954 resultados para scintillation detectors
Dual-phase time projection chambers (TPCs) filled with the liquid noble gas xenon (LXe) are currently the most sensitive detectors searching for interactions of WIMP dark matter in a laboratory-based experiment. This is achieved by combining a large, monolithic dark matter target of a very low background with the capability to localize the interaction vertex in three dimensions, allowing for target fiducialization and multiple-scatter rejection. The background in dual-phase LXe TPCs is further reduced by the simultaneous measurement of the scintillation and ionization signal from a particle interaction, which is used to distinguish signal from background signatures. This article reviews the principle of dual-phase LXe TPCs, and provides an overview about running as well as future experimental efforts.
Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans le domaine de la dosimétrie à scintillation en radiothérapie, plus précisément en curiethérapie à haut débit de dose (HDR). Lors de ce type de traitement, la dose est délivrée localement, ce qui implique de hauts gradients de dose autour de la source. Le but de ce travail est d’obtenir un détecteur mesurant la dose en 2 points distincts et optimisé pour la mesure de dose en curiethérapie HDR. Pour ce faire, le projet de recherche est séparé en deux études : la caractérisation spectrale du détecteur à 2-points et la caractérisation du système de photodétecteur menant à la mesure de la dose. D’abord, la chaine optique d’un détecteur à scintillation à 2-points est caractérisée à l’aide d’un spectromètre afin de déterminer les composantes scintillantes optimales. Cette étude permet de construire quelques détecteurs à partir des composantes choisies pour ensuite les tester avec le système de photodétecteur multi-point. Le système de photodétecteur est aussi caractérisé de façon à évaluer les limites de sensibilité pour le détecteur 2-points choisi précédemment. L’objectif final est de pouvoir mesurer le débit de dose avec précision et justesse aux deux points de mesure du détecteur multi-point lors d’un traitement de curiethérapie HDR.
Accuracy of dose delivery in external beam radiotherapy is usually verified with electronic portal imaging (EPI) in which the treatment beam is used to check the positioning of the patient. However the resulting megavoltage x-ray images suffer from poor quality. The image quality can be improved by developing a special operating mode in the linear accelerator. The existing treatment beam is modified such that it produces enough low-energy photons for imaging. In this work the problem of optimizing the beam/detector combination to achieve optimal electronic portal image quality is addressed. The linac used for this study was modified to produce two experimental photon beams. These beams, named Al6 and Al10, were non-flat and were produced by 4MeV electrons hitting aluminum targets, 6 and 10mm thick respectively. The images produced by a conventional EPI system (6MV treatment beam and camera-based EPID with a Cu plate & Gd2O2S screen ) were compared with the images produced by the experimental beams and various screens with the same camera). The contrast of 0.8cm bone equivalent material in 5 cm water increased from 1.5% for the conventional system to 11% for the combination of Al6 beam with a 200mg/cm2 Gd2O2S screen. The signal-to-noise ratio calculated for 1cGy flood field images increased by about a factor of two for the same EPI systems. The spatial resolution of the two imaging systems was comparable. This work demonstrates that significant improvements in portal image contrast can be obtained by simultaneous optimization of the linac spectrum and EPI detector.
Computer vision is increasingly becoming interested in the rapid estimation of object detectors. The canonical strategy of using Hard Negative Mining to train a Support Vector Machine is slow, since the large negative set must be traversed at least once per detector. Recent work has demonstrated that, with an assumption of signal stationarity, Linear Discriminant Analysis is able to learn comparable detectors without ever revisiting the negative set. Even with this insight, the time to learn a detector can still be on the order of minutes. Correlation filters, on the other hand, can produce a detector in under a second. However, this involves the unnatural assumption that the statistics are periodic, and requires the negative set to be re-sampled per detector size. These two methods differ chie y in the structure which they impose on the co- variance matrix of all examples. This paper is a comparative study which develops techniques (i) to assume periodic statistics without needing to revisit the negative set and (ii) to accelerate the estimation of detectors with aperiodic statistics. It is experimentally verified that periodicity is detrimental.
The use of bat detectors to monitor bat activity is common. Although several papers have compared the performance of different brands, none have dealt with the effect of different habitats nor have they compared narrow- and broad-band detectors. In this study the performance of four brands of ultrasonic bat detector, including three narrowband and one broad-band model, were compared for their ability to detect a 40 kHz continuous sound of variable amplitude along 100 metre transects. Transects were laid out in two contrasting bat habitat types: grassland and forest. Results showed that the different brands of detector differed in their ability to detect the source in terms of maximum and minimum detectable distance of the source. The rate of sound degradation with distance as measured by each brand was also different. Significant differences were also found in the performance of different brands in open grassland versus deep forest. No significant differences were found within any brand of detector. Though not as sensitive as narrow-band detectors, broad-band models hold an advantage in their ability to identify species where several species are found sympatrically.
Automatic Vehicle Identification Systems are being increasingly used as a new source of travel information. As in the last decades these systems relied on expensive new technologies, few of them were scattered along a networks making thus Travel-Time and Average Speed estimation their main objectives. However, as their price dropped, the opportunity of building dense AVI networks arose, as in Brisbane where more than 250 Bluetooth detectors are now installed. As a consequence this technology represents an effective means to acquire accurate time dependant Origin Destination information. In order to obtain reliable estimations, however, a number of issues need to be addressed. Some of these problems stem from the structure of a network made out of isolated detectors itself while others are inherent of Bluetooth technology (overlapping detection area, missing detections,\...). The aim of this paper is threefold: First, after having presented the level of details that can be reached with a network of isolated detectors we present how we modelled Brisbane's network, keeping only the information valuable for the retrieval of trip information. Second, we give an overview of the issues inherent to the Bluetooth technology and we propose a method for retrieving the itineraries of the individual Bluetooth vehicles. Last, through a comparison with Brisbane Transport Strategic Model results, we highlight the opportunities and the limits of Bluetooth detectors networks. The aim of this paper is twofold. We first give a comprehensive overview of the aforementioned issues. Further, we propose a methodology that can be followed, in order to cleanse, correct and aggregate Bluetooth data. We postulate that the methods introduced by this paper are the first crucial steps that need to be followed in order to compute accurate Origin-Destination matrices in urban road networks.
The structure and operation of CdTe, CdZnTe and Si pixel detectors based on crystalline semiconductors, bump bonding and CMOS technology and developed mainly at Oy Simage Ltd. And Oy Ajat Ltd., Finland for X- and gamma ray imaging are presented. This detector technology evolved from the development of Si strip detectors at the Finnish Research Institute for High Energy Physics (SEFT) which later merged with other physics research units to form the Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP). General issues of X-ray imaging such as the benefits of the method of direct conversion of X-rays to signal charge in comparison to the indirect method and the pros and cons of photon counting vs. charge integration are discussed. A novel design of Si and CdTe pixel detectors and the analysis of their imaging performance in terms of SNR, MTF, DQE and dynamic range are presented in detail. The analysis shows that directly converting crystalline semiconductor pixel detectors operated in the charge integration mode can be used in X-ray imaging very close to the theoretical performance limits in terms of efficiency and resolution. Examples of the application of the developed imaging technology to dental intra oral and panoramic and to real time X-ray imaging are given. A CdTe photon counting gamma imager is introduced. A physical model to calculate the photo peak efficiency of photon counting CdTe pixel detectors is developed and described in detail. Simulation results indicates that the charge sharing phenomenon due to diffusion of signal charge carriers limits the pixel size of photon counting detectors to about 250 μm. Radiation hardness issues related to gamma and X-ray imaging detectors are discussed.
The TOTEM experiment at the LHC will measure the total proton-proton cross-section with a precision better than 1%, elastic proton scattering over a wide range in momentum transfer -t= p^2 theta^2 up to 10 GeV^2 and diffractive dissociation, including single, double and central diffraction topologies. The total cross-section will be measured with the luminosity independent method that requires the simultaneous measurements of the total inelastic rate and the elastic proton scattering down to four-momentum transfers of a few 10^-3 GeV^2, corresponding to leading protons scattered in angles of microradians from the interaction point. This will be achieved using silicon microstrip detectors, which offer attractive properties such as good spatial resolution (<20 um), fast response (O(10ns)) to particles and radiation hardness up to 10^14 "n"/cm^2. This work reports about the development of an innovative structure at the detector edge reducing the conventional dead width of 0.5-1 mm to 50-60 um, compatible with the requirements of the experiment.
By detecting leading protons produced in the Central Exclusive Diffractive process, p+p → p+X+p, one can measure the missing mass, and scan for possible new particle states such as the Higgs boson. This process augments - in a model independent way - the standard methods for new particle searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and will allow detailed analyses of the produced central system, such as the spin-parity properties of the Higgs boson. The exclusive central diffractive process makes possible precision studies of gluons at the LHC and complements the physics scenarios foreseen at the next e+e− linear collider. This thesis first presents the conclusions of the first systematic analysis of the expected precision measurement of the leading proton momentum and the accuracy of the reconstructed missing mass. In this initial analysis, the scattered protons are tracked along the LHC beam line and the uncertainties expected in beam transport and detection of the scattered leading protons are accounted for. The main focus of the thesis is in developing the necessary radiation hard precision detector technology for coping with the extremely demanding experimental environment of the LHC. This will be achieved by using a 3D silicon detector design, which in addition to the radiation hardness of up to 5×10^15 neutrons/cm2, offers properties such as a high signal-to- noise ratio, fast signal response to radiation and sensitivity close to the very edge of the detector. This work reports on the development of a novel semi-3D detector design that simplifies the 3D fabrication process, but conserves the necessary properties of the 3D detector design required in the LHC and in other imaging applications.