986 resultados para recycled aggregate replacement ration


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This work deals with the continuation of Scientific Initiation research initiated by Tamura (2012), which draws up a mixture of soil and recycled aggregate analysis for paving of low traffic volume roads using local materials from the Vale do Paraíba region. The main steps of the process were the soil and recycled aggregate characterization, along with grading tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) applied to the soil, the recycled aggregate and the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate; aiming their use as base and sub-base in paving urban roads. The results are discussed, emphasizing the mechanical behavior. The current results are compared with the results of IC Tamura research, taking decisions over this job to the final product best result. For a greater understanding of the work in general were described paving, its structure, its components and its physical behavior. It has been intended to emphasize the importance of the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate to meet the quality requirements and compliance with the specifications of current technical standards, in the context of durability, natural materials economy, decreases volume in landfills and cost reduction


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Two of the major problems caused by construction activity are the production of construction and demolition waste (CDW) and the exploitation of mineral resources, causing big impacts on the environment. Therefore, the recycling has been shown as an alternative to mitigate the harmful effects of waste on the urban environment and prevent the exploitation of new raw materials. This course work aims to study the behavior of recycled aggregates from Vale do Paraíba in concrete and mortar. Initially, it presents the definitions of recycled aggregates according to CONAMA Resolution No. 307/2002, the aggregate settings for concrete and mortar (such as the grain size, its origin and density, and the characterization parameters according to ABNT), and the definition of ACI method of concrete mix design. Afterwards, it presents the characterization of materials separated by assays. After that, it shows the theoretical concrete proportioning applying the ACI method and experimental concrete proportioning. Then, the analysis of results is performed to finally conclude that the materials provided can't be used to replace natural aggregates because they cannot have the same performance. With the studies, it could be observed that the recycled aggregate presents a great complexity and diversity in origin, therefore the form how the material should be handled requires great care


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Il calcestruzzo è uno dei materiali più utilizzati nell’edilizia, ma il meno sostenibile. Per la sua produzione vengono sfruttate elevate quantità di risorse naturali non rinnovabili con un impatto ambientale non trascurabile, sia per le sostanze emesse in atmosfera, sia per le macerie derivate post utilizzo. L’ingresso nel XXI secolo ha segnato definitivamente l’affermazione del concetto di sviluppo sostenibile nei riguardi di tutti i processi produttivi dei beni, che devono essere necessariamente strutturati secondo una logica di risparmio energetico e di controllo della produzione di scorie e rifiuti, prevedendone un loro riutilizzo in altri settori, o un loro smaltimento senza provocare danni all’ambiente. Anche l’industria del cemento e del calcestruzzo è chiamata a svolgere il proprio ruolo per contribuire ad un miglior bilancio ecologico globale, indirizzando la ricerca verso possibilità d’impiego di materiali “innovativi”, che siano in grado di sostituire parzialmente o totalmente l’uso di materie prime non rinnovabili, tenendo conto dell’enorme richiesta futura di infrastrutture, soprattutto nei paesi in via di sviluppo. Negli ultimi anni si sta sempre più affermando il potenziale del riciclo dei materiali ottenuti dalla demolizione di edifici (C&DW – Construction and Demolition Waste), questo dovuto anche a politiche di gestione dei rifiuti che incentivano il risparmio, il riutilizzo, il riciclo e la valorizzazione dei beni. I calcestruzzi con aggregati di riciclo sono generalmente suddivisi in due macrogruppi: quelli ottenuti da aggregati di riciclo di solo calcestruzzo (RCA – Recycled Coarse Aggregate) e quelli da aggregati da demolizione totale (MRA – Mixed Recycled Aggregate) che però contengono molte impurità. Come anche uno può subito pensare gli aggregati riciclati hanno delle proprietà diverse da quelli naturali, questi contengono oltre l’aggregato naturale anche il legante coeso, polveri di laterizio, vetro, ceramica, plastica eccet., i quali offrono una miscela ricca di cloruri, solfati, silice amorfa ed altri componenti dannosi per la nuova miscela di calcestruzzo. In presenza di questi prodotti, gli aggregati non solo non soddisfano i requisiti chimici, ma influiscono negativamente anche sulle proprietà fisico-meccaniche del calcestruzzo. Per questo vedremmo in questa tesi tramite un accurata analisi degli aggregati, e del loro “contributo” per il corretto comportamento del calcestruzzo, leggendo criticamente come le normative regolano i requisiti che gli aggregati debbono soddisfare, vedendo le varie possibilità di riutilizzo dei materiali di riciclo da demolizione. La tesi mira all'incentivo dei materiali da riciclo, come scelta sostenibile per il futuro dell'edilizia. E' stato calcolato che la produzione totale di macerie da demolizione nel mondo, non supera il 20% in massa degli aggregati che vengono utilizzati per la produzione del calcestruzzo nei paesi sviluppati. Dai vari studi è stato valutato in media che col solo 20% di riciclato sostituito, le caratteristiche del calcestruzzo indurito cambiano di poco dal normale miscelato con aggregati naturali; ovviamente se gli aggregati da riciclo sono stati selezionati e sottoposti ai vari test delle norme europee standardizzate. Quindi uno può subito pensare in linea teorica, tralasciando i costi di gestione, trasporto eccet. , che basta utilizzare per ogni metro cubo di calcestruzzo 20% di riciclato, per rispondere allo smaltimento dei rifiuti da C&D; abbassando cosi i costi degli inerti naturali, sempre parlando di economie di scala. Questo è in linea teorica, ma riflette un dato rilevante. Nel presente lavoro si partirà da una veloce lettura sul comportamento del calcestruzzo, su i suoi principali costituenti, concentrandoci sugli aggregati, analizzandone le sue proprietà fisico-meccaniche, quali la granulometria, la resistenza meccanica e la rigidezza, valutando l’importanza dei legami coesivi tra aggregato alla pasta cementizia. Verranno inoltre analizzate le azioni deleterie che possono instaurarsi tra aggregato di riciclo e pasta cementizia. Dopo aver visto le varie politiche sulla gestione dei rifiuti, la legislazione passata e presente sull’uso dei materiali riciclati, si analizzeranno vari studi sulle proprietà fisico-meccaniche dei calcestruzzi con aggregati di riciclo seguiti da università e poli di ricerca internazionali. Se gli aggregati di riciclo sono selezionati con metodo, in presenza di piani di gestione regionale e/o nazionale, è possibile soddisfare le prestazioni richieste del calcestruzzo, nel rispetto delle politiche di sostenibilità economico-ambientali. Può essere il calcestruzzo riciclato una scelta non solo sostenibile, ma anche economica per il settore edile? Si può avere un calcestruzzo riciclato ad alte prestazioni? Quali sono le politiche da mettere in atto per un mercato di produzione sostenibile del riciclato? Questo e molto altro verrà approfondito nelle pagine seguenti di questa tesi.


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Moisture induced distresses have been the prevalent distress type affecting the deterioration of both asphalt and concrete pavement sections. While various surface techniques have been employed over the years to minimize the ingress of moisture into the pavement structural sections, subsurface drainage components like open-graded base courses remain the best alternative in minimizing the time the pavement structural sections are exposed to saturated conditions. This research therefore focuses on assessing the performance and cost-effectiveness of pavement sections containing both treated and untreated open-graded aggregate base materials. Three common roadway aggregates comprising of two virgin aggregates and one recycled aggregate were investigated using four open-ended gradations and two binder types. Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the hydraulic, mechanical and durability characteristics of treated and untreated open-graded mixes made from these three aggregate types. Results of the experimental program show that for the same gradation and mix design types, limestone samples have the greatest drainage capacity, stability to traffic loads and resistance to degradation from environmental conditions like freeze-thaw. However, depending on the gradation and mix design used, all three aggregate types namely limestone, natural gravel and recycled concrete can meet the minimum coefficient of hydraulic conductivity required for good drainage in most pavements. Tests results for both asphalt and cement treated open-graded samples indicate that a percent air void content within the range of 15-25 will produce a treated open-graded base course with sufficient drainage capacity and also long term stability under both traffic and environmental loads. Using the new Mechanistic and Empirical Design Guide software, computer simulations of pavement performance were conducted on pavement sections containing these open-graded base aggregate base materials to determine how the MEPDG predicted pavement performance is sensitive to drainage. Using three truck traffic levels and four climatic regions, results of the computer simulations indicate that the predicted performance was not sensitive to the drainage characteristics of the open-graded base course. Based on the result of the MEPDG predicted pavement performance, the cost-effectiveness of the pavement sections with open-graded base was computed on the assumption that the increase service life experienced by these sections was attributed to the positive effects of subsurface drainage. The two cost analyses used gave two contrasting results with the one indicating that the inclusion of open-graded base courses can lead to substantial savings.


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A proposta busca reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD), através do tratamento de sua superfície com hidrofugante, de maneira que estes não aumentem o consumo de água tampouco reduzam a resistência mecânica. Os agregados reciclados de RCD foram caracterizados quanto à granulometria, morfologia, porosidade, ângulo de contato aparente, absorção de água, análise de imagem e rugosidade superficial. Em seguida, os mesmos foram tratados superficialmente com dois tipos de hidrofugante: solução de silano e parafina. Todos os tratamentos permitiram reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de RCD. O tratamento por imersão foi aquele que permitiu obter os melhores resultados e a menor variabilidade entre as técnicas. Os tratamentos hidrofugam a superfície, apesar da parafina apresentar maior molhabilidade. O tratamento com parafina apresentou, em termos de absorção de água, resultados inferiores e menos variáveis que o silano. Os parâmetros de rugosidade constataram que, ambos os materiais perdem seu perfil topográfico original quando tratados com parafina. Os diferentes agregados reciclados com cada hidrofugante foram aplicados em materiais cimentícios analisados no estado fresco e no estado endurecido. Os tratamentos reduziram a absorção e o consumo de água de mistura, porém afetaram negativamente as propriedades mecânicas, devido nova interface gerada (no caso específica de parafina) e falta de molhabilidade nas superfícies.


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El presente artículo se centra en la valorización de las cenizas de lodo de depuradora adicionadas en bloques de hormigón prefabricados, por tanto, en una matriz a base de cemento Portland con características particulares (consistencia seca). Se realiza una experiencia piloto mediante la fabricación de bloques en una planta industrial local, utilizando mezclas con porcentajes de sustitución de árido fino del 5, 10 y 15% por cenizas de lodo de depuradora, cuyos resultados se compararán con bloques de referencia (sin adición). Los ensayos aplicados son los preceptivos para su comercialización según normativa europea (marcado CE), lo que permitirá igualmente comprobar las características físicas y mecánicas de los hormigones. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores: la utilización de este residuo permitiría su comercialización, mejora características de los bloques como la resistencia a compresión, y permitiría reducir un gran volumen de material utilizado habitualmente como materia prima y consumir un residuo destinado a vertedero.


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The building sector requires the worldwide production of 4 billion tonnes of cement annually, consuming more than 40% of global energy and accounting for about 8% of the total CO2 emissions. The SUS-CON project aimed at integrating waste materials in the production cycle of concrete, for both ready-mixed and pre-cast applications, resulting in an innovative light-weight, ecocompatible and cost-effective construction material, made by all-waste materials and characterized by enhanced thermal insulation performance and low embodied energy and CO2. Alkali activated “cementless” binders, which have recently emerged as eco-friendly construction materials, were used in conjunction with lightweight recycled aggregates to produce sustainable concrete for a range of applications. This paper presents some results from the development of a concrete made with a geopolymeric binder (alkali activated fly ash) and aggregate from recycled mixed plastic. Mix optimisation was achieved through an extensive investigation on production parameters for binder and aggregate. The mix recipe was developed for achieving the required fresh and hardened properties. The optimised mix gave compressive strength of about 7 MPa, flexural strength of about 1.3 MPa and a thermal conductivity of 0.34 W/mK. Fresh and hardened properties were deemed suitable for the industrial production of precast products. Precast panels were designed and produced for the construction of demonstration buildings. Mock-ups of about 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 m were built at a demo park in Spain both with SUS-CON and Portland cement concrete, monitoring internal and external temperatures. Field results indicate that the SUS-CON mock-ups have better insulation. During the warmest period of the day, the measured temperature in the SUS-CON mock-ups was lower.


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La presente Tesis Doctoral es una contribución al conocimiento y la investigación sobre el uso de áridos reciclados y cenizas de fondo procedentes de la combustión de biomasa para su uso en ingeniería civil. El interés en el uso de áridos reciclados procedentes de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD) están en continuo crecimiento debido a su potencial frente a diversos usos, entre ellos como material tratado con cemento para capas estructurales de carretera. Por otro lado, la producción de energía eléctrica a partir de centrales termoeléctricas que emplean biomasa como combustible, origina principalmente dos residuos: Cenizas de fondo (CF) formadas por el material total o parcialmente quemado y cenizas volantes (CV), partículas arrastradas por la corriente de gases al exterior de la cámara de combustión. En el desarrollo de este trabajo, se evaluó en una primera etapa, el comportamiento físico, químico y mecánico de diferentes mezclas de materiales granulares reciclados tratados con cemento, con diferentes contenidos de sulfato y de esta manera poder establecer protocolos de aplicación en la fabricación de suelocemento. Posteriormente, se analizo la viabilidad técnica de las cenizas de fondo de biomasa de varias plantas de energía andaluzas y de esta manera, evaluar su potencial uso en obras de infraestructura civil. Se determinó que las cenizas de fondo biomasa poseen propiedades aceptables para ser utilizados como un material de relleno en el núcleo de terraplenes de carreteras de más de 5 m en altura sin medidas de precaución adicionales. Por último, se estudio la posibilidad de incorporar, en proporciones determinadas, cenizas de fondo de biomasa en diferentes mezclas con árido natural y árido reciclado para su uso en ingeniería civil, concretamente como suelocemento para base y subbase de carreteras. El análisis de las propiedades mecánicas fue muy positivo. Las características físicas, químicas y mecánicas han sido estudiadas de acuerdo a la normativa vigente, y los parámetros han sido comparados con las especificaciones técnicas impuestas por la regulación española. La concepción del residuo como recurso para incorporarlo de nuevo al sistema productivo es un reto clave y una obligación y la principal motivación para el desarrollo de la presente Tesis Doctoral. Por ello, la correcta gestión de estos subproductos industriales, es esencial para evitar los impactos negativos sobre los ecosistemas, la biodiversidad y la salud humana, sin olvidar el beneficio económico que supone esta práctica.


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Researches have shown that the introduction of rubber in concrete improves the features of its deformability, as well as contributes to environmental disposal of waste generated in the tire retreading process. Furthermore, there is a high availability of limestone within RN and CE country. Ignorance about this stone, does not allow its wide use as aggregate, leaving, this abundant supply idle. A composite of limestone gravel, with proportions of tire rubber waste which could be used as concrete would be an alternative to concrete for low applications. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the characteristics of concrete containing limestone gravel and proportions of little aggregate replacement (sand) by tire rubber waste. To this goal, the material components of the concrete were characterized, concrete specimens with limestone gravel were made, from the dash 1.0: 2.5: 3.5, varying the water/cement ratio, and inserting a commercial plasticizer, without a proportion of residue, known as reference. From this, concrete with and without the presence of the additive in the same proportions were chosen, as well as these with the use of granite gravel, for being the most used. Selected the references, to these, replacements of little aggregate (sand) were added replaced by rubber waste from the tire retreading process, treated with 1M NaOH in proportions from 5.0 to 20.0 % by mass, cured and exposed to the semiarid environment. The results indicate the possibility of using limestone gravel in the concrete composition with workability correction using plasticizer. There was a decrease in the mechanical properties of the concrete with increments of waste rubber, but there is an improvement in toughness and deformability of the composite, which makes it interesting for the construction of non-structural concrete floors, as well as, the rubber waste delayed the hardening process, continuing to gain resistance after 28 days


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geotecnia, 2016.


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Waste management is becoming a major issue for communities worldwide. Glass, being nonbiodegradable, is not suitable for addition to landfill, and as such recycling opportunities need to be investigated. Due to the high material consumption of the construction industry, the utilisation of waste glass as a partial replacement for fine aggregate in structural concrete is particularly attractive. This project aimed to determine the level of glass replacement resulting in optimal compressive strength. Three concrete samples were tested at 7 and 28 days, for glass replacement proportions of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40%. Compressive strength was found to increase up to a level of 30%, at which point the strength developed was 9% and 6% higher than the control after 7 and 28 days respectively. This demonstrates that concrete containing up to 30% fine glass aggregate exhibits higher compressive strength development than traditional concrete.


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A study undertaken at the University of Liverpool has investigated the potential for using construction and demolition waste (C&DW) as aggregate in the manufacture of a range of precast concrete products, i.e. building and paving blocks and pavement flags. Phase II, which is reported here, investigated concrete paving blocks. Recycled demolition aggregate can be used to replace newly quarried limestone aggregate, usually used in coarse (6 mm) and fine (4 mm-to-dust) gradings. The first objective, as was the case with concrete building blocks, was to replicate the process used by industry in fabricating concrete paving blocks in the laboratory. The compaction technique used involved vibration and pressure at the same time, i.e. a vibro-compaction technique. An electric hammer used previously for building blocks was not sufficient for adequate compaction of paving blocks. Adequate compaction could only be achieved by using the electric hammer while the specimens were on a vibrating table. The experimental work involved two main series of tests, i.e. paving blocks made with concrete- and masonry-derived aggregate. Variables that were investigated were level of replacement of (a) coarse aggregate only, (b) fine aggregate only, and (c) both coarse and fine aggregate. Investigation of mechanical properties, i.e. compressive and tensile splitting strength, of paving blocks made with recycled demolition aggregate determined levels of replacement which produced similar mechanical properties to paving blocks made with newly quarried aggregates. This had to be achieved without an increase in the cement content. The results from this research programme indicate that recycled demolition aggregate can be used for this new higher value market and therefore may encourage demolition contractors to develop crushing and screening facilities for this. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A study undertaken at the University of Liverpool has investigated the potential for using recycled demolition aggregate in the manufacture of precast concrete building blocks. Recycled aggregates derived from construction and demolition waste (C&DW) can be used to replace quarried limestone aggregate, usually used in coarse (6 mm) and fine (4 mm-to-dust) gradings. The manufacturing process used in factories, for large-scale production, involves a “vibro-compaction” casting procedure, using a relatively dry concrete mix with low cement content (˜100 kg/m3). Trials in the laboratory successfully replicated the manufacturing process using a specially modified electric hammer drill to compact the concrete mix into oversize steel moulds to produce blocks of the same physical and mechanical properties as the commercial blocks. This enabled investigations of the effect of partially replacing newly quarried with recycled demolition aggregate on the compressive strength of building blocks to be carried out in the laboratory. Levels of replacement of newly quarried with recycled demolition aggregate have been determined that will not have significant detrimental effect on the mechanical properties. Factory trials showed that there were no practical problems with the use of recycled demolition aggregate in the manufacture of building blocks. The factory strengths obtained confirmed that the replacement levels selected, based on the laboratory work, did not cause any significant strength reduction, i.e. there was no requirement to increase the cement content to maintain the required strength, and therefore there would be no additional cost to the manufacturers if they were to use recycled demolition aggregate for their routine concrete building block production.


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A study undertaken at the University of Liverpool has investigated the potential for using construction and demolition waste (C&DW) derived aggregate in the manufacture of a range of precast concrete products, i.e. building and paving blocks and pavement flags. Phase III, which is reported here, investigated
concrete pavement flags. This was subsequent to studies on building and paving blocks. Recycled demolition aggregate can be used to replace newly quarried limestone aggregate, usually used in coarse (6 mm) and fine (4 mm-to-dust) gradings. The first objective was, as was the case with concrete building
and paving blocks, to replicate the process used by industry in fabricating concrete pavement flags in the laboratory. The ‘‘wet’’ casting technique used by industry for making concrete flags requires a very workable mix so that the concrete flows into the mould before it is compressed. Compression squeezes out water from the top as well as the bottom of the mould. This industrial casting procedure was successfully replicated in the laboratory by using an appropriately modified cube crushing machine and a special mould typical of what is used by industry. The mould could be filled outside of the cube crushing machine and then rolled onto a steel frame and into the machine for it to be compressed. The texture and mechanical properties of the laboratory concrete flags were found to be similar to the factory ones. The experimental work involved two main series of tests, i.e. concrete flags made with concrete- and
masonry-derived aggregate. Investigation of flexural strength was required for concrete paving flags. This is different from building blocks and paving blocks which required compressive and tensile splitting strength respectively. Upper levels of replacement with recycled demolition aggregate were determined
that produced similar flexural strength to paving flags made with newly quarried aggregates, without requiring an increase in the cement content. With up to 60% of the coarse or 40% of the fine fractions replaced with concrete-derived aggregates, the target mean flexural strength of 5.0 N/mm2 was still
achieved at the age of 28 days. There was similar detrimental effect by incorporating the fine masonry-derived aggregate. A replacement level of 70% for coarse was found to be satisfactory and also conservative. However, the fine fraction replacement could only be up to 30% and even reduced to 15% when used for mixes where 60% of the coarse fraction was also masonry-derived aggregate.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both the cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and the complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, polymer matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Hence, to date, most of the thermoset based GFRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and additional costs to producers and suppliers. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, the effect of the incorporation of mechanically recycled GFRP pultrusion wastes on flexural and compressive behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates (0%, 4%, 8% and 12%, w/w), with distinct size grades (coarse fibrous mixture and fine powdered mixture), were incorporated into polyester PM as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Experimental results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars show improved mechanical behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of GFRP waste reuse as raw material in concrete-polymer composites.