958 resultados para reflectance measurements


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In this report an analytical method to determine furosemide by using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is presented. This study shows that this technique can give quantitative results using spot test analysis, particularly in the case of pharmaceuticals containing furosemide. The color spot test could be obtained by reaction between furosemide with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde, in acid medium. This reaction produced a stable complex on filter paper after heating to 80degreesC for 5 min. All reflectance measurements were carried out at 585 nm and the linear range was from 7.56 x 10(-3) to 6.05 x 10(-2) mol l(-1), with a correlation coefficient of 0.999. The limit of detection was estimated to be 2.49 x 10(-3) mol l(-1) (R.S.D. = 1.7%) and the effect of common excipients on the reflectance measurements was evaluated. The method was applied to determine furosemide in commercial brands of pharmaceuticals. The results obtained by the proposed method were favorably compared with those of the official method, showing for the first time ever that quantitative spot test analysis by diffuse reflectance could be successfully used to determine furosemide in tablets. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a very simple and rapid quantitative reflectance spot test procedure for the determination of methyldopa in pharmaceutical formulations. This method is based on the complexation reaction of methyldopa with molybdate ions yielding a yellow stable complex on filter paper. Reflectance measurements were carried out at 410 nm. Under optimal conditions, the calibration graphs obtained for methyldopa by plotting the optical density of the reflectance signal (A R) vs. the log of the concentration were linear from 6.30 × 10 -3 to 1.89 × 10 -2 mol L -1, with a correlation coefficient of 0.998. The detection limit was 2.74 × 10 -3 mol L -1 (R.S.D. = 1.02%) for methyldopa. The common excipients used as additives in pharmaceuticals do not interfere in the proposed method. The method was applied to determine metyldopa in commercial pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained by the proposed method compare favorably with those obtained by an official procedure at 95% confidence level. ©2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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A simple analytical method for quantification of atenolol in pharmaceutical formulations by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is described. The method is based on the reaction, on the filter paper surface, between the drug and p-chloranil producing a colored compound. The best reaction conditions were obtained with 20 μL of atenolol solution and 20 μL of p-chloranil. All reflectance measurements were carried out at 550 nm and the linear range was from 1.13×10-2 to 7.88×10-2 mol L-1 (r = 0.9992). The limit of detection was 2.80 × 10-3 mol L-1. The proposed method was successfully applied to analysis of different commercial brands of pharmaceutical formulations and the results obtained by the proposed method were in good agreement with those obtained using the British Pharmacopoeia method.


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Recently high spectral resolution sensors have been developed, which allow new and more advanced applications in agriculture. Motivated by the increasing importance of hyperspectral remote sensing data, the need for research is important to define optimal wavebands to estimate biophysical parameters of crop. The use of narrow band vegetation indices (VI) derived from hyperspectral measurements acquired by a field spectrometer was evaluated to estimate bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grain yield, plant height and leaf area index (LAI). Field canopy reflectance measurements were acquired at six bean growth stages over 48 plots with four water levels (179.5; 256.5; 357.5 and 406.2 mm) and tree nitrogen rates (0; 80 and 160 kg ha-1) and four replicates. The following VI was analyzed: OSNBR (optimum simple narrow-band reflectivity); NB_NDVI (narrow-band normalized difference vegetation index) and NDVI (normalized difference index). The vegetation indices investigated (OSNBR, NB_NDVI and NDVI) were efficient to estimate LAI, plant height and grain yield. During all crop development, the best correlations between biophysical variables and spectral variables were observed on V4 (the third trifoliolate leaves were unfolded in 50 % of plants) and R6 (plants developed first flowers in 50 % of plants) stages, according to the variable analyzed.


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Nutrient leaching studies are expensive and require expertise in water collection and analyses. Less expensive or easier methods that estimate leaching losses would be desirable. The objective of this study was to determine if anion-exchange membranes (AEMs) and reflectance meters could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching losses from a cool-season lawn turf. A two-year field study used an established 90% Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)-10% creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) turf that received 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 month-1, from May through November. Soil monolith lysimeters collected leachate that was analyzed for NO3-N concentration. Soil NO3-N was estimated with AEMs. Spectral reflectance measurements of the turf were obtained with chlorophyll and chroma meters. No significant (p > 0.05) increase in percolate flow-weighted NO3-N concentration (FWC) or mass loss occurred when AEM desorbed soil NO3-N was below 0.84 µg cm-2 d-1. A linear increase in FWC and mass loss (p < 0.0001) occurred, however, when AEM soil NO3-N was above this value. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water (10 mg L-1 NO3-N) was reached with an AEM soil NO3-N value of 1.6 µg cm-2 d-1. Maximum meter readings were obtained when AEM soil NO3 N reached or exceeded 2.3 µg cm-2 d-1. As chlorophyll index and hue angle (greenness) increased, there was an increased probability of exceeding the NO3-N MCL. These data suggest that AEMs and reflectance meters can serve as tools to predict NO3-N leaching losses from cool-season lawn turf, and to provide objective guides for N fertilization.


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Dispersed organic matter of plant origin from three sites of the Middle America Trench transect was investigated by coal petrographic methods. Samples from the slope region are rich in lipoid and inert substances. Humic matter is predominant in the trench sediments. Reflectance measurements show that the rank of the organic matter is peat, independent of the tectonic position and age of the samples in question. A slow increase of coalification with depth is observed.


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Sediment spectral reflectance measurements were generated aboard the JOIDES Resolution during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 162 shipboard operations. The large size of the raw data set (over 1.3 gigabytes) and limited computer hard disk storage space precluded detailed analysis of the data at sea, although broad band averages were used as aids in developing splices and determining lithologic boundaries. This data report describes the methods used to collect these data and their shipboard and postcruise processing. These initial results provide the basis for further postcruise research.


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Increasing attention is being paid to the possible development of non-invasive tests for the assessment of the quality of fruits We propose a novel non-destructive method for the measurement of the internal optical properties of fruits and vegetables by means of time resolved reflectance spectroscopy in the visible and NIR range. A fully automated instrumentation for time-resolved reflectance measurements was developed It is based on mode-locked laser sources and electronics for time-correlated single photon counting, and provides a time-resolution of 120-160 ps The system was used to probe the optical properties of several species and varieties of fruits and vegetables in the red and NIR range (650-1000 nm). In most fruits, the absorption line shape is dominated by the absorption peak of water, centred around 970 nm Generally, the absorption spectra also show the spectral features typical of chlorophyll, with maximum at 675 nm In particular, for what concerns apples, variations in peak intensity are observed depending on the variety, the degree of ripeness as well as the position on the apple. For all the species and varieties considered, the transport scattering coefficient decreases progressively upon increasing the wavelength.


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We report an investigation into the high-frequency conductivity of optically excited charge carriers far from equilibrium with the lattice. The investigated samples consist of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films grown on a thin film of silicon oxide on top of a silicon substrate. For the investigation, we used an optical femtosecond pump-probe setup to measure the reflectance change of a probe beam. The pump beam ranged between 580 and 820nm, whereas the probe wavelength spanned 770 to 810nm. The pump fluence was fixed at 0.6mJ/cm2. We show that at a fixed delay time of 300fs, the conductivity of the excited electron-hole plasma is described well by a classical conductivity model of a hot charge carrier gas found at Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, while Fermi-Dirac statics is not suitable. This is corroborated by values retrieved from pump-probe reflectance measurements of the conductivity and its dependence on the excitation wavelength and carrier temperature. The conductivity decreases monotonically as a function of the excitation wavelength, as expected for a nondegenerate charge carrier gas.


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The composition and abundance of algal pigments provide information on phytoplankton community characteristics such as photoacclimation, overall biomass and taxonomic composition. In particular, pigments play a major role in photoprotection and in the light-driven part of photosynthesis. Most phytoplankton pigments can be measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques applied to filtered water samples. This method, as well as other laboratory analyses, is time consuming and therefore limits the number of samples that can be processed in a given time. In order to receive information on phytoplankton pigment composition with a higher temporal and spatial resolution, we have developed a method to assess pigment concentrations from continuous optical measurements. The method applies an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis to remote-sensing reflectance data derived from ship-based hyperspectral underwater radiometry and from multispectral satellite data (using the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer - MERIS - Polymer product developed by Steinmetz et al., 2011, doi:10.1364/OE.19.009783) measured in the Atlantic Ocean. Subsequently we developed multiple linear regression models with measured (collocated) pigment concentrations as the response variable and EOF loadings as predictor variables. The model results show that surface concentrations of a suite of pigments and pigment groups can be well predicted from the ship-based reflectance measurements, even when only a multispectral resolution is chosen (i.e., eight bands, similar to those used by MERIS). Based on the MERIS reflectance data, concentrations of total and monovinyl chlorophyll a and the groups of photoprotective and photosynthetic carotenoids can be predicted with high quality. As a demonstration of the utility of the approach, the fitted model based on satellite reflectance data as input was applied to 1 month of MERIS Polymer data to predict the concentration of those pigment groups for the whole eastern tropical Atlantic area. Bootstrapping explorations of cross-validation error indicate that the method can produce reliable predictions with relatively small data sets (e.g., < 50 collocated values of reflectance and pigment concentration). The method allows for the derivation of time series from continuous reflectance data of various pigment groups at various regions, which can be used to study variability and change of phytoplankton composition and photophysiology.


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In this work, tin selenide thin films (SnSex) were grown on soda lime glass substrates by selenization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn metallic precursors. Selenization was performed at maximum temperatures in the range 300 °C to 570 °C. The thickness and the composition of the films were analysed using step profilometry and energy dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. The films were structurally and optically investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical transmittance and reflectance measurements. X-Ray diffraction patterns suggest that for temperatures between 300 °C and 470 °C, the films are composed of the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase. By increasing the temperature, the films selenized at maximum temperatures of 530 °C and 570 °C show orthorhombic-SnSe as the dominant phase with a preferential crystal orientation along the (400) crystallographic plane. Raman scattering analysis allowed the assignment of peaks at 119 cm−1 and 185 cm−1 to the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase and those at 108 cm−1, 130 cm−1 and 150 cm−1 to the orthorhombic-SnSe phase. All samples presented traces of condensed amorphous Se with a characteristic Raman peak located at 255 cm−1. From optical measurements, the estimated band gap energies for hexagonal-SnSe2 were close to 0.9 eV and 1.7 eV for indirect forbidden and direct transitions, respectively. The samples with the dominant orthorhombic-SnSe phase presented estimated band gap energies of 0.95 eV and 1.15 eV for indirect allowed and direct allowed transitions, respectively.


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A dc magnetron sputtering-based method to grow high-quality Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films, to be used as an absorber layer in solar cells, is being developed. This method combines dc sputtering of metallic precursors with sulfurization in S vapour and with post-growth KCN treatment for removal of possible undesired Cu2−xS phases. In this work, we report the results of a study of the effects of changing the precursors’ deposition order on the final CZTS films’ morphological and structural properties. The effect of KCN treatment on the optical properties was also analysed through diffuse reflectance measurements. Morphological, compositional and structural analyses of the various stages of the growth have been performed using stylus profilometry, SEM/EDS analysis, XRD and Raman Spectroscopy. Diffuse reflectance studies have been done in order to estimate the band gap energy of the CZTS films. We tested two different deposition orders for the copper precursor, namely Mo/Zn/Cu/Sn and Mo/Zn/Sn/Cu. The stylus profilometry analysis shows high average surface roughness in the ranges 300–550 nm and 230–250 nm before and after KCN treatment, respectively. All XRD spectra show preferential growth orientation along (1 1 2) at 28.45◦. Raman spectroscopy shows main peaks at 338 cm−1 and 287 cm−1 which are attributed to Cu2ZnSnS4. These measurements also confirm the effectiveness of KCN treatment in removing Cu2−xS phases. From the analysis of the diffuse reflectance measurements the band gap energy for both precursors’ sequences is estimated to be close to 1.43 eV. The KCN-treated films show a better defined absorption edge; however, the band gap values are not significantly affected. Hot point probe measurements confirmed that CZTS had p-type semiconductor behaviour and C–V analysis was used to estimate the majority carrier density giving a value of 3.3 × 1018 cm−3.


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Thin films of Cu2SnS3 and Cu3SnS4 were grown by sulfurization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn–Cu metallic precursors in a S2 atmosphere. Different maximum sulfurization temperatures were tested which allowed the study of the Cu2SnS3 phase changes. For a temperature of 350 ◦C the films were composed of tetragonal (I -42m) Cu2SnS3. The films sulfurized at a maximum temperature of 400 ◦C presented a cubic (F-43m) Cu2SnS3 phase. On increasing the temperature up to 520 ◦C, the Sn content of the layer decreased and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4 was formed. The phase identification and structural analysis were performed using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis. Raman scattering analysis was also performed and a comparison with XRD and EBSD data allowed the assignment of peaks at 336 and 351 cm−1 for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, 303 and 355 cm−1 for cubic Cu2SnS3, and 318, 348 and 295 cm−1 for the Cu3SnS4 phase. Compositional analysis was done using energy dispersive spectroscopy and induced coupled plasma analysis. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the layers. Transmittance and reflectance measurements permitted the estimation of absorbance and band gap. These ternary compounds present a high absorbance value close to 104 cm−1. The estimated band gap energy was 1.35 eV for tetragonal (I -42m) Cu2SnS3, 0.96 eV for cubic (F-43m) Cu2SnS3 and 1.60 eV for orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4. A hot point probe was used for the determination of semiconductor conductivity type. The results show that all the samples are p-type semiconductors. A four-point probe was used to obtain the resistivity of these samples. The resistivities for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, cubic Cu2SnS3 and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4 are 4.59 × 10−2 cm, 1.26 × 10−2 cm, 7.40 × 10−4 cm, respectively.


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We report the results of the growth of Cu-Sn-S ternary chalcogenide compounds by sulfurization of dc magnetron sputtered metallic precursors. Tetragonal Cu2SnS3 forms for a maximum sulfurization temperature of 350 ºC. Cubic Cu2SnS3 is obtained at sulfurization temperatures above 400 ºC. These results are supported by XRD analysis and Raman spectroscopy measurements. The latter analysis shows peaks at 336 cm-1, 351 cm-1 for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, and 303 cm-1, 355 cm-1 for cubic Cu2SnS3. Optical analysis shows that this phase change lowers the band gap from 1.35 eV to 0.98 eV. At higher sulfurization temperatures increased loss of Sn is expected in the sulphide form. As a consequence, higher Cu content ternary compounds like Cu3SnS4 grow. In these conditions, XRD and Raman analysis only detected orthorhombic (Pmn21) phase (petrukite). This compound has Raman peaks at 318 cm-1, 348 cm-1 and 295 cm-1. For a sulfurization temperature of 450 ºC the samples present a multi-phase structure mainly composed by cubic Cu2SnS3 and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4. For higher temperatures, the samples are single phase and constituted by orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4. Transmittance and reflectance measurements were used to estimate a band gap of 1.60 eV. For comparison we also include the results for Cu2ZnSnS4 obtained using similar growth conditions.


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In this work, we show a set of growth conditions, for the two step process, with which the growth of CZTSe is successful and reproducible. The properties of the best CTZSe thin films grown by this method were examined by SEM/EDS, XRD, Raman scattering, AFM/EFM, transmittance and reflectance measurements, photoluminescence (PL) measurements and hot point probe. A broad emission band was observed in the photoluminescence spectrum of the CZTSe thin film. The band gap energy was estimated to be around 1.05 eV at room temperature, using the transmittance and reflectance data, and CZTSe samples show p-type conductivity with the hot point probe. The different characterization techniques show that we could grow single phase CZTSe thin films with our optimized process conditions.