991 resultados para reading, reading acquisition difficulties, multisensory method, dyslexia


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This study investigated the effects of repeated readings on the reading abilities of 4, third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade English language learners (ELLs) with specific learning disabilities (SLD). A multiple baseline probe design across subjects was used to explore the effects of repeated readings on four dependent variables: reading fluency (words read correctly per minute; wpm), number of errors per minute (epm), types of errors per minute, and answer to literal comprehension questions. Data were collected and analyzed during baseline, intervention, generalization probes, and maintenance probes. Throughout the baseline and intervention phases, participants read a passage aloud and received error correction feedback. During baseline, this was followed by fluency and literal comprehension question assessments. During intervention, this was followed by two oral repeated readings of the passage. Then the fluency and literal comprehension question assessments were administered. Generalization probes followed approximately 25% of all sessions and consisted of a single reading of a new passage at the same readability level. Maintenance sessions occurred 2-, 4-, and 6-weeks after the intervention ended. The results of this study indicated that repeated readings had a positive effect on the reading abilities of ELLs with SLD. Participants read more wpm, made fewer epm, and answered more literal comprehension questions correctly. Additionally, on average, generalization scores were higher in intervention than in baseline. Maintenance scores were varied when compared to the last day of intervention, however, with the exception of the number of hesitations committed per minute maintenance scores were higher than baseline means. This study demonstrated that repeated readings improved the reading abilities of ELLs with SLD and that gains were generalized to untaught passages. Maintenance probes 2-, 4-, and 6- weeks following intervention indicated that mean reading fluency, errors per minute, and correct answers to literal comprehensive questions remained above baseline levels. Future research should investigate the use of repeated readings in ELLs with SLD at various stages of reading acquisition. Further, future investigations may examine how repeated readings can be integrated into classroom instruction and assessments.


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The article presents a study of a CEFR B2-level reading subtest that is part of the Slovenian national secondary school leaving examination in English as a foreign language, and compares the test-taker actual performance (objective difficulty) with the test-taker and expert perceptions of item difficulty (subjective difficulty). The study also analyses the test-takers’ comments on item difficulty obtained from a while-reading questionnaire. The results are discussed in the framework of the existing research in the fields of (the assessment of) reading comprehension, and are addressed with regard to their implications for item-writing, FL teaching and curriculum development.


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The present study examined the effect of learning to read a heritage language on Taiwanese Mandarin-English bilingual children’s Chinese and English phonological awareness, Chinese and English oral language proficiency, and English reading skills. Participants were 40 Taiwanese Mandarin-English bilingual children and 20 English monolingual children in the U.S. Based on their performance on a Chinese character reading test, the bilingual participants were divided into two groups: the Chinese Beginning Reader and Chinese Nonreader groups. A single child categorized as a Chinese Advanced Reader also participated. Children received phonological awareness tasks, produced oral narrative samples from a wordless picture book, and took standardized English reading subtests. The bilingual participants received measures in both English and Chinese, whereas English monolingual children received only English measures. Additional demographic information was collected from a language background survey filled out by parents. Results of two MANOVAs indicated that the Chinese Beginning Reader group outperformed the Chinese Nonreader and English Monolingual groups on some phonological awareness measures and the English nonword reading test. In an oral narrative production task in English, the English Monolingual group produced a greater total number of words (TNW) and more different words (NDW) than the Chinese Nonreader group. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine whether bilingual children’s Chinese character reading ability would still account for a unique amount of variance in certain outcome variables, independent of nonverbal IQ and other potential demographic or performance variables and to clarify the direction of causality for bilingual children’s performance in the three domains. These results suggested that learning to read in a heritage language directly or indirectly enhances bilingual children’s ability in phonological awareness and certain English reading skills. It also appears that greater oral language proficiency in Chinese promotes early reading in the heritage language. Advanced heritage reading may produce even larger gains. Practical implications of learning a heritage language in the U.S. are discussed.


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This study investigates if less skilled readers suffer from deficits in echoic memory, which may be responsible for limiting the progress of reading acquisition. Serial recall performance in auditory, visual, and noisy conditions was used to assess echoic memory differences between skilled and less skilled readers. Both groups showed the typical modality effect, demonstrating that each had a functioning echoic memory. Less skilled readers performed more weakly than skilled readers on noisy serial recall, suggesting that the recall of less skilled readers is more vulnerable to interference than the recall of skilled readers. Nonword repetition performance indicated that all participants had reduced recall as a function of word complexity and word length. No difference between reading groups was found on this task; however, as nonword repetition and size of modality effect did not correlate, this task may not be a measure of echoic memory.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino Especial


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Las dificultades de lectura y escritura se pueden detectar desde el momento en que los niños y niñas inician el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en la etapa de Educación Infantil. En algunos casos estos alumnos reciben un apoyo escolar que en muchas ocasiones no conlleva las mejoras esperadas, siendo las técnicas y metodologías de refuerzo aplicadas ineficaces. El problema, desde nuestro punto de vista, empieza con el diagnóstico que se realiza a estos jóvenes, que determina las directrices de la intervención idónea en cada caso. La Teoría PASS de la inteligencia nos permite conocer qué procesos están implicados cuando el niño lee o escribe, y parte de la premisa de que si conocemos el perfil cognitivo de un alumno que presenta dificultades podremos entender como estas se originan. Para conocer este perfil cognitivo (los cuatro procesos cognitivos que describe esta teoría: Planificación, Atención, Simultaneo y Secuencial) utilizamos la batería DN-CAS (Das & Naglieri: Cognitive Assessment System). El perfil obtenido al aplicar el DN-CAS nos permitirá conocer el origen de las dificultades de lectura y escritura, saber cuando está justificada una dislexia, descartar problemas emocionales o la presencia de los mismos y diseñar la intervención más adecuada en cada situación


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Reports have shown that a growing number of students are leaving school without adequate reading and writing skills. At the same time, finnish children have improved in reading lit-eracy over the past decade. The school´s primary mission is to support student´s reading and writing development and follow it over time. Not only individual students´development has to be followd over time, as seen in this study, to be able to plan interventions. The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to study how the results in grades 1–6 exhibit in reading compre-hension and spelling over time in a school for the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland. Even gender differences in reading comprehension and spelling are being examined, as well as students with low performance. The data collection has been done during a period of twelwe years, 1997–2009, where data from practically every two years has been used for this study. Results are reported for the years 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007 and 2009. The measuring instruments are standardized and normative tests in reading comprehension and spelling. The same instruments were used all of the years. The number of students was 1 037 and when possible, students partici-pated more than once. There was a minimal loss of data. The groups of students mostly came from urban districts, and a smaller number came from rural districts. Students with special needs were included in the group, but none of the students in special units participat-ed. The results show that the skills in reading comprehension and spelling haven´t changed appreciably over time. The trend shows slightly positive or unchanged direction except in spelling in grade 1 and reading comprehension in grade 5 where the trend is slightly nega-tive. The most obvious change can be noticed over time in reading comprehension in grade 2, where performance has improved significantly. Significant differences between boys´and girls´performances occur some years and in favor of the girls, but more often in spelling than in reading comprehension. In grade 4, there are no differences in results between boys and girls in any year, neither in reading comprehension nor in spelling, nor in grade 2 in reading comprehension. When the results shows gender differences, there are always differ-ences in both reading comprehension and spelling. Poor performances are also analyzed over time. Isolated reading comprehension difficulties were common for those who was performing poorly. In grade 2, as the only grade, most common was a double deficit in both reading comprehension and spelling, and in grade 4, most students who performed poorly had isolated difficulties in spelling. The amount of poor results varies over time, and no particular trend can be discerned. In grade 2, however, the poor results decreased over time, especially for the boys. Even in reading comprehension for grade 6 the amount of poor results, especially for the boys (10th percentile), has decreased over time, at least in the later years, while the poor results in-creased in spelling generally. In grade 4 the amount of poor results in spelling (10th perc.) seems to be reduced for the girls.


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OBJETIVO: Caracterizar e comparar o desempenho de escolares com dislexia, distúrbio de aprendizagem e bom desempenho acadêmico nos processos de leitura. MÉTODOS: Participaram 60 escolares de ambos os gêneros, de primeira a quarta série do ensino fundamental de uma cidade no interior de São Paulo, que foram divididos em: GI - 20 escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de dislexia; GII - 20 escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de distúrbio de aprendizagem; e GIII - 20 escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico, pareados por gênero, faixa etária e escolaridade com o GI e GII. Os escolares foram submetidos à aplicação da adaptação brasileira da Avaliação dos Processos de Leitura - PROLEC, composta por quatro blocos: identificação de letras, processos léxicos, sintáticos e semânticos. RESULTADOS: Os escolares de GIII apresentaram desempenho superior em relação ao GI e ao GII. Foram encontradas diferenças nas provas referentes aos sinais de pontuação e compreensão de orações e textos, em que foi evidenciado desempenho inferior do GII em relação ao GI. Quanto à classificação dos resultados, a maior parte dos escolares do GI apresentou desempenho normal no processo de identificação de letras e dificuldade grande no processo léxico, comprometendo os demais processos, e o GII apresentou dificuldade grande em todos os processos. CONCLUSÃO: Os escolares com dislexia e distúrbio de aprendizagem apresentam desempenho inferior nas provas dos processos de leitura. Os escolares com dislexia apresentam dificuldades no domínio dos processos léxico, sintático e semântico e os escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem apresentam dificuldades em todos os processos avaliados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A formação de classes de equivalência entre figuras, palavras ditadas e palavras impressas promove a leitura com compreensão, mas não estabelece o controle discriminativo por todos as unidades da palavra (letras e sílabas). A aplicação de procedimentos especiais combinados (cópia, ditado e oralização fluente e escandida) durante o ensino das relações condicionais entre palavras ditadas e palavras impressas (AC) favorece o estabelecimento de controle discriminativo por unidades menores que a palavra, e a leitura textual e com compreensão das palavras formadas por recombinações daquelas unidades. O treino explícito de discriminações silábicas tem sido adotado como um dos procedimentos nos estudos sobre consciência fonológica, com resultados satisfatórios em testes de leitura. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito dos dois procedimentos sobre a aquisição da leitura recombinativa em pré-escolares. Três crianças foram expostas ao procedimento de equivalência e procedimento especiais combinados durante o ensino das relações AC (com as palavras MALA, PATO e BOCA), e quatro ao treino explícito de discriminações silábicas em tarefas de rima, aliteração, adição e subtração de sílabas e correspondência grafosilábica. Após um Pré-teste, os participantes do primeiro grupo foram submetidos ao teste / ensino das relações AB (palavras ditadas-figuras), e em seguida ao ensino das relações AC com procedimentos combinados e aos testes BC (figuras-palavras impressas) e CB. Posteriormente à emergência das relações de equivalência (BC/CB), as crianças participavam de testes de leitura textual das sílabas, das palavras de ensino e de generalização (formadas pela recombinação das sílabas das palavras de ensino). Quando os participantes atingiam o mínimo de 90% de acertos no teste de leitura generalizada eram conduzidos ao Pós-teste. Caso contrário, participavam antes da mesma seqüência anterior, porém, com três palavras de generalização (BOLA, LAMA e CAPA). Já as quatro crianças do segundo grupo inicialmente foram submetidas a tarefas de reconhecimento silábico e posteriormente a tarefas de correspondência grafosilábica, rima, aliteração, subtração e adição silábica com as sílabas MA, LA, PA, TO, BO e CA. O participante só era exposto ao treino de uma outra sílaba se obtivesse 100% de acertos na tarefa de correspondência grafosilábica e acertasse todos os itens experimentais das demais atividades. Ao final do programa os participantes eram expostos ao Pós-teste: os três participantes do grupo de equivalência de estímulos e um do grupo de consciência fonológica apresentaram a leitura recombinativa de algumas palavras, mas nenhum deles apresentou leitura recombinativa generalizada. Sugere-se que outras variáveis podem interferir no desempenho dos participantes, como: a história pré e extraexperimental, a aquisição do conceito de impressos (e.g. leitura da esquerda para a direita) e a quantidade de tentativas de ensino. Supõe-se ainda que no caso do ensino de leitura do português o uso conjunto de procedimentos de equivalência de estímulos e de discriminação/correspondência silábica seja um método eficiente no ensino da leitura recombinativa. Propõe-se que novos estudos avaliem os efeitos da combinação destes procedimentos no ensino de tal repertório.


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This study investigated the use of library catalogue in Niger Delta University library. The study employed descriptive research method and questionnaire as a research instrument to generate the data. The analysis revealed that 168 (51 percent) of the users were not aware of library catalogue, and 160 (54 percent) had never used the catalogue. The study also showed that 209 (71.7 percent) encountered difficulties in using the catalogue because of lack of proper education and, as a result, 202 (68.7 percent) of the users resolved to used browsing/reading through the shelves method to locate books. The analysis also revealed that 202 (68.7 percent) of users indicated that proper user education was a means to easy catalogue use in the library. Recommendations were made to improve effective catalogue use, including user education, regular orientation programme, and preparation of guidelines on use of the library catalogue.


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To obtain a high quality EMG acquisition, the signal must be recorded as far away as possible from muscle innervations and tendon zones, which are known to shift during dynamic contractions. This study describes a methodology, using commercial bipolar electrodes, to identify better electrode positions for superficial EMG of lower limb muscles during dynamic contractions. Eight female volunteers participated in this study. Myoelectric signals of the vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis, peroneus longus and tibialis anterior muscles were acquired during maximum isometric contractions using bipolar electrodes. The electrode positions of each muscle were selected assessing SENIAM and then, other positions were located along the length of muscle up and down the SENIAM site. The raw signal (density), the linear envelopes, the RMS value, the motor point site, the position of the IZ and its shift during dynamic contractions were taken into account to select and compare electrode positions. For vastus lateralis and peroneus longus, the best sites were 66% and 25% of muscle length, respectively (similar to SENIAM location). The position of the tibialis anterior electrodes presented the best signal at 47.5% of its length (different from SENIAM location). The position of the gastrocnemius medialis electrodes was at 38% of its length and SENIAM does not specify a precise location for signal acquisition. The proposed method should be considered as another methodological step in every EMG study to guarantee the quality of the signal and subsequent human movement interpretations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Esta pesquisa tematizou o ensino inicial da leitura na escola primária, no estado do Espírito Santo, nos anos de 1960, com o objetivo de analisar princípios que fundamentam o “método global” e sua apropriação no campo da política educacional, para justificar a representação desse método como eficaz para a alfabetização de crianças. Para tanto, nos debruçamos sobre manuais didáticos elaborados para o ensino inicial da leitura, que propõem o “método global” por meio de contos e historietas, que circularam em escolas capixabas. Desse modo a questão central que norteou esta investigação foi: Que apropriações foram feitas de princípios que fundamentavam o “método global” pelas professoras autoras de manuais didáticos (de contos e historietas) que circularam no Estado do Espírito Santo, nos anos de 1960? Os manuais didáticos que integram o corpus documental da análise compreendem: as mais belas histórias: pré-livro, parte do mestre [196?]; as mais belas histórias: pré-livro (1964) e as mais belas histórias: pré-livro, bloco de atividades [196?], de autoria Lúcia Casasanta. O livro de Lilí: método global, manual da professora (1940) e o livro de Lilí: cartilha (1961), de Anita Fonseca e o circo do Carequinha, manual do professor (1969), de Maria Serafina de Freitas. Além dessas fontes privilegiamos outras como revista pedagógica, correspondências oficiais, ata de reunião pedagógica, jornal, orientações/prescrições para prática pedagógica. Consideramos na análise o esquema conceitual apresentado por Roger Chartier: circulação, representação, apropriação e práticas culturais e, ainda o conceito de cultura escolar de Dominique Julia. Compreende-se que foram feitas apropriações inventivas, dos princípios teóricos formulados por Jean-Ovide Decroly, pelas autoras dos manuais didáticos e estes puseram em circulação a representação de método e de ensino da leitura que foi apropriada e legitimada pela política educacional capixaba. Entende-se que a proposta do “método global” não provocou significativas modificações na condição de passividade do aluno no processo de aprendizagem da leitura, tendo em vista a naturalização dos processos de desenvolvimento da criança e permanência de procedimentos mecanicista e reducionista da língua.


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A relação entre consciência fonológica e consciência morfológica e a contribuição independente de cada uma para a aprendizagem da leitura não reúnem ainda consenso na literatura. Alguns autores argumentam que a consciência morfológica não contribui de forma independente da consciência fonológica para a aprendizagem da leitura. No entanto, outros encontraram dados que indicam que a consciência morfológica tem um papel específi co na progressão da aprendizagem da leitura. Todavia, para além da variedade de tarefas usadas não permitir a comparação de resultados, a ausência de estudos prévios sobre a validade e a fi delidade das mesmas conduz a resultados cuja confi abilidade pode ser posta em causa. Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar uma análise das qualidades psicométricas da PCM - Prova de Consciência Morfológica. A amostra é constituída por 243 crianças do 2.º (n = 79), 3.º (n = 83) e 4.º (n = 81) anos frequentando escolas públicas, urbanas, do distrito do Porto (norte de Portugal). Os resultados revelaram que a PCM possui uma elevada consistência interna (α = .95). Na análise em componentes principais, foi extraído um único fator, com valor próprio igual a 10.88, que explica 54.42% da variância total dos resultados. Os itens são todos saturados no fator, variando as saturações fatoriais entre um mínimo de .42 e o máximo de .91


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ÅBO AKADEMI UNIVERSITY Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies Author: Helena Nyman Supervisor: D.Sc. (Health Care), RN Jessica Hemberg Master´s Thesis The vision of caring – Occupational healthcare nurses experiences of fulfilling their ethical values CARING SCIENCE Keywords: Ethics, nursing, nursing ethics, healthcare, values April 2016 Number of pages: 53 Appendices: 5 The purpose of this study is to reach an understanding of what ethos is in an occupational healthcare context. The study seeks answer to the following questions: 1. What is ethos in an occupational healthcare context? 2. What does it mean for occupational healthcare nurses to fulfill their inner ethos in a healthcare context controlled by economic demands of gain and efficiency? The main concept in this study is ethos as Eriksson describes it in her caritative theory of caring. Ethos is associated with ethics and reflects the fundamental assumptions that we have about the human being´s holiness and dignity and about the inviolability of life. The empirical part of the study consists of focus interviews with four occupational healthcare nurses. The study uses hermeneutical reading as an interpretation method, and presents the results of the study in six theses reflecting these against both recent research and the theoretical background. The results of the study show that ethos in occupational healthcare has to do with justice, honesty and faithfulness. These concepts are common to nurses in different nursing contexts. Ethos is not primarily profession-bound but is something universal, and eternal in the human being´s way of being and becoming. The study shows that ethos is a way of being, openness and a way of existing in love. To fulfill ethos in an occupational health context means to choose ethos continuously and courageously for the sake of the patient and the good, even if it involves a struggle or a sacrifice.