928 resultados para seed removal


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Artificial fruits designed to simulate lipid-rich non-myrecochorous diaspores were used to test for the effect of fruit morphology and habitat structure on ant-seed interactions in an Atlantic Forest site in SE Brazil. The outcome of the interaction (i.e., if the fruit was removed, cleaned by ants on the spot or had no interaction with ants) and the time of ant response were the investigated variables. Models simulating drupes and arilate diaspores were used to test for morphological effects and four habitat attributes (litter depth, number of logs, number of trees, and percentage of bromeliad coverage on the forest floor), likely to be correlated with the ant diversity and abundance in the study site, were measured to test for the effect of habitat structure. The proportion of fruits removed or cleaned did not differ between the two morphological models. Sites in which fruits were cleaned had more trees than those in which no interaction occurred. This may be a result of the foraging behavior of arboreal ants that frequently descend to the forest floor to exploit fleshy diaspores. Sites in which model removal occurred had lower litter depth than both those in which models were cleaned and those in which no interaction occurred. A negative correlation was observed between litter depth and ant response time. Accumulation of leaf litter at a given point may have constrained the movements of large ants in general, and ponerine ants (that are important seed removers) in particular. We conclude that that local pattern in litter depth and tree density influence the frequency and outcome of interactions between ants and non-myrmecochorous, fleshy diaspores.


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Negative density dependence (NDD) of recruitment is pervasive in tropical tree species. We tested the hypotheses that seed dispersal is NDD, due to intraspecific competition for dispersers, and that this contributes to NDD of recruitment. We compared dispersal in the palm Attalea butyracea across a wide range of population density on Barro Colorado Island in Panama and assessed its consequences for seed distributions. We found that frugivore visitation, seed removal and dispersal distance all declined with population density of A. butyracea, demonstrating NDD of seed dispersal due to competition for dispersers. Furthermore, as population density increased, the distances of seeds from the nearest adult decreased, conspecific seed crowding increased and seedling recruitment success decreased, all patterns expected under poorer dispersal. Unexpectedly, however, our analyses showed that NDD of dispersal did not contribute substantially to these changes in the quality of the seed distribution; patterns with population density were dominated by effects due solely to increasing adult and seed density.


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Seed predation impacts heavily on plant populations and community composition in grasslands. In particular, generalist seed predators may contribute to biotic resistance, i.e. the ability of resident species in a community to reduce the success of non-indigenous plant invaders. However, little is known of predators' preferences for seeds of indigenous or non-indigenous plant species or how seed predation varies across communities. We hypothesize that seed predation does not differ between indigenous and non-indigenous plant species and that seed predation is positively related to plant species diversity in the resident community. The seed removal of 36 indigenous and non-indigenous grassland species in seven extensively or intensively managed hay meadows across Switzerland covering a species-richness gradient of 18-50 plant species per unit area (c. 2 m(2)) was studied. In mid-summer 2011, c. 24,000 seeds were exposed to predators in Petri dishes filled with sterilized soil, and the proportions of seeds removed were determined after three days' exposure. These proportions varied among species (9.2-62.5%) and hay meadows (17.8-48.6%). Seed removal was not related to seed size. Moreover, it did not differ between indigenous and non-indigenous species, suggesting that mainly generalist seed predators were active. However, seed predation was positively related to plant species richness across a gradient in the range of 18-38 species per unit area, representing common hay meadows in Switzerland. Our results suggest that generalist post-dispersal seed predation contributes to biotic resistance and may act as a filter to plant invasion by reducing the propagule pressure of non-local plant species.


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1. Successful seed dispersal by animals is assumed to occur when undamaged seeds arrive at a favourable microsite. Most seed removal and dispersal studies consider only two possible seed fates, predation or escape intact. Whether partial consumption of seeds has ecological implications for natural regeneration is unclear. We studied partial consumption of seeds in a rodent-dispersed oak species. 2. Fifteen percent of dispersed acorns were found partially eaten in a field experiment. Most damage affected only the basal portion of the seeds, resulting in no embryo damage. Partially eaten acorns had no differences in dispersal distance compared to intact acorns but were recovered at farther distances than completely consumed acorns. 3. Partially eaten acorns were found under shrub cover unlike intact acorns that were mostly dispersed to open microhabitats. 4. Partially eaten acorns were not found buried proportionally more often than intact acorns, leading to desiccation and exposure to biotic agents (predators, bacteria and fungi). However, partial consumption caused more rapid germination, which enables the acorns to tolerate the negative effects of exposure. 5. Re-caching and shrub cover as microhabitat of destination promote partial seed consumption. Larger acorns escaped predation more often and had higher uneaten cotyledon mass. Satiation at seed level is the most plausible explanation for partial consumption. 6. Partial consumption caused no differences in root biomass when acorns experienced only small cotyledon loss. However, root biomass was lower when acorns experienced heavy loss of tissue but, surprisingly, they produced longer roots, which allow the seeds to gain access sooner to deeper resources. 7.Synthesis. Partial consumption of acorns is an important event in the oak regeneration process, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Most acorns were damaged non-lethally, without decreasing both dispersal distances and the probability of successful establishment. Faster germination and production of longer roots allow partially eaten seeds to tolerate better the exposure disadvantages caused by the removal of the pericarp and the non-buried deposition. Consequently, partially consumed seeds can contribute significantly to natural regeneration and must be considered in future seed dispersal studies.


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Predators directly and indirectly affect the density and the behavior of prey. These effects may potentially cascade down to lower trophic levels. In this study, we tested the effects of predator calls (playbacks of bird vocalizations: Tyto alba, Speotyto cunicularia, and Vanellus chilensis), predator visual stimuli (stuffed birds) and interactions of visual and auditory cues, on the behavior of frugivore phyllostomid bats in the field. In addition, we tested if the effects of predation risk cascade down to other trophic levels by measuring rates of seed dispersal of the tree Muntingia calabura. Using video recording, we found that bats significantly decreased the foraging frequency on trees when a visual cue of T. alba was present. However, no stimuli of potential predatory birds, including vocalization of T. alba, affected bat foraging frequency. There was a change in bat behavior during 7 min, but then their frequency of activity gradually increased. Consequently, the presence of T. alba decreased by up to ten times the rate of seed removal. These results indicate that risk sensitivity of frugivorous phyllostomid bats depends on predator identity and presence. Among the predators used in this study, only T. alba is an effective bat predator in the Neotropics. Sound stimuli of T. alba seem not to be a cue of predation risk, possibly because their vocalizations are used only for intraspecific communication. This study emphasizes the importance of evaluating different predator stimuli on the behavior of vertebrates, as well as the effects of these stimuli on trait-mediated trophic cascades. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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A exploração madeireira na Amazônia atinge anualmente cerca de 1,5 milhões de hectares de floresta. Esta atividade promove mudanças estruturais e microclimáticas na floresta, que potencialmente afetam a diversidade e a composição das espécies animais. Como grande parte das sementes florestais são dispersas por animais, a regeneração dos ambientes explorados pode ser comprometida. Por outro lado, é possível que a fauna de florestas exploradas através de técnicas de extração madeireira com impactos reduzidos, mantenha sua integridade original, não afetando os mecanismos de dispersão de sementes. Tomando as formigas como um grupo animal ecologicamente representativo e integrado aos processos de regeneração, via dispersão e predação de sementes, foi avaliado neste trabalho se (1) a exploração madeireira afeta a fauna (diversidade e composição de espécies) destes insetos, se (2) planos de exploração de baixo impacto são capazes de preservá-la e se (3) a exploração afeta a eficiência ecológica das formigas na remoção (dispersão ou predação) de sementes. Os efeitos da exploração madeireira sobre a diversidade e a composição de espécies de formigas, bem como sobre a remoção de sementes florestais realizada por estes insetos, foram investigados em três ambientes de floresta, no município de Paragominas, estado do Pará: uma floresta que sofreu exploração madeireira convencional (FC), outra floresta explorada por técnicas de extração de baixo impacto (FB) e uma floresta primária, como controle (FP). A fauna de formigas foi amostrada em quatro ocasiões de coleta durante o ano de 1998. Em cada ocasião, as formigas foram coletadas através do método de Winkler, em quatro transecções por área. O experimento de remoção de sementes foi realizado colocando-se sementes de seis espécies madeireiras, distribuídas em 12 pontos por ambiente. Durante o experimento, foi quantificado diariamente o número de formigas e outros artrópodes visitando as sementes. O número total de sementes removidas por ambiente foi contado ao final do experimento. A diversidade e a abundância de espécies de formigas não foram afetadas pela exploração madeireira. Contudo, a composição de espécies foi alterada em 36% na FB e 37% na FC. O gênero Pheidok teve sua riqueza e abundância reduzidas exclusivamente na FC. A remoção de sementes também foi significativamente menor (ca. 33%) na FC se comparada àquela registrada na FB e FP. As formigas representaram 92% dos artrópodes que visitaram as sementes, nos três ambientes. As sementes maiores foram as mais removidas, independente de sua adaptação ao dispersor e do ambiente estudado. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a exploração madeireira pode promover modificações na composição de espécies de formigas, sem, contudo, alterar sua diversidade (exceto de Pheidok). O sistema de exploração com baixo impacto é capaz de preservar a diversidade de espécies de Pheidole, garantindo quantitativamente, uma mobilização de sementes semelhante à de uma floresta primária. Por outro lado, a exploração convencional pode diminuir a diversidade deste gênero, resultando em um menor número de sementes removidas. Tal redução, possivelmente compromete a regeneração da floresta após a retirada da madeira.


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Erythrosine B is widely used for coloring in various applications, especially in the food industry, despite its already proved toxicity and carcinogenicity. The agrowaste pumpkin seed hulls were applied as potential adsorbent for the removal of Erythrosine from aqueous solutions. Adsorption mechanism and kinetics were analyzed for design purposes. The seed hulls were characterized by specific techniques before and after dye retention. It was found that the attachment of Erythrosine B molecules on adsorbent surface may be attributed to the interactions between carboxyl and/or carbonyl groups of both dye and agrowaste wall components. A univariate approach followed by a factorial design was applied to study and analyze the experimental results as well as to estimate the combined effects of the process factors on the removal efficiency and dye uptake. Adsorption mechanism may be predominantly due to intraparticle diffusion, dependent on pore size. The four equilibrium models applied fitted the data well; the maximum adsorption capacity for Erythrosine was 16.4 mg/g. The results showed that adsorbent is effective for Erythrosine B removal for a large concentration range in aqueous solutions (5400 mg/L) in batch systems.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate tetracycline antibiotic (TA) removal from contaminated water by Moringa oleifera seed preparations. The composition of synthetic water approximate river natural contaminated water and TA simulated its presence as an emerging pollutant. Interactions between TA and protein preparations (extract; fraction and lectin) were also evaluated. TA was determined by solid phase extraction followed by high performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry. Moringa extract and flour removed TA from water. Extract removed TA in all concentrations and better removal (40%) was obtained with 40 mg L1; seed flour (particles < 5mm), 1.25 g L1 and 2.50 g L1 removed 28 and 29% of tetracycline, respectively; particles > 5 mm (0.50 g L1) removed 55% of antibiotic. Interactions between TA and seed preparations were assayed by haemagglutinating activity (HA). Specific HA (SHA) of extract (pH 7) was abolished with tetracycline (5 mg L1); fraction (75%) and lectin HA (97%) were inhibited with TA. Extract SHA decreased by 75% at pH 8. Zeta potential (ZP) of extract 700 mg L1 and tetracycline 50 mg L1 , pH range 5 to 8, showed different results. Extract ZP was more negative (10.73 mV to 16.00 mV) than tetracycline ZP (0.27 mV to 20.15 mV); ZP difference was greater in pH 8. The focus of this study was achieved since moringa preparations removed TA from water and compounds interacting with tetracycline involved at least lectin binding sites. This is a natural process, which do not promote environmental damage.


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This study evaluated the adsorption capacity of chromium from contaminated aqueous solutions by using Moringa oleifera Lam. seeds. Parameters such as solution pH, adsorbent mass, contact time between solution and adsorbent, isotherms, thermodynamic, kinetics, and desorption were evaluated. The maximum adsorption capacity (Qm) calculated to be 3.191 mg g-1 for the biosorbent. Activated carbon was used for comparison purposes in addition to the biosorbent. The best fit was obtained by the Langmuir model for both adsorbents. The average desorption value indicated that both the biosorbent and activated carbon have a strong interaction with the metal. The results showed that the biosorbent has advantages owing to its low cost and efficiency in Cr3+ removal from contaminated waters.


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Portuguese chestnut (Castanea sativa) is used for forest products, raw nuts and processed flour, paste, and candy. We studied the influence on germination efficiency of seed with and without partial tegument removal combined with different substrate composition (coconut fiber, pine compost and vermiculite) at São Paulo State University, Campus of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Randomized blocks were used in a factorial scheme 3x2 (three substrates x two seed types) consisting of six treatments with five replications (twelve seeds). Seeds were sowed in expanded polystyrene trays, with 72 cells, and maintained at 25 C under controlled environment. Rate, time elapsed and speed of seed germination was submitted to ANOVA and the average compared using Tukey's 5% test of probability and curves adjusted based on Gompertz regression. Coconut fiber or vermiculite associated with seed without partial tegument removal showed the highest germination rate, and coconut fiber with or without partial tegument removal displayed the fastest speed of seed germination.


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Various environmental factors may influence the foraging behaviour of seed dispersers which could ultimately affect the seed dispersal process. We examined whether moonlight levels and the presence or absence of rodentshelter affect rodentseedremoval (rate, handling time and time of removal) and seedselection (size and species) among seven oak species. The presence or absence of safe microhabitats was found to be more important than moonlight levels in the removal of seeds. Bright moonlight caused a different temporal distribution of seedremoval throughout the night but only affected the overall removal rates in open microhabitats. Seeds were removed more rapidly in open microhabitat (regardless of the moon phase), decreasing the time allocated to seed discrimination and translocation. Only in open microhabitats did increasing levels of moonlight decrease the time allocated to selection and removal of seeds. As a result, a more precise seedselection was made under shelter, owing to lower levels of predation risk. Rodent ranking preference for species was identical between full/new moon in shelter but not in open microhabitats. For all treatments, species selection by rodents was much stronger than size selection. Nevertheless, heavy seeds, which require more energy and time to be transported, were preferentially removed under shelter, where there is no time restriction to move the seeds. Our findings reveal that seedselection is safety dependent and, therefore, microhabitats in which seeds are located (sheltered versus exposed) and moonlight levels in open areas should be taken into account in rodent food selection studies.


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Xylopia aromatica is a species of the Annonaceae family, native to the Brazilian ""Cerrado"". Seeds of this species usually possess morphophysiological dormancy which makes propagation more difficult. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of removing the aril and sarcotesta and applying plant growth regulators to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica seeds. Seeds were separated into two groups: one consisting of seeds with aril and sarcotesta and another without these two seed coat appendices. Seeds with and without these appendices were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water or Promalin (R) (gibberellin 4 [GA(4)] + gibberellin 7 [GA(7)] and cytokinin [6-Benziladenine]) solutions of 250, 500 and 1,000 mg.L(-1), and sown in ""Cerrado"" soil. Later, seeds without the aril and sarcotesta were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water. Promalin (R) or GA(4) + GA(7) solutions at same concentrations and sown in sand or ""Cerrado"" soil. The removal of the aril and sarcotesta had a positive effect on the seed germination. Application of plant growth regulators helped to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica, with the greatest percentage of seedling emergence being observed in seeds treated with Promalin at 250 and 500 mg.L(-1) then sown in sand.


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Nitrogen removal in soybean grains at harvest may exceed biological N2 fixation, particularly if grain yields are as high as typically achieved on "Terra Rossa" soils of Eastern Paraguay. Applying N fertilizer or coating seeds with rhizobial inoculants that enhance nodulation may represent a way of balancing the N budget. However, the effects of such treatments appear to be highly site-specific. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of N application (N) and rhizobial inoculation (I) on nodulation, N accumulation and soybean yields in Eastern Paraguay. Field experiments were conducted in two consecutive soybean seasons. Dry conditions in the first year delayed sowing and reduced plant number m-2 and pod number plant-1. Grain yields were generally below 2 t ha-1 but the +N+I treatment increased yields by about 75%. In the second year favorable conditions resulted in yields of around 4 t ha-1 and the treatments had no effect. Nitrogen accumulation was higher in the first year and could therefore not explain the observed yield differences between years and treatment combinations. The positive effect of the +N+I treatment in year one was associated with a more rapid root growth which could have reduced susceptibility to intermittent drought stress. Nodule biomass decreased between flowering and pod setting stages in the +I treatment whereas further increases in nodule biomass in the -I treatment may have led to competition for assimilates between nodules and developing pods. Based on these preliminary results we conclude that N application and seed inoculation can offer short-term benefits in unfavorable years without negative effects on yield in favorable years.