995 resultados para radiation scattering


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We study change in the polarization of electromagnetic waves due to the stimulated Raman scattering in a plasma. In this process an electromagnetic wave undergoes coherent scattering off an electron plasma wave. It is found that some of the observed polarization properties such as the rapid temporal variations, sense reversal, rotation of the plane of polarization, and change of nature of polarization in the case of pulsars and quasars could be accounted for through stimulated Raman scattering.


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C.R. Bull and R. Zwiggelaar, 'Discrimination between low atomic number materials from their characteristic scattering of X-ray radiation', Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 68 (2), 77-87 (1997)


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We present a generic transfer matrix approach for the description of the interaction of atoms possessing multiple ground state and excited state sublevels with light fields. This model allows us to treat multi-level atoms as classical scatterers in light fields modified by, in principle, arbitrarily complex optical components such as mirrors, resonators, dispersive or dichroic elements, or filters. We verify our formalism for two prototypical sub-Doppler cooling mechanisms and show that it agrees with the standard literature.


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New mathematical methods to analytically investigate linear acoustic radiation and scattering from cylindrical bodies and transducer arrays are presented. Three problems of interest involving cylinders in an infinite fluid are studied. In all the three problems, the Helmholtz equation is used to model propagation through the fluid and the beam patterns of arrays of transducers are studied. In the first problem, a method is presented to determine the omni-directional and directional far-field pressures radiated by a cylindrical transducer array in an infinite rigid cylindrical baffle. The solution to the Helmholtz equation and the displacement continuity condition at the interface between the array and the surrounding water are used to determine the pressure. The displacement of the surface of each transducer is in the direction of the normal to the array and is assumed to be uniform. Expressions are derived for the pressure radiated by a sector of the array vibrating in-phase, the entire array vibrating in-phase, and a sector of the array phase-shaded to simulate radiation from a rectangular piston. It is shown that the uniform displacement required for generating a source level of 220 dB ref. μPa @ 1m that is omni directional in the azimuthal plane is in the order of 1 micron for typical arrays. Numerical results are presented to show that there is only a small difference between the on-axis pressures radiated by phased cylindrical arrays and planar arrays. The problem is of interest because cylindrical arrays of projectors are often used to search for underwater objects. In the second problem, the errors, when using data-independent, classical, energy and split beam correlation methods, in finding the direction of arrival (DOA) of a plane acoustic wave, caused by the presence of a solid circular elastic cylindrical stiffener near a linear array of hydrophones, are investigated. Scattering from the effectively infinite cylinder is modeled using the exact axisymmetric equations of motion and the total pressures at the hydrophone locations are computed. The effect of the radius of the cylinder, a, the distance between the cylinder and the array, b, the number of hydrophones in the array, 2H, and the angle of incidence of the wave, α, on the error in finding the DOA are illustrated using numerical results. For an array that is about 30 times the wavelength and for small angles of incidence (α<10), the error in finding the DOA using the energy method is less than that using the split beam correlation method with beam steered to α; and in some cases, the error increases when b increases; and the errors in finding the DOA using the energy method and the split beam correlation method with beam steered to α vary approximately as a7 / 4 . The problem is of interest because elastic stiffeners – in nearly acoustically transparent sonar domes that are used to protect arrays of transducers – scatter waves that are incident on it and cause an error in the estimated direction of arrival of the wave. In the third problem, a high-frequency ray-acoustics method is presented and used to determine the interior pressure field when a plane wave is normally incident on a fluid cylinder embedded in another infinite fluid. The pressure field is determined by using geometrical and physical acoustics. The interior pressure is expressed as the sum of the pressures due to all rays that pass through a point. Numerical results are presented for ka = 20 to 100 where k is the acoustic wavenumber of the exterior fluid and a is the radius of the cylinder. The results are in good agreement with those obtained using field theory. The directional responses, to the plane wave, of sectors of a circular array of uniformly distributed hydrophones in the embedded cylinder are then computed. The sectors are used to simulate linear arrays with uniformly distributed normals by using delays. The directional responses are compared with the output from an array in an infinite homogenous fluid. These outputs are of interest as they are used to determine the direction of arrival of the plane wave. Numerical results are presented for a circular array with 32 hydrophones and 12 hydrophones in each sector. The problem is of interest because arrays of hydrophones are housed inside sonar domes and acoustic plane waves from distant sources are scattered by the dome filled with fresh water and cause deterioration in the performance of the array.


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Although the potential importance of scattering of long-wave radiation by clouds has been recognised, most studies have concentrated on the impact of high clouds and few estimates of the global impact of scattering have been presented. This study shows that scattering in low clouds has a significant impact on outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) in regions of marine stratocumulus (-3.5 W m(-2) for overcast conditions) where the column water vapour is relatively low. This corresponds to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect of such clouds by 10%. The near-global impact of scattering on OLR is estimated to be -3.0 W m(-2), with low clouds contributing -0.9 W m(-2), mid-level cloud -0.7 W m(-2) and high clouds -1.4 W m(-2). Although this effect appears small compared to the global mean OLR of 240 W m(-2), it indicates that neglect of scattering will lead to an error in cloud long-wave forcing of about 10% and an error in net cloud forcing of about 20%.


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Cooperative spontaneous emission of a single photon from a cloud of N atoms modifies substantially the radiation pressure exerted by a far-detuned laser beam exciting the atoms. On one hand, the force induced by photon absorption depends on the collective decay rate of the excited atomic state. On the other hand, directional spontaneous emission counteracts the recoil induced by the absorption. We derive an analytical expression for the radiation pressure in steady-state. For a smooth extended atomic distribution we show that the radiation pressure depends on the atom number via cooperative scattering and that, for certain atom numbers, it can be suppressed or enhanced. Cooperative scattering of light by extended atomic clouds can become important in the presence of quasi-resonant light and could be addressed in many cold atoms experiments.


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Electron densities of 33 samples of normal (adipose and fibroglangular) and neoplastic (benign and malignant) human breast tissues were determined through Compton scattering data using a mono-chromatic synchrotron radiation source and an energy dispersive detector. The area of Compton peaks was used to determine the electron densities of the samples. Adipose tissue exhibits the lowest values of electron density whereas malignant tissue the highest. The relationship with their histology was discussed. Comparison with previous results showed differences smaller than 4%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to present various aspects of numerical simulation of particle and radiation transport for industrial and environmental protection applications, to enable the analysis of complex physical processes in a fast, reliable, and efficient way. In the first part we deal with speed-up of numerical simulation of neutron transport for nuclear reactor core analysis. The convergence properties of the source iteration scheme of the Method of Characteristics applied to be heterogeneous structured geometries has been enhanced by means of Boundary Projection Acceleration, enabling the study of 2D and 3D geometries with transport theory without spatial homogenization. The computational performances have been verified with the C5G7 2D and 3D benchmarks, showing a sensible reduction of iterations and CPU time. The second part is devoted to the study of temperature-dependent elastic scattering of neutrons for heavy isotopes near to the thermal zone. A numerical computation of the Doppler convolution of the elastic scattering kernel based on the gas model is presented, for a general energy dependent cross section and scattering law in the center of mass system. The range of integration has been optimized employing a numerical cutoff, allowing a faster numerical evaluation of the convolution integral. Legendre moments of the transfer kernel are subsequently obtained by direct quadrature and a numerical analysis of the convergence is presented. In the third part we focus our attention to remote sensing applications of radiative transfer employed to investigate the Earth's cryosphere. The photon transport equation is applied to simulate reflectivity of glaciers varying the age of the layer of snow or ice, its thickness, the presence or not other underlying layers, the degree of dust included in the snow, creating a framework able to decipher spectral signals collected by orbiting detectors.


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In this paper, a fully automatic goal-oriented hp-adaptive finite element strategy for open region electromagnetic problems (radiation and scattering) is presented. The methodology leads to exponential rates of convergence in terms of an upper bound of an user-prescribed quantity of interest. Thus, the adaptivity may be guided to provide an optimal error, not globally for the field in the whole finite element domain, but for specific parameters of engineering interest. For instance, the error on the numerical computation of the S-parameters of an antenna array, the field radiated by an antenna, or the Radar Cross Section on given directions, can be minimized. The efficiency of the approach is illustrated with several numerical simulations with two dimensional problem domains. Results include the comparison with the previously developed energy-norm based hp-adaptivity.


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The effect of radiation on natural convection of Newtonian fluid contained in an open cavity is investigated in this study. The governing partial differential equations are solved numerically using the Alternate Direct Implicit method together with the Successive Over Relaxation method. The study is focused on studying the flow pattern and the convective and radiative heat transfer rates are studied for different values of radiation parameters namely, the optical thickness of the fluid, scattering albedo, and the Planck number. It was found that in the optically thin limit, an increase in the optical thickness of the fluid raises the temperature and radiation heat transfer of the fluid. However, a further increase in the optical thickness decreases the radiative heat transfer rate due to increase in the energy level of the fluid, which ultimately reduces the total heat transfer rate within the fluid.


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A technique for computing the spectral and angular (both the zenith and azimuthal) distribution of the solar energy reaching the surface of earth and any other plane in the atmosphere has been developed. Here the computer code LOWTRAN is used for getting the atmospheric transmittances in conjunction with two approximate procedures: one based on the Eddington method and the other on van de Hulst's adding method, for solving the equation of radiative transfer to obtain the diffuse radiation in the cloud-free situation. The aerosol scattering phase functions are approximated by the Hyeney-Greenstein functions. When the equation of radiative transfer is solved using the adding method, the azimuthal and zenith angle dependence of the scattered radiation is evaluated, whereas when the Eddington technique is utilized only the total downward flux of scattered solar radiation is obtained. Results of the diffuse and beam components of solar radiation received on surface of earth compare very well with those computed by other methods such as the more exact calculations using spherical harmonics and when atmospheric conditions corresponding to that prevailing locally in a tropical location (as in India) are used as inputs the computed values agree closely with the measured values.


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The possible occurrence of a generalized (1-wave) nonequilibrium superconducting state in a multiband system under certain conditions is studied. In the model the radiation field causes interband mixing, and phonons of an appropriate mode (branch) are involved in the interband scattering of electrons of two conduction bands of the system. The strength of the generalized 1-wave pairing interaction between quasiparticles belonging to new radiation admixed states depends on the density (n o/V) of quanta in the system. The coupling constant has the form Xl= AiB(n o/V)/[C + B(no/V)], where A1, B, and C are parameters. For C > B(n0/V), the transition temperature T1* increases with (no/V) in the initial stages. It levels off with higher power. With further increase of power, the transition temperature is expected to drop sharply due to heating effects which cause pair breaking. Estimates show that p-wave (triplet state) pairing may be possible under radiation-induced nonequilibrium situations in appropriate systems. Estimates for lifetimes of various processes quasiparticle, phonon, pair relaxation, and photon-induced mixing) show that the coherence required for the mixing and pairing effects will be maintained for the temperature range and photon density considered.


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This work develops methods to account for shoot structure in models of coniferous canopy radiative transfer. Shoot structure, as it varies along the light gradient inside canopy, affects the efficiency of light interception per unit needle area, foliage biomass, or foliage nitrogen. The clumping of needles in the shoot volume also causes a notable amount of multiple scattering of light within coniferous shoots. The effect of shoot structure on light interception is treated in the context of canopy level photosynthesis and resource use models, and the phenomenon of within-shoot multiple scattering in the context of physical canopy reflectance models for remote sensing purposes. Light interception. A method for estimating the amount of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) intercepted by a conifer shoot is presented. The method combines modelling of the directional distribution of radiation above canopy, fish-eye photographs taken at shoot locations to measure canopy gap fraction, and geometrical measurements of shoot orientation and structure. Data on light availability, shoot and needle structure and nitrogen content has been collected from canopies of Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl.) Forbes) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Shoot structure acclimated to light gradient inside canopy so that more shaded shoots have better light interception efficiency. Light interception efficiency of shoots varied about two-fold per needle area, about four-fold per needle dry mass, and about five-fold per nitrogen content. Comparison of fertilized and control stands of Norway spruce indicated that light interception efficiency is not greatly affected by fertilization. Light scattering. Structure of coniferous shoots gives rise to multiple scattering of light between the needles of the shoot. Using geometric models of shoots, multiple scattering was studied by photon tracing simulations. Based on simulation results, the dependence of the scattering coefficient of shoot from the scattering coefficient of needles is shown to follow a simple one-parameter model. The single parameter, termed the recollision probability, describes the level of clumping of the needles in the shoot, is wavelength independent, and can be connected to previously used clumping indices. By using the recollision probability to correct for the within-shoot multiple scattering, canopy radiative transfer models which have used leaves as basic elements can use shoots as basic elements, and thus be applied for coniferous forests. Preliminary testing of this approach seems to explain, at least partially, why coniferous forests appear darker than broadleaved forests in satellite data.


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This thesis is a study of the x-ray scattering properties of tissues and tumours of the breast. Clinical radiography is based on the absorption of the x-rays when passing right through the human body and gives information about the densities of the tissues. Besides being absorbed, x-rays may change their direction within the tissues due to elastic scattering or even to refraction. The phenomenon of scattering is a nuisance to radiography in general, and to mammography in particular, because it reduces the quality of the images. However, scattered x-rays bear very useful information about the structure of the tissues at the supra-molecular level. Some pathologies, like breast cancer, produce alterations to the structures of the tissues, being especially evident in collagen-rich tissues. On the other hand, the change of direction due to refraction of the x-rays on the tissue boundaries can be mapped. The diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI) technique uses a perfect crystal to convert the angular deviations of the x-rays into intensity variations, which can be recorded as images. This technique is of especial interest in the cases were the densities of the tissues are very similar (like in mammography) and the absorption images do not offer enough contrast. This thesis explores the structural differences existing in healthy and pathological collagen in breast tissue samples by the small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) technique and compares these differences with the morphological information found in the DEI images and the histo-pathology of the same samples. Several breast tissue samples were studied by SAXS technique in the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. Scattering patterns of the different tissues of the breast were acquired and compared with the histology of the samples. The scattering signals from adipose tissue (fat), connective tissue (collagen) and necrotic tissue were identified. Moreover, a clear distinction could be done between the scattering signals from healthy collagen and from collagen from an invasive tumour. Scattering from collagen is very characteristic. It includes several scattering peaks and scattering features that carry information about the size and the spacing of the collagen fibrils in the tissues. It was found that the collagen fibrils in invaded tumours were thinner and had a d-spacing length 0,7% longer that fibrils from healthy tumours. The scattering signals from the breast tissues were compared with the histology by building colour-coded maps across the samples. They were also imaged with the DEI technique. There was a total agreement between the scattering maps, the morphological features seen in the images and the information of the histo- pathological examination. The thesis demonstrates that the x-ray scattering signal can be used to characterize tissues and that it carries important information about the pathological state of the breast tissues, thus showing the potential of the SAXS technique as a possible diagnostic tool for breast cancer.