998 resultados para posture balance


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Single Limb Stance under visual and proprioceptive disturbances is largely used in clinical settings in order to improve balance in a wide range of functional disabilities. However, the proper role of vision and proprioception in SLS is not completely understood. The objectives of this study were to test the hypotheses that when ankle proprioception is perturbed, the role of vision in postural control increases according to the difficulty of the standing task. And to test the effect of vision during postural adaptation after withdrawal of the somesthetic perturbation during double and single limb stance. Eleven males were submitted to double (DLS) and single limb (SLS) stances under conditions of normal or reduced vision, both with normal and perturbed proprioception. Center of pressure parameters were analyzed across conditions. Vision had a main effect in SLS, whereas proprioception perturbation showed effects only during DLS. Baseline stability was promptly achieved independently of visual input after proprioception reintegration. In conclusion, the role of vision increases in SLS. After proprioception reintegration, vision does not affect postural recovery. Balance training programs must take that into account. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Poor posture control has been associated with an increased risk of falls and mobility disability among older adults. This study was conducted to assess the test-retest reliability and sensitivity to group differences regarding the time-limit (TLimit) of one-leg standing and selected balance parameters obtained with a force platform in older and young adults. A secondary purpose was to assess the relationship between TLimit and these balance parameters. Twenty-eight healthy older adults (age: 69±5years) and thirty young adults (age: 21±4years) participated in this study. Two one-leg stance tasks were performed: (1) three trials of 30s maximum and (2) one TLimit trial. The following balance parameters were computed: center of pressure area, RMS sway amplitude, and mean velocity and mean frequency in both the anterio-posterior and medio-lateral directions. All balance parameters obtained with the force platform as well as the TLimit variable were sensitive to differences in balance performance between older and young adults. The test-retest reliability of these measures was found to be acceptable (ICC: 0.40-0.85), with better ICC scores observed for mean velocity and mean frequency in the older group. Pearson correlations coefficients (r) between balance parameters and TLimit ranged from -0.16 to -0.54. These results add to the current literature that can be used in the development of measurement tools for evaluating balance in older and young adults. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of anthropometric characteristics and gender on postural balance in adults. One hundred individuals were examined (50 males, 50 females; age range 20-40 years). METHODS: The following body composition measurements were collected (using bone densitometry measurements): fat percentage (% fat), tissue (g), fat (g), lean mass (g), bone mineral content (g), and bone mineral density (g/cm(2)). In addition, the following anthropometric measurements were collected: body mass (kg), height (cm), length of the trunk-cephalic region (cm), length of the lower limbs (cm) and length of the upper limbs (cm). The following indices were calculated: body mass index (kg/m(2)), waist-hip ratio and the support base (cm 2). Also, a postural balance test was performed using posturography variables with open and closed eyes. RESULTS: The analysis revealed poor correlations between postural balance and the anthropometric variables. A multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that the whole group (female and male) height explained 12% of the medial-lateral displacement, 10% of the speed of oscillation, and 11% of the displacement area. The length of the trunk-cephalic length explained 6% of the displacement in the anteroposterior direction. With eyes closed, the support base and height explained 18% of the medial displacement, and the lateral height explained 10% of the displacement speed and 5% of the scroll area. CONCLUSION: Measured using posturography, the postural balance was only slightly influenced by the anthropometric variables, both with open and closed eyes. Height was the anthropometric variable that most influenced postural balance, both in the whole group and separately for each gender. Postural balance was more influenced by anthropometric factors in males than females.


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Objective: To compare the efficacy of balance training associated with muscle strengthening or stretching, relative to no intervention, in the postural control of elderly women with osteoporosis. Design: A randomized, controlled trial. Subjects and interventions: Sample consisted of 50 women aged 65 years or older, with osteoporosis, randomized into one of three groups: strengthening group (n = 17) performed balance training with muscle strengthening; stretching group (n = 17) performed balance training with stretching; and control group (n = 16), no activities. Interventions lasted eight weeks, twice a week, 60 minutes a day. Main measures: Postural control was evaluated by the modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction for Balance (CTSIBm) and Limits of Stability Test. Strength was assessed by dynamometry and the shortening of the hamstrings by goniometry. Results: Relative to controls, participants in the strengthening group displayed significantly increased dorsiflexion strength and knee flexion strength, as well as centre of pressure velocity, directional control, and oscillation velocity (CTSIBm test). The stretching group had significantly improvements in hamstring length, knee flexion strength, centre of pressure velocity, and amplitude of movements. Relative to the stretching group, the strengthening group yielded better knee extension strength and directional control. Conclusion: The results suggest that both interventions are effective in improving postural control when compared to the control group, and the strengthening group was superior to the stretching group in knee extension strength and in directional control.


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The vestibular-ocular reflex assessment is important, but not enough. Tridimensional electromagnetic sensor systems represent a new method to assess posturography. Aim: To assess body sway in healthy subjects who had positive Dix Hallpike and Epley maneuvers and with other vestibular dysfunctions by means of a three-dimensional system. Study design: Prospective. Materials and Methods: We had 23 healthy women, 15 with peripheral vestibular dysfunction found upon caloric test and 10 with positive Epley and Dix Hallpike maneuvers. All tests performed in the following positions: open and closed eyes on stable and unstable surfaces. Results: With the Eyes Open and on a stable surface, p < 0.01 between the control group and the one with peripheral vestibular dysfunction in all variables, except the a-p maximum, full speed and mediolateral trajectory velocity, which had a p < 0.01 between the group with vestibular dysfunction and controls in all positions. The group with positive Epley and Dix Hallpike maneuvers had p < 0.01 at full speed and in its components in the x and y in positions with open and eyes closed on an unstable surface. Conclusion: The tridimensional electromagnetic sensors system was able to generate reliable information about body sway in the study volunteers.


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The present study investigated whether postural responses are influenced by the stability constraint of a voluntary, manual task. We also examined how task constraint and first experience (the condition with which the participants started the experiment) influence the kinematic strategies used to simultaneously accomplish a postural response and a voluntary task. Twelve healthy, older adults were perturbed during standing, while holding a tray with a cylinder placed with the flat side down (low constraint, LC) or with the rolling, round side down (high constraint, HC). Central set changed according to the task constraint, as shown by a higher magnitude of both the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscle activation bursts in the HC than in the LC condition. This increase in muscle activation was not reflected, however, in changes in the center of pressure or center of mass displacement. Task constraint influenced the peak shoulder flexion for the voluntary tray task but not the peak hip flexion for the postural task. In contrast, first experience influenced the peak hip flexion but not the peak shoulder flexion. These results suggest an interaction between two separate control mechanisms for automatic postural responses and voluntary stabilization tasks.


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Body stability is controlled by the postural system and can be affected by fear and anxiety. Few studies have addressed freezing posture in psychiatric disorders. The purpose of the present study was to assess posturographic behavior in 30 patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD) and 35 without SAD during presentation of blocks of pictures with different valences. Neutral images consisted of objects taken from a catalog of pictures, negative images were mutilation pictures and anxiogenic images were related to situations regarding SAD fears. While participants were standing on a force platform, similar to a balance, displacement of the center of pressure in the mediolateral and anteroposterior directions was measured. We found that the SAD group exhibited a lower sway area and a lower velocity of sway throughout the experiment independent of the visual stimuli, in which the phobic pictures, a stimulus associated with a defense response, were unable to evoke a significantly more rigid posture than the others. We hypothesize that patients with SAD when entering in a situation of exposure, from the moment the pictures are presented, tend to move less than controls, remaining this way until the experiment ends. This discrete body manifestation can provide additional data to the characterization of SAD and its differentiation from other anxiety disorders, especially in situations regarding facing fear.


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Attention difficulties and poor balance are both common sequel following a brain injury. This study aimed to determine whether brain injured adults had greater difficulty than controls in performing a basic balance task while concurrently completing several different cognitive tasks varying in visuo-spatial attentional load and complexity. Twenty brain injured adults and 20 age-, sex- and education level-matched controls performed a balance-only task (step stance held for 30s), five cognitive-only tasks (simple and complex non-spatial, visuo-spatial, and a control articulation task), and both together (dual tasks). Brain injured adults showed a greater centre of pressure (COP) excursion and velocity in all conditions than controls. Brain injured adults also demonstrated greater interference with balance when concurrently performing two cognitive tasks than control subjects. These were the control articulation and the simple non-spatial task. It is likely that distractibility during these simple tasks contributed to an increase in COP motion and interference with postural stability in stance. Performing visuo-spatial tasks concurrently with the balance task did not result in any change in COP motion. Dual task interference in this group is thus unlikely to be due to structural interference. Similarly, as the more complex tasks did not uniformly result in increased interference, a reduction in attentional capacity in the brain injured population is unlikely to be the primary cause of dual task interference in this group. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: The presence of body posture changes among patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) has been a controversial issue in the literature, in which it supporters point out the muscular origin as the main etiological factors, mainly associated with postural changes in head. Due to this controversy, it is pertinent to check whether this relationship exists on the most common etiology of TMD, the disk displacement, which translates a biomechanical internal disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Objectives: Assess body posture changes in subjects with internal derangement of the TMJ when compared to subjects without this biomechanical dysfunction, characterize the patterns of the jaw movements and assess to the muscle activation during jaw movements. Methods: 21 subjects with TMJ disc displacement (DD) (test group) and 21 subjects without any TMD (control group) was assessed for body posture changes through evaluation of several body segments by posturography and also was evaluated the postural balance reactions through the center of mass during jaw movements using a balance platform. For the characterization of the jaw movement patterns it was done a kinematic analysis during jaw movements (active ROM and path of the jaw). For the muscle activation during jaw movements it was evaluated the masseter, sternocleidomastoid and spinae erector muscles by surface electromyography (EMG). Results Discussion: Both groups show forward head posture and extension of the cervical spine, not noticing any other significant body posture changes in subjects with DD, and if we had to see in detail, in general, subjects without TMD shows more body posture changes than subjects with DD. The pattern of jaw movements is similar in both groups, but in subjects with DD the closing movements are more instable than the opening movements, related to a less effective movement control to counteract the force of gravity and the disk displacement. The bilateral muscle activation during jaw movements is higher in subjects with DD, likely related to a less stable pattern of movement which leads in a higher muscle activation to guide the movement and ensure the best as possible articular stability. Conclusion: The disk displacement with reduction should be viewed as part of a set of signs and symptoms that require an accurate musculoskeletal and psychosocial assessment towards an earlier diagnosis for reduction and control of the functional limiting factors. In this direction, it seems that the relevant set of limiting signs and symptoms deserve a particular attention by health care practitioners involved in the assessment and treatment of TMD, in order to define effective therapeutic options.


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Le système vestibulaire et le cortex moteur participent au contrôle de la posture, mais la nature de leurs interactions est peu documentée. Afin de caractériser les interactions vestibulo-corticales qui sous-tendent le contrôle de l’équilibre en position debout, l’activité électromyographique (EMG) du soléaire (SOL), du tibial antérieur (TA) et du péronier long (PERL) de la jambe droite a été enregistrée chez 14 sujets sains. La stimulation galvanique vestibulaire (GVS) a été appliquée avec la cathode derrière l’oreille droite ou gauche à différents intervalles inter-stimulus (ISIs) avant ou après la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne induisant des potentiels moteurs évoqués (MEPs) au niveau des muscles enregistrés. Lorsque que la cathode était à droite, une inhibition des MEPs a été observée au niveau du SOL à un ISI de 40 et 130 ms et une facilitation des MEPS a été observée au niveau TA à un ISI de 110 ms. Lorsque la cathode était à gauche, une facilitation des MEPs a été observée au niveau du SOL, du TA et du PERL à un ISI de 50, -10 et 0 ms respectivement. L’emplacement de ces interactions sur l’axe neural a été estimé en fonction des ISIs et en comparant l’effet de la GVS sur les MEPs à son effet sur l’EMG de base et sur le réflexe-H. Selon ces analyses, les modulations observées peuvent avoir lieu au niveau spinal ou au niveau supraspinal. Ces résultats suggèrent que les commandes de la voie corticospinale peuvent être modulées par le système vestibulaire à différents niveaux de l’axe neuronal.


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Le système vestibulaire et le cortex moteur participent au contrôle de la posture, mais la nature de leurs interactions est peu documentée. Afin de caractériser les interactions vestibulo-corticales qui sous-tendent le contrôle de l’équilibre en position debout, l’activité électromyographique (EMG) du soléaire (SOL), du tibial antérieur (TA) et du péronier long (PERL) de la jambe droite a été enregistrée chez 14 sujets sains. La stimulation galvanique vestibulaire (GVS) a été appliquée avec la cathode derrière l’oreille droite ou gauche à différents intervalles inter-stimulus (ISIs) avant ou après la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne induisant des potentiels moteurs évoqués (MEPs) au niveau des muscles enregistrés. Lorsque que la cathode était à droite, une inhibition des MEPs a été observée au niveau du SOL à un ISI de 40 et 130 ms et une facilitation des MEPS a été observée au niveau TA à un ISI de 110 ms. Lorsque la cathode était à gauche, une facilitation des MEPs a été observée au niveau du SOL, du TA et du PERL à un ISI de 50, -10 et 0 ms respectivement. L’emplacement de ces interactions sur l’axe neural a été estimé en fonction des ISIs et en comparant l’effet de la GVS sur les MEPs à son effet sur l’EMG de base et sur le réflexe-H. Selon ces analyses, les modulations observées peuvent avoir lieu au niveau spinal ou au niveau supraspinal. Ces résultats suggèrent que les commandes de la voie corticospinale peuvent être modulées par le système vestibulaire à différents niveaux de l’axe neuronal.