76 resultados para rheometry


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The motion of a single Brownian particle of arbitrary size through a dilute colloidal dispersion of neutrally buoyant bath spheres of another characteristic size in a Newtonian solvent is examined in two contexts. First, the particle in question, the probe particle, is subject to a constant applied external force drawing it through the suspension as a simple model for active and nonlinear microrheology. The strength of the applied external force, normalized by the restoring forces of Brownian motion, is the Péclet number, Pe. This dimensionless quantity describes how strongly the probe is upsetting the equilibrium distribution of the bath particles. The mean motion and fluctuations in the probe position are related to interpreted quantities of an effective viscosity of the suspension. These interpreted quantities are calculated to first order in the volume fraction of bath particles and are intimately tied to the spatial distribution, or microstructure, of bath particles relative to the probe. For weak Pe, the disturbance to the equilibrium microstructure is dipolar in nature, with accumulation and depletion regions on the front and rear faces of the probe, respectively. With increasing applied force, the accumulation region compresses to form a thin boundary layer whose thickness scales with the inverse of Pe. The depletion region lengthens to form a trailing wake. The magnitude of the microstructural disturbance is found to grow with increasing bath particle size -- small bath particles in the solvent resemble a continuum with effective microviscosity given by Einstein's viscosity correction for a dilute dispersion of spheres. Large bath particles readily advect toward the minimum approach distance possible between the probe and bath particle, and the probe and bath particle pair rotating as a doublet is the primary mechanism by which the probe particle is able to move past; this is a process that slows the motion of the probe by a factor of the size ratio. The intrinsic microviscosity is found to force thin at low Péclet number due to decreasing contributions from Brownian motion, and force thicken at high Péclet number due to the increasing influence of the configuration-averaged reduction in the probe's hydrodynamic self mobility. Nonmonotonicity at finite sizes is evident in the limiting high-Pe intrinsic microviscosity plateau as a function of bath-to-probe particle size ratio. The intrinsic microviscosity is found to grow with the size ratio for very small probes even at large-but-finite Péclet numbers. However, even a small repulsive interparticle potential, that excludes lubrication interactions, can reduce this intrinsic microviscosity back to an order one quantity. The results of this active microrheology study are compared to previous theoretical studies of falling-ball and towed-ball rheometry and sedimentation and diffusion in polydisperse suspensions, and the singular limit of full hydrodynamic interactions is noted.

Second, the probe particle in question is no longer subject to a constant applied external force. Rather, the particle is considered to be a catalytically-active motor, consuming the bath reactant particles on its reactive face while passively colliding with reactant particles on its inert face. By creating an asymmetric distribution of reactant about its surface, the motor is able to diffusiophoretically propel itself with some mean velocity. The effects of finite size of the solute are examined on the leading order diffusive microstructure of reactant about the motor. Brownian and interparticle contributions to the motor velocity are computed for several interparticle interaction potential lengths and finite reactant-to-motor particle size ratios, with the dimensionless motor velocity increasing with decreasing motor size. A discussion on Brownian rotation frames the context in which these results could be applicable, and future directions are proposed which properly incorporate reactant advection at high motor velocities.


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No projeto desenvolvido, ligações cruzadas foram formadas no polietileno de alta densidade e alto peso molecular, grade HS5103, através dos processos reticulação por peróxidos e silanos, com o objetivo de se avaliar o efeito da introdução de ligações cruzadas nas propriedades térmicas e mecânicas deste PEAD. Misturas entre o HS5103 e os peróxidos orgânicos, 2,5-Dimetil-2,5-di(terc-butilperoxi)hexano (DHBP) e peróxido de dicumila (DCP), foram produzidas e analisadas para a avaliação do efeito dos tipos de peróxido na reticulação e propriedades do PEAD e para determinação da concentração e do tipo de peróxido a ser utilizado como agente iniciador de reticulação por silano. Ensaios de índice de fluidez (MFI), reometria capilar, extração de polímero por xileno (teor de gel), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC) e tração foram realizados para caracterização das misturas com peróxidos. Os resultados indicaram aumento da viscosidade com o aumento da concentração de peróxido, sendo o DHBP o que apresentou maior índice de aumento; não houve mudanças relevantes nas propriedades mecânicas e, ocorreu aumento do grau de cristalinidade, sendo mais significativo nas amostras com DCP. Após avaliação dos resultados citados, para as amostras a serem reticuladas via silano, foi promovida a graftização de diferentes concentrações de viniltrimetóxisilano (VTMS) na presença de 0,01%p/p de DCP com a adição de 0,05%p/p de catalisador, posteriormente a reticulação foi promovida em água. As amostras produzidas foram caracterizadas por ensaios de teor de gel, análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA), espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (FTIR), TGA, ensaios de desgaste por deslizamento e tração. Nas amostras com silano a formação de ligações cruzadas foi gradativa, apresentando de 8% de gel para amostra com 0,5%p/p de VTMS a 57 % para amostra com1,5% p/p de silano, maior concentração utilizada. A análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA) realizada evidenciou que houve um aumento densidade de ligações cruzadas e do módulo de armazenamento após temperatura de fusão com o teor de silano, concordando com os resultados de teor de gel. As análises de FTIR mostraram que houve a graftização e a formação de ligações cruzadas no PEAD HS5103. Não se observou um aumento significativo para o limite de resistência para o PEAD modificado. E os testes de desgaste por deslizamento indicaram um aumento da resistência ao desgaste das amostras reagidas com VTMS.


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Nos últimos 20-30 anos polímeros biodegradáveis vêm sendo estudados e desenvolvidos e atualmente já são comercializados. Contudo, o custo, a processabilidade e algumas propriedades ainda dificultam a penetração desses polímeros no mercado e a competição com as chamadas commodities. Não são poucos os autores que se dedicam a desenvolver aditivos e formulações para superar essas limitações. Desta forma, esta Tese se dedicou ao desenvolvimento de compósitos de Ecobras, fabricado pela Basf e comercializado pela Corn Products, utilizando como carga mineral resíduo da extração da bauxita, no município de Santa Luzia/PB, o qual consiste em sua totalidade de vermiculita. Esta vermiculita foi quimicamente modificada com sais de alquil fosfônio para melhorar a compatibilidade com a matriz polimérica e também espaçar as camadas de aluminossilicato. De fato, a modificação com o brometo de hexadecil tributil fosfônio resultou na esfoliação da vermiculita tornando-a potencialmente apropriada para a obtenção de nanocompósitos. A preparação dos compósitos foi realizada pelo método de intercalação no estado fundido e foram comparadas a utilização da câmara interna de mistura e da mini extrusora de dupla rosca, sendo esta última mais eficaz na dispersão da vermiculita, conforme revelado pela microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios-X e reometria de placas. O grau de dispersão também foi influenciado pela estrutura química do modificador da vermiculita e pelo teor dessa carga incorporada à matriz. Teores mais elevados levaram a formação de aglomerados, enquanto a modificação da carga implicou na formação de micro e nanocompósitos. Ainda houve alterações das propriedades térmicas com aumento dos valores da temperatura de transição vítrea, de cristalização e fusão, embora o grau de cristalinidade tenha sido mantido. Nitidamente, foram obtidos materiais mais rígidos, com maior módulo e menor capacidade de deformação. Cerca de 58% de perda de massa foi observada para os micro e nanocompósitos obtidos após 17 semanas de enterro em solo simulado para avaliação da biodegradabilidade, valor bem próximo ao Ecobras puro. De modo geral, a incorporação das diferentes vermiculitas retardou nas primeiras semanas a biodegradação, provavelmente em função de modificações na estrutura cristalina, conforme sugerido pelos maiores valores de temperatura de fusão observados durante o acompanhamento do processo de biodegradação. No entanto, após 7 semanas os perfis de biodegradação dos micro e nanocompósitos se aproximaram bastante do Ecobras puro. Desta forma, foi possível nesta Tese obter um nanocompósito de Ecobras com vermiculita modificada com brometo de hexadecil fosfônio utilizando ferramentas comuns de processamento no estado fundido com biodegradabilidade próxima ao polímero de partida, porém mais rígido e menos deformável


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A diffusion-limited kinetic model was developed to describe the imidization of one-step polythioetherimide formation based on an endgroup diffusion model. The changes of conversion and viscosity during the imidization were monitored with thermogravimetric analysis and dynamic stress rheometry, respectively. It was observed that the imidization rate began to decelerate after a fast early stage, whereas the viscosity in the system increased dramatically after a period of low value. Amic acid and imide formations concurrently take place in the one-step polyimide formation, but the formation of amic acid is much slower than that of imide and is the rate-limiting step of imidization. When a second-order kinetic model was used to describe the imidization, the effect of viscosity on the diffusion resistance of reactive groups needed to be included. In order to predict the change of viscosity during the imidization, the Lipshitz-Macosko model was modified and introduced into the diffusion-limited kinetic model by the Stokes-Einstein equation. The comparison of the modeled results with experimental data indicated that the diffusion-limited kinetic model and the modified Lipshitz-Macosko model were able to efficiently predict the changes of conversion and viscosity with temperature and time during the one-step polythioetherimide formation. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Aqueous solutions of amphiphilic polymers usually comprise of inter- and intramolecular associations of hydrophobic groups often leading to a formation of a rheologically significant reversible network at low concentrations that can be identified using techniques such as static light scattering and rheometry. However, in most studies published till date comparing water soluble polymers with their respective amphiphilic derivatives, it has been very difficult to distinguish between the effects of molecular mass versus hydrophobic associations on hydrodynamic (intrinsic viscosity [g]) and thermodynamic parameters (second virial coefficient A2), owing to the differences between their degrees of polymerization. This study focuses on the dilute and semi-dilute solutions of hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and its amphiphilic derivatives (hmHEC) of the same molecular mass, along with other samples having a different molecular mass using capillary viscometry, rheometry and static light scattering. The weight average molecular masses (MW) and their distributions for the nonassociative HEC were determined using size exclusion chromatography. Various empirical approaches developed by past authors to determine [g] from dilute solution viscometry data have been discussed. hmHEC with a sufficiently high degree of hydrophobic modification was found to be forming a rheologically significant network in dilute solutions at very low concentrations as opposed to the hmHEC with a much lower degree of hydrophobic modification which also enveloped the hydrophobic groups inside the supramolecular cluster as shown by their [g] and A2. The ratio A2MW/[g], which takes into account hydrodynamic as well as thermodynamic parameters, was observed to be less for associative polymers compared to that of the non-associative polymers.


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Flavour release from food is determined by the binding of flavours to other food ingredients and the partition of flavour molecules among different phases. Food emulsions are used as delivery systems for food flavours, and tailored structuring in emulsions provides novel means to better control flavour release. The current study investigated four structured oil-in-water emulsions with structuring in the oil phase, oil-water interface, and water phase. Oil phase structuring was achieved by the formation of monoglyceride (MG) liquid crystals in the oil droplets (MG structured emulsions). Structured interface was created by the adsorption of a whey protein isolate (WPI)-pectin double layer at the interface (multilayer emulsion). Water phase structured emulsions referred to emulsion filled protein gels (EFP gels), where emulsion droplets were embedded in WPI gel network, and emulsions with maltodextrins (MDs) of different dextrose-equivalent (DE) values. Flavour compounds with different physicochemical properties were added into the emulsions, and flavour release (release rate, headspace concentration and air-emulsion partition coefficient) was described by GC headspace analysis. Emulsion structures, including crystalline structure, particle size, emulsion stability, rheology, texture, and microstructures, were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction, light scattering, multisample analytical centrifuge, rheometry, texture analysis, and confocal laser scanning microscopy, respectively. In MG structured emulsions, MG self-assembled into liquid crystalline structures and stable β-form crystals were formed after 3 days of storage at 25 °C. The inclusion of MG crystals allowed tween 20 stabilized emulsions to present viscoelastic properties, and it made WPI stabilized emulsions more sensitive to the change of pH and NaCl concentrations. Flavour compounds in MG structured emulsions had lower initial headspace concentration and air-emulsion partition coefficients than those in unstructured emulsions. Flavour release can be modulated by changing MG content, oil content and oil type. WPI-pectin multilayer emulsions were stable at pH 5.0, 4.0, and 3.0, but they presented extensive creaming when subjected to salt solutions with NaCl ≥ 150 mM and mixed with artificial salivas. Increase of pH from 5.0 to 7.0 resulted in higher headspace concentration but unchanged release rate, and increase of NaCl concentration led to increased headspace concentration and release rate. The study also showed that salivas could trigger higher release of hydrophobic flavours and lower release of hydrophilic flavours. In EFP gels, increases in protein content and oil content contributed to gels with higher storage modulus and force at breaking. Flavour compounds had significantly reduced release rates and air-emulsion partition coefficients in the gels than the corresponding ungelled emulsions, and the reduction was in line with the increase of protein content. Gels with stronger gel network but lower oil content were prepared, and lower or unaffected release rates of the flavours were observed. In emulsions containing maltodextrins, water was frozen at a much lower temperature, and emulsion stability was greatly improved when subjected to freeze-thawing. Among different MDs, MD DE 6 offered the emulsion the highest stability. Flavours had lower air-emulsion partition coefficients in the emulsions with MDs than those in the emulsion without MD. Moreover, the involvement of MDs in the emulsions allowed most flavours had similar release profiles before and after freeze-thaw treatment. The present study provided information about different structured emulsions as delivery systems for flavour compounds, and on how food structure can be designed to modulate flavour release, which could be helpful in the development of functional foods with improved flavour profile.


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The purpose of this study was to mathematically characterize the effects of defined experimental parameters (probe speed and the ratio of the probe diameter to the diameter of sample container) on the textural/mechanical properties of model gel systems. In addition, this study examined the applicability of dimensional analysis for the rheological interpretation of textural data in terms of shear stress and rate of shear. Aqueous gels (pH 7) were prepared containing 15% w/w poly(methylvinylether-co-maleic anhydride) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) (0, 3, 6, or 9% w/w). Texture profile analysis (TPA) was performed using a Stable Micro Systems texture analyzer (model TA-XT 2; Surrey, UK) in which an analytical probe was twice compressed into each formulation to a defined depth (15 mm) and at defined rates (1, 3, 5, 8, and 10 mm s-1), allowing a delay period (15 s) between the end of the first and beginning of the second compressions. Flow rheograms were performed using a Carri-Med CSL2-100 rheometer (TA Instruments, Surrey, UK) with parallel plate geometry under controlled shearing stresses at 20.0°?±?0.1°C. All formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow with no thixotropy. Increasing concentrations of PVP significantly increased formulation hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, and consistency. Increased hardness, compressibility, and consistency were ascribed to enhanced polymeric entanglements, thereby increasing the resistance to deformation. Increasing probe speed increased formulation hardness in a linear manner, because of the effects of probe speed on probe displacement and surface area. The relationship between formulation hardness and probe displacement was linear and was dependent on probe speed. Furthermore, the proportionality constant (gel strength) increased as a function of PVP concentration. The relationship between formulation hardness and diameter ratio was biphasic and was statistically defined by two linear relationships relating to diameter ratios from 0 to 0.4 and from 0.4 to 0.563. The dramatically increased hardness, associated with diameter ratios in excess of 0.4, was accredited to boundary effects, that is, the effect of the container wall on product flow. Using dimensional analysis, the hardness and probe displacement in TPA were mathematically transformed into corresponding rheological parameters, namely shearing stress and rate of shear, thereby allowing the application of the power law (??=?k?n) to textural data. Importantly, the consistencies (k) of the formulations, calculated using transformed textural data, were statistically similar to those obtained using flow rheometry. In conclusion, this study has, firstly, characterized the relationships between textural data and two key instrumental parameters in TPA and, secondly, described a method by which rheological information may be derived using this technique. This will enable a greater application of TPA for the rheological characterization of pharmaceutical gels and, in addition, will enable efficient interpretation of textural data under different experimental parameters.


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This study describes the formulation and physicochemical characterization of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) organogels, designed as bioactive implants for improved treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity. Organogels were formulated containing a range of concentrations of PAA (3-10% w/w) and metronidazole (2 or 5% w/w, representing a model antimicrobial agent) in different nonaqueous solvents, namely, glycerol (Gly), polyethylene glycol (PEG 400), or propylene glycol (PG). Characterization of the organogels was performed using flow rheometry, compressional analysis, oscillatory rheometry, in vitro mucoadhesion, moisture uptake, and drug release, methods that provide information pertaining to the nonclinical and clinical use of these systems. Increasing the concentration of PAA significantly increased the consistency, compressibility, storage modulus, loss modulus, dynamic viscosity, mucoadhesion, and the rate of drug release. These observations may be accredited to enhanced molecular polymer entanglement. In addition, the choice of solvent directly affected the physicochemical parameters of the organogels, with noticeable differences observed between the three solvents examined. These differences were accredited to the nature of the interaction of PAA with each solvent and, importantly, the density of the resultant physical cross-links. Good correlation was observed between the viscoelastic properties and drug release, with the exception of glycerol-based formulations containing 5 and 10% w/w PAA. This disparity was due to excessive swelling during the dissolution analysis. Ideally, formulations should exhibit controlled drug release, high viscoelasticity, and mucoadhesion, but should flow under minimal stresses. Based on these criteria, PEG 400-based organogels composed of 5% or 10% w/w PAA exhibited suitable physicochemical properties and are suggested to be a potentially interesting strategy for use as bioactive implants designed for use in the oral cavity. © 2008 American Chemical Society.


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In this study, a series of hydrogels was synthesized by free radical polymerization, namely poly(2-(hydroxyethyl) methacrylate) (pHEMA), poly(4-(hydroxybutyl)methacrylate) (pHBMA), poly(6-(hydroxyhexyl)methacrylate) (pHHMA), and copolymers composed of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAA), methacrylic acid (MA), NIPAA, and the above monomers. The surface, mechanical, and swelling properties (at 20 and 37 degrees C, pH 6) of the polymers were determined using dynamic contact angle analysis, tensile analysis, and thermogravimetry, respectively. The T-g and lower critical solution temperatures (LCST) were determined using modulated DSC and oscillatory rheometry, respectively. Drug loading of the hydrogels with chlorhexidine diacetate was performed by immersion in a drug solution at 20 degrees C (


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This study describes the thermorheological, mechanical and drug release properties of novel, light-activated antimicrobial implants. Hydrogels, based on N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAA) and hydroxyethyl methacryl ate (HEMA) and either devoid of or containing zinc tetraphenylporphyrin, were prepared by free radical polymerisation and characterised using oscillatory rheometry and texture profile analysis. Drug release was studied at both 20 and 37 degrees C. Hydrogels containing NIPAA exhibited a sol-gel temperature (Tin), which increased as the proportion of HEMA increased and was


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Despite their widespread use, there is a paucity of information concerning the effect of storage on the rheological properties of pharmaceutical gels that contain organic and inorganic additives. Therefore, this study examined the effect of storage (1 month at either 4 or 37 degrees C) on the rheological and mechanical properties of gels composed of either hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (3-5% w/w, HPMC) or hydroxyethylcellulose (3-5% w/w, HEC) and containing or devoid of dispersed organic (tetracycline hydrochloride 2% w/w) or inorganic (iron oxide 0.1% w/w) agents. The mechanical properties were measured using texture profile analysis whereas the rheological properties were analyzed using continuous shear rheometry and modeled using the Power Law model. All formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow with minimal thixotropy. Increasing polymer concentration (3-5% w/w) significantly increased the consistency, hardness, compressibility, and adhesiveness of the formulations due to increased polymer chain entanglement. Following storage (I month at 4 and 37 degrees C) the consistency and mechanical properties of additive free HPMC gets (but not HEC gels) increased, due to the time-dependent development of polymer chain entanglements. Incorporation of tetracycline hydrochloride significantly decreased and increased the rheological and mechanical properties of HPMC and HEC gels, respectively. Conversely, the incorporation of iron oxide did not affect these properties. Following storage, the rheological and mechanical properties of HPMC and HEC formulations were markedly compromised. This effect was greater following storage at 37 than at 4 degrees C and, additionally, greater in the presence of tetracycline hydrochloride than iron oxide. It is suggested that the loss of rheological/mechanical structure was due to chain depolymerization, facilitated by the redox properties of tetracycline hydrochloride and iron oxide. These observations have direct implications for the design and formulation of gels containing an active pharmaceutical ingredient. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This study examined the mechanical/textural, viscoeiastic and mucoadhesive properties of a range of aqueous gels composed of either hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) or sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na CMC). The mechanical/textural properties of each formulation were determined using texture profile analysis. The viscoelastic properties of each formulation were examined over a defined frequency range (0.01-1.0 Hz) using oscillatory rheometry in conjunction with stainless steel parallel plate geometry. The mucoadhesive properties of the gels were evaluated by measuring the tensile force required to overcome the gel/mucin adhesive interaction. Both gel hardness and compressibility, properties that affect the ease of product removal from a container and spreadability, increased as a function of increasing polymer concentrations. This is attributed to the effects of HEC and Na CMC on gel viscosity. Gel adhesiveness, a property related to bioadhesion, also increased as a function of polymer concentration and is attributed to the reported adhesive nature of these polymers. Increasing frequency of oscillation increased the storage and loss moduli yet decreased bath the dynamic viscosity of each gel type and also the loss tangent of HEC (but not Na CMC) gels. Therefore, following exposure to the range of oscillatory stresses that may be expected in vivo, HEC gels will be more susceptible than Na CMC gels to alterations in these rheological properties. Consequently, it would be expected that the clinical performance of HEC gels will be modified to a greater extent than Na CMC gels. In general, HEC gels exhibited a greater elastic nature than Na CMC gels over the frequency range employed for oscillation The storage and loss moduli and dynamic viscosity of both gel types increased, yet the loss tangent of both gel types decreased as a function of increasing polymer concentration. Gel mucoadhesive strength was dependent on both the time of contact of the formulation with mucin and also on polymer concentration. In conclusion, this study has characterised a number of gels containing either HEC or Na CMC in terms of their mechanical/textural, viscoelastic and mucoadhesive properties. Due to its relevance to the clinical performance, it is suggested that the information derived from these methods may be usefully combined to provide a more rational basis for the selection of polymers and their formulation as topical drug delivery systems. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Poly(vinyl alcohol)-tetrahydroxyborate (PVA-THB) hydrogels are dilatant formulations with potential for topical wound management. To support this contention, the physical properties, rheological behaviour and component release of candidate formulations were investigated. Oscillatory rheometry and texture profile analysis were used at room temperature and 37 °C. Results showed that it was possible to control the rheological and textural properties by altering component concentration and modifying the type of PVA polymer used. Hydrogels made using PVA grades with higher degrees of hydrolysis displayed favourable characteristics from a wound healing perspective. In vitro release of borate and PVA were assessed in order to evaluate potential clinical dosing of free species originating from the hydrogel structure. Component diffusion was influenced by both concentration and molecular weight, where relevant, with up to 5% free PVA cumulative release observed after 30 min. The results of this study demonstrated the importance of poly(vinyl alcohol) selection for ensuring appropriate gel formation in PVA-THB hydrogels. The benefits of higher degrees of hydrolysis, in particular, included lower excipient release and reduced bioadhesion. The unique physical characteristics of these hydrogels make them an appealing delivery vehicle for chronic and acute wound management purposes.


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O trabalho apresentado tem por objetivo contribuir para a valorização da borracha proveniente de pneus em fim de vida, assente em princípios de sustentabilidade ambiental. A abordagem adotada para a concretização deste objetivo consiste na incorporação de borracha de pneus em formulações de base termoplástica e elastomérica (TPE), adequadas ao processo de moldação por injeção. São desenvolvidos estudos sobre a morfologia, propriedades mecânicas, térmicas e reológicas das ligas poliméricas à base de granulado de borracha de pneu (GTR). A falta de adesão entre o GTR e a matriz polimérica leva à degradação das propriedades mecânicas dos materiais obtidos. A estratégia explorada passa pela utilização de um elastómero para promover o encapsulamento do GTR e, desta forma, procurar obter ligas com propriedades mecânicas características de um TPE. São analisadas ligas ternárias (TPEGTR) compostas por polipropileno (PP) de elevada fluidez, GTR e elastómero virgem. O efeito da presença de diferentes elastómeros nas ligas é analisado neste trabalho: um elastómero de etilenopropileno- dieno (EPDM), e um novo elastómero de etileno-propileno (EPR) obtido por catálise metalocénica. O estudo da morfologia das ligas obtidas mostra haver interação entre os materiais, sendo possível inferir a viabilidade da estratégia adotada para promover a adesão do GTR. A incorporação de elastómero promove o aumento da resistência ao impacto e da extensão na rotura nas ligas, o que é atribuído, fundamentalmente, ao encapsulamento do GTR e ao aumento da tenacidade da matriz termoplástica. Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da estrutura cristalina das ligas TPEGTR no seu comportamento mecânico, procede-se à análise do processo de cristalização sob condições isotérmicas e não isotérmicas. Neste estudo, é avaliado o efeito da presença dos materiais que constituem a fase elastomérica na cinética de cristalização. Para cada uma das ligas desenvolvidas, recorre-se ao modelo de Avrami para avaliar o efeito da temperatura no mecanismo de nucleação, na morfologia das estruturas cristalinas e na taxa de cristalização. Recorre-se à reometria capilar para estudar, sob condições estacionárias, o comportamento reológico das ligas TPEGTR. O modelo de Cross-WLF é utilizado para avaliar o comportamento reológico de todos os materiais, obtendo-se resultados similares àqueles obtidos experimentalmente. O comportamento reológico dos polímeros PP, EPR e EPDM é do tipo reofluidificante, tendo o EPR um comportamento reológico similar ao do PP e o EPDM um comportamento reo-fluidificante mais pronunciado. Em todas as ligas analisadas o comportamento reológico revela-se do tipo reo-fluidificante, sendo que a presença de GTR promove o aumento da viscosidade. Os parâmetros obtidos do modelo de Cross-WLF são utilizados para realizar a simulação da etapa de injeção recorrendo a um software comercial. Os resultados obtidos são validados experimentalmente pelo processo de moldação por injeção, evidenciando uma boa adequabilidade da aplicação deste modelo a estas ligas. O trabalho desenvolvido sobre ligas TPEGTR, constitui um contributo para a valorização da borracha proveniente de pneus em fim de vida, assente em princípios de sustentabilidade ambiental.


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L’accident thromboembolique veineux, tel que la thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) ou thrombophlébite des membres inférieurs, est une pathologie vasculaire caractérisée par la formation d’un caillot sanguin causant une obstruction partielle ou totale de la lumière sanguine. Les embolies pulmonaires sont une complication mortelle des TVP qui surviennent lorsque le caillot se détache, circule dans le sang et produit une obstruction de la ramification artérielle irriguant les poumons. La combinaison d’outils et de techniques d’imagerie cliniques tels que les règles de prédiction cliniques (signes et symptômes) et les tests sanguins (D-dimères) complémentés par un examen ultrasonographique veineux (test de compression, écho-Doppler), permet de diagnostiquer les premiers épisodes de TVP. Cependant, la performance de ces outils diagnostiques reste très faible pour la détection de TVP récurrentes. Afin de diriger le patient vers une thérapie optimale, la problématique n’est plus basée sur la détection de la thrombose mais plutôt sur l’évaluation de la maturité et de l’âge du thrombus, paramètres qui sont directement corrélées à ses propriétés mécaniques (e.g. élasticité, viscosité). L’élastographie dynamique (ED) a récemment été proposée comme une nouvelle modalité d’imagerie non-invasive capable de caractériser quantitativement les propriétés mécaniques de tissus. L’ED est basée sur l’analyse des paramètres acoustiques (i.e. vitesse, atténuation, pattern de distribution) d’ondes de cisaillement basses fréquences (10-7000 Hz) se propageant dans le milieu sondé. Ces ondes de cisaillement générées par vibration externe, ou par source interne à l’aide de la focalisation de faisceaux ultrasonores (force de radiation), sont mesurées par imagerie ultrasonore ultra-rapide ou par résonance magnétique. Une méthode basée sur l’ED adaptée à la caractérisation mécanique de thromboses veineuses permettrait de quantifier la sévérité de cette pathologie à des fins d’amélioration diagnostique. Cette thèse présente un ensemble de travaux reliés au développement et à la validation complète et rigoureuse d’une nouvelle technique d’imagerie non-invasive élastographique pour la mesure quantitative des propriétés mécaniques de thromboses veineuses. L’atteinte de cet objectif principal nécessite une première étape visant à améliorer les connaissances sur le comportement mécanique du caillot sanguin (sang coagulé) soumis à une sollicitation dynamique telle qu’en ED. Les modules de conservation (comportement élastique, G’) et de perte (comportement visqueux, G’’) en cisaillement de caillots sanguins porcins sont mesurés par ED lors de la cascade de coagulation (à 70 Hz), et après coagulation complète (entre 50 Hz et 160 Hz). Ces résultats constituent les toutes premières mesures du comportement dynamique de caillots sanguins dans une gamme fréquentielle aussi étendue. L’étape subséquente consiste à mettre en place un instrument innovant de référence (« gold standard »), appelé RheoSpectris, dédié à la mesure de la viscoélasticité hyper-fréquence (entre 10 Hz et 1000 Hz) des matériaux et biomatériaux. Cet outil est indispensable pour valider et calibrer toute nouvelle technique d’élastographie dynamique. Une étude comparative entre RheoSpectris et la rhéométrie classique est réalisée afin de valider des mesures faites sur différents matériaux (silicone, thermoplastique, biomatériaux, gel). L’excellente concordance entre les deux technologies permet de conclure que RheoSpectris est un instrument fiable pour la mesure mécanique à des fréquences difficilement accessibles par les outils actuels. Les bases théoriques d’une nouvelle modalité d’imagerie élastographique, nommée SWIRE (« shear wave induced resonance dynamic elastography »), sont présentées et validées sur des fantômes vasculaires. Cette approche permet de caractériser les propriétés mécaniques d’une inclusion confinée (e.g. caillot sanguin) à partir de sa résonance (amplification du déplacement) produite par la propagation d’ondes de cisaillement judicieusement orientées. SWIRE a également l’avantage d’amplifier l’amplitude de vibration à l’intérieur de l’hétérogénéité afin de faciliter sa détection et sa segmentation. Finalement, la méthode DVT-SWIRE (« Deep venous thrombosis – SWIRE ») est adaptée à la caractérisation de l’élasticité quantitative de thromboses veineuses pour une utilisation en clinique. Cette méthode exploite la première fréquence de résonance mesurée dans la thrombose lors de la propagation d’ondes de cisaillement planes (vibration d’une plaque externe) ou cylindriques (simulation de la force de radiation par génération supersonique). DVT-SWIRE est appliquée sur des fantômes simulant une TVP et les résultats sont comparés à ceux donnés par l’instrument de référence RheoSpectris. Cette méthode est également utilisée avec succès dans une étude ex vivo pour l’évaluation de l’élasticité de thromboses porcines explantées après avoir été induites in vivo par chirurgie.