984 resultados para shuttle walk test
OBJETIVO: Verificar se os testes: Volume Expiratório Forçado no 1º segundo (VEF1), Teste de Caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6) e Teste de Escada (TE) se alteram proporcionalmente ao pulmão funcionante ressecado. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos pacientes candidatos a toracotomia para ressecção pulmonar. No pré-operatório (pré) e no mínimo três meses após a cirurgia (pós), realizaram espirometria, TC6 e TE. O TE foi realizado em escada com 12,16m de altura. O tempo para subir todos os degraus o mais rápido possível foi chamado tempo de escada (tTE). Os cálculos dos valores dos testes preditos para o pós-operatório (ppo) foram realizados conforme o número de segmentos funcionantes perdidos. Os valores pré, ppo e pós foram comparados entre si para cada teste. Estatística: foi utilizada a análise de variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA), com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 40 pacientes. A ressecção pulmonar variou desde o ganho de dois segmentos funcionantes até a perda de 9. Os valores pré, ppo e pós foram respectivamente: VEF1 -pré = 2,6±0,8L, ppo = 2,3±0,8L, pós = 2,3±0,8L (VEF1pré > VEF1ppo = VEF1pós), TC6-pré = 604±63m, ppo = 529±103m, pós = 599±74m (TC6pré = TC6pós > TC6ppo), tTE-pré = 32,9±7,6s, ppo = 37,8±12,1s, pós = 33,7±8,5s (tTEpré = tTEpós < tTEppo). CONCLUSÃO: Nas ressecções pulmonares, este grupo de pacientes perdeu função pulmonar medida através da espirometria, mas não perdeu a capacidade de exercício, medida através dos testes de escada e caminhada.
Background: The Stroke remains one of the major chronic diseases worldwide, and is considered a major cause of disability, which results not only in persistent neurological deficits, but also in the high physical deconditioning, nevertheless there are not many forms of assessing functional capacity in this population. We aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Six Minute Walk Teste and the Six-Minute Step Test (6MST) in post-stroke patients and compare the behavior of physiological variables during the 6MST and the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), by correlating the functional performance obtained in both tests. Method. The 6MWT was carried out according to the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the 6MST was performed in six minutes in order to compare it to the 6MWT in a 20 cm step. Was included post-stroke individuals able to walk without aid. All of them did the 6MWT and the 6MST. Results: 12 patients participated in the study. There was no statistical difference in the parameters analyzed when tests were compared. There was poor correlation between the functional performance in both tests. Conclusion: The 6MWT and the 6MST is feasible for post-stroke patients and physiological responses are equal during the performance of both tests. However, there was no correlation with respect to functional performance, which was assessed by the distance walked in the 6MWT and by the number of steps climbed in the 6MST. © 2013 da Silva et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Background: Walking speed seems to be related to aerobic capacity, lower limb strength, and functional mobility, however it is not clear whether there is a direct relationship between improvement in muscle strength and gait performance in early postmenopausal women. Objective: To evaluate the effect of muscle strengthening exercises on the performance of the 6-minute walk test in women within 5 years of menopause. Methods: The women were randomized into control group (n=31), which performed no exercise, and exercise group (n=27), which performed muscle strengthening exercises. The exercises were performed twice a week for 3 months. The exercise protocol consisted of warm-up, stretching, and strengthening of the quadriceps, hamstring, calf, tibialis anterior, gluteus maximus, and abdominal muscles, followed by relaxation. Muscular strength training started with 60% of 1MR (2 series of 10-15 repetitions), reaching 85% until the end of the 3-month period (4 series of 6 repetitions each). Results: The between-group comparisons pre- and post-intervention did not show any difference in distance walked, heart rate or blood pressure (p>0.05), but showed differences in muscle strength post-intervention, with the exercise group showing greater strength (p<0.05). In the within-group comparison, there were differences in final heart rate and quadriceps and hamstring strength pre- and post-intervention in the exercise group (p<0.05). Conclusion: The results suggest that muscle strengthening of the lower limbs did not improve performance in the 6-minute walk test in this population of postmenopausal women. Trial registration ACTRN12609001053213.
Distances walked in walking tests are important functional markers, although they are not accepted as defining characteristics of Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion. The aims of this study were to verify the distances participants with and without this nursing diagnosis walked in the six-minute walk test and if these measures may be considered defining characteristics of this phenomenon. Participants with (group A; n=65) and without (group B; n=17) this nursing diagnosis were evaluated regarding physical examination, vascular function and functional capacity. Participants of group A seemed to have worse vascular function and functional capacity compared with those of group B. Pain-free travelled distance was predictive of the nursing diagnosis. These results are important for the refinement of this diagnosis. In conclusion, this study provides evidences that the distances walked in the six-minute walk test may be considered defining characteristics of Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion.
Background: The six-minute-walk-test (6MWT) has been increasingly used in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. However, few studies in children have correlated 6MWT with current parameters used to evaluate CF severity. Moreover, no study transformed the values of distance walked from meters into Z scores to avoid bias like age and gender, which are sources of 6MWT variability. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed to analyze the correlations (Spearman) among forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), body mass index (BMI), chest radiography (CXR), chest tomography (CT), and 6MWT Z score (Z-6MWT). Clinically stable CF patients, aged 6-21 years, were included. Results: 34 patients, 14F/20M, mean age 12.1 +/- 4.0 years were studied. The mean Z-6MWT was -1.1 +/- 1.106. The following correlations versus Z-6MWT were found: FEV1 (r=0.59, r(2)=0.32, p=0.0002), BMI Z score (r=0.42, r(2)=0.17, p=0.013), CXR (r=0.34, r(2)=0.15, p=0.0472) and CT (r=-0.45, r(2)=0.23, p=0.0073). Conclusions: In conclusion there was a significant, but poor, correlation between the six minute walk test Z score and the cystic fibrosis severity markers currently in use. (C) 2011 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background The Stroke remains one of the major chronic diseases worldwide, and is considered a major cause of disability, which results not only in persistent neurological deficits, but also in the high physical deconditioning, nevertheless there are not many forms of assessing functional capacity in this population. We aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Six Minute Walk Teste and the Six-Minute Step Test (6MST) in post-stroke patients and compare the behavior of physiological variables during the 6MST and the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), by correlating the functional performance obtained in both tests. Method The 6MWT was carried out according to the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the 6MST was performed in six minutes in order to compare it to the 6MWT in a 20 cm step. Was included post-stroke individuals able to walk without aid. All of them did the 6MWT and the 6MST. Results 12 patients participated in the study. There was no statistical difference in the parameters analyzed when tests were compared. There was poor correlation between the functional performance in both tests. Conclusion The 6MWT and the 6MST is feasible for post-stroke patients and physiological responses are equal during the performance of both tests. However, there was no correlation with respect to functional performance, which was assessed by the distance walked in the 6MWT and by the number of steps climbed in the 6MST.
Does the 6-minute walk test predicts functional capacity in a sample of elderly women? A pilot study
Introduction: Functional capacity is the capacity to conduct daily activities in an independent way. It can be estimated with the 6-minutes’ walk test (6MWT) and other validated functional tests. Objectives: Verify associations between functional capacity measured with two different instruments (6MWT and Composite Physical Function (CPF) scale) and levels of physical activity and between those and characterization variables. Methods: This sample consisted of 30 apparently healthy elderly women from Loures municipality. Essentially they should be independent and community-dwelling. Characterization data were collected, containing characterization of physical activity levels and anthropometric data. Functional capacity was assessed with CPF scale and distance walked by the 6MWT. Results were analysed using a SPSS v21.0 through correlation tests. Results: The walked distance in 6MWT was positively associated with height (r = 0.406; p = 0.026), physical activity level (r = 0.594; p = 0.001) and functional capacity (r = 0.682; p = 0.000). For each point more obtained in CPF, the distance walked increases on average by 7.5 meters. Relatively to sedentary participants, being insufficiently active increases, on average, the distance walked in 85.8 meters; and being active increases, on average, the distance walked in 108.8 meters. No other associations were observed in our sample. Conclusion: Based on the collected sample, walked distance in 6MWT has a high correlation with results in CPF scale, so this test can be used to predict functional capacity. More attention should be taken to promote strategies to increase walking in older adults.
Objetivos do estudo - Impacto na marcha de: características individuais, hábitos e fatores comportamentais, quadro clínico, componentes protésicos. Conclusões do estudo - Foi possível observar a influência de vários fatores na capacidade de deambulação e no consumo energético durante a marcha: idade correlaciona-se com a distância percorrida, velocidade de marcha, VO2 máx. e presença de dor; IMC correlaciona-se com o VO2 máx.; nível de atividade correlaciona-se com a distância percorrida, velocidade de marcha, VO2 máx. e perceção de esforço. Vários fatores, relacionados com a amputação ou não mostram influenciar a capacidade de deambulação pelo que não devem ser tidos em conta separadamente. Aquisição de conhecimentos na área de investigação em Ortoprotesia, sendo que este trabalho pode servir como base para a realização de um trabalho futuro.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
L’insuffisance cardiaque est une pathologie provoquant une diminution importante des capacités fonctionnelles des patients ainsi qu’une diminution drastique de la qualité de vie. L’évaluation des capacités fonctionnelles est généralement effectuée par une épreuve d’effort maximal. Cependant pour plusieurs patients, cet effort est difficile à compléter. Les objectifs de l’étude présentée dans ce mémoire sont : (1) valider trois méthodes d’évaluation de la capacité fonctionnelle et aérobie des sujets souffrant d’insuffisance cardiaque avec un complexe QRS élargi; (2) chercher à établir le profil des patients démontrant une meilleure tolérance à l’exercice malgré une consommation maximale d’oxygène identique; et (3) démontrer les conséquences de la présence et de la magnitude de l’asynchronisme cardiaque dans la capacité fonctionnelle et la tolérance à l’exercice. Tous les sujets ont été soumis à un test de marche de six minutes, un test d’endurance à charge constante sur tapis roulant et à une épreuve d’effort maximal avec mesure d’échanges gazeux à la bouche. Les résultats ont montré une association significative entre les épreuves maximale et plus spécifiquement sous-maximale. De plus, une meilleure tolérance à l’exercice serait associée significativement à une plus grande masse du ventricule gauche. Finalement, les résultats de notre étude n’ont pas montré d’effet d’un asynchronisme cardiaque sur la performance à l’effort tel qu’évalué par nos protocoles.
Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a single soccer specific fitness test (SSFT) could differentiate between highly trained and recreationally active soccer players in selected test performance indicators. Methods. Subjects: 13 Academy Scholars (AS) from a professional soccer club and 10 Recreational Players (RP) agreed to participate in this study. Test 1-(V)over dotO(2) max was estimated from a progressive shuttle run test to exhaustion. Test 2-The SSFT was controlled by an automated procedure and alternated between walking, sprinting, jogging and cruise running speeds. Three activity blocks (1A, 2A and 3A) were separated by 3 min rest periods in which blood lactate samples were drawn. The 3 blocks of activity (Part A) were followed by 10 min of exercise at speeds alternating between jogging and cruise running (Part B). Results. Estimated (V)over dotO(2) max did not significantly differ between groups, although a trend for a higher aerobic capacity was evident in AS (p<0.09). Exercising heart rates did not differ between AS and RP, however, recovery heart rates taken from the 3 min rest periods were significantly lower in AS compared with RP following blocks 1A (124.65 b(.)min(-1) +/-7.73 and 133.98 b(.)min(-1) +/-6.63), (p<0.05) and 3A (129.91 b.min(-1) +/-10.21 and 138.85 b.min(-1) +/-8.70), (p<0.01). Blood lactate concentrations were significantly elevated in AS in comparison to RP following blocks 2A (6.91 mmol(.)l(-1) +/-2.67 and 4.74 mmol(.)l(-1) +/-1.28) and 3A (7.18 mmol(.)l(-1) +/-2.97 and 4.88 mmol(.)l(-1) +/-1.50), (p<0.05). AS sustained significantly faster average sprint times in block 3A compared with RP (3.18 sec +/-0.12 and 3.31 sec +/-0.12), (p<0.05). Conclusion. The results of this study show that highly trained soccer players are able to sustain, and more quickly recover from, high intensity intermittent exercise.