to a maxillary denture/obturator. Background: In patients with deformities requiring complex rehabilitations, the use of magnets is the most efficient means of providing combined prostheses with retention quality and stability. Usually prostheses with magnets are in sections and have a magnet in each section. When the sections are put together properly, the magnets are attracted to each other and retain the sections. Report: An edentulous patient presented for a post-surgical evaluation of a maxillofacial prosthesis used to repair a partial maxillectomy and left orbital exoneration which removed all adjacent tissues leaving an open communication between the oral, nasal, and orbital cavities. The proposed treatment plan included construction of a maxillary complete denture with a palatal obturator and a mandibular complete denture. Magnets were used to attach the oculopalpebral prosthesis to the maxillary denture/obturator. Summary: Use of retention magnets simplify the clinical and laboratorial phase, retains the denture, and makes it stable and comfortable for the patient. This treatment is one successful approach to the restoration of oral function and increases the patient’s quality of life.


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The Nuss procedure requires the creation of a substernal tunnel for bar positioning. This is a manoeuvre that can be dangerous, and cardiac perforation has occurred in a few cases. Our purpose was to describe two technical modifications that enable the prevention of these fatal complications. A series of 25 patients with pectus excavatum were treated with a modification of the Nuss procedure that included the entrance in the left haemithorax first, and the use of the retractor to lift the sternum, with the consequent lowering displacement of the heart. These modified techniques have certain advantages: (i) the narrow anterior mediastinum between the sternum and the pericardial sac is expanded by pulling up the sternum; (ii) the thoracoscopic visualization of the tip of the introducer during tunnel creation is improved; (iii) the rubbing of the introducer against the pericardium is minimized; (iv) the exit path of the introducer can be guided by the surgeon's finger and (v) haemostasis and integrity of the pericardial sac can be more easily confirmed. We observed that with these manoeuvres, the risk of pericardial sac and cardiac injury can be markedly reduced.


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When estimating the effect of treatment on HIV using data from observational studies, standard methods may produce biased estimates due to the presence of time-dependent confounders. Such confounding can be present when a covariate, affected by past exposure, is both a predictor of the future exposure and the outcome. One example is the CD4 cell count, being a marker for disease progression for HIV patients, but also a marker for treatment initiation and influenced by treatment. Fitting a marginal structural model (MSM) using inverse probability weights is one way to give appropriate adjustment for this type of confounding. In this paper we study a simple and intuitive approach to estimate similar treatment effects, using observational data to mimic several randomized controlled trials. Each 'trial' is constructed based on individuals starting treatment in a certain time interval. An overall effect estimate for all such trials is found using composite likelihood inference. The method offers an alternative to the use of inverse probability of treatment weights, which is unstable in certain situations. The estimated parameter is not identical to the one of an MSM, it is conditioned on covariate values at the start of each mimicked trial. This allows the study of questions that are not that easily addressed fitting an MSM. The analysis can be performed as a stratified weighted Cox analysis on the joint data set of all the constructed trials, where each trial is one stratum. The model is applied to data from the Swiss HIV cohort study.


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Although surgical navigation reduces the rate of malpositioned acetabular cups in total hip arthroplasty (THA), its use has not been widely adopted. As a result of our perceived need for simple and efficient methods of navigation, we developed a mechanical navigation device for acetabular cup orientation.


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In this paper, we consider estimation of the causal effect of a treatment on an outcome from observational data collected in two phases. In the first phase, a simple random sample of individuals are drawn from a population. On these individuals, information is obtained on treatment, outcome, and a few low-dimensional confounders. These individuals are then stratified according to these factors. In the second phase, a random sub-sample of individuals are drawn from each stratum, with known, stratum-specific selection probabilities. On these individuals, a rich set of confounding factors are collected. In this setting, we introduce four estimators: (1) simple inverse weighted, (2) locally efficient, (3) doubly robust and (4)enriched inverse weighted. We evaluate the finite-sample performance of these estimators in a simulation study. We also use our methodology to estimate the causal effect of trauma care on in-hospital mortality using data from the National Study of Cost and Outcomes of Trauma.


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Temporary transcoronary unipolar pacing is a validated simple, effective, and safe alternative to temporary transvenous pacing of the right ventricle for the treatment of relevant bradyarrhythmias complicating percutaneous coronary intervention. We describe the use of rapid transcoronary pacing to aid precise placement of a stent in the left main coronary artery bifurcation.


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In recent years, there has been a great increase in the development of wireless technologies and location services. For this reason, numerous projects in the location field, have arisen. In addition, with the appearance of the open Android operating system, wireless technologies are being developed faster than ever. This Project approaches the design and development of a system that combines the technologies of wireless, location and Android with the implementation of an indoor positioning system. As a result, an Android application has been obtained, which detects the position of a phone in a simple and useful way. The application is based on the WIFI manager API of Android. It combines the data stored in a SQL database with the wifi data received at any given time. Afterwards the position of the user is determined with the algorithm that has been implemented. This application is able to obtain the position of any person who is inside a building with Wi-Fi coverage, and display it on the screen of any device with the Android operating system. Besides the estimation of the position, this system displays a map that helps you see in which quadrant of the room are positioned in real time. This system has been designed with a simple interface to allow people without technology knowledge. Finally, several tests and simulations of the system have been carried out to see its operation and accuracy. The performance of the system has been verified in two different places and changes have been made in the Java code to improve its precision and effectiveness. As a result of the several tests, it has been noticed that the placement of the access point (AP) and the configuration of the Wireless network is an important point that should be taken into account to avoid interferences and errors as much as possible, in the estimation of the position. RESUMEN. En los últimos años, se ha producido un incremento en el desarrollo de tecnologías inalámbricas y en servicios de localización y posicionamiento. Por esta razón, han surgido numerosos proyectos relacionados con estas tecnologías. Por otra parte, un punto importante en el desarrollo de estas tecnologías ha sido la aparición del lenguaje Android que ha hecho que estas nuevas tecnologías se implementaran con una mayor rapidez. Este proyecto, se acerca al diseño y desarrollo de un sistema que combina tecnologías inalámbricas, de ubicación y uso de lenguaje Android para el desarrollo de una aplicación de un sistema de posicionamiento en interiores. Como consecuencia de esto se ha obtenido una aplicación Android que detecta la posición de un dispositivo móvil de una manera sencilla e intuititva. La aplicación se basa en la API WIFI de Android, que combina los datos almacenados en una base de datos SQL con los datos recibidos vía Wi-Fi en cualquier momento. A continuación, la posición del usuario se determina con el algoritmo que se ha implementado a lo largo de todo el proyecto utilizando código Android. Esta aplicación es capaz de obtener la posición de cualquier persona que se encuentra dentro de un edificio con cobertura Wi-Fi, mostrando por pantalla la ubicación del usuario en cualquier dispositivo que disponga de sistema operativo Android. Además de la estimación de la posición, este sistema muestra un mapa que le ayuda a ver en qué cuadrante de la sala está situado el usuario. Este sistema ha sido diseñado con una interfaz sencilla para permitir que usuarios sin conocimiento tecnológico o no acostumbrados al uso de los nuevos dispositivos de hoy en día puedan usarlo de una manera sencilla y de forma intuitiva. Por último, se han llevado a cabo varias pruebas y simulaciones del sistema para verificar su funcionamiento y precisión. El rendimiento del sistema se ha comprobado en dos puntos diferentes de la sala (lugar donde se han hecho todas las pruebas y desarrollado la aplicación) realizando cambios en el código Java para mejorar aún más la precisión y eficacia del posicionamiento. Como resultado de todo esto, se ha comprobado que la ubicación del punto de acceso (AP) y la configuración de la red inalámbrica es importante, y por ello se debe de tener en cuenta para evitar interferencias y tantos errores como sea posible en la estimación de la posición.


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Many tools exist for determining and mapping the bathymetry and topography of aquatic systems, such as freshwater wetlands. However, these tools often require time-consuming survey work to produce accurate maps. In particular, the large quantity of data necessary may be prohibitive for projects where determining bathymetry is not a central focus, but instead a necessary step in achieving some other goal. We present a method to produce bathymetric surface maps with a minimum amount of effort using global positioning system receiver and laser transit survey data. We also demonstrate that this method is surprisingly accurate, given the small amount of data we use to generate the bathymetry maps.


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A method of accurately controlling the position of a mobile robot using an external large volume metrology (LVM) instrument is presented in this article. By utilising an LVM instrument such as a laser tracker or indoor GPS (iGPS) in mobile robot navigation, many of the most difficult problems in mobile robot navigation can be simplified or avoided. Using the real-time position information from the laser tracker, a very simple navigation algorithm, and a low cost robot, 5mm repeatability was achieved over a volume of 30m radius. A surface digitisation scan of a wind turbine blade section was also demonstrated, illustrating possible applications of the method for manufacturing processes. Further, iGPS guidance of a small KUKA omni-directional robot has been demonstrated, and a full scale prototype system is being developed in cooperation with KUKA Robotics, UK. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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A method of accurately controlling the position of a mobile robot using an external Large Volume Metrology (LVM) instrument is presented in this paper. Utilizing a LVM instrument such as the laser tracker in mobile robot navigation, many of the most difficult problems in mobile robot navigation can be simplified or avoided. Using the real- Time position information from the laser tracker, a very simple navigation algorithm, and a low cost robot, 5mm repeatability was achieved over a volume of 30m radius. A surface digitization scan of a wind turbine blade section was also demonstrated, illustrating possible applications of the method for manufacturing processes. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.


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