795 resultados para rapid manufacturing
Bei der Fertigung von Funktionsbauteilen für Strömungsversuche spielt das Design und die Komplexität der Bauteilgeometrie eine wesentliche Rolle. Ziel der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit der Lehrstühle Strömungsmaschinen, Rechnereinsatz in der Konstruktion und Fertigungstechnik mit dem Rapid Technology Center (RTC) an der Universität Duisburg-Essen ist es, das Potenzial der additiven Fertigungsverfahren bei der Herstellung von Funktionsprototypen für strömungsmechanische Anwendungen effektiv zu nutzen. An verschiedenen, auf dieser Kooperation beruhenden, Best Practise Beispielen wird gezeigt wie das Laser-Sintern in die Prozesskette zur Herstellung von Laufrädern u. Ä. in unterschiedlichen Größenordnungen integriert werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch die Vorüberlegungen (z. B. durch Simulation), Wechselwirkungen und Folgeprozesse, die mit dieser Fertigungstechnologie verbunden sind, aufgezeigt.
Bei der Fertigung von Funktionsbauteilen für Strömungsversuche spielt das Design und die Komplexität der Bauteilgeometrie eine wesentliche Rolle. Ziel der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit der Lehrstühle Strömungsmaschinen, Rechnereinsatz in der Konstruktion und Fertigungstechnik mit dem Rapid Technology Center (RTC) an der Universität Duisburg-Essen ist es, das Potenzial der additiven Fertigungsverfahren bei der Herstellung von Funktionsprototypen für strömungsmechanische Anwendungen effektiv zu nutzen. An verschiedenen, auf dieser Kooperation beruhenden, Best Practise Beispielen wird gezeigt wie das Laser-Sintern in die Prozesskette zur Herstellung von Laufrädern u. Ä. in unterschiedlichen Größenordnungen integriert werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch die Vorüberlegungen (z. B. durch Simulation), Wechselwirkungen und Folgeprozesse, die mit dieser Fertigungstechnologie verbunden sind, aufgezeigt.
A manufacturing technique for the production of aluminum components is described. A resin-bonded part is formed by a rapid prototyping technique and then debound and infiltrated by a second aluminum alloy under a nitrogen atmosphere. During thermal processing, the aluminum reacts with the nitrogen and is partially transformed into a rigid aluminum nitride skeleton, which provides the structural rigidity during infiltration. The simplicity and rapidity of this process in comparison to conventional production routes, combined with the ability to fabricate complicated parts of almost any geometry and with high dimensional precision, provide an additional means to manufacture aluminum components.
Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena on selvittää miten pikavalmistusta voidaan hyödyntää tuotekehityksessä ja mitä mahdollisuuksia se tarjoaa tuotekehityksen kehittämiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi. Työn teoreettisessa osuudessa selvennetään pikavalmistuksen teknistä toimintaa ja sen liittymistä tuotekehitysprosessiin. Tuotekehitysteorioista esitellään yleisimmät teoriat ja niiden menetystekijät sekä ongelmat. Työn jälkimmäisessä osassa esitellään pikavalmistuksen mahdollisuudet ja hyödyt tuotekehityksissä. Pikavalmistuksen hyödyntämisen edellytykset esitellään viimeiseksi. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuustyönä ja saadut tulokset perustuvat alan kirjallisuuteen ja artikkeleihin. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että pikavalmistuksen avulla pystytään pienentämään tuotekehityksen kustannuksia merkittävästi. Tuotekehitykseen kuluvaa aikaa voidaan lyhentää huomattavasti. Suunnittelun laatua pystytään parantamaan ja poistamaan suunnittelun rajoituksia. Valmistusteknisesti pikavalmistuksella on joitakin ylivertaisia ominaisuuksia perinteisiin valmistustekniikoihin nähden.
Veterinary surgery for treatment of wild animals is becoming an increasingly demanding task because it involves animals of different anatomy, many of them are already stressed and treatment must be performed to the highest standard in the minimum period of time. Craniofacial alterations may occur for three main reasons: genetic, functional or a combination of both. It is possible to modify the functional cause using intraoral devices like inclined plane. The treatment planning can be made based on virtual 3D models and rapid prototyping. An approximately 9 months old, 3.7 kg male Brazilian fox (Lycalopex vetulus) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital. Physical examination showed malocclusion with a deviation of the mandible to the right side. The virtual 3D model of the head was generated based on CT image data. The 3D models and rapid prototyping opened up new possibilities for the surgical planning and treatment of wild animals.
e-Manufacturing™, das ist die schnelle, flexible und kostengünstige Fertigung von Produkten, Formen/Werkzeugen oder Modellen direkt aus elektronischen Daten. e-Manufacturing™ schließt Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling oder Rapid Manufacturing ein, geht aber zugleich weit über den Gedanken der schnellen Verfügbarkeit hinaus. Zwar wird auch in Zukunft die schnelle Produktentwicklung eine immer wichtigere Rolle spielen, bei der e-Manufacturing™ für ein verkürztes Time to Market sorgt, Entwicklungskosten verringert und zur Risikominimierung beiträgt. Darüber hinaus entstehen aber auch neue Geschäftsmodelle, da Kleinserienproduktion, steigende Variantenvielfalt und eine individualisierte Produktion (Mass Customization) plötzlich möglich und wirtschaftlich sind und sich neue Logistikkonzepte wie (Spare) parts on demand entwickeln. Die neue Konstruktionsfreiheit des Laser-Sinterns ermöglicht neue Produktkonzepte. Minimale Einschränkungen durch das Fertigungsverfahren erlauben funktionelle Integration und die Fertigung des „Unmöglichen“, da kreisförmige und lineare Werkzeugbewegungen das Produktdesign nicht mehr beeinflussen bzw. limitieren. Auch die Fertigungskonzepte unterliegen einem Wandel und werden deutlich flexibler. Werkzeuglose Produktion, losgrößenangepasste Fertigung und dezentrale Fertigung on demand sind die Schlagworte der Zukunft. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt Beispiele für den erfolgreichen kommerziellen Einsatz von Laser-Sintern in allen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der direkten Herstellung von Funktionsteilen in der Serienfertigung. Die entscheidenden Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Einführung und Anwendung von e-Manufacturing™ werden diskutiert. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie die neuesten technologischen Innovationen im Laser-Sintern, speziell zur Produktivitätssteigerung, das Spektrum der Anwendungsfelder erweitern, in denen dieses Fertigungsverfahren kostengünstige Lösungen bietet.
Selective laser sintering has been used to fabricate an aluminium alloy powder preform which is subsequently debound and infiltrated with a second aluminium alloy. This represents a new rapid manufacturing system for aluminium that can be used to fabricate large, intricate parts. The base powder is an alloy such as AA6061. The infiltrant is a binary or higher-order eutectic based on either Al-Cu or At-Si. To ensure that infiltration occurs without loss of dimensional precision, it is important that a rigid skeleton forms prior to infiltration. This can be achieved by the partial transformation of the aluminium to aluminium nitride. In order for this to occur throughout the component, magnesium powder must be added to the alumina support powder which surrounds the part in the furnace. The magnesium scavenges the oxygen and thereby creates a microclimate in which aluminium nitride can form. The replacement of the ionocovalent Al2O3 with the covalent AlN on the surface of the aluminium powders also facilitates wetting and thus spontaneous and complete infiltration. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This report is a review of additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques. This approach (additive manufacturing) has resided largely in the prototyping realm, where the methods of producing complex freeform solid objects directly from a computer model without part-specific tooling or knowledge. But these technologies are evolving steadily and are beginning to encompass related systems of material addition, subtraction, assembly, and insertion of components made by other processes. Furthermore, these various additive processes are starting to evolve into rapid manufacturing techniques for mass-customized products, away from narrowly defined rapid prototyping. Taking this idea far enough down the line, and several years hence, a radical restructuring of manufacturing could take place. Manufacturing itself would move from a resource base to a knowledge base and from mass production of single use products to mass customized, high value, life cycle products, majority of research and development was focused on advanced development of existing technologies by improving processing performance, materials, modelling and simulation tools, and design tools to enable the transition from prototyping to manufacturing of end use parts.
Rotational moulding is a unique manufacturing technique for the production of hollow plastic parts manufacturing. Moulds for rotational moulding are generally not standardized, such as for injection moulding, so each new mould must be completely manufactured except for a few ancillary parts like screws or clamps. The aim of this work has been to adapt and apply the advantages of rapid prototyping and electroforming technologies to try to achieve an innovative mould design for rotational moulding. The new innovative design integrates an electroformed shell, manufactured starting from a rapid prototyping mandrel, with different designed standard aluminium tools. The shell holder enables mould assembly with high precision a shell in a few minutes with the advantage of changing different geometries of the electroformed shells in the same tool. The overall mould cost is significantly decreased because it is only necessary to manufacture one or two shells each time, however the rest of the elements of the mould are standard and usable for an infinite number of shells, depending on size. The rapid prototyping of the mandrel enables a significant decrease the global cost of mould manufacturing as well. © 2008 Taylor & Francis Group.
Rapid manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing technology based on layer-by-layer manufacturing to produce a part. This paper presents experimental work carried out to investigate the effects of scan speed, layer thickness, and building direction on the following part features: dimensional error, surface roughness, and mechanical properties for DMLS with DS H20 powder and SLM with CL 20 powder (1.4404/AISI 316L). Findings were evaluated using ANOVA analysis. According to the experimental results, build direction has a significant effect on part quality, in terms of dimensional error and surface roughness. For the SLM process, the build direction has no influence on mechanical properties. Results of this research support industry estimating part quality and mechanical properties before the production of parts with additive manufacturing, using iron-based powders
Foams are cellular structures, produced by gas bubbles formed during the polyurethane polymerization mixture. Flexible PU foams meet the following two criteria: have a limited resistance to an applied load, being both permeable to air and reversibly deformable. There are two main types of flexible foams, hot and cold cure foams differing in composition and processing temperatures. The hot cure foams are widely applied and represent the main composition of actual foams, while cold cure foams present several processing and property advantages, e.g, faster demoulding time, better humid aging properties and more versatility, as hardness variation with index changes are greater than with hot cure foams. The processing of cold cure foams also is attractive due to the low energy consumption (mould temperature from 30 degrees to 65 degrees C) comparatively to hot cure foams (mould temperature from 30 degrees to 250 degrees C). Another advantage is the high variety of soft materials for low temperature processing moulds. Cold cure foams are diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) based while hot cure foams are toluene diisocyanate (TDI) based. This study is concerned with Viscoelastic flexible foams MDI based for medical applications. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterize the cure kinetics and Dynamical Mechanical Analisys to collect mechanical data. The data obtained from these two experimental procedures were analyzed and associated to establish processing/properties/operation conditions relationships. These maps for the selection of optimized processing/properties/operation conditions are important to achieve better final part properties at lower costs and lead times.
Reaction Injection Moulding (RIM) is a moulding technology used for the production of large size and complex plastic parts. The RIM process is characterized essentially by the injection of a highly reactive chemical system (usually polyurethane) and fast cure, in a mould properly closed and thermally controlled. Several studies show that rapid manufacturing moulds obtained in epoxy resins for Thermoplastic Injection Moulding (TIM) affect the moulding process and the final properties of parts. The cycle time and mechanical properties of final parts are reduced, due to a low thermal conductivity of epoxy materials. In contrast, the low conductivity of materials usually applied for the rapid manufacturing of RIM moulds, increase the mechanical properties of final injected parts and reduce the cycle time. This study shows the effect of the rapid manufacturing moulds material during the RIM process. Several materials have been tested for rapid manufacturing of RIM moulds and the analysis of both, temperature profile of moulded parts during injection and the cure data experimentally obtained in a mixing and reaction cell, allow to determine and model the real effect of the mould material on the RIM process.
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)