963 resultados para relative chlorophyll index


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Avaliou-se o efeito da ausência e da aplicação de três doses de nitrogênio (50, 100 e 200 kg ha-1 de N) e quatro épocas de corte no inverno/primavera (julho a outubro) sobre a produtividade de massa seca (PMS), os teores relativos de clorofila (ICF _ índice de clorofila foliar) e os teores de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e lignina, bem como suas respectivas correlações nos capins tanzânia e mombaça após o consórcio com milho em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As maiores PMS ocorreram com o aumento do fotoperíodo (a partir de agosto), no entanto, as respostas à adubação nitrogenada ao longo dos cortes diferiram entre e dentre os capins. em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária irrigado sob condições de cerrado, é tecnicamente viável o estabelecimento dos capins tanzânia e mombaça em consórcio com o milho no momento da semeadura ou por ocasião da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, visto que, mesmo na ausência de adubação nitrogenada, foi produzida quantidade satisfatória de forragem, com PMS média de 2.000 kg ha-1 por corte na época de maior escassez de volumoso para os animais (inverno/primavera). A adubação nitrogenada após a colheita do milho eleva a PMS e melhora a composição bromatológica dos capins, com aumento dos teores relativos de clorofila e PB no inverno/primavera, além de aumento dos teores de NDT e redução dos teores de FDN e FDA até o mês de setembro. O índice de clorofila foliar pode ser utilizado para estimar a PMS e o teor de PB, bem como indicar a necessidade de adubação nitrogenada dos capins tanzânia e mombaça submetidos a corte.


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Low temperature injury (LTI) of roses (Rosa hybrida L.) is difficult to assess by visual observation. Relative chlorophyll fluorescence (CF; F-v/F-m) is a non-invasive technique that provides an index of stress effects on photosystem 11 (PS 11) activity. This instrumental technique allows determination of the photosynthetic efficiency of plant tissues containing chloroplasts, such as rose leaves. In the present study, pre- and Post-Storage measurements of F-v/F-m were carried out to assess LTI in 'First Red' and 'Akito' roses harvested year round. Relationships between the pre-harvest environment conditions of temperature, relative humidity and photon flux density (PFD), F-v/F-m, and, vase life duration after storage are reported. After harvest, roses were stored at 1, 5 and 10 degrees C for 10 days. Non-stored roses were the control treatment. F-v/F-m ratios were reduced following storage, suggesting LTI of roses. However, reductions in F-v/F-m were not closely correlated with reduced vase life duration and were seasonally dependent. Only during winter experiments was F-v/F-m of roses stored at 1 degrees C significantly (P <= 0.001) lower compared to F-v/F-m of non-stored control roses and roses stored at 5 and 10 degrees C. Thus, the fall of F-v/F-m was due to an interaction of growing season and storage at 1 degrees C. Vase lives of roses grown during winter were significantly (P <= 0.001) shorter compared to roses grown during summer. Length of vase life was intermediate for roses grown during autumn and spring. Because of the lack of correlation between F-v/F-m and post-storage vase life it is concluded that the CF parameter F-v/F-m is nota practical index for assessing LTI in cold-stored roses. Higher PFD and temperature in summer were positively and significantly correlated with maintenance of post-storage FvIF ratios and longer vase life. It is suggested that shorter vase lives and lower post-storage F-v/F-m values after storage at 1 degrees C are consequences of reduced photosynthesis and smaller carbohydrate pools in winter-harvested roses. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Azimuthally polarized beams, focused by a high-numerical-aperture (NA) objective lens, form a hollow intensity distribution near the focus, which is appropriate for trapping low-refractive-index particles, in contrast to common linearly polarized or radially polarized beams. In this paper, the field distribution of the azimuthally polarized beam focused by a high-NA objective is described by the vectorial diffraction integral, and then the radiation forces on spherical particles with different parameters such as radius and refractive index are calculated by the T-matrix method. Numerical results show that the azimuthally polarized beam not only can steadily trap low-refractive-index particles at the focus center but also can trap multiple high-refractive-index particles around the focus center by virtue of the hollow-ring configuration. The range of the sizes of low-refractive-index particles that can be trapped steadily are presented, corresponding to different parameters such as the NA of the objective and the relative refractive index, based on which the NA of the objective can be selected to trap the appropriate size of particles. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Purpose. To examine the relative reliability and absolute reliability of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients (PASS) in chronic stroke patients. Method. A total of 52 mild to moderate stroke patients, who had a stroke more than 6 months previously, participated in the study. Both balance measures were administered twice, seven days apart, to the patients. A relative reliability index (intra-class correlation coefficient, ICC2,1) was used to examine the level of agreement between test and retest. Absolute reliability indices, including the Bland and Altman method, the standard error of measurement (SEM), and the smallest real differences (SRD), were used to define the extent to which a balance score varies on test-retest measurements. Results. Test-retest agreements were high (ICC2,1: BBS = 0.98; PASS = 0.97), indicating excellent agreement from a relative perspective. The SEM of the BBS and PASS, representing the smallest change threshold that indicates a real improvement for a group of individuals, were 2.4 and 1.1, respectively. The SRD of the BBS and PASS were 6.7 and 3.2, respectively, exhibiting the smallest change threshold that indicates a real improvement for a single individual. Conclusions. The test-retest agreements of the BBS and PASS were high in mild to moderate chronic stroke patients. The thresholds of both measures to detect real change are acceptable in research and clinical settings.


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The relative chlorophyll determination is used to predict the need for nitrogen fertilization aiming to increase production in various cultures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the soil nitrogen dose response added to the soil via fertigation in radish production and the relation between chlorophyll and cultivar Redondo Vermelho leaf nitrogen content. Transverse diameter of root, leaf area, green index, leaf N contents, shoots (stem) production, number of commercial and noncommercial roots, and the total commercial mass roots were evaluated. The N doses didn't interfere in the radish production and the readings taken with portable chlorophyll meter are not very accurate in ascertaining the level of N on radish plant growth.


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Leaf nitrogen and leaf surface area influence the exchange of gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, and play a significant role in the global cycles of carbon, nitrogen and water. The purpose of this study is to use field-based and satellite remote-sensing-based methods to assess leaf nitrogen pools in five diverse European agricultural landscapes located in Denmark, Scotland (United Kingdom), Poland, the Netherlands and Italy. REGFLEC (REGularized canopy reFLECtance) is an advanced image-based inverse canopy radiative transfer modelling system which has shown proficiency for regional mapping of leaf area index (LAI) and leaf chlorophyll (CHLl) using remote sensing data. In this study, high spatial resolution (10–20 m) remote sensing images acquired from the multispectral sensors aboard the SPOT (Satellite For Observation of Earth) satellites were used to assess the capability of REGFLEC for mapping spatial variations in LAI, CHLland the relation to leaf nitrogen (Nl) data in five diverse European agricultural landscapes. REGFLEC is based on physical laws and includes an automatic model parameterization scheme which makes the tool independent of field data for model calibration. In this study, REGFLEC performance was evaluated using LAI measurements and non-destructive measurements (using a SPAD meter) of leaf-scale CHLl and Nl concentrations in 93 fields representing crop- and grasslands of the five landscapes. Furthermore, empirical relationships between field measurements (LAI, CHLl and Nl and five spectral vegetation indices (the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, the Simple Ratio, the Enhanced Vegetation Index-2, the Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and the green chlorophyll index) were used to assess field data coherence and to serve as a comparison basis for assessing REGFLEC model performance. The field measurements showed strong vertical CHLl gradient profiles in 26% of fields which affected REGFLEC performance as well as the relationships between spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) and field measurements. When the range of surface types increased, the REGFLEC results were in better agreement with field data than the empirical SVI regression models. Selecting only homogeneous canopies with uniform CHLl distributions as reference data for evaluation, REGFLEC was able to explain 69% of LAI observations (rmse = 0.76), 46% of measured canopy chlorophyll contents (rmse = 719 mg m−2) and 51% of measured canopy nitrogen contents (rmse = 2.7 g m−2). Better results were obtained for individual landscapes, except for Italy, where REGFLEC performed poorly due to a lack of dense vegetation canopies at the time of satellite recording. Presence of vegetation is needed to parameterize the REGFLEC model. Combining REGFLEC- and SVI-based model results to minimize errors for a "snap-shot" assessment of total leaf nitrogen pools in the five landscapes, results varied from 0.6 to 4.0 t km−2. Differences in leaf nitrogen pools between landscapes are attributed to seasonal variations, extents of agricultural area, species variations, and spatial variations in nutrient availability. In order to facilitate a substantial assessment of variations in Nl pools and their relation to landscape based nitrogen and carbon cycling processes, time series of satellite data are needed. The upcoming Sentinel-2 satellite mission will provide new multiple narrowband data opportunities at high spatio-temporal resolution which are expected to further improve remote sensing capabilities for mapping LAI, CHLl and Nl.


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The problem of delays in the construction industry is a global phenomenon and the construction industry in Brunei Darussalam is no exception. The goal of all parties involved in construction projects – owners, contractors, engineers and consultants in either the public or private sector is to successfully complete the project on schedule, within planned budget, with the highest quality and in the safest manner. Construction projects are frequently influenced by either success factors that help project parties reach their goal as planned, or delay factors that stifle or postpone project completion. The purpose of this research is to identify success and delay factors which can help project parties reach their intended goals with greater efficiency. This research extracted seven of the most important success factors according to the literature and seven of the most important delay factors identified by project parties, and then examined correlations between them to determine which were the most influential in preventing project delays. This research uses a comprehensive literature review to design and conduct a survey to investigate success and delay factors and then obtain a consensus of expert opinion using the Delphi methodology to rank the most needed critical success factors for Brunei construction projects. A specific survey was distributed to owners, contractors and engineers to examine the most critical delay factors. A general survey was distributed to examine the correlation between the identified delay factors and the seven most important critical success factors selected. A consensus of expert opinion using the Delphi methodology was used to rank the most needed critical success factors for Brunei building construction. Data was collected and evaluated by statistical methods to identify the most significant causes of delay and to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between critical success factors and delay factors in order to examine project parties’ evaluation of projects’ critical success and delay factors, and to evaluate the influence of critical success factors on critical delay factors. A relative importance index has been used to determine the relative importance of the various causes of delays. A one and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been used to examine how the group or groups evaluated the influence of the critical success factors in avoiding or preventing each of the delay factors, and which success factors were perceived as most influential in avoiding or preventing critical delay factors. Finally the Delphi method, using consensus from an expert panel, was employed to identify the seven most critical success factors used to avoid the delay factors, and thereby improve project performance.


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Leaf carbon (C) content, leaf nitrogen (N) content, and C:N ratio are especially useful for understanding plant-herbivore interactions and may be important in developing control methods for the invasive riparian plant Arundo donax L. We measured C content, N content, C:N ratio, and chlorophyll index (SPAD 502 reading) for 768 leaves from A. donax collected over a five year period at several locations in California, Nevada, and Texas. Leaf N was more variable than leaf C, and thus we developed a linear regression equation for estimating A. donax leaf N from the leaf chlorophyll index (SPAD reading). When applied to two independent data sets, the equation (leaf N content % = -0.63 + 0.08 x SPAD) produced realistic estimates that matched seasonal and spatial trends reported from a natural A. donax population. Used in conjunction with the handheld SPAD 502 meter, the equation provides a rapid, non-destructive method for estimating A. donax leaf quality.


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Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient in mango, influencing both productivity and fruit quality. In Australia, tree N is traditionally assessed once a year in the dormant pre-flowering stage by laboratory analysis of leaf N. This single assessment is insufficient to determine tree N status at all stages of the annual phenological cycle. Development of a field-based rapid N test would allow more frequent monitoring of tree N status and improved fertiliser management. This experiment examined the accuracy and useability of several devices used in other horticultural crops to rapidly assess mango leaf N in the field; the Konica Minolta 'SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter', Horiba 'Cardy Meter' and the Merck 'RQflex 10'. Regression and correlation analyses were used to determine the relationship between total leaf N and the measurements from the rapid test devices. The relationship between the chlorophyll index measured by the SPAD-502 meter and leaf N is highly significant at late fruit set (R 2=0.72, n=40) and post-harvest (R2=0.81, n=40) stages in the mango cultivar 'Kensington Pride' and significant (R2=0.51, n=40) at the flowering stage, indicating the device can be used to rapidly assess mango leaf N in the field. Correlation analysis indicated the relationship between petiole sap measured with the Cardy or Merck devices and leaf N is non-significant. © 2013 ISHS.


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Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient in mango, influencing both productivity and fruit quality. In Australian mango orchards, tree N is traditionally assessed once a year at the dormant pre-flowering stage using laboratory analysis of leaf N. This single assessment is insufficient to determine tree N status at all stages of the annual phenological cycle. Development of a field-based rapid N test would allow more frequent monitoring of tree N status and improved fertiliser management. These experiments examined the accuracy and useability of several devices used in other horticultural crops to rapidly assess mango leaf N in the field; the Konica Minolta 'SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter', Horiba 'Cardy Meter' and the Merck 'RQflex 10.' Regression and correlation analyses were used to determine the relationship between total leaf N and the measurements from the rapid test devices. The relationship between the chlorophyll index measured by the SPAD-502 meter and leaf N was highly significant at late fruit set (R 2=0.72, n=40) and post-harvest (R 2=0.81, n=40) stages and significant at the flowering stage (R 2=0.51, n=40) in the cultivar 'Kensington Pride', indicating the device can be used to rapidly assess mango leaf N in the field. Correlation analysis indicated the relationship between petiole sap measured with the Cardy or Merck devices and leaf N was non-significant.


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This report describes the working of National Centers for Coastal Ocean Service (NCCOS) Wave Exposure Model (WEMo) capable of predicting the exposure of a site in estuarine and closed water to local wind generated waves. WEMo works in two different modes: the Representative Wave Energy (RWE) mode calculates the exposure using physical parameters like wave energy and wave height, while the Relative Exposure Index (REI) empirically calculates exposure as a unitless index. Detailed working of the model in both modes and their procedures are described along with a few sample runs. WEMo model output in RWE mode (wave height and wave energy) is compared against data collected from wave sensors near Harkers Island, North Carolina for validation purposes. Computed results agreed well with the wave sensors data indicating that WEMo can be an effective tool in predicting local wave energy in closed estuarine environments. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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The performance of the current sensor in power equipment may become worse affected by the environment. In this paper, based on ICA, we propose a method for on-line verification of the phase difference of the current sensor. However, not all source components are mutually independent in our application. In order to get an exact result, we have proposed a relative likelihood index to choose an optimal result from different runs. The index is based on the maximum likelihood evaluation theory and the independent subspace analysis. The feasibility of our method has been confirmed by experimental results.