960 resultados para short film


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Brave New Welcome is the title of a short film, and a project, which was driven by a diverse group of young people who engaged with arts practices such as playback theatre, visual and media arts, and who worked with a range of professionals to develop their own response to the issue of how young people from refugee backgrounds are welcomed in Brisbane. Film Description on Vimeo: In January 2014, at a time when Australia is full of messages of ‘unwelcome’, a group of 20 young people from diverse backgrounds came together in Brisbane. We asked, ‘What does it take to make friends with people who are really different from ourselves?’ We told stories using music, playback theatre and community café dialogue. Our experience was so awesome we decided to give others a taste. So, three months later, we brought over 80 young people together in a forum to meet each other and tell stories in creative and interesting ways. We shared our ideas, asked big questions, and challenged others in our community. What can you do to create a Brave New Welcome?


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En el artículo se analizan las posibilidades que tiene el crowfunding (CF) para financiar el audiovisual. Se explica el modelo de financiación del CF y se indican las distintas ventajas que reporta para el promotor este modelo de financiación alternativa. Además se exponen ampliamente las principales características del proceso de CF seguido para financiar el cortometraje Juan y la nube (que se alzó con el Goya al Mejor corto de animación en el año 2015). Se comentan también los principales motivos que llevan a los mecenas a financiar los proyectos


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Produced in association with WAVE Trauma Centre, this short film records the experiences of six victims and survivors of the Northern Irish Troubles. Filmed and edited collaboratively, UV addresses issues of trauma, loss, justice and recovery. The story-tellers range from a police widow, to the brother of a sectarian victim, to a youth worker who lost is legs in an explosion. This film has been screened, with public discussions, between 2010 and 2012 by the Good Relations Departments of the following Borough and City Councils - Belfast, Derry/Londonderry, Lisburn, Ballymena, Coleraine, Moyle and Newtownabbey. It has also been screened at the Hallwells Contemporary Arts Centre, Buffalo, and at St Bonaventure University, NY (2012)


Further Information:

This 30 minute documentary film was produced in collaboration with WAVE Trauma Centre, Belfast. Working closely with six survivors of the Troubles violence in Northern Ireland through all stages of production and exhibition, the film contributes to on-going discussions about dealing with the conflicted past in a contested present. The role of storytelling, identified by two government reports – the Bloomfield Report and the Eames-Bradley Report - as an important method of addressing the violent past, is one of the key research questions involved in the research. Public screenings and discussions have been organised by the Good Relations Departments of seven borough councils (Belfast, Lisburn, Derry, Ballymena, Newtownabbey, Coleraine and Moyle). The film has also been screened in New York State and London. One of the recurring themes brought up in these public discussions in the role and limits of storytelling alongside the legal issues of justice, prosecutions and reparations. An accompanying co-written article with PhD student, Jolene Mairs, 'Unheard Voices' in Mc Keogh, C. and O'Connel, D. (eds) (2012) Documentary in a Changing State,Cork University Press, is part of the portfolio presented for REF.


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Short film/video art (mini DV 2’.10’’) featuring urban landscapes and domestic housing previously displayed as part of the 2nd Athens Video Art Festival 2006.7, 8, 9 April 2006 Aggelon Vima.


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Malgré l’engouement pour les neurosciences cognitives des émotions et les nombreuses publications des dernières décennies tentant d’élucider les bases neurobiologiques des émotions, nos connaissances sur le domaine restent embryonnaires. Plusieurs questions importantes restent toujours sans réponses incluant s’il existe ou non un système unique pour le traitement de stimuli émotionnels et s’il y a ou non des différences entre les hommes et les femmes pour le traitement de stimuli émotionnels. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’apporter certains éléments de réponses à ces questions à travers une caractérisation du substrat neurobiologique impliqué dans le traitement de stimuli émotionnels visuels et dynamiques. Ce travail a été mené via l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) cérébrale. Le premier chapitre, subdivisé en quatre sections, permet de présenter la perspective dans laquelle s’inscrit la thèse. La première section de ce chapitre sert à établir certaines balises définitionnelles liées aux émotions. La seconde section, basée sur une lecture des textes originaux, retrace les faits historiques saillants de la neurobiologie des émotions allant de Charles Darwin à Joseph Ledoux. La troisième section débute où la seconde s’arrête et continue l’histoire de la neurobiologie des émotions à travers un résumé de toutes les principales méta-analyses d’imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale des émotions. La dernière section du chapitre permet de présenter la problématique de recherche. La recherche, à proprement parler, qui constitue le corps de la thèse est ensuite présentée sous forme de trois articles. Enfin, les résultats de cette recherche et la manière dont ils s’inscrivent dans la continuité de nos connaissances actuelles font l’objet d’une discussion générale. Le premier article (chapitre II) rapporte, chez les hommes et les femmes, les régions du cerveau qui sont plus activées lors du traitement de films érotiques que lors du traitement de films dits ‘neutres’. Un chevauchement manifeste est observé entre les hommes et les femmes. Par contre, une activation significativement plus grande est observée chez les hommes pour l’hypothalamus, une région importante pour le comportement sexuel à travers la phylogénie. De plus, chez les hommes seulement, l’activation hypothalamique est corrélée à l’excitation sexuelle subjective. Comme la recherche présentée dans le premier article se sert de conditions expérimentales relativement longues pour l’IRMf (i.e. extraits de films de 3 minutes) et que ceci peut induire une nette diminution de signal en lien avec certaines contraintes de l’IRMf, le second article (chapitre III) examine les corrélats du traitement de stimuli sexuels en utilisant, cette fois, un paradigme d’IRMf classique où plusieurs extraits de films de 33 secondes sont présentés à la place. Cette étude démontre que, pour le traitement de stimuli sexuels, ce paradigme classique d’IRMf est beaucoup plus sensible que celui du premier article. De plus, comme ce paradigme mène à une reproduction des résultats du premier papier, ce travail soutient la perspective selon laquelle les paradigmes à époques courtes sont une alternative valide aux longues époques comme méthode d’étude du traitement de stimuli émotionnels. Le troisième article (chapitre IV) capitalise sur le protocole du second article et démontre que les patrons d’activation associés au visionnement de courts extraits de films induisant du dégoût, de l’amusement, ou de l’excitation sexuelle, sont très étendus. Une analyse de conjonction formelle démontre un large chevauchent de ces patrons à travers les différents affects étudiés. Enfin, le cinquième chapitre sert de discussion générale. Les questions des différences entre les hommes et les femmes dans le traitement des émotions, de l’existence ou non d’un système général pour le traitement des émotions, ainsi que de la manière dont un tel système pourrait être conçu, sont des points saillants de la discussion. Ces points sont abordés à la lumières des connaissances actuelles et des résultats des trois articles.


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This video highlights aspects of the lives of international students at UG, PGT and PGR levels from all 3 faculties. It shows them responding to a range of authentic scenarios about the experiences and challenges of being an international student at the University of Southampton in the early 21st century from their perspective. The overall objective of this short film therefore is to capture experiences and viewpoints of international students currently at the University. By viewing this video, it is hoped that staff will be able to gain a better understanding and appreciation of what their international students are feeling and facing at various points along their student life cycle.


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EL ROLLO DE ANAKLETA, CORTOMETRAJE ANIMADO es un proyecto que fija su atención en el arte como espacio de expresión para activar esferas de inclusión y caminos para la transformación social. Se trata de la creación y aplicación de un modelo de Gestión Cultural para atención integral a jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad y riesgo.


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These notes explore some of the background, the influences and pre-occupations at play in the construction of my short film Traum A Dream (Australia 6 minutes 2003) that was shown at the 2004 Double Dialogues Conference. This exercise thus places me in that terrain, that double dialogue between theory and practice. As both artist and commentator it also threatens to catch me hovering in that no-man’s land between the written word about the art and the artefact itself, judging my own folly.


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A film about flows of time and language on the Volcanic Plains of Western Victoria. Directed by Simon Wilmot. Produced by Patrick West & Simon Wilmot. Script by Patrick West.

The past has its place in the future. Wombeetch Puyuun is teaching Scottish-born settler Isabella Dawson his aboriginal tongue so that her father, James Dawson, can write his book. But how can language preserve the past in a land where time overwhelms words? Meanwhile, contemporary Australians from the Volcanic Plains of Victoria’s Western District meditate over life in a place of sheep, algae, eels, lava and stars. Susan Cole and Janice Austin, descendents of Isabella and Wombeetch’s people united for the first time, reflect on Wombeetch’s friendship with James, and what it means to be ‘the last of your tribe.’

The event 'Flows and Catchments' was held at the Warrnambool Art Gallery on 2/12/2012.

Sisters of the Sun has also screened at Lake Bolac Eel Festival (March 2014) and Warnambool Art Gallery (Feb 2013)


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This project explores the ways that creative practices—improvised movement, choreographed dance, and digital video—produce new knowledge about the sociability of public space. In other words, it uses various theoretical concepts and practical strategies to document and analyse the ways people inhabit and sometimes subvert public spaces — such as plazas, malls and piazzas — as part of their everyday experience. Drawing on concepts developed within the fields of performance theory, spatial history, cultural geography and social theory, the project will build a methodological toolbox for understanding the relationships between the diverse groups that use public spaces in Melbourne, Australia. This ‘toolbox’ will subsequently be used to understand analogous public spaces in other parts of the world to generate comparative data about spatial sociability. The research will enable an innovative way of mapping social, civic and political relations in space through a series of creative interventions, and will reveal the politics of everyday movement while exposing tensions between the spaces of public culture — those framed and legitimated by state institutions — and what Michael Warner calls ‘Counter-Publics.’ That is, those oppositional groups who actively seek to use public space in subversive or unauthorised ways.

This project documents a series of performative interventions designed to harness the untapped potential of various forms of street performance genres to function as tools that can produce new ways of understanding the politics of movement in public space. These ‘interventions’ will be generated through a series of practical performance and movement workshops that will draw on street theatre techniques, contact improvisation, Laban movement analysis and contemporary dance choreography. The project will focus on a series of dyadic relationships: self and other, inside and outside, centre and periphery that are relevant to human interaction in public space.
Street performers — musicians, acrobats, jugglers, magicians, mimes and so on — seek public spaces with high volumes of pedestrian traffic in order to maximise their ability to draw an audience and make a living. These performers who create temporary performance zones alter the flow and intensity of movement around them, thereby transforming the plazas, piazzas, town squares and subways favoured by buskers. Some of these performers interact with their audience more than others, and are potentially capable of telling us something about the politics of space. The practice of ‘shadowing’ the movements of passers-by is an increasingly popular form of public entertainment around the world.


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This short film re-edits Australian historic newsreel footage to present the point of view of the migrant arriving into Australia in the 1950s.


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In this project the filmmaker revisits her 1998 short film 'Elizabeth Taylor Sometimes' that projects us into the post-human world in which the body is outmoded. The meat is despised and celebrity is a garment we buy at Target - cheap, accessible and banal. Remixed to reflect the impact of social media on the representation and presentation of celebrity


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A short dance film screened at the ADF Dancing for the Camera Festival, Durham, NC, 2009.

she sleeps (2009) 3:47
Performed by Jaye Hayes
Camera, editing and sound: Dianne Reid
Created as part of an installation, Yours Truly, a City of Darebin artist-in-residence project for the Art of Difference Festival, Melbourne, 2009. This project examined the public perceptions of difference while exploring the intimate interior lives of five local disabled dancers working in collaboration with director Katrina Rank and filmmaker Dianne Reid. In "she sleeps" performer Jaye Hayes is a dancer navigating chronic illness (CFS).


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A short dance film screened at the ADF Dancing for the Camera Festival, Durham, NC, 2004.

Neglect (2003) 6 min
Performed by Chay Baker, Sheridan Lang, Emma Wilson
Direction, camera and editing by Dianne Reid
Soundscape by Mark Lang
Set in a circa 1963 apartment building in the heart of Melbourne's jewish quarter, Neglect chases clues of the hidden lives of three women. an eerie journey through corridors and stairwells, the building becomes a metaphor for the body as the location upon which emotional battles are played out and histories are inscribed.


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Short movie that was the outcome of a class I taught at Pilchuck Glass School, USA