37 resultados para redescriptions
Redescriptions are given of the mature oocysts of Eimeria aguti Carini 1935, E. cotiae Carini, 1935 and E. paraensis Carini, 1935, in the faeces of five specimens of the rodent Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) from the state of Pará, North Brazil. New information is provided on the sporulation time of these parasites and the prepatent period in experimentally infected D. leporina. Some endogenous stages of E. cotiae are described in the epithelial cells of the ileum, and the absence of any oocysts in the gall-bladder contents of the infected animals indicates that the intestine is also the site of development of E. aguti and E. paraensis. Difficulties in separating E. cotiae and E. paraensis on morphology of the oocysts are discussed. The oocysts of both parasites share many structural features and have a wide size range. It is concluded that although it is at present best to maintain these names, the possibility exists that they were separately given to oocysts of smaller dimensions (E. cotiae) and larger dimensions (E. paraensis) of a single parasite. Location of an endogenous site of development for E. paraensis that is distinctly separate from that of E. cotiae might establish more definitely the separate specific status of the two parasites.
The Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex includes six species: An. albitarsis, Anopheles oryzalimnetes Wilkerson and Motoki, n. sp., Anopheles marajoara, Anopheles deaneorum, Anopheles janconnae Wilkerson and Sallum, n. sp. and An. albitarsis F. Except for An. deaneorum, species of the complex are indistinguishable when only using morphology. The problematic distinction among species of the complex has made study of malaria transmission and ecology of An. albitarsis s.l. difficult. Consequently, involvement of species of the An. albitarsis complex in human Plasmodium transmission is not clear throughout its distribution range. With the aim of clarifying the taxonomy of the above species, with the exception of An. albitarsis F, we present comparative morphological and morphometric analyses, morphological redescriptions of three species and description of two new species using individuals from populations in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Venezuela. The study included characters from adult females, males, fourth-instar larvae, pupae and male genitalia of An. albitarsis, An. marajoara, An. deaneorum and An. oryzalimnetes n. sp. For An. janconnae n. sp. only characters of the female, male and male genitalia were analyzed. Fourth-instar larvae, pupae and male genitalia characteristics of all five species are illustrated. Bionomics and distribution data are given based on published literature records.
The genus Chalcolepidius is revised. Type specimens of 65 nominal species, except C. costatus Pjatakowa, 1941, C. fleutiauxi Pjatakowa, 1941 and C. viriditarsus Schwarz, 1906, are examined. Eighty five species are studied, of which 34 are synonymyzed and 12 new species described; three species, C. alicii Pjatakowa, 1941, C. haroldi Candèze, 1878 and C. unicus Fleutiaux, 1910, formely included in this genus, are not congeneric and are removed; C. validus Candèze, 1857 is revalidated. The genus is now formed by 63 species. Redescriptions, illustrations and a key for the examined species, and a cladistic analysis for groups of species are also included. New synonyms established: C. apacheanus Casey, 1891 = C. simulans Casey, 1907 syn. nov. = C. acuminatus Casey, 1907 syn. nov. = C. nobilis Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. approximatus Erichson, 1841 = C. aztecus Casey, 1907 syn. nov. = C. niger Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov.; C. attenuatus Erichson, 1841 = C. cuneatus Champion, 1894 syn. nov. = C. tenuis Champion, 1894 syn. nov.; C. aurulentus Candèze, 1874 = C. candezei Dohrn, 1881 syn. nov. = C. grossheimi Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov.; C. bomplandii Guérin, 1844 = C. humboldti Candèze, 1881 syn. nov.; C. chalcantheus Candèze, 1857 = C. violaceous Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov.; C. cyaneus Candèze, 1881 = C. scitus Candèze, 1889 syn. nov. = C. abbreviatovittatus Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov.; C. desmarestii Chevrolat, 1835 = C. brevicollis Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. gossipiatus Guérin, 1844 = C. erichsonii Guérin-Méneville, 1844 syn. nov. = C. lemoinii Candèze, 1857 syn. nov.; C. inops Candèze, 1886 = C. murinus Champion, 1894 syn. nov.; C. jansoni Candèze, 1874 = C. mucronatus Candèze, 1889 syn. nov.; C. lacordairii Candèze, 1857 = C. exquisitus Candèze, 1886 syn. nov. = C. monachus Candèze, 1893 syn. nov.; C. lenzi Candèze, 1886 = C. behrensi Candèze, 1886 syn. nov.; C. oxydatus Candèze, 1857 = C. jekeli Candèze, 1874 syn. nov.; C. porcatus (Linnaeus, 1767) = C. peruanus Candèze, 1886 syn. nov. = C. flavostriatus Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov. = C. herbstii multistriatus Golbach, 1977 syn. nov.; C. rugatus Candèze, 1857 = C. amictus Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. smaragdinus LeConte, 1854 = C. ostentus Casey, 1907 syn. nov. = C. rectus Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. sulcatus (Fabricius, 1777) = C. herbstii Erichson, 1841 syn. nov; C. virens (Fabricius, 1787) = C. perrisi Candèze, 1857 syn. nov.; C. virginalis Candèze, 1857 = C. championi Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. viridipilis (Say, 1825) = C. debilis Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. webbi LeConte, 1854 = C. sonoricus Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. zonatus Eschscholtz, 1829 = C. longicollis Candèze, 1857 syn. nov. New species described: C. albisetosus sp. nov. (Ecuador), C. albiventris sp. nov. (Mexico: Veracruz), C. copulatuvittatus sp. nov. (Venezuela), C. extenuatuvittatus sp. nov. (Venezuela), C. fasciatus sp. nov. (Mexico: Durango), C. ferratuvittatus sp. nov. (Ecuador), C. proximus sp. nov. (Mexico: Sinaloa), C. serricornis sp. nov. (Mexico: Veracruz), C. spinipennis sp. nov. (Mexico: Veracruz), C. supremus sp. nov. (Venezuela), C. truncuvittatus sp. nov. (Mexico: Tamaulipas) and C. virgatipennis sp. nov. (Mexico: Durango). Redescribed species: C. angustatus Candèze, 1857, C. apacheanus Casey, 1891, C. approximatus Erichson, 1841, C. attenuatus Erichson, 1841, C. aurulentus Candèze, 1874, C. bomplandii Guérin-Méneville, 1844, C. boucardi Candèze, 1874, C. chalcantheus Candèze, 1857, C. corpulentus Candèze, 1874, C. cyaneus Candèze, 1881, C. desmarestii Chevrolat, 1835, C. dugesi Candèze, 1886, C. erythroloma Candèze, 1857, C. eschscholtzi Chevrolat, 1833, C. exulatus Candèze, 1874, C. fabricii Erichson, 1841, C. forreri Candèze, 1886, C. fryi Candèze, 1874, C. gossipiatus Guérin-Méneville, 1844, C. inops Candèze, 1886, C. jansoni Candèze, 1874, C. lacordairii Candèze, 1857, C. lafargi Chevrolat, 1835, C. lenzi Candèze, 1886, C. limbatus (Fabricius, 1777), C. mexicanus Castelnau, 1836, C. mniszechi Candèze, 1881, C. mocquerysii Candèze, 1857, C. morio Candèze, 1857, C. obscurus Castelnau, 1836, C. oxydatus Candèze, 1857, C. porcatus (Linnaeus, 1767), C. pruinosus Erichson, 1841, C. rodriguezi Candèze, 1886, C. rostainei Candèze, 1889, C. rubripennis LeConte, 1861, C. rugatus Candèze, 1857, C. silbermanni Chevrolat, 1835, C. smaragdinus LeConte, 1854, C. sulcatus (Fabricius, 1777), C. tartarus Fall, 1898, C. validus Candèze, 1857, reval., C. villei Candèze, 1878, C. virens (Fabricius, 1787), C. virginalis Candèze, 1857, C. viridipilis (Say, 1825), C. webbi LeConte, 1854, C. zonatus Eschscholtz, 1829.
Systematics, phylogeny and geographical distribution of the South American species of Centris (Paracentris) Cameron, 1903, and Centris (Penthemisia) Moure, 1950, including a phylogenetic analysis of the "Centris group" sensu Ayala, 1998 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Centridini). A cladistic analysis with the objective of testing the hypothesis of monophily of Centris (Paracentris) Cameron, 1903, and of studying its phylogenetic relationships with the other subgenera that belong to the Centris group, sensu Ayala, 1998, and the relationships among the species that occur in South America, is presented. Centris (Paracentris) is a group of New World bees of amphitropical distribution, especially diversified in the Andes and in the xeric areas of South and North America. Thirty-one species were included in the analysis, four considered as outgroup, and 49 characters, all from external morphology and genitalia of adult specimens. Parsimony analyses with equal weights for the characters and successive weighting were performed with the programs NONA and PAUP, and analyses of implied weighting with the program PeeWee. The strict consensus among the trees obtained in all the analyses indicates that C. (Paracentris), as previously recognized, is a paraphyletic group. In order to eliminate that condition, the subgenera C. (Acritocentris), C. (Exallocentris) and C. (Xerocentris), all described by SNELLING (1974) are synonymized under C. (Paracentris). The subgenus C. (Penthemisia) Moure, 1950, previously considered a synonym of C. (Paracentris), is reinstated, but in a more restricted sense than originally proposed and with the following species: Centris brethesi Schrottky, 1902; C. buchholzi Herbst, 1918; C. chilensis (Spinola, 1851), C. mixta mixta Friese, 1904, and C. mixta tamarugalis Toro & Chiappa, 1989. Centris mixta, previously recognized as the only South American species of the subgenus C. (Xerocentris), a group supposedly amphitropical, came out as the sister-species of C. buchholzi. The following South American species were recognized under Centris (Paracentris): Centris burgdorfi Friese, 1901; C. caelebs Friese, 1900; C. cordillerana Roig-Alsina, 2000; C. euphenax Cockerell, 1913; C. flavohirta Friese, 1900; C. garleppi (Schrottky, 1913); C. klugii Friese, 1900; C. lyngbyei Jensen-Haarup, 1908; C. mourei Roig-Alsina, 2000; C. neffi Moure, 2000; C. nigerrima (Spinola, 1851); C. toroi sp. nov.; C. tricolor Friese, 1900; C. unifasciata (Schrottky, 1913), and C. vogeli Roig-Alsina, 2000. The relationships among the subgenera of the "Centris group" were: (Xanthemisia (Penthemisia (Centris s. str. - Paracentris))). Centris xanthomelaena Moure & Castro 2001, an endemic species of the Caatinga and previously considered a C. (Paracentris), came out as the sister group of C. (Centris) s. str. A new species of C. (Paracentris) from Chile is described: Centris toroi sp. nov. Lectotypus designations and redescriptions are presented for Centris burgdorfi, C. caelebs, C. lyngbyei, C. tricolor, C. autrani Vachal, 1904 and C. smithii Friese, 1900. New synonyms proposed: C. buchholzi Herbst, 1918 = Centris wilmattae Cockerell, 1926 syn. nov.; C. caelebs Friese, 1900 = Paracentris fulvohirta Cameron, 1903. The female of C. vogeli Roig-Alsina, 2000 and the male of C. xanthomelaena are described.
Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840: redescriptions and considerations about the synonymy with Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 (Coleoptera, Anthribidae, Anthribinae). The genus Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 and the species S. platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 (type species), are redescribed. Illustrations of the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation, male and female terminalia, and rectal plates, are given for the first time. New data on geographic distribution are also presented. Nomenclatural changes introduced: Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.; Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.
The genus Agelaia Lepeletier 1836 belongs to the swarming genera of the Polistinae, with species distributed from Mexico to northern Argentina. Fifteen of the 31 described species are found in Brazil. Four species occur in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, two of them recorded herein for the first time. Redescriptions and a key to these species are provided.
The genus Loboederus Guérin-Méneville, 1831 formerly included three species: L. appendiculatus (Perty, 1830), L. fleutiauxi Lesne, 1940 and L. luederwaldti Costa-Andrade, 1935. L. fleutiauxi is considered as a junior synonym of L. luederwaldti. The generic characterization and the morphological analysis and redescriptions of both species are presented. The lectotype and paralectotypes of L. luederwaldti are designated and the geographical distribution of both species is widened.
The genus Blauta Leconte, 1853 is formed by two species, B. cribraria (Germar, 1844) and B. falli Brown, 1936, recorded from Southeast of United States. The generic characterization and the redescriptions and morphological illustrations, including mouthparts and genitalia, of both species are presented. A comparison of both species is also included.
Mycetarotes is a small genus of the exclusively Neotropical fungus-growing ants, that includes M. parallelus (Emery), M. senticosus Kempf, M. acutus Mayhé-Nunes and M. carinatus Mayhé-Nunes. We hereby revise historical and recent information regarding Mycetarotes species for the first time, providing an identification key to workers, diagnoses, synoptic illustrated redescriptions of the species, including those of sexuals when known, updates of distributional records, and nest pictures of M. carinatus and M. parallelus. We comment the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships among Mycetarotes and related genera, and on their geographical distribution. The available biological information on the genus is summarized.
Revision of the Neotropical genus Mulfordia Malloch (Diptera, Muscidae). The present paper provides a revision of Mulfordia Malloch (Diptera, Muscidae), including redescriptions of the genus and of its three species. The descriptions are complemented with illustrations of some characters to make the recognition of the species easier and to help the use of the key. The male terminalia of M. ferruginea Malloch is described for the first time.
A neotype is designated for Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) pictipennis (Philippi) and morphological redescriptions are provided for the adult male, male genitalia, fourth-instar larva and pupa. All specimens, including the neotype were collected in Rio Mapocho, Santiago, Chile in 1945/1946, and were deposited in the Entomological Collection of Faculdade de Saude Publica, Universidade de Sao Paulo (FSP-USP), Brazil. The neotype was previously invalidly designated the allotype of An. pictipennis by Lane and Neghme (1946). Illustrations are provided for diagnostic characteristics of the male genitalia, and larval stage.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Eighteen predatory mite species of the family Phytoseiidae are reported from three sites of the Cerrado ecosystem in the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, on seven plant species of the family Myrtaceae. This paper provides a list of those species and compares relevant morphological characteristics of the specimens collected with those of the original descriptions and/or redescriptions of the corresponding species. A key is provided to help in the separation of the species mentioned in the paper. Some of the species collected have been reported as common predators on dominant crops in the region where the work was done. Their occurrence on Myrtaceae plants found naturally in the Cerrado ecosystem indicates that those plants could represent important reservoirs of those predators.
O gênero Bondariella Hustache & Bondar, 1942 foi revisado no presente trabalho com atualização dos nomes de estruturas taxonômicos e inclusão de caracteres para a diagnose do gênero como rostro, escrobo, escapo antenal, inserção antenal, intervalos elitrais e terminália masculina, ventritos e tergitos. Duas novas espécies são acrescentadas para o gênero. São fornecidos no trabalho redescrições das espécies conhecidas, descrições das espécies novas, ilustrações dos lectótipos e paralectótipos, das antenas, ventritos, tergitos e terminália masculina. Também são incluídas informações das plantas-hospedeiras, mostrando associação das espécies de Bondariella com espécies de palmeiras dos gêneros Syagrus Mart. e Euterpe Mart.
O gênero Hassar (Doradidae) é um grupo natural de Siluriformes Neotropical. No presente trabalho foi realizada revisão taxonômica do referido gênero com a descrição osteológica de Hassar orestis, espécie-tipo do gênero. Este estudo foi fundamentado no levantamento e análise de caracteres morfológicos, morfométricos, merísticos e de padrão de coloração para o reconhecimento das espécies válidas e conseqüentes diagnoses e redescrições. Foram analisados 727 exemplares, provenientes de instituições nacionais e estrangeiras, envolvendo indivíduos preservados em álcool, preparados para esqueleto seco, diafanizados, radiografados e fotografados. Os exemplares foram analisados diretamente ou com auxílio de microscópio-estereoscópico e câmara clara. Medidas foram feitas, preferencialmente, do lado esquerdo do indivíduo. A descrição osteológica de Hassar orestis foi fundamentada na análise de 23 exemplares de instituições nacionais e estrangeiras e foi dividida em grupos funcionais osteológicos que são: elementos do neurocrânio, arco mandibular, arco hióide, arcos branquiais, esqueleto axial, placas nucais e nadadeira dorsal, sistema látero-sensorial e esqueleto apendicular. Os dados foram digitalizados e armazenados em formato de planilhas. Os resultados mostraram que Hassar é formado por duas espécies válidas: H. orestis e H. affinis. Hassar orestis é a espécie-tipo, tendo como sinônimo H. ucayalensis. Hassar affinis tem como sinônimos H. wilderi, H. iheringi e H. woodi. Hassar orestis e H. affinis se diferenciam pela posição do 1° espinho medial (no escudo infranucal ou entre o 1° e 8° escudo lateral vs. entre o 9° e 16° escudo lateral), número de escudos laterais providos de espinho medial (24 a 33 vs. 18 a 23) e pelos divertículos marginais filiformes da bexiga natatória (distintamente maiores vs. reduzidos ou ausentes). Os adultos (> 14 cm) de H. orestis e H. affinis diferiram pela altura do pedúnculo caudal (4,11-5,71% SL vs. 5,73 -7,63% SL) e pelo tamanho da pálpebra adiposa (conspícua e alongada na borda anterior dos olhos vs. tênue na borda anterior dos olhos). Não houve diferenças morfológicas, morfométricas e merísticas entre jovens e adultos da mesma espécie. As espécies apresentaram o mesmo padrão de coloração. Exemplares de H. orestis (N=551) possuem mancha enegrecida subterminal nos primeiros raios da nadadeira dorsal, diferentemente de H. affinis (N=176) cuja mancha pode ser subterminal ou terminal. A presença de prolongamento cartilaginoso no primeiro raio da nadadeira dorsal, em alguns machos de H. orestis, corroborou o dimorfismo sexual para espécie. Exemplares de H. orestis, provenientes dos rios Amazonas, Solimões e Negro, diferem da população do rio Branco e das Bacias dos rios Essequibo e Orinoco pela presença ou não de espinhos nos escudos timpânicos e no escudo infranucal. Não há diferença quanto à bexiga natatória dessas populações. A distribuição de H. affinis foi ampliada para os rios Solimões, Tapajós, baixo e alto Xingu, Tocantins, Araguaia, Parnaíba e Sistema Pindaré-Mearim. Hassar affinis e H. orestis apresentam ampla distribuição, parcialmente disjunta, com uma área de simpatria. A descrição osteológica da espécie-tipo proporcionou um melhor conhecimento anatômico do grupo, que serve de dado básico para trabalhos como anatomia, ontogenia, ecomorfologia e futuros eventuais trabalhos de sistemática e taxonomia.