977 resultados para seed drill
Seed phytate and protein content in beans depending on the application of basalt powder. The content of phytate in the grains is correlated with the supply of phosphorus to the plant, but there is a lack of knowledge as to possible effect of slower availability of nutrients in the soil. The objectives of this study were to assess the effect of rock powder, alone or combined with cattle manure, on the productivity, levels of phosphorus, protein and phytate content in beans. The experiment was carried out in a randomized blocks design, with four replications. The treatments were control (limestone, granite and natural phosphate); conventional fertilization; powder basalt (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ton. ha(-1)); cattle manure, and doses of powder basalt with cattle manure. In the treatment with conventional fertilizer, the total phosphorus content in grain was higher than the control, but the application of powder of basalt did not show a difference significant. Increase in the doses of basalt powder increased the phosphorus content, but phytate content remained constant. Basalt powder proved to be an alternative to maintain low levels of phosphorus in the form of phytate in the grains.
Conventional threading operations involve two distinct machining processes: drilling and threading. Therefore, it is time consuming for the tools must be changed and the workpiece has to be moved to another machine. This paper presents an analysis of the combined process (drilling followed by threading) using a single tool for both operations: the tap-milling tool. Before presenting the methodology used to evaluate this hybrid tool, the ODS (operating deflection shapes) basics is shortly described. ODS and finite element modeling (FEM) were used during this research to optimize the process aiming to achieve higher stable machining conditions and increasing the tool life. Both methods allowed the determination of the natural frequencies and displacements of the machining center and optimize the workpiece fixture system. The results showed that there is an excellent correlation between the dynamic stability of the machining center-tool holder and the tool life, avoiding a tool premature catastrophic failure. Nevertheless, evidence showed that the tool is very sensitive to work conditions. Undoubtedly, the use of ODS and FEM eliminate empiric decisions concerning the optimization of machining conditions and increase drastically the tool life. After the ODS and FEM studies, it was possible to optimize the process and work material fixture system and machine more than 30,000 threaded holes without reaching the tool life limit and catastrophic fail.
Bamboos often negatively affect tree recruitment, survival, and growth, leading to arrested tree regeneration in forested habitats. Studies so far have focused on the effects of bamboos on the performance of seedlings and saplings, but the influence of bamboos on forest dynamics may start very early in the forest regeneration process by altering seed rain patterns. We tested the prediction that the density and composition of the seed rain are altered and seed limitation is higher in stands of Guadua tagoara (B or bamboo stands), a large-sized woody bamboo native from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, compared to forest patches without bamboos (NB or non-bamboo stands). Forty 1 m(2) seed traps were set in B and NB stands, and the seed rain was monitored monthly for 1 year. The seed rain was not greatly altered by the presence of bamboos: rarefied seed species richness was higher for B stands, patterns of dominance and density of seeds were similar between stands, and differences in overall composition were slight. Seed limitation, however, was greater at B stands, likely as a resulted of reduced tree density. Despite Such reduced density, the presence of trees growing amidst and over the bamboos seems to play a key role in keeping the seeds falling in B stands because they serve as food sources for frugivores or simply as perches for them. The loss of such trees may lead to enhanced seed limitation, contributing ultimately to the self-perpetuating bamboo disturbance cycle. (C) 2008 Elsevier B,V. All rights reserved.
Interpretation of the anatomical structure of the ovary and fruit of the Orchidaceae family is still controversial, which makes it difficult to understand the development and dehiscence of the fruit. The genus Oncidium is polyphyletic and is currently the subject of taxonomic studies. In this study, we have investigated the anatomical development of the pericarp and seed of Oncidium flexuosum Sims to determine important diagnostic characters that, along with molecular data, can assist in defining this group. We have found a new anatomical characteristic of the family: the presence of precursor cells for fruit dehiscence, which were visible from the beginning of development and located on the outer walls of the sterile valves. In contrast with what has been observed by different authors with other species, in the mature fruit of O. flexuosum, only the endocarp of the fertile valves and a few cells near the exocarp and the vascular bundle in the sterile valves show parietal thickening, while the rest remains parenchymatous. During the development of the ovule and embryo, we have shown that the embryonic sac of this species has eight nuclei and that the embryo has a long and elaborate suspensor. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
In greenhouse potato cultivation, mineral nutrition is one of the main factors contributing to high yields and better product quality. Knowledge about the amount of nutrients accumulated in the plants at each growing phase provides important information that helps the establishment of a more balanced fertilizer application. The objective of this research was to determine the time course of macronutrients uptake and accumulation in potato plants for seed-tuber production, grown in nutrient solution. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, using in vitro material from the pre-basic category of the `Atlantic` variety. The plants were collected weekly from 14 days after transplanting (DAT) until 70 DAT The experimental design was a completely randomized block with 9 treatments to sampling times and four replicates. The highest nutrient requirement in the plant shoot occurred at the periods between 28 and 56 DAT while in the tubers it was after 49 DAT The maximum accumulation sequence of macronutrients was K > N > S > Ca > P > Mg.
Natural forest remnants have been set as seed production fields to supply seeds of native tree species for tropical forest restoration, but the effect of different forest types on seed production has not been accessed to date for palm species. In this work, we studied seed development, yield, and quality of two palm species in different tropical forest types in SE Brazil. Seed production of palmiteiro (Euterpe edulis) and queen-palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana), which are largely used in restoration efforts due to their importance for vertebrate frugivores, were studied in natural remnants of Atlantic Rainforest, Restinga Forest, Seasonally Dry Forest, and Cerrado Forest. We studied seed development, yield, size, and germination of seed lots produced in some of these forest types, including seeds harvested in 2008, 2009, and both years. Seed yield and quality, as well as seed dry mass in 2009, were higher for palmiteiro seeds produced in the Atlantic Rainforest, while queen-palm seeds produced at the Restinga Forest showed the higher mass and yield, but the lowest physiological potential. Consequently, these natural differences of seed yield and quality have to be taken into account for establishing standards for seed commercialization and analysis, seed pricing, and seedling production in forest nurseries.
Xylopia aromatica is a species of the Annonaceae family, native to the Brazilian ""Cerrado"". Seeds of this species usually possess morphophysiological dormancy which makes propagation more difficult. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of removing the aril and sarcotesta and applying plant growth regulators to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica seeds. Seeds were separated into two groups: one consisting of seeds with aril and sarcotesta and another without these two seed coat appendices. Seeds with and without these appendices were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water or Promalin (R) (gibberellin 4 [GA(4)] + gibberellin 7 [GA(7)] and cytokinin [6-Benziladenine]) solutions of 250, 500 and 1,000 mg.L(-1), and sown in ""Cerrado"" soil. Later, seeds without the aril and sarcotesta were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water. Promalin (R) or GA(4) + GA(7) solutions at same concentrations and sown in sand or ""Cerrado"" soil. The removal of the aril and sarcotesta had a positive effect on the seed germination. Application of plant growth regulators helped to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica, with the greatest percentage of seedling emergence being observed in seeds treated with Promalin at 250 and 500 mg.L(-1) then sown in sand.
The inadvertent inclusion of weevil-infested seeds when evaluating seed predation by vertebrates, and particularly rodents, may lead to an overestimation of predation rates, thereby confusing the roles of rodents and invertebrates as ecological filters. A study of weevils, rodents and Syagrus romanzoffiana palm seeds indicates the usefulness of X-rays to improve evaluation of invertebrate seed predation.
The phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity of seed and skin of pomace from the vinification of grape varieties widely produced in Brazil were investigated with a view to their exploitation as a potential source of natural antioxidants. There was a greater concentration of phenolic compounds in the seeds (2128 to 16,518 mg of catechin equivalents (CE)/100 g) than in the skins (660 to 1839 mg CE/100 g). The highest antioxidant activity values determined as DPPH radical-scavenging ability and ferric reducing-antioxidant power (FRAP) were found for the seeds of the Pinot Noir variety (16,925 mu mol Trolox equivalents (TE)/100 g and 21,492 mu mol Fe(2+)/100 g, respectively) and in the skin extracts of the Isabel variety (3640 mu mol TE/100 g and 4362 mu mol Fe(2+)/100 g, respectively). The skin of Cabernet Sauvignon and Primitivo varieties had the highest contents of anthocyanins (935 and 832 mg/100 g, respectively). The grape seed extracts were rich in oligomeric and polymeric flavanols. The data suggested that grape seed and skin extracts may be exploited as antioxidant agents. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The natural chlorophyll degradation results in noncolored chlorophyll catabolites (NCCs), but there are controversies if these are the final products. The formation and degradation of NCCs during soybean seed (Glycine max L. Merrill) maturation and two drying temperatures were investigated. Soybean was harvested at six maturation stages. The effect of postharvest drying at 40 and 60 degrees C on the NCC formation was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and results were expressed as areas under the curve. All samples contained fractions with an absorption maximum at 320 nm, typical for NCC. The amounts of NCC increased until 114 days after planting and were significantly lower in advanced maturation stages. These results indicate that the NCC in soybeans might not be the final products of chlorophyll degradation. Their reduction in advanced maturation stages may be due to further metabolization. Heating soybeans at 40 and 60 degrees C promoted unnatural chlorophyll degradation and impaired the formation of NCC.
The antioxidant capacity of the striped sunflower seed cotyledon extracts, obtained by sequential extraction with different polarities of solvents, was evaluated by three different in vitro methods: ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP), 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays. In the three methods, the aqueous extract at 30 mu g/ml showed a higher antioxidant capacity value (FRAP, 45.27 mu mol; DPPH, 50.18%; ORAC, 1.5 Trolox equivalents) than the ethanolic extract (FRAP, 32.17 mu mol; DPPH, 15.21%; ORAC, 0.50 Trolox equivalents). When compared with the synthetic antioxidant butylated hydroxyl toluene, the antioxidant capacity of the aqueous extract varied from 45% to 66%, according to the used method. The high antioxidant capacity observed for the aqueous extract of the studied sunflower seed suggests that the intake of this seed may prevent in vivo oxidative reactions responsible for the development of several diseases, such as cancer.
Dormancy release in seeds of Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass) was investigated in relation to temperature and seed water content. Freshly matured seeds were collected from cropping fields at Wongan Hills and Merredin, Western Australia. Seeds from Wongan Hills were equilibrated to water contents between 6 and 18% dry weight and after-ripened at constant temperatures between 9 and 50degreesC for up to 23 weeks. Wongan Hills and Merredin seeds at water contents between 7 and 17% were also after-ripened in full sun or shade conditions. Dormancy was tested at regular intervals during after-ripening by germinating seeds on agar at 12-h alternating 15degreesC (dark) and 25degreesC (light) periods. Rate of dormancy release for Wongan Hills seeds was a positive linear function of after-ripening temperature above a base temperature (T-b) of 5.4degreesC. A thermal after-ripening time model for dormancy loss accounting for seed moisture in the range 6-18% was developed using germination data for Wongan Hills seeds after-ripened at constant temperatures. The model accurately predicted dormancy release for Wongan Hills seeds after-ripened under naturally fluctuating temperatures. Seeds from Merredin responded similarly but had lower dormancy at collection and a faster rate of dormancy release in seeds below 9% water content.
In some insects, the finding of oviposition substrate triggers the uptake into oocytes of yolk proteins that are stored in the fat body during post-embryonic development. The main host of the bean weevil Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae; Bruchinae; Amblycerini), in which larval resources are the sole source for future egg maturation, is Phaseolus vulgaris. Despite not feeding as adults, females of this species are able to lay eggs after encountering host seeds but it is not known how females react to changes in the availability of bean seeds. In the present study, the behaviour of Z. subfasciatus facing two very different environments for oviposition is investigated, as well as how this influences offspring fitness. The results obtained show that females of Z. subfasciatus react to variations in the availability of seeds belonging to the same host species by adjusting egg size and number. Females on low bean seed density lay larger and fewer eggs than those on high bean seed density, demonstrating a trade-off between these reproductive traits. Moreover, females can adjust egg size to changing levels of host availability during the first 4 days of their oviposition period. Although no difference in offspring weight is found, those from small eggs (low competition environment) result in larger adults. No response to selection on these traits after rearing beetles on the same host for 40 generations is observed. This unresponsiveness may indicate that beetle populations behave according to their reaction norm that already allows rapid adaptation to a varying amount of host-seed availability and better exploitation of the environments of this widespread stored-seed pest.
Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress influencing plant productivity worldwide. Schinopsis quebracho colorado is one of the most important woody species in the Gran Chaco, an and and salt-prone subtropical biome of South America. To gain a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms that allow plant establishment under salt conditions, germination and seedling growth of S. quebracho colorado were examined under treatment with a range of NaCl solutions (germination: 0-300 mmol l(-1) NaCl; seedling growth: 0-200 mmol l(-1) NaCl). The aim was to test the hypothesis that S. quebracho colorado is a glycophite that shows different salt tolerance responses with development stage. Proline content, total soluble carbohydrates and Na+, K+ and Cl- concentrations in leaves and roots of seedlings, and the chlorophyll concentration and relative water content of leaves were measured. Germination was not affected by 100 mmol l(-1) NaCl, but decreased at a concentration of 200 mmol l(-1). At 300 mmol l(-1) NaCl, germination did not occur. Seedling growth decreased drastically with increasing salinity. An increase in NaCl from 0 to 100 mmol l(-1) also significantly reduced the leaf relative water content by 22% and increased the proline concentration by 60% in roots. In contrast, total soluble carbohydrates were not significantly affected by salinity. Seedlings showed a sodium exclusion capacity, and there was an inverse correlation between Cl- concentration and the total chlorophyll concentration. S. quebracho colorado was more tolerant to salinity during germination than in the seedling phase. The results suggest that this increased tolerance during germination might, in part, be the result of lower sensitivity to high tissue Na+ concentrations. The significant increment of proline in the roots suggests the positive role of this amino acid as a compatible solute in balancing the accumulation of Na+ and Cl- as a result of salinity. These results help clarify the physiological mechanisms that allow establishment of S. quebracho colorado on salt-affected soils in arid and semi-arid Gran Chaco. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The role of temperature and rainfall during seed development in modulating subsequent seed dormancy status was studied for Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass). Climatic parameters relating to geographic origin were compared with annual ryegrass seed dormancy characteristics for seeds collected from 12 sites across the southern Western Australian cropping region. Seed germination was tested soon after collection and periodically during subsequent after-ripening. Temperature in the year of seed development and long-term rainfall patterns showed correlations with aspects of seed dormancy, particularly the proportion of seeds remaining dormant following 5 months of after-ripening. Consequently, for one population the temperature (warm/cool) and water supply (adequate/reduced) during seed development were manipulated to investigate the role of maternal environment in the quantity and dormancy characteristics of seeds produced. Seeds from plants grown at warm temperatures were fewer in number, weighed less, and were less dormant than those from plants grown at cool temperature. Seeds that developed under both cool temperature and reduced moisture conditions lost dormancy faster than seeds from well-watered plants. Seed maturation environment, particularly temperature, can have a significant effect on annual ryegrass seed numbers and seed dormancy characteristics.