995 resultados para reproduction physiology


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This thesis deals with the reproductive physiology of the two species of Indian sea mussels, namely the brown mussel perna indica and the green mussel p viridis .The major aspects of the study include ecophysiology of reproduction linking up the animal reproductive cycle of the animals with the ecological conditions of the natural mussel beds, biochemical and histochemical changes associated with reproduction and neurosecretory cycle in synchrony with the reproductive cycle. Some basic studies on gamete morphology and certain aspects of gamete physiology have been taken up. The experimental work deals with the influence of different feeding levels on gamatogenesis and maturation and the effect of ganglia ablation on spawning. The material for the investigation on perna indica were collected from the natural mussel beds at Vizhinjam near Trivandrum and on p.viridic from Elathur, near Calicut. The period of observation extended from October 1981 to December 1982.


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At present, there is paucity of information regarding the breeding biology, especially from southeastern region, which differs in its climatic features from northeastern coastal areas, where some attempts have been made to study the biology of the fish, though not documented in detail (Jhingran and Natarajan, I969; Patnaik and Jena, 1976; Kowtal, 1977; Roy e_t _a_l_., I977). The present work, first to undertake detailed investigation into reproductive aspects of the fish from India is not only confined to biology, but extend to the study on histological as well as physiological changes in the processes associated with natural reproductive cycle. The main objective of the study is to develop a background for the standardisation of subsequent artificial propagation techniques for the Sea Dass The thesis is presented in three chapters. The first chapter; general introduction, surveys the literature pertaining to the status of research on Lates calcarifer with specific reference to reproduction and acquaculture. The second chapter entitled, materials and methods gives description regarding collection of specimens as well as samples in addition to the various analytical methodologies employed during the study.


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’l‘he reproductive physiology of the female palaemonid prawn M. idella has been investigated by adopting a comprehensive approach to the problem. The major aspects of the study included investigations on breeding biology and process of oogenesis, variations in the biochemical components in relation to maturation, neuroendocrine relations and control over reproduction, and artificial insemination. The prawns used in the present study were procured from Vembanad Lake at Panavally village - a place nearly 20 km. away from Cochin. The studies were carried out using standard histological and biochemical methods. The modern technique of electroejaculation was adopted for extrusion of spermatophores in artificial insemination experiment.


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The vast areas of derelict swamps covered by macrophyton and swarmed by insects scattered in different parts of India are at present either under total negligence or utilized as waste disposal dumps. Eventhough Indian subcontinent is ranked among the first ten fish producing countries in the world, the fish production is not at par with the increasing need of protein in the average Indian diet. So the water areas which become unusable for conventional human activities like the swamps could be used for fish culture which would increase the availability of protein in the form of fish flesh, thus providing new opportunities to the fishermen. But the conversion of swamps for fish culture would entail considerable expenditure. Hence the significance of a group of fresh water fishes which have made their favourable abode the muddy swamps of tropics depending partly on accessory _respiration to survive in the inimical environment. The homeostasis achieved in such a hostile, hypoxic medium make them excellent choices for culture in the derelict freshwater bodies of India. These air breathing fishes form an economically important group which are highly esteemed as food fishes in many parts of South Asia and Africa. Though their natural habitat seems to be the marshes, they have also conquered other freshwater bodies like ponds, tanks, rivers and flooded paddy fields. They can also tolerate slightly brackish waters. They are known for their nutritive, invigorating and therapeutic qualities and are recommended by physicians as diet during convalescence (Jhingran, 1982)


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From the point of view of rational exploitation and proper management of the fishery resources as well as for the development of intensive aquaculture of fishes through selective breeding, brood stock development, domestication and genetic improvement, a sound knowledge of reproductive biology and physiology of the candidate species is of great importance. In recent times, a wealth of information on maturity, spawning habits, spawning periodicity, spawning season, size at maturity and fecundity of commercially important fishes has been generated. Gametogenesis involves the transformation of Primordial germ cells in the gonads into specialised cells or gametes, namely ova in the female and sperms in male, through a series of complex morphological and cytological events. The formation of male gamete is known as spermatogenesis. In the female, the primary growth phase involving the formation of primary oocyte from oogonia is known as oogenesis, which would be followed by the secondary growth phase, in which considerable increase in the size of the oocyte occurs, due mainly to accumulation of yolk. This process is known as vitellogenesis, which would be followed by final maturation and ovulation of the ova. In the present work, basic aspects of maturation and spawning, salient features of gametogenesis and associated biochemical changes occurring during these processes in an important cultivable fish, Sillago sihama belonging to the family Sillaginidae have been investigated.


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The relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors in determining variation in life-history traits is of central interest to evolutionary biologists, but the physiological mechanisms underlying these traits are still poorly understood. Here we experimentally demonstrate opposing effects of nutritional stress on immune function, endocrine physiology, parental care, and reproduction between red and black head-color morphs of the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Although the body condition of black morphs was largely unaffected by diet manipulation, red birds were highly sensitive to dietary changes, exhibiting considerable within-individual changes in condition and immune function. Consequently, nutritionally stressed red birds delayed breeding, produced smaller broods, and reared fewer and lower-quality foster offspring than black morphs. Differences in offspring quality were largely due to morph-specific differences in parental effort: red morphs reduced parental provisioning, whereas black morphs adaptively elevated their provisioning effort to meet the increased nutritional demands of their foster brood. Nutritionally stressed genetic morphs also exhibited divergent glucocorticoid responses. Black morphs showed reduced corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) concentrations and increased levels of free corticosterone, whereas red morphs exhibited reduced free corticosterone levels and elevated CBG concentrations. These opposing glucocorticoid responses highlight intrinsic differences in endocrine sensitivities and plasticity between genetic morphs, which may underlie the morph-specific differences in condition, behavior, and reproduction and thus ultimately contribute to the evolution and maintenance of color polymorphism.


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In cattle, proestrus begins with the initiation of luteolysis and ends with initiation of estrus and the GnRH/LH surge. This period is marked by a dramatic decrease in circulating progesterone (P4) that reaches a nadir by about 36-48 h in cows undergoing natural or prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF)-induced luteolysis. Inadequate luteolysis is a cause of reduced fertility particularly in timed AI programs with small elevations in circulating P4 reducing fertility. Increasing circulating estradiol (E2) during proestrus is dependent on presence, size, and function of the dominant follicle and this varies during natural proestrus, due to whether animals have two or three follicular waves, and during PGF-induced proestrus, according to stage of the follicular wave at time of PGF treatment. Inadequate circulating E2 can limit fertility and increase pregnancy loss in some specific circumstances such as in cows with low BCS and in cows during heat stress. Thus, studies to optimize the length of proestrus and the concentrations of E2 and P4 during proestrus could produce substantial improvements in fertility and reductions in pregnancy loss.


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Insects are able to combat infection by initiating an efficient immune response that involves synthesizing antimicrobial peptides and a range of other defense molecules. These responses may be costly to the organism, resulting in it exploiting endogenous resources to maintain homeostasis or support defense to the detriment of other physiological needs. We used queenless worker bees on distinct dietary regimes that may alter hemolymph protein storage and ovary activation to investigate the physiological costs of infection with Serratia marcescens. The expression of the genes encoding the storage proteins vitellogenin and hexamerin 70a, the vitellogenin receptor, and vasa (which has a putative role in reproduction), was impaired in the infected bees. This impairment was mainly evident in the bees fed beebread, which caused significantly higher expression of these genes than did royal jelly or syrup, and this was confirmed at the vitellogenin and hexamerin 70a protein levels. Beebread was also the only diet that promoted ovary activation in the queenless bees, but this activation was significantly impaired by the infection. The expression of the genes encoding the storage proteins apolipophorins-I and -III and the lipophorin receptor was not altered by infection regardless the diet provided to the bees. Similarly, the storage of apolipophorin-I in the hemolymph was only slightly impaired by the infection, independently of the supplied diet. Taken together these results indicate that, infection demands a physiological cost from the transcription of specific protein storage-related genes and from the reproductive capacity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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So far, implantation is a poorly understood process, which involves several paradoxical cell-biological mechanisms. First, 50% of the embryo is paternal and immunologically foreign material, and second, both the endometrium and embryo are covered by epithelial tissue to prevent cellular fusion. The adhesion and invasion of the blastocyst require an accurate coordination of embryonic and endometrial physiology and the modulation of maternal immune tolerance. Endometrial function plays an important role in assisted reproduction. Pathologies such as fibroids, hydrosalpinges, endometriosis and the polycystic ovary syndrome have a significant negative impact on implantation but can be treated in most cases. Therapeutic strategies to improve endometrial and embryonic function in recurrent implantation disorders are however still controversially discussed.


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In several species, a family of nuclear receptors, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) composed of three isotypes, is expressed in somatic cells and germ cells of the ovary as well as the testis. Invalidation of these receptors in mice or stimulation of these receptors in vivo or in vitro showed that each receptor has physiological roles in the gamete maturation or the embryo development. In addition, synthetic PPAR gamma ligands are recently used to induce ovulation in women with polycystic ovary disease. These results reveal the positive actions of PPAR in reproduction. On the other hand, xenobiotics molecules (in herbicides, plasticizers, or components of personal care products), capable of activating PPAR, may disrupt normal PPAR functions in the ovary or the testis and have consequences on the quality of the gametes and the embryos. Despite the recent data obtained on the biological actions of PPARs in reproduction, relatively little is known about PPARs in gametes and embryos. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the expression and the function of PPARs as well as their partners, retinoid X receptors (RXRs), in germ cells and preimplantation embryos. The effects of natural and synthetic PPAR ligands will also be discussed from the perspectives of reproductive toxicology and assisted reproductive technology.


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Ocean warming and ocean acidification, both consequences of anthropogenic production of CO2, will combine to influence the physiological performance of many species in the marine environment. In this study, we used an integrative approach to forecast the impact of future ocean conditions on larval purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) from the northeast Pacific Ocean. In laboratory experiments that simulated ocean warming and ocean acidification, we examined larval development, skeletal growth, metabolism and patterns of gene expression using an orthogonal comparison of two temperature (13°C and 18°C) and pCO2 (400 and 1100 µatm) conditions. Simultaneous exposure to increased temperature and pCO2 significantly reduced larval metabolism and triggered a widespread downregulation of histone encoding genes. pCO2 but not temperature impaired skeletal growth and reduced the expression of a major spicule matrix protein, suggesting that skeletal growth will not be further inhibited by ocean warming. Importantly, shifts in skeletal growth were not associated with developmental delay. Collectively, our results indicate that global change variables will have additive effects that exceed thresholds for optimized physiological performance in this keystone marine species.


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Reproduction in many organisms can be disrupted by changes to the physical environment, such as those predicted to occur during climate change. Marine organisms face the dual climate change threats of increasing temperature and ocean acidification, yet no studies have examined the potential interactive effects of these stressors on reproduction in marine fishes. We used a long-term experiment to test the interactive effects of increased temperature and CO2 on the reproductive performance of the anemonefish, Amphiprion melanopus. Adult breeding pairs were kept for 10 months at three temperatures, 28.5°C (+0.0°C), 30.0°C (+1.5°C) and 31.5°C (+3.0°C), cross-factored with 3 CO2 levels, a current day control (417 µatm) and moderate (644 µatm) and high (1134 µatm) treatments consistent with the range of CO2 projections for the year 2100 under RCP8.5. We recorded each egg clutch produced during the breeding season, the number of eggs laid per clutch, average egg size, fertilization success, survival to hatching, hatchling length and yolk provisioning. Adult body condition, hepatosomatic index, gonadosomatic index, and plasma 17beta-estradiol concentrations were measured at the end of the breeding season to determine the effect of prolonged exposure to increased temperature and elevated CO2 on adults, and to examine potential physiological mechanisms for changes in reproduction. Temperature had by far the stronger influence on reproduction, with clear declines in reproduction occurring in the +1.5°C treatment and ceasing altogether in the +3.0°C treatment. In contrast, CO2 had a minimal effect on the majority of reproductive traits measured, but caused a decline in offspring quality in combination with elevated temperature. We detected no significant effect of temperature or CO2 on adult body condition or hepatosomatic index. Elevated temperature had a significant negative effect on plasma 17beta-estradiol concentrations, suggesting that declines in reproduction with increasing temperature were due to the thermal sensitivity of reproductive hormones rather than a reduction in energy available for reproduction. Our results show that elevated temperature exerts a stronger influence than high CO2 on reproduction in A. melanopus. Understanding how these two environmental variables interact to affect the reproductive performance of marine organisms will be important for predicting the future impacts of climate change.


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Funded by OPTIMA Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Institute Strategic Programme Energy Grasses & Biorefining. Grant Number: BBS/E/W/10963A01 Defra GIANT LINK


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v. 1-2 edited by Dr. M. Camis; v. 3-4, by Gordon M. Holmes; v.5, by M.S. Pembrey.