299 resultados para rivestimenti termospruzzati motore idraulico tribologia


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The Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (DIMeC) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is developing a new type of small capacity HSDI 2-Stroke Diesel engine (called HSD2), featuring a specifically designed combustion system, aimed to reduce weight, size and manufacturing costs, and improving pollutant emissions at partial load. The present work is focused on the analysis of the combustion and the scavenging process, investigated by means of a version of the KIVA-3V code customized by the University of Chalmers and modified by DIMeC. The customization of the KIVA-3V code includes a detailed combustion chemistry approach, coupled with a comprehensive oxidation mechanism for diesel oil surrogate and the modeling of turbulence/chemistry interaction through the PaSR (Partially Stirred Reactor) model. A four stroke automobile Diesel engine featuring a very close bore size is taken as a reference, for both the numerical models calibration and for a comparison with the 2-Stroke engine. Analysis is carried out trough a comparison between HSD2 and FIAT 1300 MultiJet in several operating conditions, at full and partial load. Such a comparison clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the two stroke concept in terms of emissions reduction and high power density. However, HSD2 is still a virtual engine, and experimental results are needed to assume the reliability of numerical results.


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The abandonment of less productive fields and agro-forest activities has occured in the last decades, interesting large mountain areas in all mediterranean basin. Until the fifties, agricultural practices dealt mainly with soil surface and surface runoff control systems. However, the apparent sustainability of soil use results often in contrast with historical documents, witnessing heavy hydrogeological instability, in naturally fragile areas. The research focused on the dynamics and effects of post-coltural land abandonment in a critical mountain area of the Reno River. The Reno River rappresents a typical Tuscan-Emilian Apennines Watershed where soil erosion occurs under very different conditions depending on interactions between land use, climate, geomorphology and lithology. Landslides are largely rappresented, due to the diffusion of clay hill slopes. Recent researches suggest that climatic variability will increase as a consequence of global climate change, resulting in greater frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, which could increase rates of erosion, landslides reactivations and diffusion of calanchive basins. As far as hill slopes are concerned, instability is today basically due to intrinsic factors, as the Apennine range is a rather young formation, in geological terms, and is mainly formed by sedimentary rocks with high occurrence of clays. Therefore landslides and rockfalls are very frequent, while surface soil erosion is generally low and anyway concentrated in the low Apennine, where intensive farming is still economically worth. The study, supported by GIS use, analyses the main fisical characteristics of the area and the historical changes of land use, and focalizes the dynamics of spontaneous reafforestation. Futhermore, the research studies the results of soil bioengineering and surface water control solutions for the restablishment of landslides occured in the last period. Infact soil bioengineering has been recently used in different situations in order to consolidate slopes and hillsides and prevent erosion; when applied, it gave good results, both in terms of engineering efficiency and vegetational development, expecially if combined with a good hydraulic control, thus proving to be an actual alternative to other techniques with heavier environmental impacts. Research into the specific site features and the use of proper plant species is vital to the success of bioengineering works.


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Analisi del progetto di canale di bypass al bacino artificiale sul Torrente Conca (comune di Misano Adriatico). Richiami di teoria del trasporto solido. Simulazione del comportamento idraulico in moto vario del canale di bypass attraverso il programma HEC RAS. Verifiche di trasporto solido.


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In questa tesi descriveremo e analizzeremo il motore grafico OGRE, acronimo di Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine. La scelta di analizzare proprio questo motore grafico è legata a diverse considerazioni. Innanzitutto, OGRE è rilasciato con licenza open source e quindi rende disponibile il suo codice sorgente. Questo è molto importante, in un contesto di studio e sperimentazione come quello universitario, perché permette di comprendere e analizzare anche il funzionamento interno del motore grafico. Inoltre, OGRE è un progetto maturo e stabile con una vasta comunità di sviluppatori e utilizzatori alle spalle. Esiste molta documentazione a riguardo, tra wiki, libri e manuali, e un forum molto attivo per la richiesta di aiuto e consigli. A conferma, sia della bontà del progetto che delle ottime prestazioni del motore grafico, basta dire che OGRE è utilizzato anche da applicazioni commerciali, come videogame, editor 3D e simulatori. Infine, la caratteristica che contraddistingue OGRE da tutti gli altri motori grafici è il fatto di essere "solamente" un motore di rendering puro. Ciò significa che qualsiasi funzionalità non direttamente legata al rendering, come ad esempio la gestione degli input dell'utente, non è supportata da OGRE. Anche se questo può sembrare un difetto, in realtà ciò permetterà di concentrarci solamente sugli aspetti legati al rendering che, in un motore grafico, costituiscono la parte fondamentale.


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This work describes the development of a simulation tool which allows the simulation of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), the transmission and the vehicle dynamics. It is a control oriented simulation tool, designed in order to perform both off-line (Software In the Loop) and on-line (Hardware In the Loop) simulation. In the first case the simulation tool can be used in order to optimize Engine Control Unit strategies (as far as regard, for example, the fuel consumption or the performance of the engine), while in the second case it can be used in order to test the control system. In recent years the use of HIL simulations has proved to be very useful in developing and testing of control systems. Hardware In the Loop simulation is a technology where the actual vehicles, engines or other components are replaced by a real time simulation, based on a mathematical model and running in a real time processor. The processor reads ECU (Engine Control Unit) output signals which would normally feed the actuators and, by using mathematical models, provides the signals which would be produced by the actual sensors. The simulation tool, fully designed within Simulink, includes the possibility to simulate the only engine, the transmission and vehicle dynamics and the engine along with the vehicle and transmission dynamics, allowing in this case to evaluate the performance and the operating conditions of the Internal Combustion Engine, once it is installed on a given vehicle. Furthermore the simulation tool includes different level of complexity, since it is possible to use, for example, either a zero-dimensional or a one-dimensional model of the intake system (in this case only for off-line application, because of the higher computational effort). Given these preliminary remarks, an important goal of this work is the development of a simulation environment that can be easily adapted to different engine types (single- or multi-cylinder, four-stroke or two-stroke, diesel or gasoline) and transmission architecture without reprogramming. Also, the same simulation tool can be rapidly configured both for off-line and real-time application. The Matlab-Simulink environment has been adopted to achieve such objectives, since its graphical programming interface allows building flexible and reconfigurable models, and real-time simulation is possible with standard, off-the-shelf software and hardware platforms (such as dSPACE systems).