994 resultados para rubber-hand illusion


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The three-point bending behavior of sandwich beams made up of jute epoxy skins and piecewise linear functionally graded (FG) rubber core reinforced with fly ash filler is investigated. This work studies the influence of the parameters such as weight fraction of fly ash, core to thickness ratio, and orientation of jute on specific bending modulus and strength. The load displacement response of the sandwich is traced to evaluate the specific modulus and strength. FG core samples are prepared by using conventional casting technique and sandwich by hand layup. Presence of gradation is quantified experimentally. Results of bending test indicate that specific modulus and strength are primarily governed by filler content and core to sandwich thickness ratio. FG sandwiches with different gradation configurations (uniform, linear, and piecewise linear) are modeled using finite element analysis (ANSYS 5.4) to evaluate specific strength which is subsequently compared with the experimental results and the best gradation configuration is presented. POLYM. COMPOS., 32:1541-1551, 2011. (C) 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers


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The coding of body part location may depend upon both visual and proprioceptive information, and allows targets to be localized with respect to the body. The present study investigates the interaction between visual and proprioceptive localization systems under conditions of multisensory conflict induced by optokinetic stimulation (OKS). Healthy subjects were asked to estimate the apparent motion speed of a visual target (LED) that could be located either in the extrapersonal space (visual encoding only, V), or at the same distance, but stuck on the subject's right index finger-tip (visual and proprioceptive encoding, V-P). Additionally, the multisensory condition was performed with the index finger kept in position both passively (V-P passive) and actively (V-P active). Results showed that the visual stimulus was always perceived to move, irrespective of its out- or on-the-body location. Moreover, this apparent motion speed varied consistently with the speed of the moving OKS background in all conditions. Surprisingly, no differences were found between V-P active and V-P passive conditions in the speed of apparent motion. The persistence of the visual illusion during the active posture maintenance reveals a novel condition in which vision totally dominates over proprioceptive information, suggesting that the hand-held visual stimulus was perceived as a purely visual, external object despite its contact with the hand.


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Integration or illusion – a deviance perspective Denmark experienced one of its most successful periods of economic growth in 2004– 2008 with a tremendous reduction of unemployment, which in June 2008 was around. 1.5 percent, far below the expected level of structural unemployment. In the wake of this development the lack of utilization of migrants’ educations and skills became, once again, a core concern. The political, societal and academic debate followed to a great extent the traditional top-down approach to the problem and revolved around two axes: 1. How effective the labour market was/is to make use of migrants’ skills. 2. Whether there were patterns of over-education as expression of institutional and societal discrimination. The focus of the present study is, however, quite different: We examine the pattern of deviance in relation to labour market participation (not integration), and instead of searching for explanations for the lack of integration, we attempt to identify and explain the deviance pattern as a product of institutionally inherent possibilities and barriers on the one hand and articulating immigrants as rational actors (not victims) on the other. We argue that deviance is not only a more fruitful theoretical and analytical framework than integration and discrimination. Taking departure in empirical evidence on immigrants’ preferences and behaviour as bounded rational actors, and how they actually articulate their everyday life practical experiences, including adjustment of what they want and what they can, the deviance perspective, we believe, also reduces the theoretical and normative biases, that characterises the discrimination and integration framework, and provide more reliable explanations. 


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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En los últimos años, debido a la creciente preocupación por el calentamiento global y el cambio climático, uno de los retos más importantes a los que se enfrenta nuestra sociedad es el uso eficiente y económico de energía así como la necesidad correspondiente de reducir los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Las tecnologías de mezclas semicalientes se han convertido en un nuevo e importante tema de investigación en el campo de los materiales para pavimentos ya que ofrece una solución potencial para la reducción del consumo energético y las emisiones de GEI durante la producción y puesta en obra de las mezclas bituminosas. Por otro lado, los pavimentos que contienen polvo de caucho procedente de neumático fuera de uso, al hacer uso productos de desecho, ahorran energía y recursos naturales. Estos pavimentos ofrecen una resistencia mejorada a la formación de roderas, a la fatiga y a la fisuración térmica, reducen los costes de mantenimiento y el ruido del tráfico así como prolongan la vida útil del pavimento. Sin embargo, estas mezclas presentan un importante inconveniente: la temperatura de fabricación se debe aumentar en comparación con las mezclas asfálticas convencionales, ya que la incorporación de caucho aumenta la viscosidad del ligante y, por lo tanto, se producen mayores cantidades de emisiones de GEI. En la presente Tesis, la tecnología de mezclas semicalientes con aditivos orgánicos (Sasobit, Asphaltan A, Asphaltan B, Licomont) se incorporó a la de betunes de alta viscosidad modificados con caucho (15% y 20% de caucho) con la finalidad de dar una solución a los inconvenientes de mezclas con caucho gracias a la utilización de aditivos reductores de la viscosidad. Para este fin, se estudió si sería posible obtener una producción más sostenible de mezclas con betunes de alto contenido en caucho sin afectar significativamente su nivel de rendimiento mecánico. La metodología aplicada para evaluar y comparar las características de las mezclas consistió en la realización de una serie de ensayos de laboratorio para betunes y mezclas con caucho y con aditivos de mezclas semicalientes y de un análisis del ciclo de vida híbrido de la producción de mezclas semicalientes teniendo en cuenta la papel del aditivo en la cadena de suministro con el fin de cuantificar con precisión los beneficios de esta tecnología. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que la incorporación de los aditivos permite reducir la viscosidad de los ligantes y, en consecuencia, las temperaturas de producción y de compactación de las mezclas. Por otro lado, aunque la adición de caucho mejoró significativamente el comportamiento mecánico de los ligantes a baja temperatura reduciendo la susceptibilidad al fenómeno de fisuración térmica, la adición de las ceras aumentó ligeramente la rigidez. Los resultados del estudio reológico mostraron que la adición de porcentajes crecientes de caucho mejoraban la resistencia del pavimento con respecto a la resistencia a la deformación permanente a altas temperaturas y a la fisuración térmica a bajas temperaturas. Además, se observó que los aditivos mejoran la resistencia a roderas y la elasticidad del pavimento al aumentar el módulo complejo a altas temperaturas y al disminuir del ángulo de fase. Por otra parte, el estudio reológico confirmó que los aditivos estudiados aumentan ligeramente la rigidez a bajas temperaturas. Los ensayos de fluencia llevados a cabo con el reómetro demostraron una vez más la mejora en la elasticidad y en la resistencia a la deformación permanente dada por la adición de las ceras. El estudio de mezclas con caucho y aditivos de mezclas semicalientes llevado a cabo demostró que las temperaturas de producción/compactación se pueden disminuir, que las mezclas no experimentarían escurrimiento, que los aditivos no cambian significativamente la resistencia conservada y que cumplen la sensibilidad al agua exigida. Además, los aditivos aumentaron el módulo de rigidez en algunos casos y mejoraron significativamente la resistencia a la deformación permanente. Asimismo, a excepción de uno de los aditivos, las mezclas con ceras tenían la misma o mayor resistencia a la fatiga en comparación con la mezcla control. Los resultados del análisis de ciclo de vida híbrido mostraron que la tecnología de mezclas semicalientes es capaz de ahorrar significativamente energía y reducir las emisiones de GEI, hasta un 18% y 20% respectivamente, en comparación con las mezclas de control. Sin embargo, en algunos de los casos estudiados, debido a la presencia de la cera, la temperatura de fabricación debe reducirse en un promedio de 8 ºC antes de que los beneficios de la reducción de emisiones y el consumo de combustible puedan ser obtenidos. Los principales sectores contribuyentes a los impactos ambientales generados en la fabricación de mezclas semicalientes fueron el sector de los combustibles, el de la minería y el de la construcción. Due to growing concerns over global warming and climate change in recent years, one of the most important challenges facing our society is the efficient and economic use of energy, and with it, the corresponding need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology has become an important new research topic in the field of pavement materials as it offers a potential solution for the reduction of energy consumption and GHG emissions during the production and placement of asphalt mixtures. On the other hand, pavements containing crumb-rubber modified (CRM) binders save energy and natural resources by making use of waste products. These pavements offer an improved resistance to rutting, fatigue and thermal cracking; reduce traffic noise and maintenance costs and prolong pavement life. These mixtures, however, present one major drawback: the manufacturing temperature is higher compared to conventional asphalt mixtures as the rubber lends greater viscosity to the binder and, therefore, larger amounts of GHG emissions are produced. In this dissertation the WMA technology with organic additives (Sasobit, Asphaltan A, Asphaltan B and Licomont) was applied to CRM binders (15% and 20% of rubber) in order to offer a solution to the drawbacks of asphalt rubber (AR) mixtures thanks to the use of fluidifying additives. For this purpose, this study sought to determine if a more sustainable production of AR mixtures could be obtained without significantly affecting their level of mechanical performance. The methodology applied in order to evaluate and compare the performance of the mixtures consisted of carrying out several laboratory tests for the CRM binders and AR mixtures with WMA additives (AR-WMA mixtures) and a hybrid input-output-based life cycle assessment (hLCA) of the production of WMA. The results of the study indicated that the incorporation of the organic additives were able to reduce the viscosity of the binders and, consequently, the production and compaction temperatures. On the other hand, although the addition of rubber significantly improved the mechanical behaviour of the binders at low temperatures reducing the susceptibility to thermal cracking phenomena, the addition of the waxes slightly increased the stiffness. Master curves showed that the addition of increasing percentages of rubber improved the resistance of the pavement regarding both resistance to permanent deformation at high temperatures and thermal cracking at low temperatures. In addition, the waxes improved the rutting resistance and the elasticity as they increased the complex modulus at high temperatures and decreased the phase angle. Moreover, master curves also attest that the WMA additives studied increase the stiffness at low temperatures. The creep tests carried out proved once again the improvement in the elasticity and in the resistance to permanent deformation given by the addition of the waxes. The AR-WMA mixtures studied have shown that the production/compaction temperatures can be decreased, that the mixtures would not experience binder drainage, that the additives did not significantly change the retained resistance and fulfilled the water sensitivity required. Furthermore, the additives increased the stiffness modulus in some cases and significantly improved the permanent deformation resistance. Except for one of the additives, the waxes had the same or higher fatigue resistance compared to the control mixture. The results of the hLCA demonstrated that the WMA technology is able to significantly save energy and reduce GHG emissions, up to 18% and 20%, respectively, compared to the control mixtures. However, in some of the case studies, due to the presence of wax, the manufacturing temperature at the asphalt plant must be reduced by an average of 8ºC before the benefits of reduced emissions and fuel usage can be obtained. The results regarding the overall impacts generated using a detailed production layer decomposition indicated that fuel, mining and construction sectors are the main contributors to the environmental impacts of manufacturing WMA mixtures.


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The main aim of this work was two fold, firstly to investigate the effect of a highly reactive comonomer, divinylbenzene (DVB), on the extent of melt grafting of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) on ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) using 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis-(tert-butyl peroxy) hexane (Trigon ox 101, Tl 01) as a free radical initiator, and to compare the results with a conventional grafting of the same monomer on EPR. To achieve this, the effect of processing conditions and chemical composition including the concentration of peroxide, GMA and DVB on the extent of grafting was investigated. The presence of the comonomer (DVB) in the grafting process resulted in a significant increase in the extent of the grafting using only a small concentration of peroxide. It was also found that the extent of grafting increased drastically with increasing the DVB concentration. Interestingly, in the comonomer system, the extent of the undesired side reaction, normally the homopolymerisation of GMA (polyGMA) was shown to have reduced tremendously and in most cases the level of polyGMA was immeasurable in the samples. Compared to a conventional EPR-g-GMACONV (in the absence of a comonomer), the presence of the comonomer DVB in the grafting system was shown to result in more branching and crosslinking (shown from an increase in melt flow index (MFI) and torque values) and this was paralleled by an increase in DVB concentration. In contrast, the extent of grafting in conventional system increased with increasing the peroxide concentration but the level of grafting was much lower than in the case of DVB. Homopolymerisation of GMA and excessive crosslinking of EPR became dominant at high peroxide concentration and this. reflects that the side reactions were favorable in the conventional grafting system. The second aim was to examine the effect of the in-situ functionalised EPR when used as a compatibiliser for binary blends. It was found that blending PET with functionalised EPR (ƒ-EPR) gave a significant improvement in terms of blend morphology as well as mechanical properties. The results showed clearly that, blending PET with ƒ-EPRDVB (prepared with DVB) was much more effective compared to the corresponding PET/ƒ-EPRCONV (without DVB) blends in which ƒ-EPRDVB having optimum grafting level of 2.1 wt% gave the most pronounced effect on the morphology and mechanical properties. On the other hand, blends of PET/ƒ-EPRDVB containing high GMA/DVB ratio was found to be unfavorable hence exhibited lower tensile properties and showed unfavorable morphology. The presence of high polyGMA concentration in ƒ-EPRCONV was found to create damaging effect on its morphology, hence resulting in reduced tensile properties (e.g. low elongation at break). However, the use of commercial terpolymers based on ethylene-methacrylate-glycidyl methacrylate (EM-GMA)or a copolymer of ethylene-glycidyl methacrylate (E-GMA) containing various GMA levels as compatibilisers in PET/EPR blends was found to be more efficient compared to PET/EPR/ƒ-EPR blends with the former blends showing finer morphology and high elongation at break. The high efficiency of the terpolymers or copolymers in compatibilising the PET/EPR blends is suggested to be partly, higher GMA content compared to the amount in ƒ-EPR and due to its low viscosity.


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The objective of this study was to fundamentally characterize the laboratory performance of traditional hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures incorporating high RAP content and waste tire crumb rubber through their fundamental engineering properties. The nominal maximum aggregates size was chosen for this research was 12mm (considering the limitation of aggregate size for surface layer) and both coarse and fine aggregates are commonly used in Italy that were examined and analyzed in this study. On the other hand, the RAP plays an important role in reducing production costs and enhancing the environmentally sustainable pavements instead of using virgin materials in HMA. Particularly, this study has aimed to use 30% of RAP content (25% fine aggregate RAP and 5% coarse aggregate RAP) and 1% of CR additives by the total weight of aggregates for mix design. The mixture of aggregates, RAP and CR were blended with different amount of unmodified binder through dry processes. Generally, the main purposes of this study were investigating on capability of using RAP and CR in dense graded HMA and comparing the performance of rejuvenator in RAP with CR. In addition, based on the engineering analyses during the study, we were able compare the fundamental Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) value of dense graded HMA and also mechanical characteristics in terms of Indirect Tensile Stiffness Modulus (ITSM). In order to get an extended comparable data, four groups of different mixtures such as conventional mixture with only virgin aggregates (DV), mixture with RAP (DR), mixture with RAP and rejuvenator (DRR), and mixture with RAP, rejuvenator, CR (DRRCr) were investigated in this research experimentally. Finally, the results of those tests indicated that the mixtures with RAP and CR had the high stiffness and less thermal sensitivity, while the mixture with virgin aggregates only had very low values in comparison.


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This report studied the effect of crumb rubber in the asphalt mixture. The mixtures were also having limestone filler as a modifier. Mastic and mortar (mastic-fine aggregate system) mixture having different quantities of crumb rubber and limestone filler modifiers have been tested in order to find the best rutting resistance combination with an acceptable stiffness. The rheological tests on bituminous mastics and mortars have done in the laboratories in Nottingham Transport Engineering Centre (NTEC) and University of Bologna (DICAM). In the second chapter, an extensive literature review about the binders, additives, asphalt mixtures, various modelling and testing methods have been reviewed. In the third chapter, the physical and rheological properties of the binders have been investigated using both traditional devices and DSRs. The forth chapter is dedicated to finding the behaviour of the modified mastics (Binder-modifier system) with different combinations. Five different combinations of crumb rubber and limestone filler mastic tested with various methods using Dynamic Shear Rheometers. In the fifth chapter, in order to find the effect of the modifiers in the rheological properties of the complete asphalt mixture, the fine aggregates added to the same mastic combinations. In this phase, the behaviour of the system so-called mortar; binder, rubber, filler and fine aggregates) has been studied using the DSR device and the traditional tests. The results show that using fine crumb rubber reduces the thermo sensibility of the mastic (Binder Bitumen System) and improves its elasticity. Limestone filler in the other hand increases the mixture stiffness at high Frequencies. Another important outcome of this research was that the rheological properties of the mortars were following the same trend of the mastics, therefore study the rheological properties of the mastic gives an upright estimation of the mortar.


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This research explores gestures used in the context of activities in the workplace and in everyday life in order to understand requirements and devise concepts for the design of gestural information applicances. A collaborative method of video interaction analysis devised to suit design explorations, the Video Card Game, was used to capture and analyse how gesture is used in the context of six different domains: the dentist's office; PDA and mobile phone use; the experimental biologist's laboratory; a city ferry service; a video cassette player repair shop; and a factory flowmeter assembly station. Findings are presented in the form of gestural themes, derived from the tradition of qualitative analysis but bearing some similarity to Alexandrian patterns. Implications for the design of gestural devices are discussed.


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This study explored the psychological influences of hands-free and hand-held mobile phone use while driving. Participants were 796 Australian drivers aged 17 to 76 years who owned mobile phones. A cross-sectional survey assessed frequency of calling and text messaging while driving (overall, hands-free, hand-held) as well as drivers’ behavioural, normative, and control beliefs relating to mobile phone use while driving. Irrespective of handset type, 43% of drivers reported answering calls while driving on a daily basis, followed by making calls (36%), reading text messages (27%), and sending text messages (18%). In total, 63.9% of drivers did not own hands-free kits and, of the drivers that owned hand-free kits, 32% did not use it most or all of the time. Significant differences were found in the behavioural, normative, and control beliefs of frequent and infrequent users of both types of handset while driving. As expected, frequent users reported more advantages of, more approval from others for, and fewer barriers that would prevent them from, using either a hands-free or a hand-held mobile phone while driving than infrequent users. Campaigns to reduce mobile phone use while driving should attempt to minimise the perceived benefits of the behaviour and highlight the risks of this unsafe driving practice.


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Raman spectroscopy and FT-IR imaging analyses of cave wall pigment samples from north Queensland (Australia) indicate that some hand stencils were undertaken during a dry environmental phase indicating late Holocene age. Other, earlier painting episodes also took place during dry environmental periods of the terminal Pleistocene and/or early Holocene. These results represent a rare opportunity to attain chronological information for rock art in conditions where insufficient carbon is present for radiocarbon dating.


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We investigated the relative importance of vision and proprioception in estimating target and hand locations in a dynamic environment. Subjects performed a position estimation task in which a target moved horizontally on a screen at a constant velocity and then disappeared. They were asked to estimate the position of the invisible target under two conditions: passively observing and manually tracking. The tracking trials included three visual conditions with a cursor representing the hand position: always visible, disappearing simultaneously with target disappearance, and always invisible. The target’s invisible displacement was systematically underestimated during passive observation. In active conditions, tracking with the visible cursor significantly decreased the extent of underestimation. Tracking of the invisible target became much more accurate under this condition and was not affected by cursor disappearance. In a second experiment, subjects were asked to judge the position of their unseen hand instead of the target during tracking movements. Invisible hand displacements were also underestimated when compared with the actual displacement. Continuous or brief presentation of the cursor reduced the extent of underestimation. These results suggest that vision–proprioception interactions are critical for representing exact target–hand spatial relationships, and that such sensorimotor representation of hand kinematics serves a cognitive function in predicting target position. We propose a hypothesis that the central nervous system can utilize information derived from proprioception and/or efference copy for sensorimotor prediction of dynamic target and hand positions, but that effective use of this information for conscious estimation requires that it be presented in a form that corresponds to that used for the estimations.