773 resultados para privacy policies
Complexity is a major concern which is aimed to be overcome by people through modeling. One way of reducing complexity is separation of concerns, e.g. separation of business process from applications. One sort of concerns are cross-cutting concerns i.e. concerns which are scattered and tangled through one of several models. In business process management, examples of such concerns are security and privacy policies. To deal with these cross-cutting concerns, the aspect orientated approach was introduced in the software development area and recently also in the business process management area. The work presented in this paper elaborates on aspect oriented process modelling. It extends earlier work by defining a mechanism for capturing multiple concerns and specifying a precedence order according to which they should be handled in a process. A formal syntax of the notation is presented precisely capturing the extended concepts and mechanisms. Finally, the relevant of the approach is demonstrated through a case study.
The workshop is an activity of the IMIA Working Group ‘Security in Health Information Systems’ (SiHIS). It is focused to the growing global problem: how to protect personal health data in today’s global eHealth and digital health environment. It will review available trust building mechanisms, security measures and privacy policies. Technology alone does not solve this complex problem and current protection policies and legislation are considered woefully inadequate. Among other trust building tools, certification and accreditation mechanisms are dis-cussed in detail and the workshop will determine their acceptance and quality. The need for further research and international collective action are discussed. This workshop provides an opportunity to address a critical growing problem and make pragmatic proposals for sustainable and effective solutions for global eHealth and digital health.
"Thèse en vue de l'obtention du grade de docteur en droit de l'Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) et de docteur en droit de la faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal en droit privé"
La protection des renseignements personnels est au cœur des préoccupations de tous les acteurs du Web, commerçants ou internautes. Si pour les uns trop de règles en la matière pourraient freiner le développement du commerce électronique, pour les autres un encadrement des pratiques est essentiel à la protection de leur vie privée. Même si les motivations de chacun sont divergentes, le règlement de cette question apparaît comme une étape essentielle dans le développement du réseau. Le Platform for Privacy Preference (P3P) propose de contribuer à ce règlement par un protocole technique permettant la négociation automatique, entre l’ordinateur de l’internaute et celui du site qu’il visite, d’une entente qui encadrera les échanges de renseignements. Son application pose de nombreuses questions, dont celle de sa capacité à apporter une solution acceptable à tous et surtout, celle du respect des lois existantes. La longue et difficile élaboration du protocole, ses dilutions successives et sa mise en vigueur partielle témoignent de la difficulté de la tâche à accomplir et des résistances qu’il rencontre. La première phase du projet se limite ainsi à l’encodage des politiques de vie privée des sites et à leur traduction en termes accessibles par les systèmes des usagers. Dans une deuxième phase, P3P devrait prendre en charge la négociation et la conclusion d’ententes devant lier juridiquement les parties. Cette tâche s’avère plus ardue, tant sous l’angle juridique que sous celui de son adaptation aux us et coutumes du Web. La consolidation des fonctions mises en place dans la première version apparaît fournir une solution moins risquée et plus profitable en écartant la possible conclusion d’ententes incertaines fondées sur une technique encore imparfaite. Mieux éclairer le consentement des internautes à la transmission de leurs données personnelles par la normalisation des politiques de vie privée pourrait être en effet une solution plus simple et efficace à court terme.
Les politiques de confidentialité définissent comment les services en ligne collectent, utilisent et partagent les données des utilisateurs. Bien qu’étant le principal moyen pour informer les usagers de l’utilisation de leurs données privées, les politiques de confidentialité sont en général ignorées par ces derniers. Pour cause, les utilisateurs les trouvent trop longues et trop vagues, elles utilisent un vocabulaire souvent difficile et n’ont pas de format standard. Les politiques de confidentialité confrontent également les utilisateurs à un dilemme : celui d’accepter obligatoirement tout le contenu en vue d’utiliser le service ou refuser le contenu sous peine de ne pas y avoir accès. Aucune autre option n’est accordée à l’utilisateur. Les données collectées des utilisateurs permettent aux services en ligne de leur fournir un service, mais aussi de les exploiter à des fins économiques (publicités ciblées, revente, etc). Selon diverses études, permettre aux utilisateurs de bénéficier de cette économie de la vie privée pourrait restaurer leur confiance et faciliter une continuité des échanges sur Internet. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons un modèle de politique de confidentialité, inspiré du P3P (une recommandation du W3C, World Wide Web Consortium), en élargissant ses fonctionnalités et en réduisant sa complexité. Ce modèle suit un format bien défini permettant aux utilisateurs et aux services en ligne de définir leurs préférences et besoins. Les utilisateurs ont la possibilité de décider de l’usage spécifique et des conditions de partage de chacune de leurs données privées. Une phase de négociation permettra une analyse des besoins du service en ligne et des préférences de l’utilisateur afin d’établir un contrat de confidentialité. La valeur des données personnelles est un aspect important de notre étude. Alors que les compagnies disposent de moyens leur permettant d’évaluer cette valeur, nous appliquons dans ce mémoire, une méthode hiérarchique multicritères. Cette méthode va permettre également à chaque utilisateur de donner une valeur à ses données personnelles en fonction de l’importance qu’il y accorde. Dans ce modèle, nous intégrons également une autorité de régulation en charge de mener les négociations entre utilisateurs et services en ligne, et de générer des recommandations aux usagers en fonction de leur profil et des tendances.
Organisational semiotics methods to assess organisational readiness for internal use of social media
The paper presents organisational semiotics (OS) as an approach for identifying organisational readiness factors for internal use of social media within information intensive organisations (IIO). The paper examines OS methods, such as organisational morphology, containment analysis and collateral analysis to reveal factors of readiness within an organisation. These models also help to identify the essential patterns of activities needed for social media use within an organisation, which can provide a basis for future analysis. The findings confirmed many of the factors, previously identified in literature, while also revealing new factors using OS methods. The factors for organisational readiness for internal use of social media include resources, organisational climate, processes, motivational readiness, benefit and organisational control factors. Organisational control factors revealed are security/privacy, policies, communication procedures, accountability and fallback.
The potential benefits of shared eHealth records systems are promising for the future of improved healthcare. However, the uptake of such systems is hindered by concerns over the security and privacy of patient information. The use of Information Accountability and so called Accountable-eHealth (AeH) systems has been proposed to balance the privacy concerns of patients with the information needs of healthcare professionals. However, a number of challenges remain before AeH systems can become a reality. Among these is the need to protect the information stored in the usage policies and provenance logs used by AeH systems to define appropriate use of information and hold users accountable for their actions. In this paper, we discuss the privacy and security issues surrounding these accountability mechanisms, define valid access to the information they contain, discuss solutions to protect them, and verify and model an implementation of the access requirements as part of an Information Accountability Framework.
The potential benefits of shared eHealth records systems are promising for the future of improved healthcare. However, the uptake of such systems is hindered by concerns over the security and privacy of patient information. The use of Information Accountability and so called Accountable-eHealth (AeH) systems has been proposed to balance the privacy concerns of patients with the information needs of healthcare professionals. However, a number of challenges remain before AeH systems can become a reality. Among these is the need to protect the information stored in the usage policies and provenance logs used by AeH systems to define appropriate use of information and hold users accountable for their actions. In this paper, we discuss the privacy and security issues surrounding these accountability mechanisms, define valid access to the information they contain, discuss solutions to protect them, and verify and model an implementation of the access requirements as part of an Information Accountability Framework.
Description based on: June 30, 1979.
Rising health care costs are causing some employers to assess and regulate the health behaviors of their employees. Different approaches and levels of non-smoking regulations are discussed, and the legal parameters and challenges of regulating employees’ private behaviors are explored.
Background: Patient privacy and confidentiality (PPaC) is an important consideration for nurses and other members of the health care team. Can a patient expect to have confidentiality and in particular privacy in the current climate of emergency health care? Do staff who work in the Emergency Department (ED) see confidentiality as an important factor when providing emergency care? These questions are important to consider. Methods: This is a two phased quality improvement project, developed and implemented over a six month period in a busy regional, tertiary referral ED. Results: Issues identified for this department included department design and layout, overcrowding due to patient flow and access block, staff practices and department policies which were also impacted upon by culture of the team, and use of space. Conclusions: Changes successful in improving this issue include increased staff awareness about PPaC, intercom paging prior to nursing handover to remove visitors during handover, one visitor per patient policy, designated places for handover, allocated bed space for patient reviews/assessment and a strategy to temporarily move the patient if procedures would have been undertaken in shared bed space. These are important issues when considering policy, practice and department design in the ED.
Privacy issues have hindered the evolution of e-health since its emergence. Patients demand better solutions for the protection of private information. Health professionals demand open access to patient health records. Existing e-health systems find it difficult to fulfill these competing requirements. In this paper, we present an information accountability framework (IAF) for e-health systems. The IAF is intended to address privacy issues and their competing concerns related to e-health. Capabilities of the IAF adhere to information accountability principles and e-health requirements. Policy representation and policy reasoning are key capabilities introduced in the IAF. We investigate how these capabilities are feasible using Semantic Web technologies. We discuss with the use of a case scenario, how we can represent the different types of policies in the IAF using the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL).
Security and privacy in electronic health record systems have been hindering the growth of e-health systems since their emergence. The development of policies that satisfy the security and privacy requirements of different stakeholders in healthcare has proven to be difficult. But, these requirements have to be met if the systems developed are to succeed in achieving their intended goals. Access control is a fundamental security barrier for securing data in healthcare information systems. In this paper we present an access control model for electronic health records. We address patient privacy requirements, confidentiality of private information and the need for flexible access for health professionals for electronic health records. We carefully combine three existing access control models and present a novel access control model for EHRs which satisfies requirements of electronic health records.
Information privacy is a critical success/failure factor in information technology supported healthcare (eHealth). eHealth systems utilise electronic health records (EHR) as the main source of information, thus, implementing appropriate privacy preserving methods for EHRs is vital for the proliferation of eHealth. Whilst information privacy may be a fundamental requirement for eHealth consumers, healthcare professionals demand non-restricted access to patient information for improved healthcare delivery, thus, creating an environment where stakeholder requirements are contradictory. Therefore, there is a need to achieve an appropriate balance of requirements in order to build successful eHealth systems. Towards achieving this balance, a new genre of eHealth systems called Accountable-eHealth (AeH) systems has been proposed. In this paper, an access control model for EHRs is presented that can be utilised by AeH systems to create information usage policies that fulfil both stakeholders’ requirements. These policies are used to accomplish the aforementioned balance of requirements creating a satisfactory eHealth environment for all stakeholders. The access control model is validated using a Web based prototype as a proof of concept.
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) can make roads safer, cleaner, and smarter. It can offer a wide range of services, which can be safety and non-safety related. Many safety-related VANETs applications are real-time and mission critical, which would require strict guarantee of security and reliability. Even non-safety related multimedia applications, which will play an important role in the future, will require security support. Lack of such security and privacy in VANETs is one of the key hindrances to the wide spread implementations of it. An insecure and unreliable VANET can be more dangerous than the system without VANET support. So it is essential to make sure that “life-critical safety” information is secure enough to rely on. Securing the VANETs along with appropriate protection of the privacy drivers or vehicle owners is a very challenging task. In this work we summarize the attacks, corresponding security requirements and challenges in VANETs. We also present the most popular generic security policies which are based on prevention as well detection methods. Many VANETs applications require system-wide security support rather than individual layer from the VANETs’ protocol stack. In this work we will review the existing works in the perspective of holistic approach of security. Finally, we will provide some possible future directions to achieve system-wide security as well as privacy-friendly security in VANETs.