945 resultados para scientific practice
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O desenvolvimento de modelos animais para o estudo de problemas no desenvolvimento cognitivo humano pressupõe como fator principal a existência de certa homologia de processos comportamentais entre os repertórios do modelo e dos humanos. A Escola Experimental de Primatas (EEP) tem utilizado o macaco-prego (Cebus ssp.) como um modelo animal para investigar a aquisição de repertórios relacionais generalizados em humanos. Este trabalho avaliou os estudos empíricos da EEP no sentido de verificar a coerência entre seus pressupostos teóricos e sua prática empírica, especialmente no que diz respeito à existência de homologias de processos comportamentais entre macacos-prego e seres humanos. Ao se analisar a 1) origem dos objetivos e dos procedimentos dos estudos (a maioria provém de estudos com animais); 2) se os resultados esperados foram alcançados ou não (de forma geral, resultados positivos em relação aos objetivos propostos); e 3) se nos estudos da EEP é discutida a questão do modelo animal e/ou a aplicabilidade dos procedimentos utilizados nos estudos para humanos (não é), verificou-se que não são apresentados dados empíricos que sustentem a homologia sugerida na proposta teórica norteadora da EEP. Esses resultados demonstram que a prática científica da EEP tem avançado enquanto pesquisa básica sobre a aprendizagem de repertórios relacionais generalizados para macacosprego, mas ainda sem evidências de transferência para o estudo desse fenômeno em humanos. Sugere-se que o caminho a seguir pode ser: 1) desenvolver estudos empíricos que validem a homologia de processos comportamentais entre alguns repertórios dos macacos-prego e humanos; e 2) dar início à aplicação dos achados da pesquisa básica da EEP no desenvolvimento de procedimentos para ensinar repertórios relacionais para pessoas com atraso no desenvolvimento cognitivo.
Background: Medical students engage in curricular and extracurricular activities, including undergraduate research (UR). The advantages, difficulties and motivations for medical students pursuing research activities during their studies have rarely been addressed. In Brazil, some medical schools have included undergraduate research into their curriculum. The present study aimed to understand the reality of scientific practice among medical students at a well-established Brazilian medical school, analyzing this context from the students' viewpoint.Methods: A cross-sectional survey based on a questionnaire applied to students from years one to six enrolled in an established Brazilian medical school that currently has no curricular UR program.Results: The questionnaire was answered by 415 students, 47.2% of whom were involved in research activities, with greater participation in UR in the second half of the course. Independent of student involvement in research activities, time constraints were cited as the main obstacle to participation. Among students not involved in UR, 91.1% said they favored its inclusion in the curriculum, since this would facilitate the development of such activity. This approach could signify an approximation between the axes of teaching and research. Among students who had completed at least one UR project, 87.7% said they would recommend the activity to students entering the course.Conclusion: Even without an undergraduate research program, students of this medical school report strong involvement in research activities, but discussion of the difficulties inherent in its practice is important to future developments.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study is an analytical investigation of the nature and implications of the current conceptions of scientific misconduct, arguing that the question of what constitutes misconduct in science is significantly more complex than what conventionally has been believed. Complicating the definitions of misconduct are the differences between professional science and non-scientific professions, in their respective norms of what constitutes valid knowledge, and what counts as appropriate and inappropriate practice. While institutionalized science claims that there is clear differentiation between its standards of validity and those of the non-scientific professions, this paper argues that, when it comes to misconduct, the perceived boundaries between the scientific and non-scientific professions are breached; the practice standards that science currently employs in self-policing misconduct have come to resemble the minimal juridical standards of practice that other professions employ. This study attempts, despite erosion of these traditional boundaries, to move from legalistic standards of scientific practice to intramural standards of practice, and in so doing, to hold scientific practice to a higher standard than ordinary public conduct. The result is a clearer understanding of scientific misconduct to aid those individual scientists who are required to make onerous determinations about the appropriateness of specific practices by their peers. ^
At first sight, experimenting and modeling form two distinct modes of scientific inquiry. This spurs philosophical debates about how the distinction should be drawn (e.g. Morgan 2005, Winsberg 2009, Parker 2009). But much scientific practice casts serious doubts on the idea that the distinction makes much sense. There are two worries. First, the practices of modeling and experimenting are often intertwined in intricate ways because much modeling involves experimenting, and the interpretation of many experiments relies upon models. Second, there are borderline cases that seem to blur the distinction between experiment and model (if there is any). My talk tries to defend the philosophical project of distinguishing models from experiment and to advance the related philosophical debate. I begin with providing a minimalist framework of conceptualizing experimenting and modeling and their mutual relationships. The methods are conceptualized as different types of activities that are characterized by a primary goal, respectively. The minimalist framwork, which should be uncontroversial, suffices to accommodate the first worry. I address the second worry by suggesting several ways how to conceptualize the distinction in a more flexible way. I make a concrete suggestion of how the distinction may be drawn. I use examples from the history of science to argue my case. The talk concentrates and models and experiments, but I will comment on simulations too.
Las cuestiones y doctrinas científicas estudiadas deben servir de instrumentos para el análisis y la reflexión, nunca constituir fines en sí mismos, ni doctrinas de salvación (no se adhiere a una teoría como a una religión). La lectura de Morgenthau o Aron, Rosencrance o Kaplan, Keohane o Kratochwill por citar algunos, debe permitir "ver" mejor, ya sea aspectos de la práctica científica, ya sean sus dimensiones éticas o políticas. Ello porque pasa de las cuestiones epistemológicas a las ético-políticas, y viceversa, casi sin solución de continuidad. El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar sobre ciertos supuestos que han naturalizado el conocimiento en las Relaciones Internacionales.
El cartesianismo ha impregnado el pensamiento filosófico y científico occidental durante siglos, pero desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX han aparecido movimientos contestatarios significativos. Las tesis cartesianas más importantes cuestionadas han sido: a) el dualismo metafísico mente-cuerpo, que supone además la adopción sistemática de otros dualismos, b) el individualismo, c) el internalismo, que caracteriza la mente por sus relaciones internas y d) la identificación de la mente con la conciencia. Estas tesis no solo fueron de importancia para la historia del pensamiento filosófico y científico, sino que acarrearon consecuencias concretas en ámbitos como la educación y la práctica científica. Presentaremos algunos de los cambios conceptuales que se han pruducido, opuestos al cartesianismo. Uno de ellos es la emergencia de categorías como las de mente corporizada, mente situada y extendida, y sus consecuencias en los distintos contextos, que se oponen especialmente al internalismo y al individualismo. La mente no es concebida como lo que está "dentro de la cabeza", sino que se la concibe de un modo que incluye elementos del entorno, sea este el medio natural, social y tecnológico. Otro caso significativo es el reconocimiento de estructuras mentales no conscientes, opuestas a la concepción que identifica mente con conciencia
El cartesianismo ha impregnado el pensamiento filosófico y científico occidental durante siglos, pero desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX han aparecido movimientos contestatarios significativos. Las tesis cartesianas más importantes cuestionadas han sido: a) el dualismo metafísico mente-cuerpo, que supone además la adopción sistemática de otros dualismos, b) el individualismo, c) el internalismo, que caracteriza la mente por sus relaciones internas y d) la identificación de la mente con la conciencia. Estas tesis no solo fueron de importancia para la historia del pensamiento filosófico y científico, sino que acarrearon consecuencias concretas en ámbitos como la educación y la práctica científica. Presentaremos algunos de los cambios conceptuales que se han pruducido, opuestos al cartesianismo. Uno de ellos es la emergencia de categorías como las de mente corporizada, mente situada y extendida, y sus consecuencias en los distintos contextos, que se oponen especialmente al internalismo y al individualismo. La mente no es concebida como lo que está "dentro de la cabeza", sino que se la concibe de un modo que incluye elementos del entorno, sea este el medio natural, social y tecnológico. Otro caso significativo es el reconocimiento de estructuras mentales no conscientes, opuestas a la concepción que identifica mente con conciencia
Las cuestiones y doctrinas científicas estudiadas deben servir de instrumentos para el análisis y la reflexión, nunca constituir fines en sí mismos, ni doctrinas de salvación (no se adhiere a una teoría como a una religión). La lectura de Morgenthau o Aron, Rosencrance o Kaplan, Keohane o Kratochwill por citar algunos, debe permitir "ver" mejor, ya sea aspectos de la práctica científica, ya sean sus dimensiones éticas o políticas. Ello porque pasa de las cuestiones epistemológicas a las ético-políticas, y viceversa, casi sin solución de continuidad. El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar sobre ciertos supuestos que han naturalizado el conocimiento en las Relaciones Internacionales.
Las cuestiones y doctrinas científicas estudiadas deben servir de instrumentos para el análisis y la reflexión, nunca constituir fines en sí mismos, ni doctrinas de salvación (no se adhiere a una teoría como a una religión). La lectura de Morgenthau o Aron, Rosencrance o Kaplan, Keohane o Kratochwill por citar algunos, debe permitir "ver" mejor, ya sea aspectos de la práctica científica, ya sean sus dimensiones éticas o políticas. Ello porque pasa de las cuestiones epistemológicas a las ético-políticas, y viceversa, casi sin solución de continuidad. El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar sobre ciertos supuestos que han naturalizado el conocimiento en las Relaciones Internacionales.
El cartesianismo ha impregnado el pensamiento filosófico y científico occidental durante siglos, pero desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX han aparecido movimientos contestatarios significativos. Las tesis cartesianas más importantes cuestionadas han sido: a) el dualismo metafísico mente-cuerpo, que supone además la adopción sistemática de otros dualismos, b) el individualismo, c) el internalismo, que caracteriza la mente por sus relaciones internas y d) la identificación de la mente con la conciencia. Estas tesis no solo fueron de importancia para la historia del pensamiento filosófico y científico, sino que acarrearon consecuencias concretas en ámbitos como la educación y la práctica científica. Presentaremos algunos de los cambios conceptuales que se han pruducido, opuestos al cartesianismo. Uno de ellos es la emergencia de categorías como las de mente corporizada, mente situada y extendida, y sus consecuencias en los distintos contextos, que se oponen especialmente al internalismo y al individualismo. La mente no es concebida como lo que está "dentro de la cabeza", sino que se la concibe de un modo que incluye elementos del entorno, sea este el medio natural, social y tecnológico. Otro caso significativo es el reconocimiento de estructuras mentales no conscientes, opuestas a la concepción que identifica mente con conciencia
The thesis examines and explains the development of occupational exposure limits (OELs) as a means of preventing work related disease and ill health. The research focuses on the USA and UK and sets the work within a certain historical and social context. A subsidiary aim of the thesis is to identify any short comings in OELs and the methods by which they are set and suggest alternatives. The research framework uses Thomas Kuhn's idea of science progressing by means of paradigms which he describes at one point, `lq ... universally recognised scientific achievements that for a time provide model problems and solutions to a community of practitioners. KUHN (1970). Once learned individuals in the community, `lq ... are committed to the same rules and standards for scientific practice. Ibid. Kuhn's ideas are adapted by combining them with a view of industrial hygiene as an applied science-based profession having many of the qualities of non-scientific professions. The great advantage of this approach to OELs is that it keeps the analysis grounded in the behaviour and priorities of the groups which have forged, propounded, used, benefited from, and defended, them. The development and use of OELs on a larger scale is shown to be connected to the growth of a new profession in the USA; industrial hygiene, with the assistance of another new profession; industrial toxicology. The origins of these professions, particularly industrial hygiene, are traced. By examining the growth of the professions and the writings of key individuals it is possible to show how technical, economic and social factors became embedded in the OEL paradigm which industrial hygienists and toxicologists forged. The origin, mission and needs of these professions and their clients made such influences almost inevitable. The use of the OEL paradigm in practice is examined by an analysis of the process of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Threshold Limit Value (ACGIH, TLV) Committee via the Minutes from 1962-1984. A similar approach is taken with the development of OELs in the UK. Although the form and definition of TLVs has encouraged the belief that they are health-based OELs the conclusion is that they, and most other OELs, are, and always have been, reasonably practicable limits: the degree of risk posed by a substance is weighed against the feasibility and cost of controlling exposure to that substance. The confusion over the status of TLVs and other OELs is seen to be a confusion at the heart of the OEL paradigm and the historical perspective explains why this should be. The paradigm has prevented the creation of truly health-based and, conversely, truly reasonably practicable OELs. In the final part of the thesis the analysis of the development of OELs is set in a contemporary context and a proposal for a two-stage, two-committee procedure for producing sets of OELs is put forward. This approach is set within an alternative OEL paradigm. The advantages, benefits and likely obstacles to these proposals are discussed.