965 resultados para professional sports
Este trabajo indaga desde las ciencias sociales la aplicación de la comunicación como herramienta estratégica de trabajo en las organizaciones, en particular aquellas que se dedican al deporte profesional. Desde la experiencia de la Asociación Civil Bahía Blanca Basket como caso de estudio se plantean ideas que pretenden aportar conocimiento a un campo de estudio en desarrollo
Este trabajo indaga desde las ciencias sociales la aplicación de la comunicación como herramienta estratégica de trabajo en las organizaciones, en particular aquellas que se dedican al deporte profesional. Desde la experiencia de la Asociación Civil Bahía Blanca Basket como caso de estudio se plantean ideas que pretenden aportar conocimiento a un campo de estudio en desarrollo
Este trabajo indaga desde las ciencias sociales la aplicación de la comunicación como herramienta estratégica de trabajo en las organizaciones, en particular aquellas que se dedican al deporte profesional. Desde la experiencia de la Asociación Civil Bahía Blanca Basket como caso de estudio se plantean ideas que pretenden aportar conocimiento a un campo de estudio en desarrollo
El deporte como fenómeno social y cultural ha sido ampliamente reivindicado por sus virtudes integradoras. A la actividad físico-deportiva, ya sea de competición o recreativa, se le han atribuido unos valores integradores que permitirían un ascenso de estatus social, argumento justificado en parte por los éxitos de jugadores de origen inmigrante en el deporte profesional. Por otro lado, el tejido asociativo, y especialmente el generado por la comunidad migrante, también utiliza la organización deportiva como forma de solidaridad y reivindicación identitaria. El objetivo de la tesis es analizar la formulación de los programas deportivos formulados a nivel político y asociativo en los barrios con mayor presencia de jóvenes inmigrantes y/o de segunda generación de París y Madrid destinadas a su integración sociocultural y analizar la implementación de dichas iniciativas. El método de recogida de datos consistió en la realización de 72 entrevistas en profundidad a varios niveles de responsabilidad política y de tipología de entidades sociales, así como el análisis documental de fuentes institucionales y asociativas. Los resultados muestran diferencias entre el planteamiento y la ejecución de las iniciativas condicionadas por el modelo de integración de cada contexto –oposición del modelo republicano en París al deporte comunitarista– y por la situación de crisis económica –fragilidad de los programas por el recorte presupuestario y subvenciones en el contexto madrileño–. Las conclusiones de esta tesis buscan profundizar en la verdadera contribución del deporte a la integración social y cultural de los jóvenes de origen inmigrante, y por extensión, a las sociedades culturalmente plurales. RÉSUMÉ Le sport en tant que phénomène social et culturel a été largement revendiqué pour ses vertus intégratrices. À l'activité physique et sportive, en forme de compétition où de loisirs, ont a attribué certaines valeurs intégratrices qui permettent une ascension de statut social, argument justifié en partie par le succès des joueurs d'origine immigrée dans le sport professionnel. Par ailleurs, le tissu associatif, et surtout celui engendré par la communauté migrante, a également utilisé l'organisation sportive comme une forme de solidarité et de revendication identitaire. L'objectif de la thèse est d'analyser la formulation des programmes sportifs à niveau politique et associatif dans les quartiers ayant une plus grande présence de jeunes immigrants et / ou deuxième génération de Paris et de Madrid, destinés à leur intégration socioculturelle et d'analyser la mise en oeuvre de ces initiatives. La méthode de collecte de données était de mener 72 entretiens semi-structurés à différents niveaux de responsabilité politique et de typologie des entités sociales, ainsi que l'analyse documentaire des sources officielles et associatives. Les résultats montrent des différences entre l'approche et la mise en oeuvre d'initiatives conditionnées par le modèle d'intégration de chaque contexte –l'opposition du modèle républicain à Paris envers le sport communautariste– et par la situation de crise économique –fragilité des programmes par les compressions budgétaires et les subventions dans le contexte madrilène–. Les conclusions de cette thèse visent à approfondir la véritable contribution du sport à l'intégration sociale et culturelle des jeunes immigrants, et, par extension, des sociétés culturellement plurielles. ABSTRACT Sport as a social and cultural phenomenon has been widely claimed by its integrative virtues. Whether competition or recreational, sport has been claimed for some integrative values that allow a rise in social status justified in part by the success of immigrant origin players in professional sports. On the other hand, associations, and especially those generated by the migrant community, also uses sports organization as a form of solidarity and identity recognition. The aim of the thesis is double: to understand the formulation of sports programs intended for sociocultural integration designed by political and and associative entities in neighborhoods with greater presence of young immigrants and/or second generation of Paris and Madrid and to analyze the implementation of such initiatives. The method of data collection was to conduct 72 in-depth interviews to various levels of political responsibility and typology of social entities and documentary analysis of institutional and associative sources. The results show differences between the approach and implementation of initiatives conditioned by the integration model of each context –an opposition of the republican model in Paris from ethnic sports– and the situation of economic crisis –programs weakness due to budget cuts and subsidies in the Madrid–. The conclusions of this thesis aim to deepen the true contribution of sport to social and cultural integration of young immigrants, and by extension, to culturally plural societies.
Resiliência remete à habilidade do ser humano de demonstrar êxito diante das adversidades da vida, superá-las e, inclusive, ser fortalecido ou transformado por elas. O construto tem sido estudado há cerca de quarenta anos na Psiquiatria com foco em crianças, mas sua investigação é bem mais recente com a população adulta. No mundo da competição esportiva, os estudos são escassos. O contexto esportivo apresenta altos desafios e adversidades constantes que os atletas precisam vencer para cumprir as metas profissionais; por isso, convivem, muito frequentemente, com seus limites físicos e psicológicos. Assim, a resiliência pode ser um importante aspecto em suas vidas profissionais. Este estudo objetiva descrever os níveis de resiliência dos atletas no Basquetebol e identificar possíveis relações entre resiliência e alguns indicadores de eficiência estatística. Participaram da pesquisa, voluntariamente, 71 atletas profissionais adultos e atuantes da modalidade. As variáveis foram avaliadas por meio da Escala de Avaliação de Resiliência EAR, de um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e de índices de eficiência registrados pela Federação Paulista de Basquetebol. Os resultados de análises estatísticas descritivas e de correlações bivariadas de Pearson permitiram observar que os atletas demonstraram um alto nível de resiliência com destaque para a persistência diante das dificuldades e a aceitação positiva de mudanças. Os fatores que compõem a resiliência não apresentaram correlação significativa no tocante ao coeficiente de eficiência dos atletas. Ao comparar as médias por meio da análise de variância percebeu-se que os atletas que possuíam entre cinco e dez anos de profissão apresentaram melhores médias de coeficiente de eficiência. Os resultados revelam, ainda, que os atletas que atuam menos de 8 minutos na partida, em média, produzem menores índices de eficiência estatística e que os atletas que pertencem às equipes de resultados medianos na tabela de classificação tendem a apresentar maior percepção de competência pessoal que os atletas que atuam nas equipes mais mal colocadas. Os fatores de resiliência não se diferenciam em função da experiência dos atletas, nem do tempo em média que permanecem em quadra. Esses resultados revelam a necessidade de questionar se os indicadores de eficiência estatística seriam os critérios mais adequados para verificar o papel da resiliência na vida de atletas de Basquetebol e apontam para a necessidade de aumentar o número de estudos sobre a influência de características individuais no mundo dos esportes profissionais.
Napjainkra a sport, a valamikori egyértelműen civil tevékenység összetett, folyamatosan változó és jelentős üzleti lehetőségeket rejtő iparággá fejlődött. Ebben az iparágban a hivatásos sport esetében öt piac működik: a fogyasztói piac, a játékos piac, a szponzori piac, a közvetítési jogok piaca és a merchandising piac. A szabadidősport esetében is azonosíthatók piacok. A szerző célja e piacok magyarországi működésének bemutatása, amit 31 kvalitatív mélyinterjúhoz kapcsolódó eredményei segítségével tesz meg _____ Sport, which was the activity of the civil sphere, has become a complex, continuously changing industry with significant business opportunities. In the case of professional sports there are five markets: consumer, player, sponsor, media (broadcasting) and merchandising markets. In the case of leisure sports the author can also identify different markets. The aim of this paper is to present these markets in Hungary with the help of the results of the author’s 31 qualitative in-depth interviews.
The developing intersection between the law of negligence and sports coaching in the UK provides a profoundly distinctive context, as compared to that of the more traditional learned professions, in which to critically examine the issue of professional liability. More specifically, detailed consideration of the Bolam test in the context of sports coaching, where the majority of coaches are volunteers, reinforces the Bolam doctrine as a control mechanism designed to protect both claimants and defendants alike. Importantly, a fuller analysis of related jurisprudence, even in instances where defendant coaches lack a formal qualification, and/or may not have engaged in considered and reasoned decision-making, reveals the potential for the Bolam test to operate as a quasi-defence, thereby safeguarding coaches from negligence liability. Nonetheless, in discharging this heightened standard of care incumbent upon them, coaches must ensure that the coaching practices adopted are regular, approved, and capable of withstanding robust and logical scrutiny. Ultimately, this article’s analysis of the principles of professional liability, in the specific circumstances of sports coaching, should prove to be of appreciably wider interest and utility for practitioners specialising in personal injury law.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
We have tested the hypothesis that salivary cortisol increases after a competitive training match in top-level male professional soccer players divided in team A (n = 11) versus team B (n = 11). Saliva samples collected before and after the match were analyzed. Salivary cortisol concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results from a two-way ANOVA with repeated measures showed no significant changes in salivary cortisol between either teams or time points (P > 0.05). Further investigation regarding competitive matches in a competition environment is warranted. In summary, the influence of intensive competitive training match alone appears to be minimal on salivary cortisol changes in top-level soccer adapted to this type of stress. From a practical application, the variability of the responses among the players leads us to suggest that there is a need to individually analyse the results with team sports.
Moreira, A, Arsati, F, de Oliveira Lima-Arsati, YB, de Freitas, CG, and de Araujo, VC. Salivary immunoglobulin a responses in professional top-level futsal players. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 1932-1936, 2011-The purpose of this study was to investigate the responses of salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA) in 10 professional top-level Brazilian futsal players after 2 highly competitive games separated by 7 days. Unstimulated saliva was collected over a 5-minute period at PRE- and POST-match. The SIgA was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as the absolute concentration (SIgAabs) and secretion rate of IgA (SIgArate). Rate of perceived exertion and heart rate were used to monitor the exercise intensity. A 2-way analysis of variance with repeated measures showed nonsignificant differences between matches to SIgAabs, SIgArate, and saliva flow rate (p > 0.05). However, significant time differences were observed for all these parameters. In summary, we showed that a competitive training match induced a decrease in SIgA levels in top-level futsal players, which suggests an increment of the vulnerability to infections meditated by the training stimulus. This decrease suggests that the athletes were at an increased risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection, and therefore, it could be necessary to take protective actions to minimize contact with cold viruses or even reduce the training load for athletes.