919 resultados para service-oriented computing (SOC)


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Grid computing and service oriented architectures improve the way computational tasks are performed. Through this research a management system, utilising the autonomic characteristics of self discovery and negotiation, self configuration and self healing, was designed and implemented, ultimately removing the need for users to know the intricacies of these systems.


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Nella tesi vengono descritte le caratteristiche principali del linguaggio di programmazione service-oriented Jolie, analizzandone ampiamente la sintassi e proponendo esempi di utilizzo degli operatori e dei costrutti. Viene fatta una panoramica di SOC, SOA, Web Services, Cloud Computing, Orchestrazione, Coreografia, Deployment e Behaviour, gli ultimi due analizzati in diversi capitoli. La tesi si conclude con un esempio di conversione di servizi WSDL in Jolie, producendo un esempio di utilizzo del Web Service convertito. Nel documento vengono accennati i progressi storici del linguaggio ed i loro sviluppatori, nonché le API fornite dal linguaggio.


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Almost a decade has passed since the objectives and benefits of autonomic computing were stated, yet even the latest system designs and deployments exhibit only limited and isolated elements of autonomic functionality. In previous work, we identified several of the key challenges behind this delay in the adoption of autonomic solutions, and proposed a generic framework for the development of autonomic computing systems that overcomes these challenges. In this article, we describe how existing technologies and standards can be used to realise our autonomic computing framework, and present its implementation as a service-oriented architecture. We show how this implementation employs a combination of automated code generation, model-based and object-oriented development techniques to ensure that the framework can be used to add autonomic capabilities to systems whose characteristics are unknown until runtime. We then use our framework to develop two autonomic solutions for the allocation of server capacity to services of different priorities and variable workloads, thus illustrating its application in the context of a typical data-centre resource management problem.


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The first Workshop on Service-Oriented Business Networks and Ecosystems (SOBNE ’09) is held in conjunction with the 13th IEEE International EDOC Conference on 2 September 2009 in Auckland, New Zealand. The SOBNE ’09 program includes 9 peer-reviewed papers (7 full and 2 short papers) and an open discussion session. This introduction to the Proceedings of SOBNE ’09 starts with a brief background of the motivation for the workshop. Next, it contains a short description of the peer-reviewed papers, and finally, after some concluding statements and the announcement of the winners of the Best Reviewer Award and the Most Promising Research Award, it lists the members of the SOBNE ’09 Program Committee and external reviewers of the workshop submissions.


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Dynamic deployment of Web services is a term used frequently when describing the selection and deployment of a service to a grid host. Although current grid systems (such as Globus) provide dynamic deployment, the requirements of the service being deployed are not considered. Therefore truly dynamic deployment cannot be achieved as the services deployed are restricted to the grid system used. We present a dynamic deployment mechanism as part of self configuration in a service oriented grid environment. The dynamic deployment mechanism takes the requirements of the service into consideration, including parameters such as the operating system required to execute the service, the required software libraries, any additional required software packages, price and Quality of Service (QoS) parameters.


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The introduction of Web services into grids helped to address their two main obstacles to be embraced by business and industry, heterogeneity and useability. However, many problems are still open, e.g., grid reconfiguration, reliability and computing optimization. We argue here that a mechanism that could help solving these problems is Web Service migration, a part of automatic and transparent brokerage. Web service migration presents a number of new requirements not addressed in traditional process migration, being the outcome of Web services specific configuration of hosts and application servers, and availability of Web services / resources state. In this paper we report on our study into the development of a Web service migration facility focused on providing migration of services in a Service Oriented Grid environment. We present a novel approach to Web service migration, embodied in a System Management Broker, which is transparent, interoperable and flexible. We take the requirements of Web services into consideration when discovering suitable destination hosts and match services to suitable grid resources which are able to fulfil the needs of the service. We discuss a number of experiments conducted with different types of grid and Web service applications to highlight the feasibility and effectiveness of our migration facility and demonstrate how our facility significantly improves Service Oriented Grids.


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Service-oriented wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are being paid more and more attention because service computing can hide complexity of WSNs and enables simple and transparent access to individual sensor nodes. Existing WSNs mainly use IEEE 802.15.4 as their communication specification, however, this protocol suite cannot support IP-based routing and service-oriented access because it only specifies a set of physical- and MAC-layer protocols. For inosculating WSNs with IP networks, IEEE proposed a 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over LoW Power wireless Area Networks) as the adaptation layer between IP and MAC layers. However, it is still a challenging task how to discover and manage sensor resources, guarantee the security of WSNs and route messages over resource-restricted sensor nodes. This paper is set to address such three key issues. Firstly, we propose a service-oriented WSN architectural model based on 6LoWPAN and design a lightweight service middleware SOWAM (service-oriented WSN architecture middleware), where each sensor node provides a collection of services and is managed by our SOWAM. Secondly, we develop a security mechanism for the authentication and secure connection among users and sensor nodes. Finally, we propose an energyaware mesh routing protocol (EAMR) for message transmission in a WSN with multiple mobile sinks, aiming at prolonging the lifetime of WSNs as long as possible. In our EAMR, sensor nodes with the residual energy lower than a threshold do not forward messages for other nodes until the threshold is leveled down. As a result, the energy consumption is evened over sensor nodes significantly. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of our service-oriented approach and lightweight middleware SOWAM, as well as the effectiveness of our routing algorithm EAMR.


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Nell'ambito delle Service-Oriented Architecture, il linguaggio JOLIE, assieme al suo editor jEye, consentono la realizzazione di orchestratori. Questa tesi realizza (modello e implementazione) il supporto per l'Ambiente Dati


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Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), and Web Services (WS), the technology generally used to implement them, achieve the integration of heterogeneous technologies, providing interoperability, and yielding the reutilization of pre-existent systems. Model-driven development methodologies provide inherent benefits such as increased productivity, greater reuse, and better maintainability, to name a few. Efforts on achieving model-driven development of SOAs already exist, but there is currently no standard solution that addresses non-functional aspects of these services as well. This paper presents an approach to integrate these non-functional aspects in the development of web services, with an emphasis on security.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): D.2.5, D.2.9, D.2.11.


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Digital forensics relates to the investigation of a crime or other suspect behaviour using digital evidence. Previous work has dealt with the forensic reconstruction of computer-based activity on single hosts, but with the additional complexity involved with a distributed environment, a Web services-centric approach is required. A framework for this type of forensic examination needs to allow for the reconstruction of transactions spanning multiple hosts, platforms and applications. A tool implementing such an approach could be used by an investigator to identify scenarios of Web services being misused, exploited, or otherwise compromised. This information could be used to redesign Web services in order to mitigate identified risks. This paper explores the requirements of a framework for performing effective forensic examinations in a Web services environment. This framework will be necessary in order to develop forensic tools and techniques for use in service oriented architectures.