848 resultados para reality tv
Like many cautionary tales, The Hunger Games takes as its major premise an observation about contemporary society, measuring its ballistic arc in order to present graphically its logical conclusions. The Hunger Games gazes back to the panem et circenses of Ancient Rome, staring equally cynically forward, following the trajectory of reality television to its unbearably barbaric end point – a sadistic voyeurism for an effete elite of consumers. At each end of the historical spectrum (and in the present), the prevailing social form is Arendt’s animal laborans. Consumer or consumed, Panem’s population is (with the exception of the inner circle) either deprived of the possibility of, or distracted from, political action. Within the confines of the Games themselves, Law is abandoned or de‐realised: Law – an elided Other in the pseudo‐Hobbesian nightmare that is the Arena. The Games are played out, as were gladiatorial combats and other diversions of the Roman Empire, against a background resonant of Juvenal’s concern for his contemporaries’ attachment to short term gratification at the expense the civic virtues of justice and caring which are (or would be) constitutive of a contemporary form of Arendt’s homo politicus. While the Games are, on their face, ‘reality’ they are (like the realities presented in contemporary reality television) a simulated reality, de‐realised in a Foucauldian set design constructed as a distraction for Capitol, and for the residents of the Districts, a constant reminder of their subservience to Capitol. Yet contemporary Western culture, for which manipulative reality TV is but a symptom of an underlying malaise, is inscribed at least as an incipient Panem, Its public/political space is diminished by the effective slavery of the poor, the pre‐occupation with and distractions of materiality and modern media, and the increasing concentration of power/wealth into a smaller proportion of the population.
The rise of Web 2.0 has pushed the amateur to the forefront of public discourse, public policy and media scholarship. Typically non-salaried, non-specialist and untrained in media production, amateur producers are now seen as key drivers of the creative economy. But how do the activities of citizen journalists, fan fiction writers and bedroom musicians connect with longer traditions of extra-institutional media production? This edited collection provides a much-needed interdisciplinary contextualisation of amateur media before and after Web 2.0. Surveying the institutional, economic and legal construction of the amateur media producer via a series of case studies, it features contributions from experts in the fields of law, economics and media studies based in the UK, Europe and Singapore. Each section of the book contains a detailed case study on a selected topic, followed by two further pieces providing additional analysis and commentary. Using an extraordinary array of case studies and examples, from YouTube to online games, from subtitling communities to reality TV, the book is neither a celebration of amateur production nor a denunciation of the demise of professional media industries. Rather, this book presents a critical dialogue across law and the humanities, exploring the dynamic tensions and interdependencies between amateur and professional creative production. This book will appeal to both academics and students of intellectual property and media law, as well as to scholars and students of economics, media, cultural and internet studies.
Notwithstanding the problems with identifying audiences (c.f. Hartley, 1987), nor with sampling them (c.f. Turner, 2005), we contend that by using social media, it is at least possible to gain an understanding of the habits of those who chose to engage with content through social media. In this chapter, we will broadly outline the ways in which networks such as Twitter and Facebook can stand as proxies for audiences in a number of scenarios, and enable content creators, networks and researchers to understand the ways in which audiences come into existence, change over time, and engage with content. Beginning with the classic audience – television – we will consider the evolution of metrics from baseline volume metrics to the more sophisticated ‘telemetrics’ that are the focus of our current work. We discuss the evolution of these metrics, from principles developed in the field of ‘sabermetrics’, and highlight their effectiveness as both a predictor and a baseline for producers and networks to measure the success of their social media campaigns. Moving beyond the evaluation of the audiences engagement, we then move to consider the ‘audiences’ themselves. Building on Hartley’s argument that audiences are “imagined” constructs (1987, p. 125), we demonstrate the continual shift of Australian television audiences, from episode to episode and series to series, demonstrating through our map of the Australian Twittersphere (Bruns, Burgess & Highfield, 2014) both the variation amongst those who directly engage with television content, and those who are exposed to it through their social media networks. Finally, by exploring overlaps between sporting events (such as the NRL and AFL Grand Finals), reality TV (such as Big Brother, My Kitchen Rules & Biggest Loser), soaps (e.g. Bold & The Beautiful, Home & Away), and current affairs programming (e.g. Morning Television & A Current Affair), we discuss to what extent it is possible to profile and categorize Australian television audiences. Finally, we move beyond television audiences to consider audiences around social media platforms themselves. Building on our map of the Australian Twittersphere (Bruns, Burgess & Highfield, 2014), and a pool of 5000 active Australian accounts, we discuss the interconnectedness of audiences around particular subjects, and how specific topics spread throughout the Twitter Userbase. Also, by using Twitter as a proxy, we consider the career of a number of popular YouTuber’s, utilizing a method we refer to as Twitter Accession charts (Bruns & Woodford, 2014) to identify the growth curves, and relate them to specific events in the YouTubers career, be that ‘viral’ videos or collaborations, to discuss how audiences form around specific content creators.
Reality television, alongside shows such as Q&A – which may be Reality TV in all but name – frequently drives social media conversations about the Australian television industry. Big Brother, currently screening on Channel 9, is consistently among the shows with the highest levels of chatter in that regard. The precise Facebook data is hard to quantify but the Official Big Brother page boasts 805,400 likes and more than 59,000 comments since the start of the series, suggesting it has established a firm presence on that platform too...
Ce mémoire est consacré à la production culturelle en contexte de convergence au Québec. Dans le premier chapitre, je démontre comment différents éléments en sont venus à façonner la production culturelle contemporaine québécoise et comment la convergence médiatique est susceptible d’orienter la production et la parution de textes culturels. J'y expose aussi les bases d'une approche de la circulation par le biais de laquelle je propose de construire théoriquement mon objet d'étude. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à la démarche méthodologique qui a présidé ma recherche. J'y présente d'abord le terrain de l'analyse, soit la téléréalité Occupation Double, en tant que phénomène intertextuel dont j'étudie les diverses configurations sur et à travers les principales plates-formes de Quebecor. Je poursuis en décrivant la constitution du corpus de textes à l'étude ainsi que les principaux paramètres d'analyse inspirés de la théorie de la circulation et de la méthode intertextuelle privilégiée. Le troisième chapitre rend compte des résultats d’analyse, présentant deux circuits médiatiques m’ayant permis d’observer les possibilités d’émergence de personnages construits autour des concurrents de la téléréalité Occupation Double. J’initie par la suite une piste de réflexion sur la création de zones d’intimité performées par ces mêmes personnages. En conclusion, je fais un retour sur l’évolution de mes recherches et constats et propose une réflexion sur l’intimité performée et les genres possiblement pressentis pour l’endosser.
À l’image des théories de la bande dessinée imprimée, la BD numérique est elle aussi accaparée par les analyses formalistes, dont la plus connue, celle de Scott McCloud, est critiquable, car elle réduit le média à un langage. Or, les mutations provoquées par la remédiation numérique ne sont pas uniquement formelles : l’expérience du lecteur, de l’auteur, et le rapport qu’ils entretiennent ensemble sont modifiés. Ce nouveau rapport influence le contenu des œuvres : on ne raconte pas la même chose dans le livre que sur Internet. L’autobiographie en BD, courant qui a explosé dans l’édition indépendante des années 1990, puis a été largement repris par les blogueurs, permet d’observer les différences de contenus et d’approches véhiculées par le livre et le numérique. Le dispositif du blogue propose un outil de liberté d’expression et de réflexion, mais les paramètres de son exécution (immédiateté, interactivité, désir de popularité, etc.) peuvent détourner cet objectif. Ainsi, beaucoup d’auteurs de blogues n’ont pas produit une autobiographie singulière, mais ont reproduit un courant de pensée existant (en exposant une libido fortement orientée vers la consommation) ainsi qu’un genre codifié, au sein duquel les autobiographies deviennent uniformes. Pour qualifier leurs blogues, on ne peut pas vraiment parler d’autobiographies, car ils ne mettent pas en scène un passé rétrospectif. Il s’agirait davantage de journaux intimes dont l’intimité est communiquée (ou publicisée) plutôt qu’expérimentée. Ce à quoi ces blogues ressemblent finalement le plus, c’est à une sorte de télé-réalité, une « bédé-réalité ».
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
The academic discipline of television studies has been constituted by the claim that television is worth studying because it is popular. Yet this claim has also entailed a need to defend the subject against the triviality that is associated with the television medium because of its very popularity. This article analyses the many attempts in the later twentieth and twenty-first centuries to constitute critical discourses about television as a popular medium. It focuses on how the theoretical currents of Television Studies emerged and changed in the UK, where a disciplinary identity for the subject was founded by borrowing from related disciplines, yet argued for the specificity of the medium as an object of criticism. Eschewing technological determinism, moral pathologization and sterile debates about television's supposed effects, UK writers such as Raymond Williams addressed television as an aspect of culture. Television theory in Britain has been part of, and also separate from, the disciplinary fields of media theory, literary theory and film theory. It has focused its attention on institutions, audio-visual texts, genres, authors and viewers according to the ways that research problems and theoretical inadequacies have emerged over time. But a consistent feature has been the problem of moving from a descriptive discourse to an analytical and evaluative one, and from studies of specific texts, moments and locations of television to larger theories. By discussing some historically significant critical work about television, the article considers how academic work has constructed relationships between the different kinds of objects of study. The article argues that a fundamental tension between descriptive and politically activist discourses has confused academic writing about ›the popular‹. Television study in Britain arose not to supply graduate professionals to the television industry, nor to perfect the instrumental techniques of allied sectors such as advertising and marketing, but to analyse and critique the medium's aesthetic forms and to evaluate its role in culture. Since television cannot be made by ›the people‹, the empowerment that discourses of television theory and analysis aimed for was focused on disseminating the tools for critique. Recent developments in factual entertainment television (in Britain and elsewhere) have greatly increased the visibility of ›the people‹ in programmes, notably in docusoaps, game shows and other participative formats. This has led to renewed debates about whether such ›popular‹ programmes appropriately represent ›the people‹ and how factual entertainment that is often despised relates to genres hitherto considered to be of high quality, such as scripted drama and socially-engaged documentary television. A further aspect of this problem of evaluation is how television globalisation has been addressed, and the example that the issue has crystallised around most is the reality TV contest Big Brother. Television theory has been largely based on studying the texts, institutions and audiences of television in the Anglophone world, and thus in specific geographical contexts. The transnational contexts of popular television have been addressed as spaces of contestation, for example between Americanisation and national or regional identities. Commentators have been ambivalent about whether the discipline's role is to celebrate or critique television, and whether to do so within a national, regional or global context. In the discourses of the television industry, ›popular television‹ is a quantitative and comparative measure, and because of the overlap between the programming with the largest audiences and the scheduling of established programme types at the times of day when the largest audiences are available, it has a strong relationship with genre. The measurement of audiences and the design of schedules are carried out in predominantly national contexts, but the article refers to programmes like Big Brother that have been broadcast transnationally, and programmes that have been extensively exported, to consider in what ways they too might be called popular. Strands of work in television studies have at different times attempted to diagnose what is at stake in the most popular programme types, such as reality TV, situation comedy and drama series. This has centred on questions of how aesthetic quality might be discriminated in television programmes, and how quality relates to popularity. The interaction of the designations ›popular‹ and ›quality‹ is exemplified in the ways that critical discourse has addressed US drama series that have been widely exported around the world, and the article shows how the two critical terms are both distinct and interrelated. In this context and in the article as a whole, the aim is not to arrive at a definitive meaning for ›the popular‹ inasmuch as it designates programmes or indeed the medium of television itself. Instead the aim is to show how, in historically and geographically contingent ways, these terms and ideas have been dynamically adopted and contested in order to address a multiple and changing object of analysis.
Denna studie undersöker hur unga transpersoner representeras i media, närmare bestämt inom genren reality tv. De två program som valts för ändamålet är amerikanska I am Jazz och ryska TransReality, där den första fokuserar på 15-åriga Jazz Jennings liv medan den andra följer ett antal unga transpersoners vardag. Valet av program bygger på att de båda släpptes under det gångna året, att samtliga huvudpersoner är ungdomar och att de har sitt ursprung i två vitt skilda kulturella kontext. Syftet är att granska hur serierna representerar transpersoner utifrån frågor som biologiskt kön, genus och könsidentitet. Frågeställningarna rör ungdomarnas sociala relationer och samhället, vad det är som serierna problematiserar och hur programmets utformning bidrar till att berätta deras historier. Inledningsvis förklaras olika definitioner av kön, samt genus och könsidentitet. För att närma mig materialet har jag valt teorier utifrån programmens utformning såväl som innehåll. Teorierna omfattar reality tv, stereotypier, Judith Butlers idéer om genus i kombination med transgender studier och transfeminism. De senare två är relativt nya akademiska ämnen/teorier i Sverige, men välbehövliga sådana då de tar transpersoners liv och erfarenheter på allvar. Studierna jag tagit del av inom tidigare forskning visar på att transpersoner ofta förbises även i queerteoretiska sammanhang. Feminismen har även inkorporerats i metodologin, för att bättre belysa det som studien avser att undersöka. Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys med sin politiska betoning utgör stommen för det analytiska arbetet. Detta har applicerats på tre avsnitt av varje program: det första, mittersta och sista. Genom att analysera dessa framkommer att bakom den överlag positiva framställningen av de unga transpersonerna i TransReality ligger konservativa värderingar om kön, genus och könsidentitet. I am Jazz är mer progressiv, men även den visar ibland på liknande tendenser som TransReality. De sociala relationerna är det som problematiseras, istället för de unga transpersonerna själva. Reality tv ger prov på att den vuxit till sig som genre i att den med dokumentär ambition berättar de unga transpersonernas historier. Denna autenticitet kan vara av vikt för samhällets förståelse av transpersoner.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
There’s nothing new about this recipe for success: toss in high-stress scenarios, flavour generously with competitive chefs, and garnish with a panel of celebrity judges. With all major broadcasters in the country now dishing up some form of reality cooking programme, Australians could be forgiven for having lost any expectation of original TV material. But that didn’t stop Channel Seven from taking Channel Nine to court last week, arguing its copyright in My Kitchen Rules had been infringed with Nine’s latest prime-time effort, The Hotplate. After the first few episodes went to air, Seven asked for an injunction to stop Nine from broadcasting any more episodes of the reality show. So let’s look at some common confusions about copyright law and how it relates to reality television. Because in this context, copyright infringement isn’t about shows sharing major similarities, or about protecting ideas, but rather the expression of these ideas in the final product. Still, stretching copyright law to protect the “vibe” of a work isn’t good for artists, TV producers or viewers: copyright was designed to nurture creativity, not stifle it.
TV Maxambomba: Processos de Singularização é o resultado do processo de investigação sobre as potencialidades que residem na linguagem audiovisual, sobretudo no processo de produção de vídeo e comunicação popular, apropriados por pessoas que nas suas diferenças utilizam a linguagem e a tecnologia do vídeo como ferramenta de produção da expressão da sua cultura, da sua realidade, da sua criação e inventividade. Percorrendo o percurso da TV Maxambomba, essa pesquisa trouxe a dimensão da potencia que envolve a articulação de pessoas e grupos utilizando a tecnologia do audiovisual, a linguagem do vídeo no seu processo de criação como mecanismo de produção de conhecimento e de subjetivação. Ao longo dos seus 15 anos A TV Maxambomba revela-se como um potencial laboratório de invenção midiática, democratizando a linguagem audiovisual, possibilitando que numa era midiática, inicia-se a era pós-mídia. Transgredindo as normas e os formatos televisivos, traçando suas linhas de fuga, trazendo as peculiaridades das comunidades e territórios ocupados pela TV Maxambomba, territorializando e desterritolizando sua própria linguagem, revela-se como espaço de produção de processos de singularização.
Reality shows are TV programs which represent a format used in television nowadays; however, the observation practices of individual and/or group intimacy dates from thousands years ago. Sometimes this was driven by voyeurism or morbid fascination, some others, by the purpose of guarding, supervising and maintaining status quo. This work offers an alternative answer to the explanation of this type of TV program emergence and relates this appearance to a government procedure bound up with modern State terrorism which began at the end of the eighteenth century and has been recalled by different regimes until present days.