1000 resultados para silver competition


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Many jurisdictions have developed mature infrastructures, both administratively and legislatively, to promote competition. Substantial funds have been expended to monitor activities that are anticompetitive and many jurisdictions also have adopted a form of "Cartel Leniency Program", first developed by the US Federal Trade Commission, to assist in cartel detection. Further, some jurisdictions are now criminalizing cartel behaviour so that cartel participants can be held criminally liable with substantial custodial penalties imposed. Notwithstanding these multijurisdictional approaches, a new form of possibly anticompetitive behaviour is looming. Synergistic monopolies („synopolies‟) involve not competitors within a horizontal market but complimentors within separate vertical markets. Where two complimentary corporations are monopolists in their own market they can, through various technologies, assist each other to expand their respective monopolies thus creating a barrier to new entrants and/or blocking existing participants from further participation in that market. The nature of the technologies involved means that it is easy for this potentially anti-competitive activity to enter and affect the global marketplace. Competition regulators need to be aware of this potential for abuse and ensure that their respective competition frameworks appropriately address this activity. This paper discusses how new technologies can be used to create a synopoly.


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Reviews the background to China's enactment of the Anti-Monopoly Law in 2007 and compares the debate surrounding the proposed introduction of similar legislation in Hong Kong. Examines the main issues arising during the Law's 13 year drafting stage, its key provisions and the remaining areas of uncertainty concerning its enforcement. Discusses ongoing efforts to introduce competition law regulations in Hong Kong, the main features of the draft General Competition Law and the shortcomings of its approach to penalties and exemptions.


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Credence goods markets are characterized by asymmetric information between sellers and consumers that may give rise to inefficiencies, such as under- and overtreatment or market break-down. We study in a large experiment with 936 participants the determinants for efficiency in credence goods markets. While theory predicts that either liability or verifiability yields efficiency, we find that liability has a crucial, but verifiability only a minor effect. Allowing sellers to build up reputation has little influence, as predicted. Seller competition drives down prices and yields maximal trade, but does not lead to higher efficiency as long as liability is violated.


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China has been the focus of much academic and business scrutiny of late. Its economic climate is changing and its huge new market opportunities seem quite tantalizing to the would-be 'technology entrepreneur'. But China's market is a relatively immature one; it is still in the process of being opened up to real competition. The corollary of this is that, at this stage of the transitional process, there is still significant State control of market function. This article discusses Chinese competition law, the technology transfer system, how the laws are being reformed and how the technology entrepreneur fares under them. The bottom line is that while opportunities beckon, the wise entrepreneur will nevertheless continue to exercise caution.


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Vietnam's present draft of the proposed new Law on Competition is currently in its ninth version. Although there is a need to enact legislation as quickly as possible, Vietnam cannot rush the drafting process. Under its Bilateral Trade Agreement with the USA, Vietnam has committed to improve the quality of its laws and consistency of its legislative framework. Since the Law on Competition will be fundamental in establishing the legal framework for a more coherent and effective competition regime, and will have profound influences on Vietnam's objective of becoming a socialist-oriented market economy, its provisions must be well constructed and well considered, and this takes time. This article shows how the proposed Law is being crafted as compared to older drafts which sheds light on changes in policy during the drafting process. Where possible, the Draft is also compared with the laws in other jurisdictions for any assistance they might lend. In this author's opinion not all the changes are positive but any defects in the draft are not intractable and can be remedied prior to promulgation.


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Since 1986 Vietnam has been engaged in the transition from a centrally-controlled economy to a socialist-oriented market economy (the 'doi moi' renovation). The process for global economic integration has been slow given the magnitude of necessary reforms. Consequently technology entrepreneurs often discount Vietnam as a possible commercialization base which means that it is not realising its economic potential as a hub of technology transfer in the Asia-Pacific region. Three significant factors in the current uncertainty are Vietnam's laws on competition, intellectual property and technology transfer. Another problem is the lack of literature on these laws. This article first discusses the conceptual relationship between competition, intellectual property and technology transfer. Hopefully the article will provide some guidance for the technology entrepreneur considering foreign direct investment (FDI) in Vietnam. The bottom line is that these laws still need further reform to bolster entrepreneurial confidence.


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The state-owned media system in China has evolved considerably since 1994 when the first independent TV production company was officially registered. Today, there are thousands of independent TV production companies looking for market opportunities in China. Independent production companies have facilitated the circulation of program trade and investment, and in the process have encouraged innovation and professionalization. This paper focuses on the evolution of independents and the changing face of the television market. It discusses the ecology of independent television companies in China and how government regulations are impacting on the TV production market. It argues that independent TV is providing a new strength for China‟s TV market, one often suspected of being imitative, propagandistic and lacking colour.


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Alexander’s Ecological Dominance and Social Competition (EDSC) model currently provides the most comprehensive overview of human traits in the development of a theory of human evolution and sociality (Alexander, 1990; Finn, Geary & Ward, 2005; Irons, 2005). His model provides a basis for explaining the evolution of human socio-cognitive abilities. Our paper examines the extension of Alexander’s model to incorporate the human trait of information behavior in synergy with ecological dominance and social competition as a human socio-cognitive competence. This paper discusses the various interdisciplinary perspectives exploring how evolution has shaped information behavior and why information behavior is emerging as an important human socio-cognitive competence. This paper outlines these issues, including the extension of Spink and Currier’s (2006a,b) evolution of information behavior model towards a more integrated understanding of how information behaviors have evolved (Spink & Cole, 2006).


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Alexander’s Ecological Dominance and Social Competition (EDSC) model currently provides the most comprehensive overview of human traits in the development of a theory of human evolution and sociality (Alexander, 1990; Finn, Geary & Ward, 2005; Irons, 2005). His model provides a basis for explaining the evolution of human socio-cognitive abilities. Our paper examines the extension of Alexander’s model to incorporate the human trait of information behavior in synergy with ecological dominance and social competition as a human socio-cognitive competence. This paper discusses the various interdisciplinary perspectives exploring how evolution has shaped information behavior and why information behavior is emerging as an important human socio-cognitive competence. This paper outlines these issues, including the extension of Spink and Currier’s (2006a,b) evolution of information behavior model towards a more integrated understanding of how information behaviors have evolved (Spink & Cole, 2006).


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Purpose: To examine the ability of silver nano-particles to prevent the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in solution or when adsorbed into contact lenses. To examine the ability of silver nano-particles to prevent the growth of Acanthamoeba castellanii. ----- ----- Methods: Etafilcon A lenses were soaked in various concentrations of silver nano-particles. Bacterial cells were then exposed to these lenses, and numbers of viable cells on lens surface or in solution compared to etafilcon A lenses not soaked in silver. Acanthamoeba trophozoites were exposed to silver nano-particles and their ability to form tracks was examined. ----- ----- Results: Silver nano-particle containing lenses reduced bacterial viability and adhesion. There was a dose-dependent response curve, with 10 ppm or 20 ppm silver showing > 5 log reduction in bacterial viability in solution or on the lens surface. For Acanthamoeba, 20 ppm silver reduced the ability to form tracks by approximately 1 log unit. ----- ----- Conclusions: Silver nanoparticles are effective antimicrobial agents, and can reduce the ability of viable bacterial cells to colonise contact lenses once incorporated into the lens.----- ----- Resumen: Objetivos: Examinar la capacidad de las nanopartículas de plata para prevenir el crecimiento de Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Staphylococcus aureus en soluciones para lentes de contacto o cuando éstas las adsorben. Examinar la capacidad de las nanopartículas de plata para prevenir el crecimiento de Acanthamoeba castellanii.----- ----- Métodos: Se sumergieron lentes etafilcon A en diversas concentraciones de nanopartículas de plata. Las células bacterianas fueron posteriormente expuestas a dichas lentes, y se compararon cantidades de células viables en la superficie de la lente o en la solución con las presentes en lentes etafilcon A que no habían sido sumergidas en plata. Trofozoítos de Acanthamoeba fueron expuestos a nanopartículas de plata y se examinó su capacidad para formar quistes.----- ----- Resultados: Las lentes que contienen nanopartículas de plata redujeron la viabilidad bacteriana y la adhesión. Hubo una curva de respuesta dependiente de la dosis, en la que 10 ppm o 20 ppm de plata mostró una reducción logarítmica > 5 en la viabilidad bacteriana tanto en la solución como en la superficie de la lente. Para Acanthamoeba, 20 ppm de plata redujeron la capacidad de formar quistes en aproximadamente 1 unidad logarítmica.----- ----- Conclusiones: Las nanopartículas de plata son agentes antimicrobianos eficaces y pueden reducir la capacidad de células bacterianas viables para colonizar las lentes de contacto una vez que se han incorporado en la lente.