992 resultados para semen freezing
In the present study, different freezing systems (Styrofoam box and Mini Digitcool ZH 400) and storage volumes (0.5- and 0.25-mL straws) were compared with regard to sperm kinetics and plasma membrane integrity of frozen and thawed semen. For that, three ejaculates from four animals were frozen in Styrofoam box and Mini Digitcool ZH 400 machine. The 0.5-mL straws were thawed at 46°C for 20 seconds, and the 0.25-mL straws were thawed at 46°C for 12 seconds. Statistical analysis was performed using program R of descriptive analysis box plot, followed by analysis of variance using PROC MIXED of SAS 9.1 package. Variances of 5% were considered as different. There was no interaction between the straw sizes and volumes; however, statistical differences were observed between the semen storage volumes. The 0.5-mL straws had higher total motility (%), progressive motility (%), average path velocity (μm/s), straight-line velocity (μm/s), curvilinear velocity (μm/s), and rapid sperm percentage (%) than the 0.25-mL straws. However, plasma membrane integrity analysis did not differ between the two straws. Thus, it is possible to conclude that equine sperm cryopreserved in 0.5-mL straws has better sperm kinetics than when stored in 0.25-mL straws. Additionally, it is possible to conclude that automated systems that enable faster freezing rates result in a seminal quality that is similar to the one obtained by the conventional system using Styrofoam boxes. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Seminal plasma removal, an indispensable step in equine semen cryopreservation, is usually done by centrifugation, but this might cause mechanical damage to sperm. A new method for seminal plasma removal from stallion semen, namely a filter composed of a synthetic hydrophilic membrane (Sperm Filter, BotuPharma, Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil), was recently proposed. The objective of this study was to test the use of the Sperm Filter in the removal of seminal plasma before freezing stallion semen. Ejaculates from 31 stallions were divided into two groups and cryopreserved. In group 1 (G1), seminal plasma was removed with the Sperm Filter, and in group 2 (G2), seminal plasma was removed by centrifugation (600× g for 10 minutes). There were no differences (P < 0.05) between G1 and G2 in sperm kinetic parameters or plasma membrane integrity before or after cryopreservation. However, sperm recovery rate was higher (P < 0.05) for G1 versus G2 (mean ± SD, 89.4 ± 7.4% vs. 80.9 ± 5.5%). Therefore, the Sperm Filter was as efficient as centrifugation in removing seminal plasma from the stallion ejaculate. However, filtering was more practical and had significantly fewer sperm lost than the centrifugation technique. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
To increase the efficiency of equine semen, it could be useful to split the artificial insemination dose and refreeze the redundant spermatozoa. In experiment I, semen of 10 sires of the Hanoverian breed, with poor and good semen freezability, was collected by artificial vagina, centrifuged, extended in INRA82 at 400 × 106 sperm/mL, and automatically frozen. After this first routinely applied freezing program, semen from each stallion was thawed, resuspended in INRA82 at 40 × 106 sperm/mL, filled in 0.5-mL straws, and refrozen. These steps were repeated, and sperm concentration was adjusted to 20 × 106 sperm/mL after a third freezing cycle. Regardless of stallion freezability group, sperm motility and sperm membrane integrity (FITC/PNA-Syto-PI-stain) decreased stepwise after first, second, and third freezing (62.3% ± 9.35, 24.0% ± 15.4, 3.3% ± 4.34, P ≤ .05; 29.6% ± 8.64, 14.9% ± 6.38, 8.3% ± 3.24, P ≤ .05), whereas the percentage of acrosome-reacted cells increased (19.5% ± 7.59, 23.9% ± 8.51, 29.2% ± 6.58, P ≤ .05). Sperm chromatin integrity was unaffected after multiple freeze/thaw cycles (DFI value: 18.6% ± 6.6, 17.2% ± 6.84, 17.1% ± 7.21, P > .05). In experiment II estrous, Hanoverian warmblood mares were inseminated with a total of 200 × 106 spermatozoa of two stallions with either good or poor semen freezability originating from the first, second, and third freeze/thaw cycle. First-cycle pregnancy rates were 4/10, 40%; 1/10, 10%; and 0/10, 0%. In conclusion, as expected, sperm viability of stallion spermatozoa significantly decreases as a consequence of multiple freezing. However, sperm chromatin integrity was not affected. Pregnancy rates after insemination of mares with refrozen semen are reduced.
Adding Omega fatty acids (ω) 3 to the diet of stud bucks, the quality of sperm and their resistance to cryopreservation could increase. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of supplementation with ω3 on the metabolic state, sperm quality and resistance to freezing, in bucks kept in confinement under natural photoperiod. The experiment will be conducted in the facilities of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary, UNRC (National University of Río Cuarto). Ten Anglo Nubian adult bucks, trained for semen collection with artificial vagina will be used. Males will be randomly allocated into 2 groups (5 animals each): control (C) and treatment (T). During the breeding season, group C will be fed with a ration of alfalfa and ground corn, according to the requirements for each category and sex (NRC, 2007). Group T will receive the same diet with the addition of linseeds. Both will have free access to water. Every week, semen of each buck, will be collected, evaluated and frozen. Sperm quality “in vitro” after thawing will be studied with a digital image analyzer. To assess oxidative stress in fresh and cryopreserved semen, levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and quantification of the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) will be determined. To establish the metabolic state, blood samples will be collected every two weeks. The statistical analysis will include an exploratory data analysis, multivariate analysis of multiple correspondences on a completely randomized design, analysis of variance and Fisher post-test. The level of significance will be set at P <0.05 and all results will be expressed as means ± SEM.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of the direct addition of pentoxifylline (PF) to the ejaculates of men with poor sperm quality before freezing on post-thaw sperm motility, viability, acrosome integrity, and agonist-induced acrosome reaction. Semen specimens from 16 infertile men with impaired sperm count and motility (oligoasthenozoospermia) were divided into two equal aliquots: one received no treatment (control) while the other was incubated with 5 mM PF (treated). Both aliquots were cryopreserved by the liquid nitrogen vapor method. Motility was assessed according to WHO criteria. Acrosome integrity and spontaneous and calcium ionophore-induced acrosome reactions were assessed with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated peanut agglutinin combined with a supra-vital dye (Hoechst-33258). Cryopreservation impaired sperm motility (percentage reduction: 87.4 (interquartile range, IQ: 70.3-92.9) vs 89.1 (IQ: 72.7-96.0%)), viability (25.9 (IQ: 22.2-29.7) vs 25.6 (IQ: 19.7-40.3%)) and acrosome integrity (18.9 (IQ: 5.4-38.9) vs 26.8 (IQ: 0.0-45.2%)) to the same extent in both treated and control aliquots. However, PF treatment before freezing improved the acrosome reaction to ionophore challenge test scores in cryopreserved spermatozoa (9.7 (IQ: 6.6-19.7) vs 4.8 (IQ: 0.5-6.8%); P = 0.002). These data show that pre-freeze treatment of poor quality human sperm with pentoxifylline did not improve post-thaw motility or viability nor did it prevent acrosomal loss during the freeze-thaw process. However, PF, as used, improved the ability of thawed spermatozoa to undergo the acrosome reaction in response to calcium ionophore. The present data indicate that treatment of poor quality human sperm with PF may enhance post-thaw sperm fertilizing ability.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this study was to determine whether replacing the egg yolk with soybean lecithin in the Botu-Crio (R) cryodiluent would maintain the fertility of cryopreserved stallion sperm. Two experiments were performed to evaluate cell freezability. In experiment 1, sperm from 15 stallions were frozen in Botu-Crio (R) (BC) or Botu-Crio (R) which contained 45 g/L soybean lecithin (BCLS45) in place of the egg yolk. In experiment 2, we compared different concentrations of soybean lecithin: 0, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5 and 20.0 g/L (BC, BCLS10, BCLS12.5, BCLS17.5 and BCLS20, respectively). In experiment 1, sperm frozen in BC and BCLS45 exhibited similar (P > 0.05) percentages of total motile sperm (61% and 61%, respectively); progressively motile sperm (27% and 27%, respectively) and sperm with intact plasma membranes (IMP; 53% and 57%, respectively). Similarly, sperm frozen in BC or BC containing any concentration of soybean lecithin maintained similar (P > 0.05) percentages of total motile sperm (61-68%) and progressively motile sperm (27-31%). In the first fertility trial, we used cryopreserved semen from a single stallion was inseminated into mares. The semen from the sperm that were frozen in BC diluent resulted in a higher fertility rate (66%, 16/24) compared to the sperm that were frozen in BCLS45 diluent (17%, 5/29; P < 0.01). Similarly, in a second fertility trial, the mares that were inseminated with the sperm that were frozen in BC diluent exhibited a higher fertility rate (66%, 16/24) compared to the mares that were inseminated with the sperm that were frozen in BCLS20 (40%, 10/25; Pc 0.05). Finally, in a third trial, the sperm that were frozen in BC resulted in a higher fertility rate in mares (75%, 18/24) compared to the sperm that were frozen in BCLS10 (41%, 10/24; P < 0.05). Although replacing the egg yolk in the BC cryodiluent with soybean lecithin provided similar laboratory results for stallion sperm, after cryopreservation, the sperm that was frozen with soybean lecithin in the diluent correlated with lower fertility rates. Based on these results, we concluded that the use of BCLS can be used as an alternative diluent for cryopreserving stallion sperm. However, the resulting reduced fertility rate is a matter of concern. Further studies are necessary to clarify the reasons for this decrease in fertility and to determine the optimal lecithin concentration for diluents to freeze stallion sperm. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of the current study was to verify that stallion, spermatoza could be cooled for 24 hours and then frozen. In experiment I, one ejaculate from each of 13 stallions was used. Semen was collected and split into two parts; one part immediately frozen using standard cryo-preservation techniques and the other diluted, stored in an Equitainer for 24 hours, and then frozen. In experiment II, one ejaculate from each of 12 stallions was collected, diluted with Botu-Semen, and split into two parts: one cooled in an Equitainer and the other in Max-Semen Express without prior centrifugation. After 24 hours of cooling, the samples were centrifuged to remove seminal plasma and concentrate the sperm, and resuspended in Botu-Crio (R) extender containing on e of three cryoprotectant treatments (1% glycerol + 4% dimethylformamide, 1% glycerol + 4% dimethylacetamide and 1% glycerol + 4% methylformamide), maintained at 5 degrees C for 20 minutes, then frozen in nitrogen vapour. No difference was observed between the two cooling systems. The association of 1% glycerol and 4% methylformamide provided the best post-thaw progressive motility. For experiment III, two stallions were used for a fertility trial. Forty three inseminations were performed using 22 mares. No differences were seen in semen parameters and pregnancy rates when comparing the two freezing protocols (conventional and cooled/frozen). Pregnancy rates for conventional and cooled/frozen semen were, respectively, 72.7% and 82.3% (stallion A), and 40.0% and 50.0% (stallion B). We concluded that cooling equine-semen for 24 hours before freezing while maintaining sperm viability and fertility is possible.
The effect of the utilization of three semen protocols (Inra 82®, Merck Gema and Botu-crio®) and two filling techniques (0.25 and 0.50 mL straws) in Mangalarga Marchador stallions were studied in this experiment. Sperm parameters were assessed during processing and post-freezing. No interactions between the protocols and type of filling were observed, so they were assessed separately. Sperm parameters were not altered when the extender was added to the centrifugation; however, there was reduction of motility and strength when freezing extenders were added. The Botu-crio® protocol preserved the parameters of total and progressive sperm motility, smoothed path velocity (µm/s), straight line velocity (µm/s), track velocity (µm/s) and the average and fast spermatozoa percentage better than the others. No difference between the extenders for the percentage of sperm integrity was observed. There was no difference in the responses studied on the filling techniques. The stallions presented better freezing with the use of the Botu-crio® protocol. The best post-freezing viability results were found for semen frozen using the Botu-crio® protocol and there were no differences concerning the sperm quality comparing 0.25 and 0.50 mL straws.