977 resultados para säädös
A scheme to describe SDS-lysozyme complex formation has been proposed on the basis of isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and FTIR spectroscopy data. ITC isotherms are convoluted and reveal a marked effect of both SDS and lysozyme concentration on the stoichiometry of the SDS-lysozyme complex. The binding isotherms have been described with the aid of FTIR spectroscopy in terms of changes in the lysozyme structure and the nature of the SDS binding. At low SDS concentrations, ITC isotherms feature an exothermic region that corresponds to specific electrostatic binding of SDS to positively charged amino acid residues on the lysozyme surface. This leads to charge neutralization of the complex and precipitation. The number of SDS molecules that bind specifically to lysozyme is approximately 8, as determined from our ITC isotherms, and is independent of lysozyme solution concentration. At high SDS concentrations, hydrophobic cooperative association dominates the binding process. Saturated binding stoichiometries as a molar ratio of SDS per molecule of lysozyme range from 220: 1 to 80: 1, depending on the lysozyme solution concentration. A limiting value of 78: 1 has been calculated for lysozyme solution concentrations above 0.25 mM.
Raised levels of chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants, which circulate following a meal, have been implicated in the development of atherosclerosis. Apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 is exclusively associated with chylomicron particles and provides a specific direct measurement of the number of intestinally derived lipoproteins in the circulation. The quantification of apo B-48 in biological samples is difficult due to the very low concentration in plasma, structural similarity to the N-terminal 48% of apo B-100 and lack of an appropriate standard for apo B-48. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), followed by coomassie blue staining, has been used for many years to measure apo B-48 levels in triacylglycerol (TAG)-rich lipoprotein samples. The raising of antiserum to apo B-48 has led to development of more sensitive and specific methods including immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assays (ELISAs). This has enabled direct measurement of apo B-48 in plasma without the need for separation into TAG-rich lipoproteins. A high degree of variability was observed in the apo B-48 concentrations reported in the literature both within and between the SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and ELISA methods. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Free-flow isoelectric focusing (IEF) is a gel-free method for separating proteins based on their isoelectric point (pl) in a liquid environment and in the presence of carrier ampholytes. this method has been used with the RotoforTM cell at the preparative scale to fractionate proteins from samples containing several hundred milligrams of protein; see the refeences listed in Bio-Rad bulletin 3152. the MicroRotofor cell applies the same method to much sl=maller protein samples without dilution, separating and recoverng milligram quantities of protein in a total volume of about 2 ml.
Potentially useful stead-state fluorimetric technique was used to determine the critical micellar concentrations (CMC(1) and CMC(2)) for two micellar media, one formed by SDS and the other by SDS/Brij 30. A comparative study based on conductimetric and surfacial tension measurements suggests that the CMC(1) estimated by the fluorimetric method is lower than the value estimated by these other techniques. Equivalent values were observed for SDS micelles without Brij 30 neutral co-surfactant. The use of acridine orange as fluorescent probe permitted to determine both CMC(1) and CMC(2). Based on it an explanation on aspects of micelle formation mechanism is presented, particularly based on a spherical and a rod like structures.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram avaliadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de 10 cães sadios e de 12 com linfoma, utilizando-se a eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio. Houve diferença entre as médias dos teores de proteína total de cães sadios, 7,68g/dL±0,46 e de cães com linfoma, 7,93g/dL±2,49. As concentrações de IgA e IgG não foram diferentes entre os grupos. Os teores das proteínas de pesos moleculares 142000, 110000, 52000, 49000, 24000 e 18000 dáltons foram mais elevados em cães com linfoma. Os cães com linfoma apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas de ceruloplasmina, 43,95mg/dL±18,19, e haptoglobina, 554mg/dL±449,51, e menores de albumina, 2908mg/dL±476,67, em comparação aos cães sadios (ceruloplasmina: 3,42mg/dL±7,44; haptoglobina: 94,54mg/dL±59,50 e albumina: 4207mg/dL±206,18). Conclui-se que concentrações séricas mais elevadas de ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina e menores de albumina podem estar associadas ao linfoma em cães.
We compared saline (S) and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) extracts from Taenia solium (homologous species - HO) and Taenia crassiceps (heterologous species - HE) metacestodes in order to detect Ige by ELISA and immunoblot assay (IBA) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for the diagnosis of human neurocysticercosis (NC). CSF samples were obtained from 93 patients. of these, 40 had NC, five had a diagnosis of probable NC, nine had central nervous system schistosomiasis or strongyloidiasis and 39 had other neurological alterations. Samples were analysed by ELISA and the results were compared with IBA in all samples with confirmed and probable NC diagnosis, in all samples with other central nervous system parasitic infection, and in 10 of those with another neurological alterations. ELISA sensitivity was 100%, 85%, 95% and 87.5% for the S-HO, S-HE, SDS-HO and SDS-HE extracts, respectively, and ELISA specificity was 100% for S-HO, S-HE, SDS-HO extracts and 97.9% for SDS-HE antigen. Immunodominant peptides detected by IBA were, by decreasing percentage of recognition: 64-68 and 45 kDa for S-HO; 108-114, 92-95, 64-68, 83 and 88 kDa for S-HE; 64-68, 108-114, 77 and 86 kDa for SDS-HO; and 108-114, 88 and 92-95 kDa for SDS-HE. Overall the homologous antigenic extracts showed higher sensitivity than the heterologous extracts in the diagnosis of NC in CSF samples. The heterologous extracts contained most of the immunodominant peptides presented in the homologous extracts, which are recognized by Ige antibodies in CSF samples.
Foram utilizados dez animais doadores de sêmen em nível de Central de Inseminação Artificial, da raça Gir, divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com o grau de congelabilidade do sêmen de cada animal. Os animais com sêmen de alta congelabilidade foram aqueles cuja porcentagem de ejaculados viáveis pós-descongelação foi superior a 80%. O grupo de baixa congelabilidade tinha animais com porcentagem menor que 50% de ejaculados viáveis pós-descongelação. Os critérios de avaliação da viabilidade do sêmen e seleção dos animais foram definidos pelo controle de qualidade do Departamento de Produção da Central de Inseminação Artificial. Foram feitas quatro coletas semanais consecutivas, sendo que obtiveram-se as amostras de plasma seminal por centrifugação a 1.500 g por 15 a 20 minutos a 4°C, momentos após a coleta do sêmen em vagina artificial. O plasma seminal foi dialisado em membrana de celulose, em tampão Tris-Glicina pH-7,4 por 24 horas a 4°C, em agitação lenta e constante. As amostras foram padronizadas em 1,0 mg/ml de proteína total, por diluição em tampão Tris-HCl 62mM pH-6,2 mais 20% de glicerol e 4% de SDS. Através de eletroforese do tipo SDS-PAGE, foram feitas as corridas em gel a 13%. A corrida foi feita com a constante de 25 mA, por um período de 5 horas. A coloração do gel foi feita por Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Pelos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que existe uma banda no grupo de alta congelabilidade, cujo fragmento polipeptídico desta proteína tem Mr (mobilidade relativa) 20,3 e PM (peso molecular) aproximado de 61.800 Da. Esta banda não foi detectada nas amostras do grupo de baixa congelabilidade, o que sugere ser um possível marcador bioquímico quanto ao potencial de criopreservação do sêmen de bovinos.
The effects of 200 mM copper ions on the synthesis of membrane and periplasmic proteins were investigated in iron-grown cells of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (At. ferrooxidans). Total membrane protein profiles of cells grown in the absence of copper ions (unadapted cells) and in the presence of copper ions (copper-adapted cells) were compared by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). Crude preparations of outer membrane and periplasmic proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The synthesis of proteins was diminished or increased in the presence of copper ions. Low molecular weight proteins (< 14 kDa) were significantly repressed by copper. These proteins are probably acidic proteins located in the outer membrane. An over-expression of a periplasmic protein of about 17 kDa was detected in the copper-adapted cells and was assumed to be rusticyanin, a 16.5-kDa periplasmic copper protein present in At. ferrooxidans cells and involved in the electron-transport chain of the iron oxidation pathway. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a possible involvement of the rusticyanin and outer membrane proteins in the mechanism of copper resistance in At. ferrooxidans. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Further characterization of hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) subunits was performed based on SDS-PAGE, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and MALDI-TOF-MS analysis. SDS-PAGE has shown a total of four linker chains, two quite intense and two of lower intensity. HbGp fractions (I-VI), obtained by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), from oligomeric dissociation at alkaline pH 9.6, were monitored. Fraction I is identical to the whole protein. The monomeric chains c, obtained from the trimer abc reduction, present four isoforms with MM 17,336 Da, 17,414 Da, 17,546 Da and 17,620 Da. Furthermore, the trimer subunit presents two isoforms, T 1 and T 2, with MM 51,200 ± 60 and 51,985 ± 50 Da, respectively. Based on SDS-PAGE, the linker chains seem to be distributed along the different fractions of the SEC chromatogram, appearing along the peaks corresponding to fractions I-V. The fraction IV contains, predominantly, trimers with some linkers contamination. The strong interaction of linker chains L with the trimers abc, makes it difficult to obtain these subunits in pure form. The monomer d in fraction VI appears to be quite pure, in agreement with previous studies. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) hemoglobin is an oligomeric protein, presenting a quaternary structure constituted by 144 globin and 36 non-globin chains (named linkers) with a total molecular mass of 3.6MDa. SDS effects on the oxy-HbGp thermal stability were studied, by DLS and SAXS, at pH 5.0, 7.0 and 9.0. DLS and SAXS data show that the SDS-oxy-HbGp interactions induce a significant decrease of the protein thermal stability, with the formation of larger aggregates, at pH 5.0. At pH 7.0, oxy-HbGp undergoes complete oligomeric dissociation, with increase of temperature, in the presence of SDS. Besides, oxy-HbGp 3.0mg/mL, pH 7.0, in the presence of SDS, has the oligomeric dissociation process reduced as compared to 0.5mg/mL of protein. At pH 9.0, oxy-HbGp starts to dissociate at 20°C, and the protein is totally dissociated at 50°C. The thermal dissociation kinetic data show that oxy-HbGp oligomeric dissociation at pH 7.0, in the presence of SDS, is strongly dependent on the protein concentration. At 0.5mg/mL of protein, the oligomeric dissociation is complete and fast at 40 and 42°C, with kinetic constants of (2.1±0.2)×10-4 and (5.5±0.4)×10-4s-1, respectively, at 0.6mmol/L SDS. However, at 3.0mg/mL, the oligomeric dissociation process starts at 46°C, and only partial dissociation, accompanied by aggregates formation is observed. Moreover, our data show, for the first time, that, for 3.0mg/mL of protein, the oligomeric dissociation, denaturation and aggregation phenomena occur simultaneously, in the presence of SDS. Our present results on the surfactant-HbGp interactions and the protein thermal unfolding process correspond to a step forward in the understanding of SDS effects. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O Estado do Pará é o principal produtor brasileiro de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum Link), entretanto a sua produção tem sido bastante afetada pela doença conhecida como fusariose. O Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis é o agente causador desta doença que afeta o sistema radicular da planta, causando o apodrecimento das raízes e a queda das folhas levando à morte da planta. Algumas piperáceas nativas da região amazônica, entre elas a espécie Piper tuberculatum Jacq., têm se mostrado resistentes à infecção pelo F. solani f. sp. piperis, e desta forma têm sido utilizadas em estudos de interação planta-patógeno. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas cinco condições de extração de proteínas com o objetivo de selecionar tampões adequados para a extração de proteínas totais de folhas e raízes de P. tuberculatum. Os tampões utilizados para a extração de proteínas de raízes e folhas foram: tampão salino, tampão sacarose, tampão glicerol, tampão uréia e tampão fosfato de sódio. As análises quantitativas mostraram que os tampões sacarose, glicerol e uréia foram mais eficientes na extração de proteínas de folhas e raízes. Análises de SDS-PAGE mostraram padrões diferenciados de bandas em extratos protéicos de folhas e raízes obtidos com os diferentes tampões. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho contribuem para a identificação de tampões de extração adequados para a obtenção de amostras de proteínas totais em estudos de interação P. tuberculatum - F. solani f. sp. piperis.