172 resultados para ripsisiippa - Myotis nattereri
Myracetyma pirayasp. nov. é proposta. Os espécimens foram coletados dos filamentos branquiais de Pygocentrus nattereri(KNER, I860). A espécie nova difere das outras, no tamanho, no formato do cefalotórax, nas extensões cuticulares dei antena e no formato e ornamentações dos ramos das pernas.
Ergasilus yumaricussp. n. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) é proposta. Os espécimens foram coletados dos filamentos branquiais de Pygocentrus nattereri, Serrasalmus rhombeuse Pristobrycon eigenmannido Rio Guaporé próximo à Pimenteiras, rios Guaporé e Mamoré próximo à Surpresa, rio Jiparaná próximo à Jiparaná e Pacaás Novos próximo à Guajará-Mirim, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. A nova espécie tem uma seta forte, pectinada e falciforme no primeiro exopodito, indicando uma relação com outras seis espécies amazônicas. Esta espécie difere das outras na forma do corpo, ornamentações das pernas, antenas e urossomitos.
taxa de evacuação gástrica é uma variável importante para estimar o consumo diário de alimento e portanto a pressão de predação que um piscívoro exerce sobre as presas. Esta taxa pode ser influenciada pela temperatura, tamanho do predador e pelo tipo de alimento. Neste trabalho medimos experimentalmente os efeitos que estas três variáveis exercem sobre a evacuação gástrica de Pygocentrus nattereri, um dos principais piscívoros da Amazônia. Para isso foram utilizadas temperaturas variando de 27° a 31°C e os seguintes itens alimentares: músculo e nadadeira de Semaprochilodus insignis e gafanhoto da espécie Paulinia sp. Estes alimentos compõem a dieta silvestre da piranha. O tamanho da piranha não influenciou na evacuação gástrica. Músculos obtiveram uma taxa de evacuação gástrica de 18,3% h -1, enquanto que nadadeira e gafanhoto obtiveram uma taxa média de 10,7% h -1. O efeito da temperatura foi mais pronunciado quando o item alimentar era músculo do que com nadadeira e insetos.
A maturação dos espermatozóides envolve um extenso e complexo processo que começa com a proliferação e diferenciação das espermatogônias, passa pela meiose e finaliza com a espermiogênese. Nessa fase, eventos envolvendo alterações morfológicas e bioquímicas transformam espermátides em espermatozóides. Aspectos ultra-estruturais da espermiogênese e do espermatozóide do anuro Eupemphix nattereri (Steindachner, 1863) foram analisados através de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. A espermiogênese envolve condensação da cromatina e alongamento nuclear, com visível eliminação de citoplasma. Nesse estágio, grande quantidade de microtúbulos e glicogênio podem ser visualizados no citoplasma das células de Sertoli, rodeando cada espermátide. O espermatozóide é fusiforme e o acrossomo forma uma capa na região anterior do núcleo. A bainha mitocondrial é encontrada ao redor da porção proximal da cauda. A cauda apresenta o axonema com o modelo 9+2, uma fibra axonemal, a membrana ondulante e ausência de bastão axial. Esta organização apresenta algumas similaridades com espécies do gênero Physalaemus (Leiuperidae) como P. biligonigerus (Cope, 1861), P. gracilis (Boulenger, 1883) e P. fuscomaculatus (Steindachner, 1864).
To assess genetic structure and phenotypic diversity of Eupemphix nattereri Steindachner, 1863, morphometric and molecular analyses were carried out for nine populations from the State of Goiás. A total of 11 morphometric traits were evaluated and genetic information was estimated using RAPD markers. Genetic and phenotypic distances were determined as a function of geographical origin. Correlation among genetic, morphometric, micro, and macroenviromental were analyzed by the Mantel test. Genetic data indicated high levels of genetic diversity (Φst= 0.3) among the nine populations. Mantel tests did not reveal a significant positive correlation between genetic and geographical distances, indicating that locally geographical populations were not genetically similar, even in distances smaller than 50 km. Discriminant analysis on 11 morphometric measurements showed a high divergence among the nine populations. However, a marginally significant correlation (P=0.08) between genetic and morphometric distances was found. The observed correlation was not causal in terms of the relationship between phenotype and genotype, but indicated common spatial structures. Thus, our results suggest that isolation-by-distance processes may explain population divergence in Eupemphix nattereri.
Duas espécies de piranhas ocorrem no rio Ibicuí, um dos principais afluentes do rio Uruguai. Com o objetivo de analisar a distribuição e a alimentação destas espécies, foram realizadas coletas de dezembro de 1999 a janeiro de 2002, utilizando-se diferentes artes de pesca em três pontos do rio, sendo que cada ponto foi amostrado em dois ambientes (lêntico e lótico). Foram capturados 203 indivíduos de Serrasalmus maculatus Kner, 1858 e 86 de Pygocentrus nattereri Kner, 1858, sendo que a maior captura de ambas as espécies ocorreu no ambiente lêntico e próximo ao rio Uruguai, onde P. nattereri parece estar mais concentrada. O número de exemplares capturados por horário não apresentou variações significativas em P. nattereri enquanto que S. maculatus apresentou a maior captura na revisão da meia-noite. Juvenis de S. maculatus (2-4 cm de comprimento padrão) consumiram preferencialmente nadadeiras e insetos. Nas demais classes de tamanho de ambas as espécies, restos de peixes foi o alimento predominante, havendo sobreposição alimentar intra e interespecífica nas maiores classes (8-16 cm e >16 cm de comprimento padrão). Não foram constatadas diferenças no índice de repleção entre os horários e os ambientes para as duas espécies.
BackgroundThe great diversity of bat haemosporidians is being uncovered with the help of molecular tools. Yet most of these studies provide only snapshots in time of the parasites discovered. Polychromophilus murinus, a malaria-like blood parasite, specialised on temperate-zone bats is a species that is being `rediscovered¿. This study describes the infection dynamics over time and between host sex and age classes.MethodsFor three years we followed the members of three breeding colonies of Myotis daubentonii in Western Switzerland and screened them for the prevalence and parasitemia of P. murinus using both molecular tools and traditional microscopy. In order to identify more susceptible classes of hosts, we measured, sexed and aged all individuals. During one year, we additionally measured body temperature and haematocrit values.ResultsJuvenile bats demonstrated much higher parasitemia than any other age class sampled, suggesting that first exposure to the parasite is very early in life during which infections are also at their most intense. Moreover, in subadults there was a clear negative correlation between body condition and intensity of infection, whereas a weak positive correlation was observed in adults. Neither body temperature, nor haematocrit, two proxies used for pathology, could be linked to intensities of infection.ConclusionIf both weaker condition and younger age are associated with higher infection intensity, then the highest selection pressure exerted by P. murinus should be at the juvenile stage. Confusion over the identities and nomenclature of malarial-like parasites requires that molecular barcodes are coupled to accurate morphological descriptions.
The actual geographic distribution of the two sibling mouse-eared bat species Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii, which occur widely sympatrically in the western Palaearctic region, remains largely controversial. This concerns particularly the specific attribution of marginal populations from the Mediterranean islands and from adjacent areas of North Africa and Asia, which are morphologically intermediate between continental M. myotis and M. blythii from Europe. This study attempts to clarify this question by using four different approaches: cranial morphology, external morphology, genetics and trophic ecology. The three latter methods show unambiguously that North Africa, Malta, Sardinia and Corsica are presently inhabited by monospecific populations of M. myotis. In contrast, cranial morphometrics do not yield conclusive results. These results contradict all recent studies, which attribute North African and Maltese mouse-eared bats to M. blythii and consider that Sardinia and Corsica harbour sympatric populations of the two species. As concerns south-eastern populations, doubts are also expressed about the attribution of the subspecific taxon omari which may actually refer to M. myotis instead of M. blythii. Protein electrophoresis is presently the only absolute method available for determining M. myotis and M. blythii throughout their distribution ranges. However, species identification may be approached by relying on less sophisticated morphometrical methods as presented in this study. Species-specific habitat specializations are probably responsible for the differences observed between the geographic distributions of M. myotis and M. blythii, as they provide a logical groundwork for a coherent model of speciation for these two bat species.
Given the intimate association in host-parasite systems, parasites are expected to initiate their own reproduction when vulnerable hosts become abundant and/or when adult hosts are less resistant. In this study, we examined the variation in the intensities of a blood-sucking mite (Spinturnix myoti, Acarina) with respect to the reproductive cycle and immunocompetence of its host, the greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis. Reproductive, pregnant females were less immunocompetent and harboured more parasites than nonreproductive females, whilst, during lactation, immunocompetence was positively associated with female body mass. There was a dramatic increase in the T-cell response of gravid females with the advancement of gestation, which coincided with a diminution of individual parasite loads and a progressive switch of parasites from adults to juveniles. The latter not only harboured greater numbers of mites than adult female bats, but they also exhibited gravid parasites in higher proportions, indicating that juvenile hosts are more attractive for parasite reproduction than adult females.
Analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region polymorphism and of variation at 10 nuclear microsatellite loci were used to investigate the mechanisms and genetic consequences of postglacial expansion of Myotis myotis in Europe. Initial sampling consisted of 480 bats genotyped in 24 nursery colonies arranged along a transect of approximately 3000 km. The phylogeographical survey based on mtDNA sequences revealed the existence of major genetic subdivisions across this area, with several suture zones between haplogroups. Such zones of secondary contact were found in the Alps and Rhodopes, whereas other potential barriers to gene flow, like the Pyrenees, did not coincide with genetic discontinuities. Areas of population admixture increased locally the genetic diversity of colonies, which confounded the northward decrease in nucleotide diversity predicted using classical models of postglacial range expansion. However, when analyses were restricted to a subset of 15 nurseries originating from a single presumed glacial refugium, mtDNA polymorphism did indeed support a northwards decrease in diversity. Populations were also highly structured (PhiST = 0.384). Conversely, the same subset of colonies showed no significant latitudinal decrease in microsatellite diversity and much less population structure (FST = 0.010), but pairwise genetic differentiation at these nuclear markers was strongly correlated with increasing geographical distance. Together, this evidence suggests that alleles carried via male bats have maintained enough nuclear gene flow to counteract the effects of recurrent bottlenecks generally associated with recolonization processes. As females are highly philopatric, we argue that the maternally transmitted mtDNA marker better reflects the situation of past, historical gene flow, whereas current levels of gene flow are better reflected by microsatellite markers.
Parasites often exert severe negative effects upon their host's fitness. Natural selection has therefore prompted the evolution of anti-parasite mechanisms such as grooming. Grooming is efficient at reducing parasitic loads in both birds and mammals, but the energetic costs it entails have not been properly quantified. We measured both the energetic metabolism and behaviour of greater mouse-eared bats submitted to three different parasite loads (no, 20 and 40 mites) during whole daily cycles. Mites greatly affected their time and energy budgets. They caused increased grooming activity, reduced the overall time devoted to resting and provoked a dramatic shortening of resting bout duration. Correspondingly, the bats' overall metabolism (oxygen consumption) increased drastically with parasite intensity and, during the course of experiments, the bats lost more weight when infested with 40 rather than 20 or no parasites. The short-term energetic constraints induced by anti-parasite grooming are probably associated with long-term detrimental effects such as a decrease in survival and overall reproductive value.
The flea, Myodopsylla wolffsohni wolffsohni (Rothschild, 1903), had been recorded for the first time in the State of Paraná in 1940, on the bat, Myotis levis (I. Geoffroy, 1824). Previously, this species of flea had only been recorded on Myotis nigricans, in the Amazonian region. This is the second record of M. w. wolffsohni on M. nigricans in Brazil, and the first in the State of Paraná. Although this flea has been found on undetermined Chiroptera in the State of Santa Catarina, the present record represents the meridional limit of geographic distribution for the infestation on M. nigricans.
Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.
Because of their role in limiting gene flow, geographical barriers like mountains or seas often coincide with intraspecific genetic discontinuities. Although the Strait of Gibraltar represents such a potential barrier for both plants and animals, few studies have been conducted on its impact on gene flow. Here we test this effect on a bat species (Myotis myotis) which is apparently distributed on both sides of the strait. Six colonies of 20 Myotis myotis each were sampled in southern Spain and northern Morocco along a linear transect of 1350 km. Results based on six nuclear microsatellite loci reveal no significant population structure within regions, but a complete isolation between bats sampled on each side of the strait. Variability at 600 bp of a mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b) confirms the existence of two genetically distinct and perfectly segregating clades, which diverged several million years ago. Despite the narrowness of the Gibraltar Strait (14 km), these molecular data suggest that neither males, nor females from either region have ever reproduced on the opposite side of the strait. Comparisons of molecular divergence with bats from a closely related species (M. blythii) suggest that the North African clade is possibly a distinct taxon warranting full species rank. We provisionally refer to it as Myotis cf punicus Felten 1977, but a definitive systematic understanding of the whole Mouse-eared bat species complex awaits further genetic sampling, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean areas.