912 resultados para school-based programs


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Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among young people. Fourteen percent of adolescents aged 13-14 report passenger-related injuries within three months. Intervention programs typically focus on young drivers and overlook passengers as potential protective influences. Graduated Driver Licensing restricts passenger numbers, and this study focuses on a complementary school-based intervention to increase passengers’ personal- and peer-protective behavior. The aim of this research was to assess the impact of the curriculum-based injury prevention program, Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY), on passenger-related risk-taking and injuries, and intentions to intervene in friends’ risky road behavior. SPIY was implemented in Grade 8 Health classes and evaluated using survey and focus group data from 843 students across 10 Australian secondary schools. Intervention students reported less passenger-related risk-taking six months following the program. Their intention to protect friends from underage driving also increased. The results of this study show that a comprehensive, school-based program targeting individual and social changes can increase adolescent passenger safety.


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Adolescent risk-taking behavior has potentially serious injury consequences and school-based behavior change programs provide potential for reducing such harm. A well-designed program is likely to be theory-based and ecologically valid however it is rare that the operationalisation process of theories is described. The aim of this paper is to outline how the Theory of Planned Behavior and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy informed intervention design in a school setting. Teacher interviews provided insights into strategies that might be implemented within the curriculum and provided detail used to operationalise theory constructs. Benefits and challenges in applying both theories are described with examples from an injury prevention program, Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth.


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High-risk adolescents are a population most vulnerable to harm from injury due to increased engagement in risk taking behaviour. There is a gap in the literature regarding how universal school based injury prevention programs apply to high-risk adolescents. This study involves a component of the process evaluation of a school based injury prevention program, as it relates to high-risk adolescents (13-14 years)...


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OBJECTIVE: School-aged youth spend a significant amount of time either in transit to and from school, or within school settings performing a range of varying learning-based activities. Adolescent physical activity has also been shown to increase the likelihood of maintaining physical activity throughout adulthood. The purpose of this study is to investigate adolescents’ perceived school-based barriers and facilitators to engagement in physical activity. METHODS: One-hundred and twenty four participants (38 males and 86 females) were recruited from two non-denominational same-sex private schools, in Brisbane, Australia. The mean age and standard deviation (SD) was 13.83 (0.56) and 14.40 (2.33) for males and females respectively. Participants responded to a series questions regarding perceived barriers and facilitators to engagement in physical activity. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and frequency distributions, and qualitative data with thematic analysis. RESULTS: A total of 121 (97.6%) participants had complete data sets and were included in the analysis. School timetable (44.6%), homework (81.8%), and assessment (81.0%) were identified as the most prominent perceived factors, increasing the difficulty of physical activity engagement. Physical Education classes (71.9%) and school sport programs (80.2%) were identified as the most prominent perceived factors that facilitate engagement in physical activity. There was no significant gender effect. CONCLUSIONS: Each of the identified factors perceived by adolescent's as either barriers or facilitators to engagement in physical activity may be addressed by administrators at a school and government policy level. These may include strategies such as; increasing the assigned hours to physical education classes, providing additional extra-curricular sporting opportunities, and reviewing the time allocated to homework and assessment items. This may provide a simpler, low-cost solution to increasing youth physical activity, as opposed to contemporary higher-cost strategies utilising increased staff commitment, mass media, provision of equipment and counsellors and other health professionals.


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A recent meta-analysis provides evidence supporting the universal application of school-based prevention programs for adolescent depression. The mechanisms underlying such successful interventions, however, are largely unknown. We report on a qualitative analysis of 109 Grade 9 students’ beliefs about what they gained from an evidence-based depression prevention intervention, the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP-A). Fifty-four percent of interviewees articulated at least one specific example of program benefit. A thematic analysis of responses revealed two major themes, improved interpersonal relationships and improved self-regulation, both stronger than originally assumed. A more minor theme also emerged—more helpful cognitions. It is postulated that both improved interpersonal relationships and improved self-regulation are likely to enhance one another, and more helpful cognitions may express its contribution through enhanced self-regulation. These findings broaden our understanding of the impact of depression prevention programs, beginning to illuminate how such programs benefit participants.


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Recently in Australia, the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission (2009) and National Preventative Health Taskforce (2009) recommended that one way to strengthen consumer engagement within a health system is to ensure health literacy comprise a core element of the National Curriculum for primary and secondary schooling. However, whilst nationally and internationally schools are mandated to teach health education, there is considerable disjuncture between societies' broad expectations and schools' capacities to deliver programs that promote healthy Jiving (Marks, 2010; Basch, 2010). Given the centrality of literacy education in contemporary schooling (Snyder, 2008), 'health literacy' has been identified as a construct that offers the potential to close this perceived gap (McCuaig, Coore & Hay, 2012; Kickbusch, 2001). To date, there has been limited research asto what a health literacy focused, school based health education curriculum could look like.


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This thesis was concerned with the protective mechanisms of first aid training in the context of peer support. Using a randomised control trial design the current program of research explores first aid training in the school setting and identifies the key components of effective school-based first aid training programs. In particular, examining whether first aid training and associated knowledge could be protective for early adolescents. This broader framing considered whether first aid impacted on increasing behaviour and attitudes towards helping an injured friend, and reducing personal risk taking and related injury.


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Creative arts therapy programs have been identified as effective interventions with adolescents affected by adversity. The current study provided a controlled trial of creative arts therapy to address the psychosocial needs of students from refugee backgrounds. Forty-two students participated in a therapy trial, comprising an intervention and control group. Mental health and behavioural difficulties were assessed pre and post intervention. Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) were used to assess wellbeing. Findings suggested an effect for a reduction in behavioural difficulties for the treatment group. A significant reduction in emotional symptoms was found for the treatment group. Findings provide empirical support for school-based creative arts therapy interventions specific to refugee young people.


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The aim of the study was to examine the influence of school smoking policy and school smoking prevention programs on the smoking behaviour of students in high schools in Prince Edward Island using the School Health Action Planning Evaluation System (SHAPES). A total sample included 13,131 observations of students in grades 10-12 in ten high schools in Prince Edward Island over three waves of data collection (1999, 2000, and 2001). Changes in prevalence of smoking and factors influencing smoking behaviour were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square tests. Multi-level logistic regression analyses were used to examine how both school and student characteristics were associated with smoking behaviour (I, II, III, IV). Since students were located within schools, a basic 2-level nested structure was used in which individual students (level 1) were nested within schools (level 2). For grade 12 students, the combination of both school policies and programs was not associated with the risk of smoking and the presence of the new policy was not associated with decreased risk of smoking, unless there were clear rules in place (I). For the grade 10 study, (II) schools with both policies and programs were not associated with decreased risk of smoking. However, the smoking behaviour of older students (grade 12) at a school was associated with younger students’ (grade 10) smoking behaviour. Students first enrolled in a high school in grade 9, rather than grade 10, were at increased risk of occasional smoking. For students who transitioned from grade 10 to 12 (III), close friends smoking had a substantial influence on smoking behaviour for both males and females (III). Having one or more close friends who smoke (Odds Ratio (OR) = 37.46; 95% CI = 19.39 to 72.36), one or more smokers in the home (OR = 2.35; 95% CI = 1.67 to 3.30) and seeing teachers and staff smoking on or near school property (OR=1.78; 95% CI = 1.13 to 2.80), were strongly associated with increased risk of smoking for grade 12 students. Smoking behaviour increased for both junior (Group 1) and senior (Group 2) students (IV). Group 1 students indicated a greater decrease in smoking behaviour and factors influencing smoking behaviour compared to those of Group 2. Students overestimating the percentage of youth their age who smoke was strongly associated with increased likelihood of smoking. Smoking rates showed a decreasing trend (1999, 2000, and 2001). However, policies and programs alone were not successful in influencing smoking behaviour of youth. Rather, factors within the students and schools contextual environment influenced smoking behaviour. Comprehensive approaches are required for school-based tobacco prevention interventions. Keywords: schools, policy, programs, smoking prevention, adolescents Subject Terms: school-based programming, public health, health promotion


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This article describes a study which examined (a) the impact of the political conflict on teachers' and ppils' experiences of education in Northern Ireland and (b) the impact of curricular-based interventions designed to support the ppils and reduce prejudice. The focus of the second part of the article is on the prejudice reduction initiatives identified. A total of 44 staff and 78 pupils spread across 8 schools participated and both teachers' and ppils' perspectives were identified, the latter being an extremely important dimension which has rarely been addressed in previous studies of this area. The findings, which highlight the complexity of the impact of the political conflict, are considered to have both practical and theoretical implications for prejudice reduction programs.


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This article considers the role school-based partnerships can offer pre-service music education students. It is a reflection on what my students and I experienced, explored and engaged in music teaching and learning at a local primary school in Melbourne where the teacher is an Orff practitioner. As Wiggins says, 'Excellent teacher education programs provide students with experiences from which they can construct their own understandings of music, education, and music education' (Wiggins, 2007, p.36). Although both students and I kept reflective journals over our fiveweek visit during the first semester of 2008, this article selectively reports on some of my observation notes regarding music teaching and learning using the Orff approach. Such interaction paves the way for ongoing professional growth for all concerned (preservice students, music teacher and lecturer). It may be argued that school based partnerships offer students 'hands on' opportunities to 'develop an initial repertoire of teaching competencies, comprehend the various dimensions of music experience and understand student learning' (Campbell & Brummett, 2007. p.52). Although this article draws on the principal of linking theory to practice where the emphasis is on school and university partnerships (Henry, 2001) it makes pertinent links to the Orff approach to music teaching and learning.


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This paper is in response to increasing national and international interest in the role of university teacher education programs in preparing pre-service  teachers in the area of early years literacy. The most effective manner to  facilitate this learning in teacher education is however not known and much debate exists about the merits of university-based versus school-based  approaches. It is within this context that the authors of this paper conducted a study that investigated student teachers learning about literacy through two different approaches both with distinctive design features. The first approach offered student teachers a school based experience, adopting a two hour micro-teaching model in a preparatory classroom; the other, a mainstream university based approach where students attended a tutorial for two hours. These two approaches were then compared for factors that student teachers articulated through a written survey. In analysing the data, two main findings emerged; firstly from the student teachers’ perspective, choice of approach resulted in improved learning and secondly, from the researchers’ perspective that student teachers placed in the school based approach emerged with a deeper understanding of the complexity of literacy teaching in general.


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The term “post-traumatic stress disorder” (PTSD) is a relatively new diagnostic label, being formally recognized in 1980 in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Psychiatric Illness – Third Edition (DSM-III) of the American Psychiatric Association (APA, 1980). Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CP) is a more recently discussed, and newly-classified, phenomenon, initially discussed in the early 1990s (Herman, 1992a). Thus, as research into effective treatments for CP is sparse, the treatment of CP is the topic of this study, in which a guideline-based treatment program developed by the researcher for the treatment of CP is implemented and evaluated. Ten individuals participated in this study, undertaking individualized, guideline-based treatment programs spanning a period of six months. In providing background information relevant to this study, an explanation is provided regarding the nature of CP, and the reasons for its consideration as a separate phenomenon to PTSD. The adequacy of the PTSD formulation in enabling effective assessment and treatment of CP is also explored, with endorsement of previous researchers’ conclusions that the CP construct is more useful than the PTSD construct for assessing and treating survivors of long-term and multiple forms of abuse. The PTSD classification is restrictive, and not necessarily appropriate for certain forms of trauma (such as prolonged trauma, or multiple forms of trauma), as such trauma experiences may lead to specific effects that lay outside those formerly associated with PTSD. Such effects include alterations in affect regulation, consciousness, self-perception, interpersonal relationships, and in systems of meaning. Following discussion regarding the PTSD/CP classification, an examination of treatment methods currently used in the treatment of PTSD, and a review of treatment outcome studies, takes place. The adequacy of primary treatment methods in treating CP symptoms is then examined, with the conclusion that a range of treatment methods could potentially be useful in the treatment of CP symptoms. Individuals with a diagnosis of CP may benefit from the adoption of an eclectic approach, drawing on different treatment options for different symptoms, and constantly evaluating client progress and re-evaluating interventions. This review of treatment approaches is followed by details of an initial study undertaken to obtain feedback from individuals who had suffered long-term/multiple trauma and who had received treatment. Participants in this initial study were asked open-ended questions regarding the treatment approach they had experienced, the most useful aspect of the treatment, the least useful aspect, and other strategies/treatment approaches that may have been useful – but which were not used. The feedback obtained from these individuals was used to inform the development of treatment guidelines for use in the main study, as were recommendations made by Chu (1998). The predominant focus of the treatment guidelines was “ego strengthening”, a term coined by Chu (1998) to describe the “initial (sometimes lengthy) period of developing fundamental skills in maintaining supportive relationships, developing self-care strategies, coping with symptomatology, improving functioning, and establishing a positive self identity” (p.75). Using a case study approach, data are then presented relating to each of the ten individuals involved in the treatment program: details of his/her trauma experience(s)and the impact of the trauma (as perceived by each individual); details of each individual’s treatment program (as planned, and as implemented); post-treatment evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of the treatment program (from the therapist’s perspective); and details of the symptoms reported by the individual post-treatment, via psychometric assessment and also during interview. Analysis and discussion of the data relating to the ten participants in the study are the focal point of this study. The evaluation of the effectiveness of each individual’s treatment has been based predominantly on qualitative data, obtained from an analysis of language (discourse analysis) used by participants to describe their symptoms pre- and post-treatment. Both blatant and subtle changes in the language used by participants to describe themselves, their behaviour, and their relationships pre- and post-treatment have provided an insight into the possible changes that occurred as a result of the treatment program. The language used by participants has been a rich source of data, one that has enabled the researcher to obtain information that could not be obtained using psychometric assessment methods. Most of the participants in this study portrayed notable changes in many of the CP symptoms, including being more stable and having improved capacity to explore their early abuse. Although no direct cause-effect relationship between the participants’ treatment program and the improvements described can be established from this study, the participants’ perception that the program assisted them with their symptoms, and reported many aspects of “ego strengthening”, is of major importance. Such self-perception of strength and empowerment is important if an individual is going to be able to deal with past trauma experiences. In fact, abreactive work may have a greater chance of succeeding if those who have experienced long-term or multiple trauma are feeling more empowered, and more stable, as were the participants in this study (post-intervention). In concluding this study, recommendations have been made in regard to the use of guideline-based treatment programs in the responsible treatment of CP. Strengths and limitations of this study have also been highlighted, and recommendations have been made regarding possibilities for future research related to CP treatment. On the whole, this study has supported strongly other research that highlights the importance of focusing on “ego strengthening” in assisting those who have suffered long-term/multiple trauma experiences. Thus, a guideline-based program focusing on assisting sufferers of long-term trauma with some, or all, of the symptoms of CP, is recommended as an important first stage of any treatment of individuals who have experienced long-term/multiple trauma, allowing them to develop the emotional and psychological strength required to deal with past traumatic events. Clinicians who are treating patients whose history depicts long-term or multiple trauma experiences (either from their childhood, or at some stage in their adult life) need, therefore, to be mindful of assessing individuals for symptoms of CP – so that they can treat these symptoms prior to engaging in any work associated directly with the past traumatic experiences.


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The Western Alcohol Reduction Program (WARP) is a community designed and lead, secondary school-based, program that seeks to address issues related to alcohol use by young people in the Melbourne western metropolitan region. Taking a whole-of community approach, the program consisted of six programs for a class of 20 students from schools in western Melbourne. The program sought to highlight negative influences of alcohol on life outcomes, and addresses the issues of alcohol-related behaviour in assaults, injuries and preventable consequences of risk-taking behaviour. The findings of this evaluation suggest that students have modified some of their drinking behaviours over the program, have modified some of their risky behaviours and have increased their knowledge in some areas. This program, designed specifically to meet the needs of the local school and students, has the potential to increase the alcohol- and drug-related knowledge of students, while also having a positive impact on alcohol-related behaviours.


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 This thesis examined school-based prevention of anxiety and depressive symptoms in children, focusing on the role of social comparisons, self-concepts and self-esteem. Findings highlighted that elements particularly important for the success of universal prevention programs were parental involvement, booster sessions, and teacher and school involvement.