989 resultados para rat organ weight


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This study investigated the effects of perinatal cadmium exposure on sexual behavior, organ weight, and testosterone levels in adult rats. We examined whether immediate postpartum testosterone administration is able to reverse the toxic effects of the metal. Forty pregnant Wistar rats were divided into three groups: 1) control, 2) 10 mg kg-1 cadmium chloride per day, and 3) 20 mg kg-1 cadmium chloride per day. These dams were treated on gestational days 18 and 21 and from lactation 1 to 7. Immediately after birth, half of the offspring from the experimental and control groups received 50 μl (i.p.) of 0.2% testosterone. Male sexual behavior, histological analysis and weight of organs as well as serum testosterone levels were assessed. Results showed that both cadmium doses disrupted sexual behavior in male rats, and postnatal treatment with testosterone reversed the toxic effects of 10 mg kg-1 cadmium and attenuated the effects of 20 mg kg-1 cadmium. Body weight and absolute testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicle weight were decreased by the higher cadmium dose, and testosterone supplementation did not reverse these effects. Serum testosterone levels were unaffected by both cadmium doses. No histological changes were detected in all organs analyzed. Maternal cadmium exposure effects in sexual parameters of male rat offspring were explained by the altered masculinization of the hypothalamus. We suggest that cadmium damaged cerebral sexual differentiation by its actions as an endocrine disruptor and supported by the changes discretely observed from early life during sexual development to adult life, reflected by sexual behavior. Testosterone supplementation after birth reversed some crucial parameters directly related to sexual behavior.


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In traditional medicine of Cameroon, Nymphaea lotus Linn. (Nympheaceae) is used for treatment of male sexual disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the N. lotus flowers aqueous extracts on general mating behavior, fertility and some androgenic parameters of normoglycemic and diabetic adult male rats. Mating behavior assessment was carried out with primiparous and with oestrus female rats. Male rats were divided into 5 groups and subjected once in a day to the following treatment: distilled water (10 mL/kg), Sildenafil citrate (5mg/kg), Testosterone enanthate (5mg/kg) and plant extract (75 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg). Treatment lasted for 8 and 55 days before sacrifice. Organ weight, epididymal sperm counts, motility, viability, histomorphometric analysis, muscular strength, seminal fructose, cholesterol level, epididymal and serum proteins testicular were determined. Results showed a dose- dependant influence of the treatment in sperm count and motility which significantly increases compared to the distilled water-administered control. An increase in some sexual performance parameters (mount and intromission frequencies) was observed in both diabetic and normal rats compared to respective controls. The latencies of mount and intromission were significantly reduced. Computed frequencies of penile licking, index of libido and sexual motivation were higher in normal and diabetic extract-treated animals; which suggest an enhancement of motivational parameters. The treatment also caused significant increases in the weight of the testis, prostate, epididymis, in serum cholesterol and epididymal protein level in normal rats compared to the distilled water-administered control. These results indicate an androgenic pro-sexual potential of N. lotus in male rats and justify the empirical use of N. lotus in the management of erectile dysfunction and fertility disorders in males. Key-words: Nymphaea lotus, prosexual, androgenic, fertility, diabetic, male rat. //Selon les tradipraticiens de l’Ouest-Cameroun, Nymphaea lotus Linn. (N. lotus), de la famille des Nymphéacées, est utilisé pour le traitement des dysfonctionnements sexuels chez les hommes. Dans cette étude, l’effet de l’extrait aqueux des fleurs de N. lotus sur la fonction de reproduction des rats mâles adultes normaux et diabétiques a été évalué. Dans le but d’évaluer les effets de l’extrait aqueux des fleurs de N. lotus sur les paramètres généraux de copulation, d’androgénicité et de fertilité, les rats normoglycémiques et diabétiques ont été divisé en 3 groupes contrôle [Groupe I- recevant de l’eau distillée, Groupe II et III recevant respectivement du citrate de sildénafil (5 mg/kg) et l’énanthate de testostérone (5 mg/kg)] et deux groupes expérimentaux traités à l’extrait aux doses 75 mg/kg (Groupe IV) et 150 mg/kg (Groupe V). L’eau distillée, l’extrait et la substance de référence était administré per os une fois par jour. Pour analyser le comportement sexuel et la fertilité, des femelles primipares et en oestrus étaient utilisées. Le traitement a duré 8 et 55 jours avant le sacrifice. Le poids relatif des organes, le nombre de spermatozoïde, la motilité, les analyses morphométriques, la force musculaire, le taux de cholestérol, le taux de protéines sériques et épididymaires étaient déterminé. Le temps de latence de monte et d’intromission a diminué significativement alors que la fréquence d’éjaculation a augmenté. L’index de libido, la fréquence de monte, d’intromission, d’éjaculation, d’orientation des mâles vis-à-vis d’eux même et l’index de motivation sexuelle a augmenté chez les animaux traités l’extrait comparés à ceux ayant reçu de l’eau distillée aussi bien chez les normaux que chez le diabétiques qui n’enregistrent d’ailleurs aucune éjaculation. Le traitement a augmenté significativement (P < 0,01) le poids des testicules, de la prostate et de l’épididyme. Il est observé une augmentation dose-dépendante du nombre et de la motilité des spermatozoïdes (P < 0,05), ainsi qu’une augmentation significative (P < 0,001) temps-dépendant du taux de cholestérol sérique et de protéines épididymaires. Ces résultats indiquent un potentiel androgénique pro-érectile de N. lotus chez les rats mâles et justifient l’utilisation empirique des fleurs de N. lotus dans le traitement des dysfonctions érectiles et des problèmes de fertilité chez les hommes. Mots-clés: Nymphaea lotus, pro-érectile, androgénique, fertilité, diabétiques, rat male


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Linseed is an important oilseed consumed raw as nutritional supplement, that although represents a rich source of nutrients, its nutritional value could be impaired due to the presence of antinutritional factors. In this study, protein fractions from raw linseed flour were extracted and isolated being obtained 12% of albumins, 82% of globulins, 5% of glutelins and 1% of prolamins. These proteins were visualized by SDS-PAGE and albumins showed low molecular mass protein bands around 21 kDa and minor bands, similar to that of trypsin inhibitor; Globulins presented protein bands with high molecular masses, which possibly are constituents of multimeric proteins, such as legumins. After determination of the centesimal composition of raw linseed, it was used as exclusive protein source for young rats to evaluate its effect on animal growth. The results showed negative effects on rat growth (weight gain 73% less than the control group) and reduction of intestinal villus (35%), that could be related with in vitro and in vivo globulin digestibility and proteinaceous antinutritional factors (mammalian digestive enzymes inhibitors and lectins) in albumin fraction. Native globulins showed, by SDS-PAGE, low susceptibility in vitro to trypsin and chymotrypsin, however presented high degradation by pancreatin. Thermal treatment of globulins for 5 and 15 minutes at 100ºC improved considerably its digestibility by trypsin and pancreatin. Globulins presented 93.2% in vivo digestibility, similar to the control protein. Albumin fraction had high trypsin inhibition activity (100%) and chymotrypsin inhibition of 28.3%; haemagglutinating activity was not detected. The results of this study indicate the negative action of trypsin inhibitors on animal growth, but can not be discarded its combined action with other antinutritional factors, which could compromise the raw linseed utilization as an alternative food


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This experiment aimed at evaluating the effects of the interactions between aflatoxin (500 or 250 ppb) and ochratoxin (500 or 250 ppb), and the possible benefits of adding yeast cell wall to prevent the effects of these mycotoxins in broiler chickens. Relative organ weight gain and live performance were evaluated at 21 and 42 days of age. Results indicated that at the levels of mycotoxins included in the experimental diets, ochratoxin reduced feed intake and body weight gain, and aflatoxin only affect feed intake of 21-day-old birds. No interaction was observed between aflatoxin and ochratoxin at the levels used in experimental study. Yeast cell wall did not significantly reduced the deleterious effects of ochratoxins. No significant differences were observed in relative organ weight gain. Yeast cell wall improved feed conversion ratio when birds were fed either contaminated or non-contaminated feeds.


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Ethnopharmacological Relevance: Mouriri pusa Gardn. (Melastomataceae) is a medicinal plant commonly used by people living in the Cerrado to treat gastrointestinal disturbances. This medicinal plant has shown intense gastroprotective action in rodent gastric lesion, but still there are no data about its healing effect on gastric mucosa.Aim of the Study: To evaluate the methanolic extract (MeOH) obtained from Mouriri pusa leaves for its effect on the cicatrisation process of gastric ulcer.Mterials and Methods: The healing effects on gastric ulcers inducted by subserosal injection of acetic acid were evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic measures, imunohistochemistry and cell counting in rats treated with MeOH extract of Mouriri pusa (250 mg/kg, p.o./daily) for 14 or 30 days. The toxicity of Mouriri pusa was also evaluated by body and organ weight measure and clinical biochemical parameters.Results: Mouriri pusa treatments lasting 14 and 30 days showed elevated mucus secretion (PAS) and thicker regenerative gastric mucosa, denoting increased cell proliferation, which was confirmed by PCNA immunohistochemical analysis. Moreover, there was important cell recruitment (neutrophils and mast cells) to the site of the ulcer, which is an important factor in ulcer healing. No toxic effect was observed in all parameters evaluated. Phenolic compounds present in the MeOH extract like tannins, flavonoids and epicatechin are the probable agents involved in the healing effects of this medicinal plant.Conclusions: These findings showed a potential effect of Mouriri pusa in increasing regeneration of damaged gastric mucosa with safety for human use. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a hexanic extract (HE) made from leaves of A. populnea collected in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, and Nova Lima, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, at a range of doses during 7 and 14 days, on the male reproductive system of rats. The treatment did not affect the body weight, nor absolute organ weight. The serum testosterone levels, testicular sperm head counts, daily sperm production, and sperm morphology did not differ from that of the control groups. The spermatogenesis and the morphometric parameters of cauda epididymidis were not affected by the treatment. Cauda epididymis sperm number was significantly reduced in the group that received HE of Nova Lima, 1 g/kg/day, during 14 days, from the control group. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of propylthiouracil oral treatment (400 mg/day per bird for 20 days) on body and thyroid weight, rectal temperature and plasma metabolic parameters of ducks (Cairina moschata) was determined. Propylthiouracil treatment produced a reduction (P less than .01) in body weight and an increase (P less than .01) in thyroid weight. The antithyroid drug also produced a decrease in rectal temperature starting from the 15th day of treatment, but did not significantly change blood glucose. Plasma free fatty acids and cholesterol concentrations progressively increased from the 5th and 10th day, respectively, in treated animals.


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Objective: This study determined the effects of adding monosodium glutamate (MSG) to a standard diet and a fiber-enriched diet on glucose metabolism, lipid profile, and oxidative stress in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats (65 ± 5 g, n = 8) were fed a standard diet (control), a standard diet supplemented with 100 g of MSG per kilogram of rat body weight, a diet rich in fiber, or a diet rich in fiber supplemented with 100 g of MSG per kilogram of body weight. After 45 d of treatment, sera were analyzed for concentrations of insulin, leptin, glucose, triacylglycerol, lipid hydroperoxide, and total antioxidant substances. A homeostasis model assessment index was estimated to characterize insulin resistance. Results: Voluntary food intake was higher and feed efficiency was lower in animals fed the standard diet supplemented with MSG than in those fed the control, fiber-enriched, or fiber- and MSG-enriched diet. The MSG group had metabolic dysfunction characterized by increased levels of glucose, triacylglycerol, insulin, leptin, and homeostasis model assessment index. The adverse effects of MSG were related to an imbalance between the oxidant and antioxidant systems. The MSG group had increased levels of lipid hydroperoxide and decreased levels of total antioxidant substances. Levels of triacylglycerol and lipid hydroperoxide were decreased in rats fed the fiber-enriched and fiber- and MSG-enriched diets, whereas levels of total antioxidant substances were increased in these animals. Conclusions: MSG added to a standard diet increased food intake. Overfeeding induced metabolic disorders associated with oxidative stress in the absence of obesity. The fiber-enriched diet prevented changes in glucose, insulin, leptin, and triacylglycerol levels that were seen in the MSG group. Because the deleterious effects of MSG, i.e., induced overfeeding, were not seen in the animals fed the fiber-enriched diets, it can be concluded that fiber supplementation is beneficial by discouraging overfeeding and improving oxidative stress that is induced by an MSG diet. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: This study compared the influence of fasting/refeeding cycles and food restriction on rat myocardial performance and morphology. Methods: Sixty-day-old male Wistar rats were submitted to food ad libitum (C), 50% food restriction (R50), and fasting/refeeding cycles (RF) for 12 weeks. Myocardial function was evaluated under baseline conditions and after progressive increase in calcium and isoproterenol. Myocardium ultrastructure was examined in the papillary muscle. Results: Fasting/refeeding cycles maintained rat body weight and left ventricle weight between control and food-restricted rats. Under baseline conditions, the time to peak tension (TPT) was more prolonged in R50 than in RF and C rats. Furthermore, the maximum tension decline rate (-dT/dt) increased less in R50 than in RF with calcium elevation. While the R50 group showed focal changes in many muscle fibers, such as the disorganization or loss of myofilaments, polymorphic mitochondria with disrupted cristae, and irregular appearance or infolding of the plasma membrane, the RF rats displayed few alterations such as loss or disorganization of myofibrils. Conclusion: Food restriction promotes myocardial dysfunction, not observed in RF rats, and higher morphological damage than with fasting/refeeding. The increase in TPT may be attributed possibly to the disorganization and loss of myofibrils; however, the mechanisms responsible for the alteration in -dT/dt in R50 needs to be further clarified. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of the present experiment was to compare the performance, egg quality and organ morphometrics of commercial layers submitted to alternative forced molting methods using dietary fibers. The experimental period included the phases of molting, rest, and second laying cycle (six periods of 28 days each). In the trial, 320 commercial Isa Brown layers with 72 weeks of age were distributed, according to a completely randomized experimental design into five treatments with eight replicates of eight birds each, totaling 40 experimental units. Molting was induced by feeding diets with the inclusion of alfalfa or soybean husks at 80% and 60% or feed fasting. Treatments were applied for 14 days. Performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated for the second laying cycle and organ morphometrics (liver, gizzard, proventriculus, reproductive apparatus) in two different slaughter dates. The obtained data were submitted to analysis of variance using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SAS statistical package (SAS Institute, 2002). Alternative molting methods promoted similar performance and egg quality results after molting were similar to those obtained by the conventional fasting method. Feeding fiber produced the expected effects in terms of organ weight regression and recovery and may be used to induce molting in commercial layers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)