981 resultados para sad music listening


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Este estudo verificou se emoções percebidas durante uma escuta musical influenciam a percepção temporal. Músicos e não músicos foram submetidos a tarefas de escuta de trechos musicais do repertório erudito ocidental com 20 segundos de duração cada um e tarefas de associação temporal de cada trecho ouvido a durações padrões, que variavam de 16 a 24 segundos. Os trechos musicais empregados eram representativos de uma dentre as categorias emocionais Alegria, Tristeza, Serenidade ou Medo / Raiva. Uma análise de variância mostrou que, enquanto os não músicos apresentaram subestimações temporais associadas a pelo menos um trecho musical de cada uma das categorias emocionais, os músicos subestimaram todos os trechos musicais tristes, relacionados às características de baixo arousal e valência afetiva negativa.


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The present study investigates the relation of perceived arousal (continuous self-rating), autonomic nervous system activity (heart rate, heart rate variability) and musical characteristics (sound intensity, musical rhythm) upon listening to a complex musical piece. Twenty amateur musicians listened to two performances of Chopin's "Tristesse" with different rhythmic shapes. Besides conventional statistical methods for analyzing psychophysiological reactions (heart rate, respiration rate) and musical variables, semblance analysis was used. Perceived arousal correlated strongly with sound intensity; heart rate showed only a partial response to changes in sound intensity. Larger changes in heart rate were caused by the version with more rhythmic tension. The low-/high-frequency ratio of heart rate variability increased-whereas the high frequency component decreased-during music listening. We conclude that autonomic nervous system activity can be modulated not only by sound intensity but also by the interpreter's use of rhythmic tension. Semblance analysis enables us to track the subtle correlations between musical and physiological variables.


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Music plays an important role in the daily life of cochlear implant (CI) users, but electrical hearing and speech processing pose challenges for enjoying music. Studies of unilateral CI (UCI) users' music perception have found that these subjects have little difficulty recognizing tempo and rhythm but great difficulty with pitch, interval and melody. The present study is an initial step towards understanding music perception in bilateral CI (BCI) users. The Munich Music Questionnaire was used to investigate music listening habits and enjoyment in 23 BCI users compared to 2 control groups: 23 UCI users and 23 normal-hearing (NH) listeners. Bilateral users appeared to have a number of advantages over unilateral users, though their enjoyment of music did not reach the level of NH listeners.


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Interview Protocol Experience with cloud music services General experience with cloud services About their music collection Managing music collection General music listening behavior Mobile music consumption behavior Future of cloud music services Summary of Codebook


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The rapid growth of the Internet and the advancements of the Web technologies have made it possible for users to have access to large amounts of on-line music data, including music acoustic signals, lyrics, style/mood labels, and user-assigned tags. The progress has made music listening more fun, but has raised an issue of how to organize this data, and more generally, how computer programs can assist users in their music experience. An important subject in computer-aided music listening is music retrieval, i.e., the issue of efficiently helping users in locating the music they are looking for. Traditionally, songs were organized in a hierarchical structure such as genre->artist->album->track, to facilitate the users’ navigation. However, the intentions of the users are often hard to be captured in such a simply organized structure. The users may want to listen to music of a particular mood, style or topic; and/or any songs similar to some given music samples. This motivated us to work on user-centric music retrieval system to improve users’ satisfaction with the system. The traditional music information retrieval research was mainly concerned with classification, clustering, identification, and similarity search of acoustic data of music by way of feature extraction algorithms and machine learning techniques. More recently the music information retrieval research has focused on utilizing other types of data, such as lyrics, user-access patterns, and user-defined tags, and on targeting non-genre categories for classification, such as mood labels and styles. This dissertation focused on investigating and developing effective data mining techniques for (1) organizing and annotating music data with styles, moods and user-assigned tags; (2) performing effective analysis of music data with features from diverse information sources; and (3) recommending music songs to the users utilizing both content features and user access patterns.


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The significant physical, emotional, educational and social developmental challenges faced by adolescents and young adults are associated with high levels of emotional vulnerability. Thus, the development and use of effective emotion-regulation strategies during this period is critical. Music listening is commonly used by young people to identify, express, enhance and regulate their emotions. Modern mobile technology provides an engaging, easily accessible means of assisting young people with identifying and managing emotions through music. A systematic contextual review of iPhone applications addressing emotions through music was conducted. Their quality was evaluated by two independent raters using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS). Three participatory design workshops (PDW; N=13, 6 males, 7 females; age 15-25) were conducted, exploring young people’s use of music to enhance wellbeing. Young people were also asked to trial existing mood and music apps and to conceptualise their ultimate mood-targeting music application. Of the identified 117 music apps, 20 met inclusion criteria (to play songs, not sounds; priced below $5.00). Characteristics and overall quality of the music apps are described and key features of the five highest- rating apps are presented. Thematic analysis of the PDW content identified the following music affect- regulation strategies: relationship building, modifying cognitions, modifying emotions, and immersing in emotions (i.e. habituation or mood enhancement). The application of key learnings from the mobile app review and PDW to the design and development of the new music eScape app will be presented. Implications for future research and for applying the new app in clinical practice are discussed.


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This thesis examines Internet-radios and other web-based music services, and different ways these services are used in music listening in Finland. The research material was gathered in eight interviews that took place between spring 2005 and spring 2006 in southern Finland. The analysis distinguishes between five main types of Internet-radios: a) simulcasting, b) webcasting, c) podcasting, d) web-based sound archives, e) interactive music services. As a medium for music listening these combine aspects of computers and traditional radio. The role of Internet-radios in everyday life as well as different types of listening motivation are examined in the light of earlier research on taste, music listening and radio listening.


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Background: The electroencephalogram (EEG) may be described by a large number of different feature types and automated feature selection methods are needed in order to reliably identify features which correlate with continuous independent variables. New method: A method is presented for the automated identification of features that differentiate two or more groups inneurologicaldatasets basedupona spectraldecompositionofthe feature set. Furthermore, the method is able to identify features that relate to continuous independent variables. Results: The proposed method is first evaluated on synthetic EEG datasets and observed to reliably identify the correct features. The method is then applied to EEG recorded during a music listening task and is observed to automatically identify neural correlates of music tempo changes similar to neural correlates identified in a previous study. Finally,the method is applied to identify neural correlates of music-induced affective states. The identified neural correlates reside primarily over the frontal cortex and are consistent with widely reported neural correlates of emotions. Comparison with existing methods: The proposed method is compared to the state-of-the-art methods of canonical correlation analysis and common spatial patterns, in order to identify features differentiating synthetic event-related potentials of different amplitudes and is observed to exhibit greater performance as the number of unique groups in the dataset increases. Conclusions: The proposed method is able to identify neural correlates of continuous variables in EEG datasets and is shown to outperform canonical correlation analysis and common spatial patterns.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article describes the design, implementation, and experiences with AcMus, an open and integrated software platform for room acoustics research, which comprises tools for measurement, analysis, and simulation of rooms for music listening and production. Through use of affordable hardware, such as laptops, consumer audio interfaces and microphones, the software allows evaluation of relevant acoustical parameters with stable and consistent results, thus providing valuable information in the diagnosis of acoustical problems, as well as the possibility of simulating modifications in the room through analytical models. The system is open-source and based on a flexible and extensible Java plug-in framework, allowing for cross-platform portability, accessibility and experimentation, thus fostering collaboration of users, developers and researchers in the field of room acoustics.


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Lazarsfeld convidou Adorno para, juntos, realizarem uma pesquisa sobre a audição de música no rádio. Nada deu certo, tornando a colaboração impossível. Na raiz da discórdia está a divergência entre a metodologia funcionalista de Lazarsfeld e a teoria crítica de Adorno. Este criticava no primeiro o apego à imediatez da escuta, sem levar em conta a categoria dialética da mediação.


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En el presente proyecto se ha realizado un estudio sobre las condiciones acústicas de la iglesia Santa María del Castillo, ubicada en la localidad de Campo Real, al sureste de Madrid. Se trata de una iglesia construida entre los siglos XIV y XVII en diferentes fases, rica en características arquitectónicas correspondientes a varios estilos, tales como el gótico, el renacentista y el barroco. Reconocida en 1981 por sus valores arquitectónicos como Monumento Histórico–Artístico. A partir de unas completas mediciones del interior de la iglesia, se ha realizado un modelo tridimensional del mismo como base para la simulación mediante el software de simulación acústica EASE versión 4.3. Para conseguir que este modelo se asemeje a la realidad, se han realizado medidas del ruido de fondo en el interior de la iglesia en diferentes condiciones ambientales. Además se han creado mediante el software los coeficientes de absorción correspondientes a cada material presente en el interior de la iglesia y se han tenido en cuenta las características de los altavoces utilizados en la megafonía del recinto. El modelo en 3D obtenido caracteriza completamente las condiciones acústicas de la iglesia Santa María del Castillo, y nos sirve para valorar cómo es el sonido en el interior de la misma. Para ello obtenemos valores de diferentes parámetros acústico realizando simulaciones. Parámetros como el tiempo de reverberación y el nivel de presión sonora nos dan una idea general de cómo es el campo sonoro en el interior del recinto. Otros parámetros como el ALCons y el STI nos dan información sobre la inteligibilidad de la palabra en el recinto en el que se está realizando el estudio. Finalmente basándonos en los resultados obtenidos de la simulación se sacan conclusiones sobre las características acústicas de este recinto. La iglesia estudiada no es un recinto apropiado para la palabra y/o la música, además el predominio del campo reverberante sobre el campo directo es claro, esto es debido a las dimensiones del recinto y la poca absorción de los diferentes materiales empleados en su construcción, que son bastante reflexivos al sonido. ABSTRACT The present project undertakes the acoustic study of the church Santa María del Castillo. The church is the main temple of Campo Real, in the south-east of Madrid. It was built over different phases between the 14th and the 17th centuries and therefore, the presence of several architectural styles makes the church of Campo Real an interesting aim for this study. The building was recognised as Historic-Artistic Monument for its architectural value in 1981. Complete measurements from inside of the church were taken to build a computational 3D model which has been used to perform acoustic simulations of the church with the software EASE (Version 4.3). Noise measurements have been taken inside the church at different ambient conditions and they have been used to improve the reliability of the computational model. Furthermore, the model has been provided with software generated absorption coefficients and the characteristics of the actual loudspeakers have been taken into account. The 3D model created characterises all the acoustic conditions of the church Santa María del Castillo and allows the study of the sound properties inside the temple. Parameters such as reverberation time and sound pressure level were calculated performing simulations so the sound field inside the building can be described. Other parameters such as the Articulation Loss of Consonants (ALCons) and the Speech Transmission Index (STI) were studied to derive information about intelligibility inside the church. Finally, based on the results obtained by the simulation, I expose my conclusions about the acoustic characteristics of the building. The main conclusion derived from the present study is that the temple is not an appropriate place for voice or music listening due to the dimensions and the characteristics of the materials used in the construction since they are highly reflective to sound. The reverberant field predominates over the whole audience area in comparison with the direct field.


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Objetivos: A música, incomum pela sua ubiquidade e antiguidade, constitui uma das atividades humanas que ocupa um lugar significativo nas diversas culturas e vida diária. Geralmente agradável para grande parte das pessoas, produz numerosos e desmedidos efeitos, na sua maioria positivos para o ser humano. Esta investigação teve como objetivo principal estudar a relação entre alguns dos diferentes géneros musicais e os de traços de personalidade de jovens e de adultos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 38 anos, fluentes em português. A investigação pretendeu descrever as preferências musicais em função da idade, género, estado civil e habilitações literárias; identificar os contextos, os períodos e as atividades mais comuns durante a escuta de música; reconhecer se a música é uma das atividades de lazer mais importantes para o grupo estudado; conhecer quais as razões mais frequentes apontadas pelos sujeitos para ouvir música; estudar a perceção que as pessoas têm sobre a influência da música na violência e no consumo de substâncias; verificar se os sujeitos consideram as preferências musicais como um fator importante e revelador de informações sobre a personalidade; avaliar o impacto e relação das preferências musicais com a personalidade e verificar quais os pares de emoções mais comuns, sentidos durante a escuta musical, e respetiva intensidade. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por 320 indivíduos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 38 anos sendo a faixa etária mais comum a que se situa entre os 24 a 29 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino, solteiros, de nacionalidade portuguesa, detentores ou a frequentar um curso superior, nas áreas das ciências sociais/serviços ou exatas e tecnológicas. Os participantes aceitaram responder voluntariamente a uma bateria de testes (QCS, EPI, QMQEC e STOMP-PT). Para a caracterização da amostra, determinaram-se frequências absolutas e relativas ou valores médios e desvios-padrão. A normalidade da distribuição das pontuações médias dos instrumentos foi validada com o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov com correção de Lilliefors. A consistência interna estudou-se através do Alpha de Cronbach e da fórmula de Kuder Richarson. As diferenças entre grupos foram avaliadas recorrendo a uma ANOVA, a intensidade e magnitude das relações entre variáveis determinou-se através do coeficiente Eta quadrado (e 2) e com o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson avaliou-se a associação entre as variáveis em estudo. Resultados: Observou-se que a música energética é a mais típica dos escalões etários mais jovens, sendo que a rebelde trespassa todas as gerações, revelando os mais velhos também uma forte preferência pela música reflexiva. As escolhas musicais parecem não ser influenciadas pelo sexo e estado civil. Os indivíduos menos escolarizados parecem preferir músicas do tipo energético, excluindo as convencionais enquanto os detentores de maiores habilitações preferem os estilos reflexivos e rebeldes. É em casa, no quarto, ao fim de semana e quando estão sozinhos que os participantes mais ouvem música, constituindo esta a mais frequente atividade de lazer, por ser uma atividade essencial para a existência, não apelando à violência e ao consumo de substâncias e revelando as preferências musicais aspetos da personalidade. Encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as dimensões da preferência musical e os traços de personalidade, sendo a música energética a que mais se destaca na extroversão e a rebelde no neuroticismo. Não se obtiveram resultados estatisticamente significativos entre os tipos de música e as emoções. Conclusão: Os resultados devem ser vistos a título de ensaio e como introdutórios, seguindo no entanto os referidos na literatura quer ao nível das preferências por idade, sexo e habilitações literárias, quer ao nível do contexto onde é ouvida, quer ainda entre as dimensões de preferência musical e traços de personalidade. / Aims: Music, unusual for its ubiquity and age, is one of the human activities that occupies a significant place in different cultures and daily life. Generally pleasant to most people, produces many and huge positive effects in humans. This investigation aimed to study the relationship between some of the different music preferences and personality types of young and adults aged between 18 and 38 years, fluent in Portuguese. The research intended to describe the musical preferences based on age, gender, marital status and educational attainment; identify contexts, periods and the most common activities during music listening; recognize the music as one of the most important leisure activities for the group studied; know which are the most frequent reasons given by the subjects to listen to music; study the perception that people have about the influence of music on violence and substance use; check whether the subjects consider the musical preferences as a major factor that reveals information about personality; assess the impact and relationship of musical preferences with the personality and see which pairs of most common emotions are felt during music listening, and its respective intensity. Methods: The sample consisted of 320 individuals aged between 18 and 38 years being the most common age group of between 24 to 29 years, mostly female, single, Portuguese, holders or to attend a higher education in the areas of social / services or exact science. Participants voluntarily agreed to answer a battery of tests (QCS, EPI, QMQEC and STOMP-PT). To characterize the sample, they were determined absolute and relative frequencies and mean values and standard deviations. The normality of the average scores of the instruments has been validated with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction. Internal consistency was studied using Cronbach's alpha and Kuder Richardson formula. Differences between groups were assessed using an ANOVA, intensity and magnitude of the relationship between variables was determined by Eta squared coefficient and the Pearson correlation coefficient evaluated the association between the study variables. Results: It was observed that the energetic music is the most usual among the younger age groups, and the rebel pierces all generations, revealing the older ones a strong preference for reflective music. The musical choices do not seem to be influenced by sex and marital status. The less educated individuals seems to prefer the energetic type songs, excluding conventional, holders of higher qualifications prefer reflective and rebellious styles. It is at home, in the room, on the weekends and when they are alone that participants listen more music, making this the most common leisure activity, the essential for existence, not calling for violence and substance use and revealing aspects of personality. We found significant differences between the dimensions of music preferences and personality traits, with the energetic music standing out in extraversion and neuroticism on rebel. We did not get significant results among the types of music and emotions. Conclusions: The results should be viewed under test and has introductory , however following the reported in the literature both in terms of preferences by age, sex and education level , both in terms of the context in which it is heard, still follows music preference dimensions and personality traits .


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Introdução: A musicoembriologia engloba a audição de música durante a gravidez, com o objetivo de melhorar a relação materno-fetal e o neurodesenvolvimento infantil. Contudo, a relação entre estes ainda não está bem estabelecida, pelo que permanece um tema controverso. Objetivo: Rever a evidência disponível sobre o impacto da audição de música durante a gravidez no neurodesenvolvimento infantil. Material e Métodos: Pesquisa de meta-análises (MA), revisões sistemáticas (RS), ensaios clínicos aleatorizados e contro- lados (ECAC), e normas de orientação clinica (NOC), em inglês e português, publicados entre 01/2004 e 04/2014, nas bases de dados Pubmed/Medline, sítios de medicina baseada na evidência e Índex de Revistas Médicas Portuguesas, utilizando os termos MeSH: music; pregnancy; child; neurodevelopment. Para a avaliação dos níveis de evidência (NE) e atribuição de forças de recomendação (FR) foi utilizada a escala SORT (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy) da American Family Phisician. Resultados: Foram encontrados onze artigos, dos quais quatro foram selecionados: três ECAC e uma RS. Um ECAC (NE 1) mostrou melhoria significativa do comportamento neonatal nas crianças cujas mães ouviram música durante a gravidez. Outro ECAC (NE 2) demonstrou uma melhoria da relação ma- terno-fetal com a musicoembriologia. Outro ECAC (NE3) e a RS (FR B) demonstraram que o ambiente intrauterino é importante no neurodesenvolvimento neonatal, sobretudo no desenvolvi- mento do córtex cerebral motor e neurosensorial. Conclusões: A evidência disponível demonstrou que a au- dição de música durante o período embrionário apresenta benefício no neurodesenvolvimento infantil. (FR B) No entanto os estudos obtidos são em número reduzido e apresentam grande heterogeneidade em termos metodológicos. São necessários mais estudos, com populações controladas e metodologia semelhantes, para a recomendação global desta medida.